th ':n_ 19 Century Safon" Rachel Rosales ~ Soprano with The American Virtuosi Kenneth Hamrick ~ Fortepiano Dennis Cinelli ~ Romantic Guitar & Mandolino Jay Elfenbein ~Bass Violin Works by Beethoven, Haydn, Giuliani, Brambilla, Carulli, Castro de Gistau and Saint Georges for Voice, Fortepiano, Guitar & Mandolino Monday, May 10, 2004 at 8 pm ~ Deane Carriage Barn Presented by Department of Music Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont Rachel Rosales with The American Virtuosi Kenneth Hamrick, fortepiano Dennis Cinelli, romantic guitar & mandolino Jay Elfenbein, bass violin Nocturne Op. 131 Ferdinanda Carulli (1770-1841) Largo-Allegro Larghetto Allegro Tiranas Si te veo, si te hablo ... Salvador Castro de Gistau (fl . 1770-183?) Como rosa entre espinas Yo tengo un animalito Ariette Italiane Op. 5 Luigi Brambilla (1773-1824) Un mota di gioia Se vivere non poss'io Dal dl ch'io vi mirai Io far I' a more cos I non so Chansons ]. B. Chevalier de Saint-Georges (17 45-99) Dans un vallon .. L' autre jour. .. 0 toi, qui regnes dans mon arne. L' Amour est un enfant trompeur. .. Intermission Original Canzonettes (Anne Hunter) Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) 0 Tuneful Voice The Wanderer A Pastoral Song Sonatine WoO 43 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Adagio c-moll Allegro C-dur Cavatine et variee Op.79 Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) "Di tanti palpiti" de !'Opera Tancredi par G. Rossini TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS Un mota di gioia Un moto di gioia mi sento nel petto An emotion of joy I feel in my heart Che annunzia di diletto in mezzo al timor. Saying happiness is coming despite my fears. Speriam che in con ten to finisca l' affanno We hope that worry will end in contentment. Non sempre tiranno e il fato d'amor, no. Fate and love are not always tyrants. Se vivere non pass ' io Se vivere non poss'io lungi date mio ben I cannot live far away from you, my love, Lascia che almen ben mio io moia vicino a te Let me then die near you, my love, D'ogni dolor piu rio del piu crudel velen From the dreadful pain of the venom Quel tu fatale addio e pitt crudel per me, si. That your fatal farewell cast upon me. Dal di ch' io vi mimi Dal di ch' io vi mirai pupille lusinghiere Since that day that I looked into your Non sa che sia piacere il povero mio cor. Alluring eyes, I no longer know pleasure Voi mi vibraste un dardo cosi crudel nel seno In my heart. You cast a most cruel dart Deh non negate almeno pietade al mio dolore. into my soul. Pray that you not take pity for my pain. Io far l' amore cosi non so Io far 1' a more cosl non so To make love, I am not sure how; Ah, mio signore o si o no Ah, Sire, tell me, yes or no. L' alma nel seno troppo soffri My soul has suffered long in my breast, Spiegate almena o no o si. So please explain, yes or no. Mai non sperate ch'io cedero But do not hope that I will give in Se non spiegate o si o no Whether you explain or not Scorsero i mesi le notti e i di Though months, nights and days pass, Ne mai intesi o no o si. I would never agree to it, yes or no. II mio pensiero appaghero My thoughts would be satisfied Con un sincero o si o no With a sincere yes or no; Questa e un morire sempre cosl I will just die if I don't hear that Mai non sentire o no o si. "yes" or "no!" Site veo Si te veo, si te hablo, If I see you, if I speak to you, Si te miro, si te escucho, If I look at you, if I listen to you, Siempre digo he de dejarte I always say that I must leave you Y siempre te quiero mucho. And that I will always love you. Fuerte cosas para un corazon These are powerful things for the heart, el querer a una hermosa mujer To love a beautiful woman El quererla y no dejarle ver To love her and not to see her Hasta donde llega su pasi6n Until passion overcomes you De este modo callando me muero And from that you fall and die Aunque el pecho se abrase de amor. Though your heart still burns with love. jAy! de mi corazon, jay! que dolor. Ah, from my heart, ah! What pain. Como rosa entre espinas Como rosa entre espinas es la belleza Beauty is like a rose between two thorns Que es preciso punzarse para cogerla. You always get pricked when you pluck it. Pero gozada su fragancia se pierde But to enjoy its fragrance is fleeting Yes despreciada. And is offensive. Tirana del Animalito Yo tengo un animalito que se paga del alhago I have a little pet that I spend a fortune on; Que levanta la colita quando le paso la mano He always lifts his tail when I pet him. jAy, que animalito tan chiquirritito Ah, he is a so tiny and so clean! Y que pulidito! Toma, ven aqui Get it, come here! Y que dientecitos tan resaladitos; Such tiny teeth so attractive; Y que bocadito me atirade a mi. Such a tiny mouth that pulls on me. (Oi como te llamas? Me llama Titi. What is your name? My name is "Titi." Bien haya el dinero que yo gaste en ti, Good, go find the money that I spent on you. A y ti ti tirana, yo te quiero a ti Ah, Titi, you tyrant, I love you A ti quiere tu a mi. And you love me. Dans un vallon Dans un vallon sous un epais feuillage In a valley below a thick forest, Aminte en pleurs rassuroit son amant, Aminte, in tears, assuring her love, « A vee toi seul je me plais au village. «Only with you will I leave this village. Ton hautbois seul accompagne mon chant. You accompany my song with your oboe Sison troupeau choisit quelqu'autre ombrage If your flock chooses another forest, A vee le mien je m'y rends a !'instant I will swiftly follow with mine. Que te faut il mon cher Si!vandre Whatever you need, my dear Silvandre, Chaque moment dans ce riant sejour Every moment in your happy journey Jete promet l'amitie la plus tendre I will promise friendship most tender Mais laisse moi fuir ce cruel amour. But let me flee from this cruel love. Un de ces jours etant a Ia prairie One day while on the meadow Quand tu paru, tu vis mon embarras ! When you stop to see if I am in trouble, Plus d'un berger ici te porte envie. Never let another shepherd become envious. Pour toi j' evite et Daphnis et Licas. That's why I avoid Daphnis and Lie as. Je ne vais point danser dans la prairie I will not go to the meadow to dance Si je prevois que tu n'y sera pas. If I forsee that you won't be there. Que te faut il... Whatever you need ... L'autre jour L' autre jour a I' ombrage The other day in the dark woods Un jeune et beau pasteur A young and handsome shepherd Raccontait ainsi sa douleur, Was recalling the source of his pain A !'echo plaintif du bocage. To the plaintive echoes of the forest. Bonheur d'etre aime tendrement! To be happy and to love tenderly! Que chagrins vont aIa suite. That grief turns into joy. Pourquoi viens tu si lentement Why do you take so long and Et t' en retourne tu si vite? When will you quickly return? Ma ma1tresse m' oublie My mistress has forgotten me; Amour fait moi mourir. I die of love. Quand on cesse de nous cherir When will this feeling stop, this most cruel of Quel cruel fardeau que la vie! Burdens in my life, my darling? Bonheur... To be happy ... 0 toi, qui regnes dans man iime 0 toi, que regnes dans mon arne Oh you, that rules over my soul Console moi dans mon malheur, Console my affliction, Toi seul en est !'auteur, You alone are the author L' amour que de rna flame Of that love which enflames me Je deteste le souvenir. And hate the memory of it. Trop de faiblesse entraine au repentir So much weakness leads to repentance Helas! le trait qui me dechire Alas! The stroke of your pen that you cast Est dans mon cCEur. Is on my heart. Helas! plus de soupire Alas! So much sighing, Moins il est pour moi de bonheur, Less for me than for happiness, Y croire est une erreur. And to know this is wrong. 0 toi, que regnes .. Oh you, that rules over my soul... D' une vaine tendresse vi ens calmer From vain tenderness come and calm La douleur du chagrin qui me presse The pain that grief overtakes, A doucir la rigueur, To soften its unrelenting, Viens calmer rna douleur. Come calm my pain. L'Amour es t un enfant trompeur L' Amour est un enfant trompeur Love is a devious child Me dit souvent rna mere, My mother tells me often. A vee son air plein de douceur, With his air of softness, C'est pis qu'une vipere. He strikes like a viper. Je voudrais bien savoir pour tant I would really like to know Quel mal si grand d'un jeune enfant How much trouble this child Doit craindre une bergere? can cause to make a shepherd fear him? J'ai vu hier lebeau Lucas, I saw the handsome Lucas yesterday Assis pres de Glycere, Sitting next to Glycere, Illui parlait tout pres, tous bas, Love spoke to him, very softly, Et d'un air bien sincere.
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