MONDAY, MARCH 22, IW i] The Weather I Average Daily Net Preaa Hon Foreeset of U. B. Weather M - PAGE 'EIGHTEEN For the Week Ended Blareh SO. ItaS mght, lofr hi W o; * i « y bM -L ton Plouff and M r. and Mrs. eirfder tomorroir wHh n iB feto oMy ehnagtng to Mgh Si- T«inpl« Chapter, DBS. will St. Bartholomew’s Children’s Couple to Show Ctwrlea Trotter, 14,119 Gift committee will have a EDuitm Ikralh 4e. meet Wedneada;ly at 8 p.m. at the a H couples of the church are Member o f the Audit breakfast meeting tomorrow at 1 0 A bout Tow n Masonic Temple. Refreshments Slides of Trip wdbome. Borean o f Olrenlntlon ter— A City of Village Charm 8 a.m. at the home (rf Mrs. rummace sale will be served by Mrs. Ella Gal­ MancheeUr Lodge of Haaora lant and her committee. Vernon Hauschlld, 93 ConsUnce (Sponstwed By Sisterhood Of Tbmpfe Beth Sholom) Dr. Interested persons may con­ Mr. and Henry Krause PRICE SEVEN CEMTft erin meet tom om m at 7 ;>0 p.m. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1965 (ClMOifled AdvertMng on Page II) at the Masonic Temple. John The board of education meet­ tact Mrs. Hauschild. will show slides taken on their at OLD TEM PU (M yrtle ft Uniten Sts.) VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 146 Mather Chapter, Order of De- ing scheduled for tonight has recent trip to Africa at a meet­ Judge John J. Wallett of the ARTHUR DRU8 Molay, erlU present its DeMoIay been postponed until next Mon­ ing of the We Two Group of Con­ WeONeSDAY. MARCH 24. 4 -f P.M, Manchester Probate Court will d^(Tee after a busineso 'meet- day. cordia Lutheran Church tomoi' discuss the function and activi­ Elostk Stockings taf. ____ raw at 7:30 p.m. at the church. T H U R M A Y , m a r c h 25. ♦ A.M. to M ««. Members of the Manchester ties of the court at a meeting of Tnfssot — loHs Mrs. Robert Bauer will lead . 00^ . s ___.... _¥ tealaaiM Manchester WATB8 wili meet Grange have been invited to at­ the Manchester Rotary, Club to­ devotions. Mr. and Mrs. George temorrow at the Italian Amer­ tend Neighbors Night tomorrow morrow at 6:80 p.m. at the Man­ Krause and the Rev. and Mrs. ican Club, Eldridge St. Weifh- aU| p.m. at the Hebron Grange. chester Country Club. Paul Kaiser are In charge of Ing in will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Slffies of the New York World’s the program. Refreshments will Mrs. A. Ooldsteln of New Bri­ Fair Will be shown. Manchester XI Gamma Chapter of BeU 1^ served by Mr. and Mrs. Mil tain, a representative from Da- Grange has also been invited to Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow son Shoes, wiil speak and show attend the 80th anniversary pro­ at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. spring styles. All members are gram of the Meriden Grange Guilford Stephens, 8 Stejmens ‘MoUy BrowiP Lands Safely reminded to bring coupons for Friday at 8 p.m. in Meriden. St. the contest sponsored by radio station WPOP. VFW Auxiliary wiil meet to­ Members of Queen of Peace morrow at 7:80 p.m. at the post Mothers Circle will meet tomor­ The Christian understanding home. Members Are rem'nded row at 6:30 p.m. at Bonanza Pair Shifts of death and the promise of to brtn^ gifts for a gift table. Steak House, W. Middle TRke. Bradford Bachrach pboto eternal Ufe as it appears in After dinner the group will go ANNUAL SPRING Events Scripture and the developing Prlmo Ainadeo of *3 Irving to the Catholic Lending U - O rb it Path Church will be discussed at the St. was elected president of brary, Hartford, for a meeting Engaged March« Enters n Lenten Service on Thursday at Manchester Rod and Gun Club at 8 with Combined Catholic In State g p.m. at Second Congregation Saturday night at an annual Mothers Circles. The engagement of Miss Of G e m in i al Church. meeting ait th e , clubhouse on Phyllis Solomon of Manchester Daley Bd., Coventry. He suc­ to David Arnold Starr of New- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla, Manchester Lodge o f Elks wlU ceeds John R. Dougan. Other New Math Topic CURTAIN SALE B abbidge Cites tem. Mass., has been announced Bad Terrain sponsor a testimonial dinner for officers are Paul Correntl, first (A P ) — The Mtrfly ft-own l ^ c e Noble, former secretary by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vice president; Thomas R. For Keeney PTA Mental Health spacecraft bringring astro* for 11 years, on Wednesday at Qraheih, second vice president: Sanol J. Solomon, 19 Robert Rd. SELMA, Ala. (A P )— 'The civil rights march, trimmed the clubhouse. Dinner will be nauts Virgil I. Grissom and and George W. C. Hunt, secre­ The Keeney St. School PTA Her fiance is a son of Dr. now to 300 persons, moves on today over the most for­ Manpower Lack John W. Young back from served at 8:80 p.m. There will tary-treasurer. FIBERGLAS DRIP DRY be a cocktail hour at 8. will be introduced to the "New Arnold Starr of Newton and bidding section of its terrain, a two-lane highway their space flight made a Math" tomorrow at 8 p.m. the late Mrs. Frances Starr. through swampy, rural Lowndes County. Mlantdnbmoh Tribe, lORM, Mrs. Dorthy Getchell, chair­ NEW HAVEN (AP)-- parachute landing m the His Eourth Words: "M y God, Thousands of marchers left^^-------------------------- “ will meet tonight at 8 at Tink­ man of the Mathematics Cur­ Miss Solomon, a 1961 grad­ Atlantic. My God, why hast Thou forsak­ er HaH. Final preeparations for uate of Manchester High • BURLAP Selma Sunday, but the number shut down construction of Cleve­ The president of the Uni­ en Me?” will be the theme of riculum Revl.sion Committee for the homecoming April 12 of School, Is a senior at Boston was cut Monday at the end of a land’s $82-milllon federal office versity of Connecticut said the Lenten Service on Wednes Elementary Grades, will ex- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) Great Sachem Roland Rockwell University where she Is major­ four-lane portion of well-trav- building if necessary. day at 7:30 p.m. at 2ian Evan piafn the program being intro­ today a state of emergency — The maneuverable spaceship of Newington will be discussed. ing In elementary education. oled U.S. 80 as directed by U.S. Six bullet holes found in a Bo- gelical Lutheran Church. duced into the lower grades. gsdusa. La., building that houses exists with regard to man­ Molly Brown sailed into her Her fiance, a 1960 graduate of Dlot. Judge Frank M. Johnson Mrs. Getchell teaches a Grade • JACQUARD transmitter of radio station third orbit of the earth today Manter Hall School, Cambridge, Jr. power in the field of mental 1 new math pilot study at Wad­ WBOX, whose owner claims the and astronauts Virgil I. Grissom Mass., Is also a senior at Boston The number will increase for health. and John W. Young prepared to dell School. the final leg of the BO-mlle trek Ku Klux Klan is trying to drive Dr. Homer Babbidge, address­ Louis Vismonlas. chairman of University where he Is major­ end a flight of historical signifi­ into Montgomery, when the him o i* of town. ing a leadership conierence on the high school math depart­ ing In sociology. Mr. Starr plans cance. • PLAIN WEAVE highway becomes four Iw es At Independence, Mo., former regional uses of manpower, said PETITE BEAUTY SALON ment, will be the second speak­ to attend Tulane University. For the first time, they had •gain. By order of the judge, the President Harry S. ’Truman facing the problem is most im­ er. He teaches a sophomore School of Social Work, in the shifted a space vehicle into a march must reach the Capitol termed "siUy” the Selma-Mont- portant and that this has been M CHURCH ST.-OFF CENTER ST. honors class using an advanced fail. gomery march, ‘"niey can’t new orbital path, and they had building by 4 p.m. Thursday. done. new’ math approach. A May 30 wedding Is planned. accomplish a dsurned thing,” he flown it backward, forward and MANCHESTER PINCH PLEATED DRAPES Ths 300 marohsrs were al­ "So,” he said, " I consider the upside-down in an exercise that Refreshments will be served. most to ths halfway point when said. “ All they want is to attract battle half won.” The new classrooms in the re­ attention.” will lead to space rendezvous • GREEN, TURQUOISE. BLUE. TOAST. WHITE ' they bedded dovm under big Babbidge outlined three exist­ and flight to the moon. INTRODUCES cently opened addition will be tents in a pasture near the Big A stained glaas window worth ing problems that he said must open for inspection at 7:30. $2,520 left Cardiff, Wales, by At toe start of the third orWt Swamp of Lowndee County, a be conquered; the fledgling spaceman Young fertile land dotted with herds of cargo boat as a gift for a Negro —“ We must Increase profes­ church bombed in Birmingham, took over toe controls for too wWte-faced Hereford and Black sional personnel. first time. He flew the craft for REGULAR TO 4.98 Angus cattle. Ala., In 1963. ’The bombing killed —"W e must lengthen the four Negro children. 20 minutes.' CASH SAVINGS 72 INCH LENGTHS G.77 The pasture Is owned by Rose service time of professional The veteran Grissom, in Six white civil rights pickets Steele, a Negro store owner.
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