Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.64.749.196 on 1 March 1988. Downloaded from Postgraduate Medical Journal (1988) 64, 196-200 Mechanisms of Disease Unstable angina D.L.H. Patterson Islington and Bloomsbury Health Authority, Whittington Hospital, St Mary's Wing, Highgate Hill, London N19 5NF, UK. Unstable angina has only been recognized as a pathological studies using post-mortem coronary distinct entity for about 50 years. The term is used arteriography and histological reconstruction of the to describe a symptom complex that is neither microanatomy of occlusive lesions,3'4 from stable angina pectoris nor acute myocardial coronary angiography in patients with acute infarction. There are a number of other terms used infarction and unstable angina, and from direct to describe essentially the same symptom complex; fibreoptic angioscopy. these include pre-infarction angina, crescendo Pathological studies show that atheromatous angina, intermediate coronary syndrome and plaques bulge outwards towards the media and not threatening infarction. This entity excites interest inwards as previously described in arteries that had since it represents a change in the pattern of been fixed and processed in the undistended state. symptoms. Some of the reasons for this change in These lipid rich plaques are separated from the pattern are beginning to be become clearer and lumen by a fibrous cap. A rupture of this fibrous have become more relevant since there is a large cap allows blood from the lumen to dissect into choice of treatment available. However there is the intima and into the lipid pool of the plaque copyright. considerable debate as to the circumstances in (Figure 1, A). A thrombus, rich in platelets but also which a particular therapy might best be used. A containing some red cells and fibrin, forms within better understanding of the complex patho- the intima and leads to considerable expansion of physiology of unstable angina may help determine the plaque. Over the site of rupture, thrombus the optimal form of treatment, may help prevent forms in the lumen. This mass of luminal thrombus the problem and may also indicate the direction of initially does not occlude the lumen, but waxes and future research. wanes in size over hours or even days. Some For many years it was believed that unstable patients may have a massive thrombotic response http://pmj.bmj.com/ angina was due to episodic changes in myocardial within the lumen with only minimal fissuring. The oxygen demand superimposed on advanced fixed intraluminal thrombus may grow to become totally narrowings of the coronary arteries. It is now occlusive or may become completely lysed and the apparent that there are alternative or additional plaque fissure resealed. mechanisms. These include episodic reductions in The earlier stages of plaque fissuring are found in the myocardial oxygen supply due to coronary patients with unstable angina or those who suffer artery spasm,112 platelet activation and transient sudden ischaemic death. Patients who develop an thrombus formation. established regional infarct are those in whom the on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected thrombus has occluded the lumen at least for long enough to induce myocardial necrosis (Figure 1, B). The pathology of unstable angina This does not explain why some patients should die suddenly before the arterial lesion is fully occlusive. Coronary artery thrombi are now thought to be Death may be caused by an arrhythmia provoked directly involved in all three clinical pictures of by platelet emboli rising from the thrombus5,6 acute ischaemia, namely myocardial infarction, (Figure 1, C). Sudden death may thus be the unstable angina and sudden ischaemic death myocardial equivalent of transient cerebral (Figure 1). A better understanding of the various ischaemic attacks due to platelet emboli. Support mechanisms involved has come from recent for this mechanism comes from a very elegant study in which a significant difference was found in the Correspondence: D.L.H. Patterson, M.D., F.R.C.P. incidence of intramyocardial platelet aggregation in Received: 20 October 1987 patients who died suddenly with angina of recent ©) The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1988 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.64.749.196 on 1 March 1988. Downloaded from UNSTABLE ANGINA 197 STABLE ATHEROMA I STABLE ATHEROMA symptomati AStable ang \ D \AA D THROMIBUS FISSURE PLAQUE FISSURE Thrombolysis INCORPO!RATION HEALING to PARTIAL leading - - eadi to with stenosis PLAQUEUE EXPANEXPANSIONN THOMBOSIS STENC)SIS progression PROGRESSION celerated angina) (Unstable angina) / erated ang / PLATELET AGGREGATION OCCLUSIVE THROMBUS Sudden death lschaemiccardiomyopathy Figure 1 Cycle of atheromatous coronary artery disease. copyright. onset compared with those who died with a associated thrombus formation. A number of preceding history of stable angina. Platelet aggre- studies have shown that thrombus is demonstrated gation was found only in those segments of considerably more frequently when the arteriogram myocardium that were downstream from the is performed either during, or soon after an episode atheromatous plaque and thrombus in those of chest pain than if the arteriogram is performed patients with angina of recent onset.7 The patient several days later.8 Direct fibre optic angioscopy with a plaque fissure who escapes one of these has also demonstrated a difference between patients manifestations will be left with an atheromatous with a stable and unstable angina.9, 0 In the former, http://pmj.bmj.com/ plaque larger than previously (Figure 1, D). This only smooth, non-ulcerated lesions without episodic plaque growth is an important factor in haemorrhage or thrombus are found. In the group the development of stable angina. of patients with unstable rest angina, there are fresh Arteriography has also produced further valuable and, at times, occlusive thrombi which undulate information which corresponds to the pathological in size during cold cardioplegia flusing in front findings. Atherosclerosis produces lumens which of the lens. to circular but are often approximate being placed on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected eccentrically to the midline of the vessel forming elliptical and D shaped lumens. This can be Haemostatic factors recognized angiographically but may lead to difficulty in assessing accurately the degree of The speed at which thrombi evolve and regress over stenosis. Since part of the wall is not involved in a relatively short period of time emphasizes the the atherosclerotic process, it is reasonable to importance of the haemostatic and fibrinolytic assume that this segment is still able to contract systems, both as part of the acute or sub-acute and relax and thus alter the degree of obstruction. complications of atheroma and also more Angiographic studies have shown that spasm chronically in the initial development of the athero- usually occurs in abnormal coronary arteries at the matous lesion.l-"3 Many of these haemostatic site of atherosclerotic plaques. Slit-like and factors can be rapidly modified by stressful stimuli. crescentic lumens do not occur with stable angina; There is thus a distinct possibility that the actual they can, however, be demonstrated with rapidly stress of suggesting and then performing coronary evolving lesions caused by plaque fissuring and arteriography, may modify these factors in an Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.64.749.196 on 1 March 1988. Downloaded from 198 D.L.H. PATTERSON adverse manner. Indeed platelet activation and the action of thrombin. Together with the secretion of platelet factor 4 and B-thromboglobulin interaction of the platelets, it forms the scaffolding can be demonstrated with emotional stress.14 This of the intravascular thrombus or haemostatic plug. secretion is not blocked by aspirin suggesting that Fibrin also plays a decisive role in its own such activation occurs independently of the cyclo- dissolution by accumulating various components of oxygenase pathway. the fibrinolytic system and by accelerating the action of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) on plasminogen. Plasmin, formed by activation of Platelet aggregation plasminogen, is the key enzyme in the fibrinolytic system (Figure 2). Its non-specific proteolytic It is worthwhile reviewing briefly the factors activity in the circulation is controlled by protease involved in platelet aggregation, thrombus inhibitors, the most important of which is a2 formation and fibrinolysis. From the therapeutic antiplasmin (a2AP). The major role of a2AP is to standpoint, an understanding of these factors and neutralize plasmin in the circulation. It is also how they interrelate, is becoming more important. incorporated into growing fibrin clots where it is The vascular endothelium synthesizes prostacyclin bound by the action of clotting factor XIII. It which is a potent vasodilator and has anti- thus has a regulatory role in fibrinolysis. Both aggregatory properties. The endothelium also plasminogen and a2AP are themselves modulated activates or inactivates a number of vasoactive by several factors. Plasminogen activation is the substances present in the blood, influences the main regulatory process of the fibrinolytic system. amount of vasoactive substances reaching the deeper There are at least three different routes of layers of the blood vessel wall and modifies the activation that can be distinguished and quantified. responsiveness of the vascular smooth muscle of the Of the
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