See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Revaluation of the phytostratigraphic framework in southern Paraná Basin based on U-Pb single-zircon CA-TIMS ages: implications for biostratigraphic correlations in Western Gondwan... Conference Paper · March 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 96 8 authors, including: Roberto Iannuzzi N. P. Griffis Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul University of California, Davis 117 PUBLICATIONS 944 CITATIONS 18 PUBLICATIONS 12 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Isabel P Montañez John L Isbell University of California, Davis University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 186 PUBLICATIONS 4,979 CITATIONS 139 PUBLICATIONS 2,594 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Reconstructing Paleo-Plant Physiology and Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks of Late Paleozoic Seasonally-Dry Tropical Biomes View project Late Paleozoic glaciation View project All content following this page was uploaded by John L Isbell on 16 April 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. REVISTA 2018 VOL. 3, NÚM. 1, SUPLEMENTO RESÚMENES VII SAPS - VII SIMPOSIO ARGENTINO DEL PALEOZOICO SUPERIOR (26-28 de marzo, Esquel) REVISTA DEL MUSEO DE LA PLATA / 2018, Volúmen 3, Número 1, Suplemento resúmenes: 1R-23R / ISSN 2545-6377 ISSN 2545-6377 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA - FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS NATURALES Y MUSEO Revista del Museo de La Plata 2018 Volumen 3, Suplemento Resúmenes: 1R-23R VII SIMPOSIO R!"#$I#O %"L P L"O&OI'O S(P"RIOR VII S PS LI)RO %" R"S*M"#"S "S+("L, 2,, 2- . 28 %" M R&O D" 2018 OR! #I& %OR '"#$RO D" I#V"S$I! 'I/# "S+("L D" MO#$ 0 Y "S$"P P $ !O#I' 1'I"M"P2 (SPI'I # Revista e! M"se# e La P!ata$ V#! 3$ S"%!e&e't# Res(&e'es) *R-23R *2R &assive, sa' 3 &udstone in the -asa! %a+t #I the ;"ada!"%ian, M#++o Pe!ado Me&-e+, Rio # Rasto F#+&ation. The -iva!ves a+e ass#/iated Kith /#'/host+a/eans and a+e %+ese+ved -oth as &#!ds #I %+e #&ina't!3 /#&%!ete a'd isa+ti/"!ate va!ves and as a+ti/"!ate $ s%!a3ed she!!s, The+eI#+e, the3 &a3 %+ovide evide'/e #I a !#K e'e+.3 !a/ust+ine %a!eoenvi+#'&ent. In tota!$ 137 s7e!!s Ke+e st" ied, i'/!" i'. Terraia s%, 467%5, a neK .e'"s 4*D[5, Palaeomutela s%, 44%5, Palaeomutela platinensis Reed, 1935 4*[5, a'd undete+&ined s%e/i&ens 4*G[5. Terraia s%. +ese&-!es /!ose!3 othe+ /+assate!a/ea's I+#& the Passa Dois ;+#"%, and t7e neK .enus is /!ea+!3 a %a/73 #&id. <oth a+e e'de&i/ -iva!ves, "'!iPe the tKo +e/#+ ed s%e/ies #I Palaeomutela A&a!itAP3, 1892, K7i/h a+e si&i!a+ to the a-"' ant %a!ae#&ute!ids #I t7e !#Ke+ <ea"I#+t ;+#"% #I Na&i-ia 4Rua- +e.i#'5 and S#"th AI+i/a a'd #I equiva!ent st+ata in Cent+a! AI+i/a. T7e+eI#+e, this asse&-!a.e &a+Ps a &a9#+ Ia"'a! t"+nove+ in the &#!!"s/an asse&-! #I t7e Pa+a'F <asin, '#t #'!3 due to the a%%ea+a'/e #I t7e Ii+st t+ue I+es7Kate+ -iva!ves in t7e -asi', -"t a!so -e/ause #I the unquestiona-!e a++iva! #I a /os&#%#!itan /#'tinenta! -iva!ve .enus. Revaluation oD the p?<tost6ati86aphi; D6ame9o6B in sout?e6n Pa6an: Basin =ased on (-Pb sin8le-@i6;on ' -TIMS a8es: impli;ations Do6 biost6ati86aphi; ;o66elations in Eeste6n Gond9ana R> Iannu@@i1, #>P> !6iDDis2, R> Mundil3, I>P> MontaGe@2, A>L> Is=ellH, #> 5edo6;?uBH, 5> Vesel<I < +>- &> .in2 *U'ive+si a e Fe e+a! # Ri# ;+a' e # S"!$ Av, <e't# ;#'Ta!ves H5DD$ P#+t# A!e.+e, R#-e+t#,ia''"AAi6"I+.s,-+ 2De%a+t&e't #I Ea+t7 a' P!a'eta+3 S/ie'/es$ U'ive+sit3 #I Ca!iI#+'ia-Davis$ Davis$ CA H56*6, '%.+iIIis6"/ avis,e "$ i%&#'ta'eA6"/ avis,e " 3<e+Pe!e3 ;e#/7+#'#!#.3 Ce'te+$ 2455 Ri .e R ,$ <e+Pe!e3 CA$ H47DH, +&"' i!6-./,#+. 4U'ive+sit3 #I =is/#'si'- Mi!Ka"Pee$ 32DH N, Ma+3!a' Ave,$ Mi!Ka"Pee, 9is-e!!6"K&,e "$ Ie #+/726"K&,e " 5U'ive+si a e Fe e+a! # Pa+a'F$ >a+ i& as A&@+i/as$ C,P, *HD27$ C"+iti-a, vese!3II6.&ai!,/#& The !#'. esta-!ished I#+ v#!/ani/!asti/ e%osits #I t7e Rio <#'ito F#+&ation in the sout7e+'&ost <+aAi!ian %#+tion #I the Pa+a'F <asi' Ke+e +e/ent!3 +eexa&ined usi'. hi.7- %+e/ision U-P- si'.!e Ai+/on /+3sta! /he&i/a! a-+asion–the+&a! i#'iAation &ass s%e/t+#&et+3 4CA-TIMS5 ana!3sis. The CA-TIMS +es"!ts a +ess a&-i.uit3 in %+e/ision a'd a//"+a/3 #I %+evious U-P- and p+esent a neK c7+onost+ati.+a%hi/ f+a&eK#+P whe+e at !east tKo disti'/t %ost.!a/ia! /oa!--ea+i'. i'te+va!s na&ed the !#Ke+ and "%%e+ Rio <#nito F#+&ation Ke+e se%a+ated -3 &#+e tha' *D Ma, This +evise I+a&eK#+P +es"!ts in /ha'.es in %ositi#'i'. a' /#++e!ation #I s#&e Ke!!-P'#Kn %73t#Iossi!iIe+#"s out/+#%s esta-!ishi'. tK# Ke!!-deIi'e I!#+as, The !#Ke+ I!#+a, ated as Asse!ian in a.e, is /7a+a/te+iAed -3 a-"nda'/e #I Phyllotheca- t3%e !eaI K7#+!s and Gangamopteris-t3%e !eaves, -ut a!so -3 &orycladus-t3%e !eaI s7##ts$ L3/#%odia!es and (otrychiopsis-t3%e I+onds. Sti!!, the+e a+e feK &#+%hos%e/ies #I Glossopteris- t3%e !eaves a' #'!3 .!oss#%te+i Ie&a!e I+"/tiIi/ati#'s #I a+-e+i#id t3%es Ke+e +e/#+ded in this I!#+a. The "%%e+ I!#+a, '#K /onside+ed Late A+tinsPian in a.e, is /ha+a/te+iAed -3 .+eate+ a-unda'/e and ive+sit3 #I Glossopteris-t3%e !eaves /#"%!ed Kit7 t7e a%%ea+a'/e #I *3R VII Si&%#si# A+.e'ti'# e! Pa!e#A#i/# S"%e+i#+ di/t3#%te+id-t3%e .!oss#%te+id Ie&a!e I+"/tiIi/ati#'s. The I+onds #I Ie+'s a%%ea+ -3 Ii+st ti&e i' the ass#/iations K7i!e the (otrychiopsis-t3%e disa%%ea+s. This neK /7+#nost+ati.+a%7i/ a++a'.e&ent of the p73t#I#ssi!iIe+ous ho+iAons a!!#Ks I#+ a rea%%+aisa! of t7e st+ati.+a%hi/ ra'.e #I the e?isti'. ta?a, res"!ti'. in the p+#%osa! of tKo neK p73t#Aones based on the dist+i-ution oI a!! e?isti'. taxa 4/a. 50) i' the Cis"+a!ia' st+ata I+#& the s#"the+n -asin. C#'si e+i'. the neK .e#/7+#'#!#.i/a! /a!i-+ation, it is %ossi-!e to &aPe s#&e neK /onsi e+ations a-#"t t7e /7+#'#st+ati.+a%7i/ %ositi#ni'. #I othe+ %73t#Aones that s7#K si&i!a+ I!#+a! /#&%ositi#' existi'. in South A&e+i/a and ot7e+ !#/ations a/+#ss G#' Kana, P6elimina6< sedimentolo8i;al and st6ati86aphi; anal<sis oD the basal 8la;i8eni; E<n<a6d 5o6mation 1E<n<a6d, Tasmania, ust6alia2 L>R>E> Ives1 and A>L> Is=ell1 *U'ive+sit3 #I =is/#'si'-Mi!Ka"Pee$ 32DH N#+t7 Ma+3!a' Ave'"e$ Mi!Ka"Pee$ =I 532**, =## I#+56"K&,e " The =3'3a+d F#+&ati#' 4Pe+&#-Ca+-oniIe+#"sL =3'3a+ , Tas&ania5 Kas de%osite "+i'. the Late Pa!e#Aoi/ I/e A.e 4LPIA5 Kit7in the South P#!a+ Ci+/!e, The e&e+.i'. vieK #I the LPIA att+i-"tes .!a/iation to +e.i#'a!-s/a!e i/e /a%s and i/e sheets, +athe+ than a si'.!e ;#' Kana' i/e sheet. The+eI#+e, /ha+a/te+iAi'. +e.i#'a! .!a/ie+s is /+"/ia! to "' e+sta' i'. t7e /!i&ati/ si.niIi/a'/e #I LPIA .!a/iati#n. Si'/e t7e =3'3a+d F#+&ation is unequiv#/a!!3 .!a/i.eni/$ &ost %+evi#"s K#+P I#/used on des/+i-i'. i/e I!#K di+e/tions, /!ast %+ovena'/e$ a' a.e. This I#/us has !ed to de%ositiona! %+#/esses -ei'. %+#%osed Kit7#"t a /#&%!ete, detai!e exa&ination #I t7e se/ti#'Us se i&ent#!#.3 and st+ati.+a%73. =e %+esent %+e!i&ina+3 +es"!ts I+#& a sedi&ent#!#.i/a! a'a!3sis #I the -asa! 400 & #I the =3'3a+d F&. These st+ata +est on a' a'."!a+ "'/#'I#+&it3 Khi/h, /#'t+a+3 to %+evi#"s +e%#+ts, -ea+s 'o i' i/ati#' #I s"-.!a/ia! e+osi#', The se/tion is %+i&a+i!3 &assive to /+" e!3--edde sa' 3, /!ast-+i/7 dia&i/tites t7at I+e1ue't!3 i'/!"de is/#'ti'"ous$ 10 /& – 2 & thi/P -odies #I /oa+se sandstones a' /#'.!#&e+ates, s"..estive #I an i/e-%+oxi&a! envi+#'&ent.
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