AIRPOST JOURNAL November,'1955 VOLUME XXVll NUMBER 2 .. · ~l ~~ [~l~~ ~~~r · you too can enjoy world-famous ·. for Air Stamp; and-or British · · Empire issues · particulars on request A. Medawar, Pres. 521 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 17, N. Y. StaDJps for Sale??? WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU!! For more than a quarter of a Century, COLLECTORS, f>EALERS, TRUST COMPANIES and EXECUTORS OF EST.A TES have consulted us regarding the conversion of Philatelic Properties into cash. IF YOU WANT TO SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION we can offer early dates and attractive terms. Expert superria· ion of all materia] by an experienced Philatelic Auctioneer. Liberal advances pending sale. Comprehensive insurance and Holmes Electric Protection safeguards your property while in our possession. Our Catalog distribution is world-wide. OUR PRIVATE SALES SERVICE ... successfully places Collections, Stocks and Rarities where this method is preferred. IMMEDIATE CASH IS WAITING ... for the outright purchase of suitable material regardless of amount. Our Advice, Backed by 28 Years Experience in the Stamp Trade, is at Your Disposal . Information Cheerfully GiTen IRWIN HEIMAN, INC. Serving American Philately Since 1926 2 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK 36, N. Y. ROOM 803 TEL.: JU 2-Uta FIPEX To Be Greatest Of All Philatelic Shows • ENTRIES NOW BEING RECEIVED • ESPITE the many assurances to tional shows ever staged in this country. D the contrary, rumors are per­ Thousands of young stamp collectors sisitng in certain parts of Europe, and who are eager to engage in philatelic even in the United States, that FIPEX competition with boys and girls of their - the Fifth International Philatelic Ex­ own age groups will be provided a gold­ hibition - will be further delayed or en opportunity to do so in a special cancelled altogether, N 0 T H I N G section for Junior Exh~bits. COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE When FIPEX opens its doors on April TRUTH, FIPEX will be definitely held 28 for what is expected to be the great­ in the New York Coliseum from April est exhibition in the history of philately, 28 to May 6, 1956. the prize exhibts of 1200 young people As has been announced previously, a will have an important place in the show. contract for these dates has been signed Before that red-letter day arrives, local by officials of FIPEX and the Tribor­ competitions will be held in cities, states ough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. and regions throughout the United States Construction of the New York Coliseum to select the finest entries. is proceeding on schedule and the great This splendid program, vast in its structure will be entirely completed in scope of participation and organization, time for the opening of FIPEX on April has been set up by Jacques Minkus, who 28. FIPEX will occupy the two upper is especially qualified to deal with young floors of the spacious $35,000,000 ex­ collectors by reason of his knowledge of hibition hall. Opening simultaneously their activities through his operation of with FIPEX will be the International stamp and coin sections in many lead­ Motor Sports Show and the National ing U. S. department stores. Mr. Minkus, Photographic Show, each of which will who always emphasizes that "stamp col­ occupy one floor of the mammoth struc­ lecting is fun," feels that the junior com­ ture . petition will spur youngsters' enthusiasm for the hobby to unprecedented heights. Plans for the Fifth International Phila­ telic Exhibition are going full steam Competition for the juniors will be in ahead. The Second Prospectus is on the two age groups: 10 to 14 years, inclu­ press and will be available in a few days. sive, and 15 to 18 years, inclusive. In Rules and regulations for entries and ap­ all cases, ages as of next May 1 will be plication blanks have been available for applica:ble. Exhibits will be divided several weeks. Announcement already into six classes: Group I - United States has been made of the unprecedented and Possessions, Group II -- Latin Am­ plans of th U. S. Post Office Depart­ erica, Group III -- British Empire, ment, including four postal issues - a GrouplV -- All other foreign countries, special three-cent stamp, a souvenir Group V -- Topical exhibits (maps, sheet, a post card, and an envelope. ships, animals, etc. ) and Group VI - Pledges for the Guarantee Fund by col­ Any exhibits not classified in above lectors and dealers have surpassed all groups. previous shows, and enthusiatic offers of Each junior entry is limited to one support and cooperation are being re­ album page or heavy letter size sheet ceived from every quarter. FIPEX is (24-pound, 81h" x 11") and may be expected to be one of the finest interna- based on one stamp, a set, or a group of NOVEMBER. 1955 57 stamps. Each entry should be accom­ panied by a brief memorandum or letter ( writen by the contestant) describing the balance of the collection. Corning • • While it is still two months before the A number of important Air Post official entry blanks must be received properties. including from those philatelists desiring to exhibit at FIPEX, applications for several hun­ SWITZERLAND, pioneers, semi­ dred frames already have been received officials, and flights. by the Directing Committee. Prelimin­ ZEPPELIN, specialized collection. ary reservations for frames total more than 1000, over half of the 2000 frames ERRORS AND VARIETIES. var­ that will be available at the great show ious countries. which will run from April 28 to May 6, 1956. Ensure that you receive these and other auction ·catalogues offering Entry blanks and copies of the Rules interesting aero-iphi1atelic mater­ and Regulations have been sent to lead­ ial ·by requesting catalogues now. ing philatelic organizations and individ­ uals throughout the United States and all nations of the Free World. From H. R. HARMER, Inc. inquiries being received, there is no doubt of the world-wide interest by International Stamp Auctioneers leading philatelis,ts in exhibiting at FI­ 6 West 48th Street PEX. Richard S. Bohn, FIPEX Chair­ man, is confident that when the Janu­ NEW YORK 36, N. Y. ary 15, 1956 deadline for the filing of Official entry blanks is reached, the problem will be to find sufficient frames for those wishing to exhibit. AMSTERDAM-LONDON It is suggested that anyone desirous of OLDEST AIR CONNECTION displaying an exhibit at FIPEX should submit their entry as soon as possible. • In just over five months, the doors will The oldest air connection in the world open on what is expected to be the fin­ still operated by the same company is est international show ever staged in the ~sterdam-London route flown by this country. addition, FIPEX will In K. L. M. Royal Dutch Airlines. Since its have the advantage and prestige of open­ inception in 1920, this service h~s car­ ing the magnificent New York Coliseum. ried 880,000 passengers, 20,000 tons of Copies of the Rules and Regulations, and air freight and 3,000 tons of air mail be­ entry blanks, may be obtained by writ­ tween the two capitals. The first flight ing to the Executive Secretary, Edwin flown with a single-engine biplane car­ E. Elkins, 22 East 35th Street, New ried two passengers. Today's planes, York 16, N. Y. All entries must be in 230 mph Convair aircraft, carry 40 pas­ the hands of the Directing Committee sengers. Flying time then - 135 min­ by January 15, 1956. utes; today - 80 minutes. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF TlD: THE AIRPOST JOURNAL AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCD:'l'Y Entered as second-class matter, February 10, 1932, at the post office at Albion, Pa. under the act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly. NOVEMBER 1955 - VOL. XXVII. NO. 2 - ISSUE NO. 307 - 25c PER COPY -::- H :9§ Ai!!!Eoi!!R·e - ~-~~O'> ~1 POSTAL STATIONERY NOTES Conducted by Aero Postal Stationery Society Of America A Unit Of The American Air Mail Society GEORGE D. KINGDOM. Organizing Secretary. Conneaut. Ohlo • BELGIAN CONGO watermarked paper manufactured in the The first letter sheet from this colony United States. The watermark reads has been issued. The impressed stamp "Hammermill Bond Made in U. S. A .. ' is purple in color. Picture shows a line in two lines. drawing of plane over tropical moun­ JAMAICA tain country. The denomination is 4F A new British type sheet has been is­ and is found in circle at lower right cor­ sued by Jamaica. The impressed stamp ner of stamp. The words BELGISCH - is the same, 6d purple. The overlap is CONGO BEiLGE appear at top of bluish gray on gray paper. In upper left stamp. The printing is in blue except corner is the modified coronation setting for the border and is on blue paper with but in addition and underneath in four no overlay. On face of sheet in upper lines is the following instruction: "An left corner are words AEROGRAMME - Air Letter should not contain any enclos­ AEROGRAM and in lower left comer in ure; if it does it will be surcharged or box are words PAR AVION - PER sent by ordinary mail." - ThE:se words LUCHTPOST. The border color is al­ appear to have been set by linotype. ternate blue and yellow. There are four Sender's Name and Address plus 3 dot­ address lines on face of sheet. ted lines are arranged vertically and a Back of sheet has the usual mailing left side of back of sheet. Cab.logue instructions appearing similar to that on number will be 3 LS. Belgian air letter sheets together with NORWAY lines for reader's name and address ar-­ A new sheet has appeared ·with the ranged horizontally at left side of back sealing flap at the bottom of the sheet.
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