Wilson Bulletin, 110(l), 1998, pp. 93-99 INFLUENCE OF CAVITY AVAILABILITY ON RED-COCKADED WOODPECKER GROUP SIZE N. ROSS CARRIE,,*‘ KENNETH R. MOORE, ’ STEPHANIE A. STEPHENS, ’ AND ERIC L. KEITH ’ ABSTRACT-The availability of cavities can determine whether territories are occupied by Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Picoides borealis). However, there is no information on whether the number of cavities can influence group size and population stability. We compared group size between 1993 and 1995 in 33 occupied cluster sites that were provisioned with artificial cavities. The number of groups with breeding pairs increased from 22 (67.7%) in 1993 to 28 (93.3%) in 1995. Most breeding males remained in the natural cavities that they had excavated and occupied prior to cavity provisioning in the cluster while breeding females and helpers used artificial cavities extensively. Active cluster sites provisioned with artificial cavities had larger social groups in 1995 (3 = 2.70, SD = 1.42) than in 1993 (3 = 2.00, SD = 0.94; Z = -2.97, P = 0.003). The number of suitable cavities per cluster was positively correlated with the number of birds per cluster (rJ = 0.42, P = 0.016). The number of inserts per cluster was positively correlated with the change in group size between 1993 and 1995 (r, = 0.49, P = 0.004). Our observations indicate that three or four suitable cavities should be maintained uer cluster to stabilize and/or increase Red-cockaded Woodpecker populations. Received 3 March 1997, accepted 57 Oct. 1997. The Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides numbers of old-growth trees for cavity exca- borealis) is an endangered species endemic to vation. Artificial cavities have been used ex- the pine forests of the southeastern United tensively to supplement Red-cockaded Wood- States (Jackson 1971). Red-cockaded Wood- pecker cluster sites having insufficient num- peckers are unique among woodpeckers in the bers of suitable natural cavities and to reha- use of living pines for cavity excavation (Li- bilitate abandoned cluster sites. Such cavity gon 1970). The abundance and distribution of provisioning has been used to stabilize and/or suitable cavities and residual pines for cavity increase populations (Copeyon et al. 1991, excavation play a critical role in Red-cock- Conner et al. 1995, Walters et al. 1992, Gaines aded Woodpecker population dynamics (Wal- et al. 1995, Richardson and Stockie 1995, ters et al. 1992). Red-cockaded Woodpeckers Watson et al. 1995). Copeyon and coworkers are cooperative breeders, occuring in groups (1991) demonstrated that the availability of comprised of a breeding pair and O-3 helpers cavities can determine whether or not territo- (Lennartz et al. 1987, Walters et al. 1988). ries are occupied. However, no published in- Each group inhabits and defends an aggregate formation has demonstrated whether the num- of cavity trees, known as a cluster site, and ber of cavities can influence group size or associated foraging habitat (Hooper 1980, population stability. 1982). Group size may be an important factor During surveys conducted between 1987 influencing reproductive success (Lennartz et and 1992, biologists documented the limited al. 1987) and population stability (Walters et availability of suitable cavities in occupied al. 1988). Management practices which would cluster sites on Fort Polk, Louisiana. Red- stabilize and/or increase group size would cockaded Woodpeckers excavate cavities in promote recovery of the species. Artificial pines with decayed heartwood (Hooper et al. cavity techniques developed by Copeyon 199 la). The frequency of such decay is a (1990) and Allen (1991) have provided man- function of tree age (Hooper et al. 1991a, agers with short-term management tools to offset the limitations of young, second-growth Conner et al. 1994). Forests on the fort are pine forests which typically lack adequate relatively young (<80 years) and lack large numbers of old trees for cavity excavation. An intensive program was begun in 1993 to in- ’ ’ Environmental and Natural Resources Manage- stall artificial cavity inserts in all active cluster ment Division, 1919 23rd Street, Ft. Polk, LA, 71459- 5512; E-mail: [email protected]. sites on the installation. Here, we describe the 2 Corresponding author. effect of cavity provisioning on group size. 93 94 THE WILSON BULLETIN * Vol. 110, No. I, March 1998 STUDY AREA AND METHODS was used to assess differences in the numbers of birds by social status using artificial and natural cavities dur- The study area was the Fort Polk military installa- ing 1995. Numbers of birds using artificial and natural tion in Vernon Parish, Louisiana. The installation is cavities during 1995 were used as observed values for currently used for training light infantry and simulat- the test. Analyses were performed with SPSS Version ing low to mid-intensity conflicts. The population in 6.0 (Norusis and SPSS Inc. 1993). 1993 contained 33 active Red-cockaded Woodpecker clusters and has since been increasing. It is considered RESULTS a subpopulation of the adjacent population on the Thirty of the 33 clusters that were active in Vernon Ranger District managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Vegetation consists primarily of a longleaf 1993 and which were provisioned with inserts pine (Pinus palustris) overstory and an understory of were still active in 1995. Almost all (96 of bluestem grasses (Andropogon spp. and Schizachrium 105) the birds recaptured in 1995 had been spp.). The area is managed for timber production on banded on the fort in 1993. Of the 105 birds an 120.year rotation and prescribed burning is con- captured in 1995, four birds originated from ducted on a 3-year rotation. the population on the Vernon Ranger District. Starting in March 1993, artificial cavities were in- The origin of 5 unbanded birds was unknown. stalled in 32 of 33 active cluster sites with fewer than four suitable cavities. Installation was completed by The small number of birds from the Veron March 1995. Cavities were installed using the insert population suggests that increases in group technique (Allen 1991) at heights of 4.0 m or 7.5 m, size on the fort were primarily the result of depending on the diameter of the trees available in the internal population changes rather than im- site. Provisioned cluster sites received up to four in- migration from the Vernon population. The serts depending on the number of usuable excavated lack of population data prior to 1993 required cavities that were available in a site. Management of our comparison of group size to use data from active sites was consistent for all sites during the pe- riod that sites were provisioned with inserts. Provi- 1993 when 55 inserts had already been in- sioning was considered a treatment while other vari- stalled. The number of groups with breeding ables that may influence population numbers were con- pairs increased from 22 (67.7%) in 1993 to 28 sidered constant during the project. No sites were con- (93.3%) in 1995. By 1995, the number of sidered to have significant midstory development and available cavities had been increased by none required midstory removal. All sites selected had 139.4% in active clusters as a result of insert adequate foraging according to guidelines of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1989). However, U.S. Army provisioning. The total number of inserts management guidelines required all suitable sites be available and number of active inserts in 1995 provisioned with inserts. The resulting lack of control exceeded the total number of natural cavities sites for comparison limits interpretation of our results. available and number of active natural cavi- Cavity trees were routinely monitored for activity ties, respectively in a site (Table 1). In 1995, (Jackson 1978a). All birds were captured on Fort Polk inserts comprised 57.9% of all active cavities during the fall and winter of 1993 and 1995 as part of with 55.6% of inserts being active and natural a monitoring program initiated in 1993. Birds were banded with unique combinations of colored leg bands cavities made up 42.1% of all active cavities and a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service band. Nestlings with 56.3% of natural cavities being active. have also been banded in the same manner since 1993. The number of natural cavities remained al- Banding birds enabled us to follow individuals as they most constant between 1993 and 1995; only moved between sites and to monitor changes in group one new natural cavity was constructed during size between years. this time. No natural or artificial cavities were Total numbers and mean numbers per cluster of nat- lost between 1993 and 1995. Most breeding ural and artificial cavities was computed for 1993 and 1995 to assess cavity availability. Unenlarged natural males remained in the natural cavities which cavities with entrance tunnels approximately 7 cm in they had excavated and occupied prior to the diameter were considered useable (Rudolph et al. insert program while breeding females and 1990) and were included in the analysis. Mean group helpers used inserts extensively (Table 2). size and mean numbers of helpers were compared be- Active cluster sites provisioned with artifi- tween 1993 and 1995 in occupied clusters provisioned cial cavities had larger social groups in 1995 with inserts using a Wilcoxon pair-wise test. To assess (2 = 2.70, SD = 1.42) than in 1993 (2 = 2.00, the relationship between cavity availability and group size, adult group size was compared to the number of SD = 0.94; Z = -2.97, P = 0.003). The num- available cavities in 1995 and changes in adult group ber of groups with helpers increased from 9 size were compared to the number of inserts installed (27.3%) in 1993 to 15 (50.0%) in 1995. Pro- per site using Spearman rank correlations.
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