• SPORTS: TCU VS. ARMY PREVIEW, PAGE 12 | • FEATURES: LANE SHINES "UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN", PAGE Friday, October 3, 2003 TCU DAILY SKIFF Serving Texas Christian I niversitj since 1902 • Vol. 101 • Issue 22 • Fort Worth. Texas • www.skifF.tcu.edi Todays WORLD NEWS Vice president trend continues BAGHDAD, Iraq — A sol- "CiAnn decided that she needed applied for the |oh didn't have a dier from the 4th Infantry l)\\\V 1.11111 \M years .ill three Programming Markley said according lo the Stafl Reportn Council vice presidents have left In do nthei ilnii"s this fall, instead S(; \ . onstitution, il an officer lull concept oi what the job Division died following a over the summer, midway ol putting 'II hei time into diops oui ol SGA during the entailed," Markley said. rocket-propelled grenade For most Ol his 17 years at TCI I. through then terms Pwo years Programming Council.'' Markley summer, (heir replacement is Mara < irove, a junioi fashion attack on an American con- Student Government Association ago. the student decided nol to said. decided In the othet SGA offi- merchandising major, said she- voy, north of the Iraqi capital. adviser Larry Markley said people come back to school, and last Vrdoin, a senior sociology cers If llicy drop out in the voted in last fall's SGA elections the U.S. military said leaving executive positions in S< I \ years vice president remained major, said she needed lo concen spun;: semester, then elections and would have wanted to vote Thursday. was not a problem. on council Inn didn'l have lime will he held, he said again foi Ardoin's replacement News Digest on page 4 irate more on school. "For the first 14 scars, we had to fully column to the position. I'm a senior this year, and I He said man) ol the people "Il kind ol bothers me." Grove STATE NEWS no problems like this." Markley he said. have to he more focused." Vrdoin taking over officer positions arc said li these people are represent- said. "It seems lij<e the last three ( i \nn \uloin. who quit her said. "I want to increase mv ((PA. younger students who maj nol ing us as students, then the student ABILENE — James Leddy. veils we have had the problem." position in May. is the mosl recent because school is m\ firs! priori know how much work lo expect. a legendary Abilene bootmak- Markley said in the last three PC vice president to step down iv It's the reason I'm here." I think people who have on TREND, page _'I er, died Tuesday following a sudden illness He was 66. News Digest on page 4 AUSTIN — A lawyer A hint of Italy indicted with former Attorney General Dan Morales plans to B\ JOHN \Mlli\ Ml Vlls conks in oui restaurant," Wilkins plead guilty to mail fraud said "Ihe other thing that we Friday, his attorney says. want lo do is lo promote our new News Digest on page 4 An aroma ol Italy idled the sec restaurant /oe Italian." ond flooi ol Ihe Student Center Wilkms previously founded the I hursdaj nighl restaurant Zolon, which is also Ihe scent led to the located in Sundance Square in OnCampi Chancellor's Dining Room, where downtown Ion Worth, and came local chefs Xolon Wilkins III and Harry Potter science lo Id as pail ol Ihe visilmg chel (ail MacPherson prepared a elan offered for credit program thai TCU Dining demonstration and tasting Seivices has organized, said Rick Now Harry Potter fans at A three-course meal, topped oil I hues, general manager ol TCI I din- Frostburg University in w ith tiramisu, was served to im il ing sen ices Maryland will have the oppor- attendees ol the private dinnet tunity to earn college credit for in the Chancellor's Dining Room "We want lo share the community the recently added Harry Downstairs in Ihe Main. Wilkins with 1(1 students." Flores said Potter science class. and MacPherson prepared chicken "We won't serve ihe students every Dr. George Plitnik. a physics scaloppini and mashed potatoes in meal Si. we want lo give them professor at Frostburg he served to the students. other options University, a public school in I he food featured will he served I he program should bring a v is western Maryland, is leaching H his new restaurant ?.oe Italian iting t hel In rcU twice a month in an honors course to juniors and We came lo I ( I lo do a cou- hopes ol mixing things up. I lores seniors based on the popular ple ol things lo look lo I Cl loi sad However. I Inns said he was series. After reading the first i l.ihoi pool nl blight, young, i.il unsure who will he ihe nest visit- four books of the series, he saw ented people to he servers and ing chel a presentation entitled. The I lores said he fell the program Science of Harry Potter: How was well received by Ihe students. Magic Really Works." by Hen Schmitt, a freshman busi- Roger Highfield and became ness major, said it was good lo intrigued. have some change in The Mam. Plitnik originally proposed I hale Ihe same food all the the idea of teaching physics nine Schmitl said. "(It) makes through Harry Potter to the me not want lo come here IO eat." honors committee at Christina Beeney, a freshman Frostburg. interior design major, said she "The idea was to get stu- liked the change dents who don't know much li was good." Beeney said. "It's about science to appreciate /, //.,/„.. s,,„; Phntopaphn bettei than the normal chicken." and learn about science Zolon Restaurant managing chef Carl Macpherson (above) demonstrates his cook- through popular culture like ing talents in the Chancellor's Reception Room in the Student Center. Head chpf and Mm Uhle> Mrnziea Harry Potter." Plitnik said. owner Zolon Wilkins (right) prepares food for the demo in The Main's kitchen. j.a.menziest& i' u < ■!" Students are not required to have read the novels, but Plitnik makes regular costume appearances, once dressing up CIA probe expands as Albus Dumbledore. the Museum to host pep Hogwarts Headmaster in in cum UNPERSON [old m expect such a letter. At the Harry Potter. \~„, ,.H.-,I \;,~- Stale Department, spokeswoman — Badger Herald Susan Pittman said she did not rally, promote book w \SHINGTON The mves know il a lellei had been received ligalion into the leak ol .it T \ offi- hut thai ihe agency "would coop- cer's name is likely to expand In I!V KR1ST1 WALKER erate fully" il asked. Inside Stafl Reportrl other Hush administration agen- Preventing Inss ol evidence is a cies, including the State and The Pulse/Campus Lines 2 lev pail ol Ihe early stage of the The nearby National Cowgirl Museum ami Defense departments, officials FBI's investigation, which is ((pinion 3 Hall of Fame is scheduled 1c host a TCU pep said Thursday. News Digest 1 rally at 6:30 p.m. today on ihe museum's incused at ihe outset on narrowing A scnioi Justice Department ihe hsi oi government officials Features 5 front lawn. official, speaking on condition ol who may have known the CIA The event will feature performances from the News 10 anonymity, said those agencies officer's identity. TCU pep hand, the cheerleaders and Ihe Etc. II and possibly others, could get lei While House spokesman Scott Showgirls, said Jessica Burnham, assistant Sports 12 tcrs urging officials to preserve McClellan told reporters Thursday marketing director of TCU athletics Members documents such as phone logs and that the While House had not of several TCU athletics programs will be in not io delete e-mails Similar lei received any subpoenas in the attendance to support the event. FSuinhain said. lets have already gone to ihe investigation and that, to his Following the pep rally, local radio station The ■i, Hpillmati/H While House and CIA know ledge, no staffers had been TODAY The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of I Defense Department offi» ials HOST. P'lf!,' . be the site of a pep rally 6:30 p.m. today. confirmed Thursday thev were imonun EX HAM), page 2) High: 82; Low: 59; Partly cloudy SATURDAY High: 82; Low: 60; Partly cloudy Pope John Paul nearing his last days SUNDAY High: 70; Low: 50; Showers BY VICTOR L SIMPSON who is dying I don't know how neai declined lo respond to the Austrian c.udi \s I I',,-. death he is who is approaching the lasl rial's remarks. davs and months ol his life." Schocnborn. However, two Vatican cardinals and \ VATICAN CITY One of Europe's Looking! >ael who is the archbishop ol Vienna, lold one of John Paul's closest aides die top cardinals said Thursday that Pope secretary who joined him from Poland 1995 — O.J. Simpson was John Paul II was Hearing "the last days Austrian state broadcaster ORE Schocnborn is considered a possible when he assumed Ihe papacy 23 years acquitted of the 1994 murder of and months of his life." (he first ranking his wife. Nicole Brown Simpson, ago soughl to minimize concern about prelate to say Ihe 83-year-old pontiff is candidate for the papacy. His spokesman. and her friend. Ronald Goldman. Ihe pontiff's well-being. dying. Erich Leitenberger, later told Ihe 1961 — The United Auto With John Paul visibly weaker in Associated Press the comments were "to Monsignor Sianislavv Dziwisz, promot- Workers called the first compa- ret cut weeks, concern over his health has he interpreted philosophically." ed lo archbishop by John Paul on Monday ny-wide strike against Ford been growing.
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