Volume : 03 (For Private circulation among members only) July - September - 2012 MESSAGE St. Vincent de Paul: Model of Vincent’s early life was shrouded with less complexity, but not superficial. He becomes a man of action to a remark- Charity in the Church doubts and questions as he was not a born saint. In his early priestly life, he able degree. He comprehends com- September 27 is a very significant day found himself succumbing to the cravings pletely that the service of the poor was for us the members of the Vincentian for the mundane things of the terrestrial a supreme act of love, the sign of a real Family. On this day we celebrate the world rather than seeking the spiritual follower of the gospel. In the rest of his feast of St. Vincent de Paul who is an domain. He wished to misuse his priestly life he immersed himself in all types of ever living inspiration for each one of office for obtaining benefices like any charitable services. us. Therefore we are delighted to cel- one of other ecclesiastics of his time and He realized the need of having orga- ebrate his feast in a fitting manner. On to acquire a life of comfort with his kith nized structure for the sustainability of this occasion let me wish all the mem- and kin. the charitable services that he began to bers of the Vincentian Family, a very A series of events and interior experi- initiate. This is materialized when he happy feast! May St. Vincent de Paul, ences that marked the turn in the life of was in Chattilon. He came across a sick our role model intercede for us espe- Vincent were - his exiled life as a slave family on the brink of death due to star- cially in our endeavour to evangelise the in Tunis, the time when he was branded vation. So aghast and grieved was he poor. wrongly as a thief by his fellow-lodger, that he made an appeal during the fol- Pope Benedict XVI in his first encycli- the time when a doctor of theology con- lowing Sunday’s homily and was over- cal letter Deus Caritas Est of Decem- fided in him his strife against faith, his whelmed to find umpteen parishioners ber 25, 2005 eulogizes St. Vincent for struggle to keep his own faith unshaken, rushing to help the family. He could his extraordinary contribution and com- his experience at Clichy as Parish Priest perceive then that this type of helping mitment for the causes of the poor. “Let in 1612; his friendship with Berule, the will not solve the family’s problem. Af- us consider the saints, who exercised founder of Oratorians and Francis de ter a week again the family would be in charity in an exemplary way… The fig- need again. So he understood the need ures of saints such as… Vincent de Paul Sales, the founder of the Order of Visi- of getting it organized. He collaborated …. stands out as lasting models of so- tation, the influence of some exemplary with the eminent ladies of the parish and cial charity for all people of good will” lay persons like Madame de Gondi, and formed “Confraternities of Charity” and (DCE 40).We are to be proud of hav- above all his own personal experience similarly in Paris the “Association of the ing such a long visionary as our founder at Folleville in 1617 when finally brought Ladies of Charity” in order to maintain or patron or source of inspiration. His self realization of his need to serve the continuity of the service. The member- life and works created an indelible im- Master and he thus decided to conse- ship to this association is extended to pression in each one of us. Let us imi- crate his entire life to God and in the volunteers of any status of life. tate this hero. service of the destitute. Vincent, while understanding the need St. Vincent de Paul, born of humble Vincent, very much alike St. Paul or St. peasant parents, achieved the glory of Augustine thereafter began leading a life of lifelong dedication for the being the patron of all the charitable of sacrosanctity and closing out all vices sustainability and the stability of the activities of the Church. He stood as an and making his way through the hallowed works he began understood the need example displaying indomitable fortitude portals of holiness. He becomes a real of having some simple girls who could and courage in the service of the poor man, humble but not defeatist, gentle but remain in the company for life in celi- and the abandoned. not weak, simple and opposed to point- bacy and serve the poor. This led to the origin of the “Sisters of Charity” or the and it is expressed in catering their needs teered to provide food and lodging. The “Daughters of Charity” in November concretively (effective love). Vincent other expenses will be met from the 29, 1633. The members of these com- stressed on propagating love both ‘af- contributions of the participants. Fr. munities pledged to serve and help the fective and effective’ towards the poor, Francis Puthenthayil CM, the National drown-trodden and the needy. Vincent to be compassionate and assimilate the Coordinator is asked to form a local also involved many men especially a suffering of another which would auto- committee which will meticulously ar- number of clerics to be evangelizers of matically lead to destroying the evils af- range the needful for conducting the the poor. He was also engaged in vari- flicting the world of the poor. He priori- seminar. At the end of the meeting, the ous other charitable activities like - re- tizes effective love and opines that com- Executive Body expressed profound organization and reformation of the hos- placency, benevolence, and interior af- gratitude to the Vincentian Fathers at pitals, the upliftment of galley slaves, fections though desirable but hold no Kengery for their generosity to avail establishment of orphanages, providing ground unless they are practiced with everything needed for conducting the relief and comfort to the beggars, the genuineness. meeting there. aged and also to the famine affected. A Good Samaritan, Vincent carried out Fr. George Ayaloor CM leaves for In short his charitable services touched his duties relentlessly with fathomless higher Studies to Spain all areas of life. In nutshell, he extended fervour and zeal. He dedicated his life his services to all; sundry and in varied to emulate the teachings of Jesus Fr. George Ayaloor CM who was head- fields. But still he dreamed more…. through self effacement and self ag- ing the formation programme of the Appreciating his charitable services, in grandizement. His charitable works were VFI from 2009 to 2012, is leaving for May 12, 1885 Pope Leo XIII declared not merely a human sympathy and phi- Spain for higher studies. The VFI is im- St. Vincent de Paul as the Patron of all lanthropy but it is a Christian charity at mensely grateful to Fr. George Ayaloor works of charity in the Universal its best. Thus he is a model of charity in CM for conducting the seminars so ef- Church. Many wish to follow his foot- the Church in every sense as well as for ficiently. VFI also wishes him every steps. That is why counting together every one of the members of the success for his higher studies in Spain. more than 268 institutions have adopted Vincentian Family who are immersed in Fr. Simon Kaipuram CM, his vision of serving the poor. the works of charity. the new Coordinator of Often the query arose as to what was Rev. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil, CM Formation Programme secret of his success? There is only one National Coordinator, VFI answer: Vincent’s personal holiness of Rev. Fr. Simon Kaipuram CM has gra- life, his intimate and continuous union NEWS - NATIONAL ciously accepted to be the new coordi- with our Lord Jesus Christ. He surren- nator of the Formation Programme of dered his body, mind, will, and affec- National Executive Body Meeting: VFI. Rev. Fr. Varghese Pudussery VC tions to the Lord and Master of love. The National Executive Body meeting agreed to be the co-coordinator of the In all things he had one ambition: to imi- was held on 21st of August at De Paul formation programme. Sr. Maria tate Christ; one standard or rule of Institute of Religion and Philosophy, Kalloorthottil DC will support the team life: the maxims of the Gospel; one Kumalagode, Kengery, Bangalore (Ma- in the capacity of secretary. Others way of life: to be a humble, simple, jor Seminary of the Vincentian Congre- members such as Sr. Rita SCN and Sr. meek, mortified and zealous in gation). During the meeting there was a Celine John SCV will continue to be gaining souls; one abiding joy: to special emphasis on the forthcoming the members of the said team. serve as an instrument in the hands seminars at Ranchi and in Bangalore. Core Committee for of Divine Providence. He lived in Since the next annual gathering of the Christ and for Christ. His vivid and joy- Major Superiors/heads of VFI will be Seminar at Ranchi ous awareness of Christ in the poor and preceded with a three day seminar on The Executive Body of VFI formed a suffering people of the world gave him ‘systemic changes’, which is going to be core-committee for making necessary thrust and endurance to carry out all conducted by very eminent resource arrangements for the seminar. Sr.
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