Oratorio to Climax Bach The Houghton Star Week Tonight in Church No 13 Vol- L 1 IOUGHTON COLLEGE, FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1958 The third quadrennial Bach FestlV- Auditorium Bermna Hostetter pre- al, April 29 to May 2, under the lead- sented her semor organ recital of all ership of Dr Charles Finney, ts fea. Bach works in con Junctton with the 6 regory, Moos, Van Der Decker, turmg a variety of works by one of week'sTuesday observation and Thursday, Evenmg have rectrals, featur- the greatest composers of all time ed different Bach works by the college 11 The composer, Bach, lends himself music students Hokanson vie or Senate Office to a one-man festival because of the variety of the music in his name He 3 Revmon of the present dating composed works for voice, cello, flute, 19 pollcy piano and violin, the Music De- 6. Cambell, 4 The desigmng of a school flag partment is seeking to present a varle 5 To promote a plan whereby the , whole student body and faculty would 23:t]Si rst=:r:Lt: Lucy Mears i read through the Bible together in l works but admits to have been only a one >ear brief sketch of the great mass of com- To Perform 6 A Student Senate meeting bi- positions by this man monthly held m the chapel at the Lucy Mears and Gerald Campbell regular chapel time where the whole The Houghton College Oratorto E= fr' - will present a joint piano and compo- student bod, may attend and see what Society and Chorus under Dr Charles sition recital on Friday, Ma> 16, at E Moos, C Gregory, C Hokanson, J Van Der Decker the Senate is doing and also to pre- H Finney will present the closing 800pm n rl.e chapel sent their own matters concert o f the Festival this evening at 800 in the Houghton Church The Mr Campbell, who as taking a The student body will elect Student introduce their vocational field 7 nonContinuattonhall project of present recrea- choral group will present The Magni theory course with an organ major, Senite officers m chapel, May 7 through lectures /icat, the opening chorus, "Lord and tionswIl present P,ece fortwo Trumpet, of his own played compost b> dent Those ark Curtisrunning Gregory, for the officeCart Hokan- of prest- the 4 StudentTo strengthen Senate the and bond the students between lincal 8 Further Afairs development Conference of the Po- Master," from The Passion of Our Robert MacKenzie and Psalm 97 son, Edward Moos and John Van and the faculty The means of untr- ,[r Van Der Decker's Platform Lord A ccording to St John, and presented by the College Chorus un Dzr I)ecker Bonnie Boggs, Lots ing these would be the establishment Chorus and Catatd 1 1 for Ascension- der the direction of Dr Charles Fin Hess and Gall Pfahler are the candi- of a Student Court Mr Van Der Decker designs " tide, "Praise our God ney Mr Campbell will accompany dates for the office of secretary, those 5 To examine the possibilities for 1 To continue to promote the Stu- the trumpet selection on the piano m the trace for the office of treasurer Highlights of the week's activities Honor Seminars m which four unit dent Senate as a mature and intelli- While ar Houghion, Gerald has been are Edward Crandall, Eugene George have included double chapels, Tues- hours of credit Will be given to those gent agency for representing student a member of Chorus, Orchestra and and James Walker students who are 35 and above opinion which will have the respect of day through Friday, occurring simul• Torchbearers his heme ts in Wor- These courses would be on the level the administration taneously in the Chapel and Music usetts Mr Gregor'6 Platform cesrer, Massach of graduate work and should obtain 2 To investlgate the possibtlities of Miss Mears, .ho received her B A The platform of Mr Gregor, in- recognition as such the honor system degree from Houghton m 1955, Is cludesi the following proposals 6 'To examine and make any nec- 3 To delegate more commrree presenting this rectral in partial ful- 1 140 stress relations with the Na essary revisions m the Student Sen- power to Senators m engagtng student ace Constltutlon fillment of the requ,rements for a tional Associations of Evangelicals assistance Bachelor of Music degree with a and tollook,nro the airtliation Hough- 7 To improve upon picruc facili- 4 To encourage the bruigmg to major in music education She has 640*# 506*04 rn may achieve with the National ties and to set aside an area near or Houghton campus persons of impor- --, been reaching music since she w as Association of Christian Schools and on campus with the proper factlttles rance in the world today, following graduated with the Nationil Students Associa- ifr Hokanson's Platform the recent example of the Political non Mr Hokanson proposes Affairs Council and Student Senate SENIORS EIIT 2 To emphasize the political sern- 1 Partictpation m the Evangelical m bring:ng Dr Tong to Houghton. Tlie ferne,r. R all leaw Inr inars in Wa,h:.tgron. D C and :0 Association ot Christian Students 5 To pubhclze the proceedings of I Skip Da, # eekend Saturdai. mvite political lecturers to campus 2 A stronger relationship between the Senate through WJSL and the ; Ma, 10, the dq folio,ung the 3 To intriate a Career Day Pro- Houghton College and Roberts Wes- StdT ]Jr-Sr banquet gram in which professional men will leyan W Marantts, R Woodson 3 A greater unity among the stu- Juniors to Fete William Marantls was elected to a dents and faculty second term as the president of Dgleade, 68 7kut*e 4 A strong spiritual emphasis in . atl student activities Torchbearers in their annual election, Seniors, May 9 Mr Moes Platform April 19 The Junior-Senior Banquet will be Other persons elected were Robert Free China Awaits Golden Hour M r Moos plans held, May 9, at 7 00 p m The place, Woodson, vice-president, Ruth Gor- 1 The establishment of a student speaker and menu are secret Carl Hokanson wil act as master of cere- anson, secretary, Ronald Waite, visor committee treasurer, Carolyn Gifford, advertis- To Return Home, States Tong ad2 Working for the idea of having moniss Special vocal music wil be ing manager, J Fay Cleveland, e, . --=--- the school, church and community provided Decorations will consist tension secretary, and Donald Corliss, better untted through synchronized of flowers and a display for those who praer meetings desire to take pictures radio manager Torchbearers funmons as the stu .: . ,t %, dent evangelistic society on campus, _-K r giving students field training in - ulamon d Anniversary... Christian personal work T b, Razlett i Student Affairs Committee has re- Previous articles m chts series have there was plenty of manual labor on commended that Torchbearers start a G treated the more htstonc aspects of farms m the area - splitting and regular news feature in the StaT academic life in Houghton around cording wood and digging potatoes 44:: I t· the turn of the century Now the in season - but there was practically 7/ UNITED PRESS HE D- .. question ma> well be asked, What no athlenc program of organized LINES - MAY 2, 1938 did the students of this primitive sports In those davs One of my period, the so·called equine.equipage frst memortes is of Ted Woodward The United Stites is era , do for relaxation and recreationv" m the act of barting up flies m the meadow extending from what is now e,pected to set off the first Admittedly and quite literalb, nucleai de, ice todd, of 11% the village park to the Clement- planned spring series of tests Stanlef Sandler, St.,1 Current iffairs Editot, questions tmiweador these were the good old halcyon randall house Rules about OUtSlde * horse-and-buggy days Henry Clark C * Tong during jnniperdip Week (now living m Caneadea) commuted competition Bere of course, even more jn dmei ican Mawdor gui- BY STADLEY ANDLER In answer to the frequent query as about three miles to [he Old Sem via smngent than now. but home stu ded missle fus test-fired for to how i the Nationalists plan to return dents managed to find technical loop- Lattice Bridge Shirlev Babbirt, Bus- holes for discreet evasion of the ban the fint time m the Far East 4 Christian gentleman and scholar, to the mainland, Dr Tong states mess Manager of the Star during my today H hen it blated off from Dr Hollington K Tong, ambassador from China to the United States, that F tee China awalts the moment editorial regime, logged daily from Shord, after 1906, several enter- d base on Formosa when one of the man) small revoks that vague region called Podonque prsmg students introduced tennis and * * * visited Houghton last Monday now taking place erupts into a full- to the New Sem hkewise Stanley basketball "Ern" Hall, whom I Russia ib expected to an- The aura of traditional diplomatic scale popular upheaval, such as the Wright, the first Business Manager have previously referred to as my nounce toddy Hhether it will charm blended with unshakable deter-. one that overthrew the Manchu dy- and second editor, recalls how he boyhood hero, took the initiative as go along with a proposed open mination to once again see a free and bkies inspection plan for rc- resurrected China This absolute be nastyists m will 19.12 strike Then All they the ask National.
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