NEWSLETTER OF THE IFLA SECTION ON LIBRARY A ND RESEARCH SERVICES FOR PARLIAMENTS J U L Y 2 0 1 4 MESSAGE FROM THE SEC T I O N C H A I R tion has in place with IFLA HQs, other IFLA Sections, partner organi- Dear Colleagues, zations, and the Parliaments hosting its events, and of the efforts The 30th Pre-Conference of the IFLA Section on Library and Research and teamwork of colleagues who accept to lead sessions, deliver Services for Parliaments, hosted by and co-organized with the papers, provide advice, represent the Section at meetings and French Assemblée Nationale in Paris (12-14 August 2014), and the events, and work on publications that we believe are needed. We 80th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Lyon (16-22 shall be grateful to these institutions and individuals who strongly August 2014) will take place in less than one month. believe in inter-parliamentary cooperation as a key element for the I am very pleased to report that the Section received many submis- advancement of legislatures, as they allow the Section to be an sions to deliver papers during both events. Participants will hear active element of this process. presentations on crucial aspects for our work: relations between Finally, I take this opportunity to send warmest congratulations to library and research services, strategies for engaging with citizens, Mr. John Pullinger, former Chair of the Section, who took up his new access to legislative data and legal information, professional devel- position as National Statistician of the United Kingdom. To carry out opment and growth. Also, workshops and knowledge cafés, we pro- this high level duty he had to leave the Parliament and the Section. vide us the opportunity to work in smaller groups to share ideas on While there is no doubt that the Section and colleagues will miss practices, lessons learned and future challenges. Details about the him, we wish John a long and successful tenure and good luck with programmes are in the "Conference supplement" attached to this this new endeavour. newsletter. Raissa Teodori We will have the opportunity, on 13 August, to learn about the parlia- mentary library of the Assemblée Nationale, founded in 1796, and visit its beautiful venue and collections. The collaboration with the A Note from John Pullinger, 26 June 2014 Assemblée Nationale to prepare the Pre-Conference has been excel- lent. I believe that our days in Paris will greatly benefit from the in- I am leaving my position as Librari- tense preparation of the past months. an at the UK House of Commons Ahead of the Pre-Conference, on 12 August, the Section will hold, in this week after ten years. It has partnership with the Noria Programme of the Assemblée parlamen- been wonderful for me to serve as taire de la Francophonie, a capacity development activity especially part of our parliamentary communi- directed at library, research and information services from Franco- ty making a unique contribution to phone countries. I look forward to welcome in our network those well-informed democracy. In our parliaments that, thanks to this activity, will have the opportunity to own countries there are not other join our event for the first time. organisations that share our chal- lenges, trying to work out how best In addition, in the morning of 15 August, we will hold a Workshop on to inform MPs and the serve the public. This can be quite daunting Managing and Evaluating Library and Research Services, under the and it has been our IFLA Section that has provided me with the guidance of Ms. Lillian Gassie, Section Secretary. support that comes from being able to discuss problems and solu- The Section Standing Committee meetings will provide the time to tions with others facing similar issues. I have been grateful to so take stock of last year activities and discuss short and long term many of you for the encouragement you have given to me. I have plans. We will report on the participation to events such as the World also greatly valued the opportunity to give something back to the e-Parliament Conference 2014 and the 15th APLESA Conference, Section and its members. and discuss ongoing projects such as the Guidelines for the Devel- Through individual projects in countries as diverse as Iraq, Nigeria opment of Parliamentary Research Services. We will make plans for and Myanmar I have been inspired by those members of our Sec- the 2015 IFLA Congress in Cape Town, discuss participation in fu- tion who face much greater challenges that I do in the UK. ture events other than IFLA meetings, and share ideas on how we want to work in the future, starting from cooperation with organiza- A highlight of my parliamentary career was the honour you gave me tions such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Association of Sec- by electing me as your Chair from 2011-13. I thoroughly enjoyed the retaries General of Parliaments and the UN/IPU Global Centre for opportunity to get to know many of you much better and to repre- ICT in Parliament. These partnerships helped the Section in recent sent our group to the wider IFLA organisation and beyond, especial- years to broaden its geographical boundaries, perspective and range ly with our friends in the Global Centre for ICT in Parliaments. I am of activities. disappointed that I will miss our events in France this summer. I wish to stress all projects and initiatives currently underway are Raissa Teodori, with support from many of you, has put together a only possible because of the successful collaboration that the Sec- wonderful programme. I wish her and all of you every success this summer and beyond. NEWSLETTER OF IFLA S ECTION ON LIBRARY AND RESEARCH SERVICES July 2014, Page 2 TO PARLIAMENTS RECENT EVENTS The World e-Parliament Conference 2014 National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, Seoul, 8-10 May 2014 The 2014 edition of the World e‐Parliament Conference took formed Parliament. The session was introduced and moderated place from 8 -10 May 2014 at the National Assembly of the by Ms. Raissa Teodori, Chair of the IFLA parliamentary Section, Republic of Korea in Seoul, co-organized by the Inter- and focused on two very interesting presentations delivered Parliamentary Union and the National Assembly of Republic of respectively by Mr. Alfonso Perez Standing Committee member Korea, in cooperation with the Global Centre for ICT in Parlia- of the Section and Director of the Library of the Chilean Congress ment. It built on the results of five previous conferences held respectively in Geneva (2007), Brussels (2008), Washington and by Mr. Choi Young-Su, Director of the Legal Resources De- D.C. (2009), Johannesburg (2010) and Rome (2012), as well as velopment Division at the National Assembly Library of the Re- on the activities undertaken by the Global Centre for ICT in Par- public of Korea. A lively debate and Q&A session followed that liament, a joint initiative of the IPU and the United Nations, since raised interest in an audience made of MPs and parliamentary 2007. staff mainly from library and research, ICT and communication departments. Ms. Raissa Teodori, Chair of the Section, also had Through these conferences, a forum of the community of parlia- the opportunity to visit the National Assembly Library, and its ments on the use of information and communication technolo- magnificent location, to learn about its collections and the ser- gies (ICT) was created and developed to address, from both the vices offered to MPs and ordinary citizens, and to meet with the policy and technical perspectives, how ICT can help improve Chief Librarian, Mr. Changhwa Hwang. representation, transparency, law-making and oversight and increase parliament’s openness, accessibility, accountability Besides the session on libraries and research, IFLA and its mem- and effectiveness. Speakers of Parliaments, Secretaries general bers contributed in other ways to the success of the WePC. and high level decision makers, as well as representatives of John Pullinger, Librarian and Director General of Information national and international organizations, institutions and univer- Services of the House of Commons (UK) and former Chair of the sities are members of this community and make sure that ideas, Section and Standing Committee member, delivered a presenta- knowledge and experiences are shared at all levels. tion in the session on Adding social media channels to Parlia- The WePC 2014 brought together about 300 delegates from 70 ment’s communication strategy providing an overview on the countries of all continents to discuss the theme “Lessons topic, with the IPU Social Media Guidelines for Parliaments in the learned and future horizons”, to share views on emerging and backround and with interesting examples of use in parliaments future challenges that parliaments will need to address, to keep around the world, especially from the UK Parliament, including pace with technological change in society, and to take stock of the Library. the capacity of parliaments to respond to citizens’ calls for great- At its highest level, IFLA was represented at the WePC 2014 by er institutional openness and dialogue. Social media, open data, Ms. Donna Scheeder, IFLA President-Elect, who was a panelist in websites, access to documents and records, public information the plenary session on Responding to new forms of citizen par- strategies, outsourcing, cooperation and ICT strategic planning ticipation, together with the Speaker of the UK House of Com- have been the themes around which the event built it's sessions mons, Mr. John Bercow and a member of the Senate of Italy, Ms. and that animated the debate. Maria Mussini.
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