Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives MEMORANDUM RELATIVE TO EXHIBITS SUBMITTED AT HEARING IN WASHINGTON FOR PHILADELPHIA EXHIBIT NO. Association of Credit Mon, Philadelphia, - resolutions, 1. Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, ~ resolutions, Z* 0 Clearing House, Philadelphia, - resolutions, 3. Drug Exchange, - resolutions, 4. Grocers’ and Importers’ Exchange, Philadelphia, - resolutions, 5. Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ Association, Philadelphia, - resolutions, Pennsylvania Bankers Association, Group 3 f - Returns from hanks throughout Pennsylvania, addressed to Samuel McCracken, Chairman, Pennsylvania Bankers Association, Group 4. - Returns from banks ■ throughout Pennsylvania, submitted by the Cashier of the West Branch National Bank, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, ' 1 ' 1 51926 »D’7H5P5’ Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives TREASURY DEPARTMENT TELEGRAM. WHERE WRITTEN: Washington, RESERVE BANK ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE* January 13t 1914* XO Nanais B* Raevas, President, Philadelphia Clearing House, Philadelphia, Pa* Committee will hoar Philadelphia rapresentatIras Friday# morning* tan o'clock, at office Secretary Treasury, Treasury Building, fill be glad if yets can furnish list of thoss wh* will appear in ad- ▼ance of meeting* Secretary pro tesi Reserve Bank Organization Committee* OFFICIAL BUSINESS. OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT RATES. C harge T reasury D epartment, A ppropriation fo r ________________________________________________________________________________________-____________ Digitized for FRASER2—6827 The appropriation from which payable must bo stated on above line. DEPARTMENTAL STOCK FORM 2 128. http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives TREASURY DEPARTMENT TELEGRAM. WHERE WRITTEN: Raaarr® Bank Organization Comm it tea Washington, January 10* 1914* Francifc B* Raevac* Prac idar,t# Philadelphia Clearing Ilouau, Philadelphia, Corns! ttaa ^iXl haar Philadelphia rapraaantativea Friday morning, January &ix%mn%h* Saeratary pro tarn Rasenre Bank Organization Committee. OFFICIAL BUSINESS. OFFICIAL COMMERCIAL RATES. COLLECT. Digitized for FRASER Departmental Stock Form 212SL http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives January 13th. 1914. Hon. M. 0. Elliott, President pro tem, Reserve Bank Organization Board, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir:- Referring to your telegram addressed to our Clearing House President, I beg to advise that our Committee expects to appear before your Committee on behalf of Philadelphia on Friday morning, January 16th., at ten ©♦clock, as this was th® hour we understood was arranged through Hon. A. Mitchell Palmer. Yours very truly, Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ypfodQC^d'from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives * S i x t y -T h i r d C o n g r e s s . OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD. CHAIRMAN. CLAUDE K1TCHIN. AUGUSTUS O. STANLEY. HENRY T RAINEY. CLEMENT C. DICKINSON. LINCOLN DIXON MICHAEL F. CONRY. CORDELL HULL. SERENO E. PAYNE. WINFIELD S. HAMMOND. JOSEPH W. FORDNEY. ANDREW J. PETERS. AUGUSTUS P. GARDNER. A. MITCHELL PALMER. J. HAMPTON MOORE. TIMOTHY T. ANSBERRY. SYDNEY ANDERSON. JOHN N. GARNER. WILLIAM R. GREEN. JAMES W. COLLIER. VICTOR MURDOCK. WASHINGTON, D. C. N EYkE C O LQ U ITT. CLERK* January 5th, 1914, Hon* William G. Mo A&no, Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D.O. My dear Mr* Mo AdooI am writing you to confirm the appointment already made and to say that the committee of Philadelphia hankers will be present at your office on Friday morning January 16th, at ten o ’clock A*M* The Pitts- burgh committee will be present in the afternoon of the same day. Yours very truly, Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives / CAPITAL S 2,000,000 SURPLUS $ 4,500,000 T h e G i r a r d N a t i o n a l B a n k FRANC I S B . REEVES, P r e s id e n t RICHARD L. AUSTIN,Vice President P h z x . a d e i . p h i a , T. E. WIEDERSHEIM, Vice P r e sid e n t JOSEPH WAYNE, JR,Vice Pres iosnts Cashier CHARLES M. ASHTON, Asst. Cashier CHARLES F. WIGNALL,Asst. Cashier January 2, 1914 KcAdoo, Chairman, _....0 Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D. C. Pear Sir: Tour favor of 29th December is at hand. Our Clearing House Association has appointed a Com­ mittee of fire of their representatives, who will be pleased to accept your invitation to visit your city at a date to be agreed upon between yourself and them. I have no doubt they will present such written statements as you may desire. Respectfully yours* President, ' PHILA. CLEARING HOUSE ASSN Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives IXCORPtmATE]} OFFICE OF THE SKClfKTAHY 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, P hiladelphia . PURPOSES January 12th, 1914. TO UNITE CREOIT MEN FOR THE PROPER PROTECTION OF MERCANTILE CREOIT. FOR DIFFUSION OF IDEAS REGARDING THE PROPER GRANTING OF CREDIT. TO INDUCE LEGISLATION FOR THE PROMO­ At a special meeting of the Board of Directors TION OF HONESTY IN BUSINESS. TO OBTAIN IMPROVED SERVICE FROM MER­ CANTILE AGENCIES. of the Philadelphia Association of Credit Men, held TO PROSECUTE FRAUDULENT FAILURES, WHERE DISHONESTY APPEARS EVIDENT. January 12th, the following Resolutions were unani­ TO PROMOTE THE INTERCHANGE OF CREDIT INFORMATION. mously adopted: Chas. D. Joyce, p r e s id e n t WHEREAS: The Federal Reserve Act requires the es­ THE A. 001.BURN 00. tablishment of no less than eightcFederal Reserve H. D. McCarthy, vice-president Banks throughout the country, and "That the dis­ TRADESMEN’S NATIONAL BANK tricts shall be apportioned with due regard to the Fbeas Brown S nyder, t r e a s u r e r FIRST NATIONAL BANK convenience and customary course of business and j. A. McKee, J r., secretary shall not necessarily be co-terminous with any State 1011 CHESTNUT STREET or States”, be it therefore D IRECTO RS RESOLVED: That Philadelphia with its large banking J. A. McKee, MERCHANT * EVANS 00. resources, ranking second only to New York City, Chas G. Rapp, its manufacturing pre-eminence, its wonderful com­ YOUNO, SMYTH, FIELD CO mercial > mining, transportation and agricultural in­ G. L. Levi, SAM'L STERNBEROER CO. terests, we believe is entitled to be selected as a D. G. E ndy, superior location for one of the Federal Reserve ARTMAN-TREICHLER CO Banks; and be it further Chas. H. W olf, MILLER, BAIN, BEYER A CO. A. W . PlCKFORD, RESOLVED: That inasmuch as the Secretary of the OIRARO NATIONAL BANK Treasury has stated that he prefers he should be David S. Ludlum, THE AUTOCAR CO. visited only by delegations of bankers, that this As­ Leonard W . Brown, sociation will not seek any direct communication with SHANE BROS. A WILSON CO. the Organization Committee at Washington because it C. S tanley F rench, SAML. H. FRENCH * CO. has full confidence that the representative bankers tff H. E. Moody, this City will demonstrate to that Committee the just­ ROYAL-ASCOT KNITTINtt MILLS ice of Philadelphia*s claims and see that the needs of Adolph Ahrens, J r. LIPPINCOTT, JOHNSON A CO. Siurc8$ty are properly cared for; and be it further J. S pencer Brock, FEISTER-OWEN PRESS INC. RESOLVED: That a copy of these Resolutions be sent JJ . W . Daniels, ATLANTIC REFINING CO. to the Clearing House Association of Philadelphia and C> L. McCalla, to the Press. HE88-BRIGHT MFG. CO. Chas. T. T aylor, WM. CRAMP A 80N8, SHIP A ENGINE BLDG. CO. John H. McC racken, HALPEN, GREEN A CO. W . K. H ardt, FOURTH ST. NATL. BANK John S. McCay, $ WELSBACH COMPANY Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PHILADE LPHIA ASS 0 CIATION of CREDIT MEN INCOKPORATK]) OFFICE OP THE SECBETARY 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, P hiladelphia . PURPOSES January 1 2 , 1914. TO UNITE CREDIT MEN FOR THE PROPER PROTECTION OF MERCANTILE CREDIT. FOR DIFFUSION OF IDEAS REGARDING THE PROPER GRANTING OF pREDiT. TO INDUCE LEGISLATION FOR THE PROMO* TION OF HONESTY IN BUSINESS. TO OBTAIN IMPROVED SERVICE FROM MER­ CANTILE AGENCIES. TO PROSECUTE FRAUDULENT FAILURES, WHERE DISHONESTY APPEARS EVIDENT. TO PROMOTE THE INTERCHANGE OF CREDIT INFORMATION. Mr. Levi L. Rue, Presdt., Phila* Natl. Bank, Chas. D. Joyce, p r e s id e n t THE A. COLBURN OO. H. D. M cC arthy, vice-president Philadelphia; Pa. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK Freab Brown Snyder, theasuhes Dear Sir:- FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. A. McKee, J r., s e c r e t a r y 1811 CHESTNUT STREET Fo 1.1 owing your good judgment, we are D IRECTO RS sending you copy of Resolutions passed by our J. A. McKee, MERCHANT * EVANS OO. Board of Directors in lieu of representation at Chas G. Rapp, YOUNQ, SMYTH, FIELD CO Q. L. Levi, Washington, SAM'L 8TFRNBHR0ER CO. D. G. Endy, ARTMAN-TREICHLER CO Very truly yours, Chas. H. W olf, MILLER, BAIN, BEYER * CO. A. W. P ickford, QIRARD NATIONAL BANK \ a . David S. Ludlum, THE AUTOCAR CO. Leonard W. Brown, SHANE BROS. ft WILSON CO. Secretary, C. S tanley French, SAML. H. FRENCH ft CO. H. E. Moody, ROYAL-ASCOT KNITTING MILLS Adolph Ahrens, J r. LtPPINCOTT, J0HN80N * CO. J. S pencer Brock, FEI8TER-OWEN PRESS INC. J. W. Daniels, ATLANTIC REFINING CO. C. L. McCalla, HE88-BRIGHT MFG. CO. Chas. T. T aylor, WM. CRAMP ft 80N8, SHIP A ENGINE BLDG. CO. John H. McC racken, HALPEN, GREEN A CO.
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