Lisa Barteaux REALTOR® 902-824-2082 [email protected] EXIT 18, HWY 101 MIDDLETON, N.S. Specializing in VW, Audi & BMW repairs 812 Central Avenue, 902 www.parsonsmotors.ca Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 2Iȴce: 902.765.7777 825-3471 13640 HIGHWAY #1 • 902-825-3455 www.lisasellsthevalley.com www.connellchryslerdodge.com the Vol. 38 No. 12 AuroraMARCH 27, 2017 NO CHARGE www.auroranewspaper.com ‘I hope he relaxes’ Serving father, son duo meet on retirement round of out-clearances Sara Keddy, was 21, working in seasonal con- 14 Wing Public Affairs struction with a wife and a little boy. I joined with the intention of maybe One signature between a father spending fi ve years, and releasing and son. when the economy got better. Thirty- Corporal Terrance Dawson signed eight years later, I’m still waiting.” his father, Captain Mike Dawson’s, Mike spent most of his service out-clearance card March 11, mark- with the Royal Canadian Air Force ing a generation of change in the as an aerospace control operator. mens’ careers. He’s worked all over Canada, with a “I’ve not really ever heard of this couple postings to the United States; happening,” Terrance says. He was he finished his career here at 14 on 14 Wing Greenwood’s Wing Wing with Wing Operations’ training Telecommunications and Informa- fl ight as the training offi cer. In 2010, tion Services Squadron’s service having taken a special commission- desk when his dad walked in, ready ing program, he changed ranks from Corporal Terrance Dawson, left, signed his to retire his GPNet, PKI card and a chief warrant offi cer to captain, the father, Captain Mike Dawson’s retirement “forces” email account. rank he’s now retired at. out-clearance March 11. How often does “I grilled him, but he had every- “I have fond memories of my that happen? J. Besherah thing in order.” time – no regrets, not at all,” Mike dad’s career as a military child, and in his eye. I did, too. It was him that the parade as a chief warrant offi cer Mike is now at home, consider- says. I got to travel around the world, been working with a tech company made me want to join the military. and do the inspection.” ing how to fi ll his new free time and I have a very understanding wife while repeatedly applying for the He was gone a lot working and Mike remembers Terrance never reading for a fi nal move to Belleville, who took it as an adventure, too. CAF himself: as infantry. He was on courses but, now that I’m in, I really wanting to join the military – Ontario, with his wife. “This is tough after 38 years – it is accepted: “they told me I’d be an understand he was providing for “so much discipline. “I was going to get out, but work the people you work with, and I al- ATIS (aerospace telecommunication us, and why he was in the military.” “But when he joined, he found was very accommodating and I ways enjoyed helping people. When and information systems techni- Mike says Terrance’s graduation he liked it.” stayed a little longer,” Mike says. I got my corporals, I was able to help cian) tech. parade was “an honour. Terrance says that follows on the He joined the Canadian Armed more people.” “My Dad fl ew up from Oklahoma “We were sitting in the stands and example his dad always set: “he’s Forces in 1978 – “November 30, I Terrance says he watched his for my graduation – he had a tear they searched me out – I got to walk a hard worker. I hope he relaxes.” Taylor Randy Stevenson, REALTOR® Maclellan Cell: 902-321-1350 Offi ce: 902-765-6393 Cochrane 902.680.5169 IRP Approved REALTOR® TMC LAWYERS Jennie Weir Mortgage Broker Helping YOU own the process. Verico Premiere Mortgage Centre Inc. Making Service A Matter of Practice Since 1835 [email protected] ACCLAIM REALTY LIMITED 643 Main Street, Kingston 768 Central Avenue, Greenwood, NS “Each offi ce is independently owned and operated” | It PAYS to shop around [email protected] 902-242-6156 www.tmcLAW.com Over 15 years experience with DND relocation www.century21.ca/randy.stevenson Page 2 March 27, 2017 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 27, 2017 Page 3 Joint Task Force-Iraq welcomes new commander Greenwood, Aldershot representation ELT hit tracked Brigadier-General Daniel to play a significant role highly capable Role 2 medical at Order of Military Merit ceremony to dump site MacIsaac assumed com- alongside coalition partners facility and launched Building mand of Joint Task Force-Iraq by supporting Iraqi security Partner Capacity initiatives in His Excellency the Right Warrant offi cer Luc Emond, At 2 p.m., March 16, the en route to Montreal. (JTF-I) at a ceremony March forces, conducting air opera- Jordan and Lebanon, an All- Honourable David John- 14 Wing chief warrant of- Joint Rescue Coordination R910 was airborne at 2:25 3 at Camp Canada in Kuwait. tions, and providing strategic Source Intelligence Centre, ston, Governor General and fi cer; were invested as Mem- Centre in Halifax tasked a p.m. to the Minas Basin area Rear-Admiral Bob Auchter- military support to the Gov- and a tactical aviation detach- Commander-in-Chief of bers. Also invested was War- 413 (Transport and Rescue) to conduct an electronic lonie, Deputy Commander ernment of Iraq. ment of CH146 Griffon heli- Canada, presided over an rant Officer Pamela Diane Squadron Cormorant to inves- search. It was determined Canadian Joint Operations “It is a privilege to com- copters. These components Order of Military Merit in- Tochor, 5th Canadian Divi- tigate an ELT hit, reported by the source was a municipal Command, presided over the mand Joint Task Force – are part of the mission made ceremony. Iraq,” said MacIsaac. “Briga- up of approximately 830 CAF vestiture ceremony at Rideau sion Support Base Gagetown an airliner climbing through dump site, after the emana- Taking over as Commander dier-General Brennan led this members, which include Hall, Ottawa, March 6. He Detachment Aldershot. FL 200 over the Minas Basin, tions ceased. of JTF-I from Brigadier-Gen- force through a significant the train, advise and assist bestowed the honour on Created in 1972, the Order eral Shane Brennan, Ma- period of change, which in- mission with Iraqi security two Commanders (C.M.M.), of Military Merit recognizes cIsaac will command Cana- cluded signifi cant degrada- forces. 12 Officers (O.M.M.) and meritorious service and de- dian Armed Forces (CAF) per- tion of Daesh’s capability. As of March 11, Air Task 32 Members (M.M.M.). votion to duty by mem- sonnel deployed on Operation I look forward to working Force-Iraq has conducted Impact, Canada’s military with JTF-I’s outstanding Ca- 2,807 sorties, including work From Greenwood, Sergeant bers of the Canadian Armed services & trades contribution to the global nadians, our coalition part- by the Royal Canadian Air Stephen Claude Joseph Forces. The Order honours coalition against Daesh. Prior ners and our hosts in this February 19, an avionics systems technician from Air Task Force – Iraq puts a Force’s CP140 Aurora air- Bates, 413 (Transport and them for their commitment Call 902-765-1494 local 5833 for info protective cover over the propeller intake of a CP140 Aurora aircraft during Op- Chief Warrant officer Luc Emond, 14 Wing chief war- to his current deployment, he region. Such collaborative craft. The Aurora have con- Rescue) Squadron; and Chief to Canada. eration Impact. Op Impact, DND (photo has been digitally altered) rant officer, with His Excellency the Right Honourable served as the Commander of work against a disruptive ducted 737 reconnaissance David Johnston, Governor General and Commander- Durland, Gillis & Shackleton Associates 5th Canadian Division Sup- non-state common enemy rorism, as well as to regional During the past year, as tion to multinational efforts to missions, many manned by in-Chief of Canada. port Group in Gagetown. demonstrates our shared and international peace and part of the Government of degrade and defeat Daesh, 14 Wing personnel on 14 BUYING OR SELLING Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries CAF members continue commitment to fi ghting ter- security.” Canada’s continued contribu- the CAF assumed the lead of a Wing-based aircraft. W. Bruce Gillis, Q.C. • Maggie A. Shackleton, B.A., J.D. Sue Hersey, CD1 REALTOR® | DND-IRP APPROVED AGENT Counsel: Blaine G. Schumacher, CD (Also of the Alberta Bar) Cell: 902-309-0344 | Office: 902-765-3505 Counsel: Clare H. Durland, Q.C. (Non-Practising) Military Employer Support Awards presented Helping make your move stress free Phone (902) 825-3415 • Fax (902) 825-2522 28 years military experience with 9 DND moves Lieutenant-Governor J.J. without impacting their civilian sets learned through their mili- in Reservist employee and Canada Revenue Agency; Gar- the Canadian Forces Reserves www.callexit.ca 74 Commercial Street P.O. Box 700, Middleton, NS Grant presented the Canadian employment or education. tary training and employment student Reservist support. ian Construction, IWK Health by highlighting the benefits 771 Central Ave, B0S 1P0 Forces Liaison Council awards “I am delighted to recognize to the civilian workplace and They are Service Canada, Centre, Wajax Equipment, Mc- of Reserve Force training Greenwood at Government House March 8. these outstanding employ- the organizations we recognize Lorway MacEachern Barristers Innes Cooper and Dalhousie and experience to the civilian The awards recognized em- ers who have demonstrated tonight have shown remark- and Solicitors, Emergency University.
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