AGENDA ITEM: 7. PLANNING COMMITTEE: 4TH SEPTEMBER 2014 Report of: Assistant Director Planning Relevant Head of Service: Managing Director (Transformation) Contact for further information: Mrs.C.Thomas (Extn. 5134) (E-mail:[email protected]) SUBJECT: PLANNING APPLICATIONS Background Papers In accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 the background papers used in the compilation of reports relating to planning applications are listed within the text of each report and are available for inspection in the Planning Division, except for such documents as contain exempt or confidential information defined in Schedule 12A of the Act. Equality Impact Assessment There is no evidence from an initial assessment of an adverse impact on equality in relation to the equality target groups. CONTENT SHEET Report Ward Application Site Location & Recommendation No. No Proposal 1 Aughton And 2014/0495/WL3 129 Whalley Drive Planning Downholland Aughton Ormskirk permission be Lancashire L39 6RE granted. Single storey side extension. 2 Ashurst 2013/1293/FUL West Haven Elmers Planning Green Lane permission be Skelmersdale granted. Lancashire WN8 6SJ Redevelopment of land/garden to accommodate 4No additional detached dwellings. New vehicular access road off Fosters Green Road and new vehicular access/drive off Elmers Green Lane. 3 Ashurst 2014/0584/WL3 Communal Areas Planning Marlborough Court permission be Skelmersdale granted. Lancashire Construction of 3 stop internal lift shaft for disabled access within existing stairwell and alterations to the roofline to accommodate lift equipment. Report Ward Application Site Location & Recommendation No. No Proposal 4 Ashurst 2014/0697/WL3 54 Larkhill Planning Skelmersdale permission be Lancashire WN8 6TF granted. Single storey rear extension. 5 Ashurst 2014/0707/WL3 14 Leeswood Planning Skelmersdale permission be Lancashire WN8 6TH granted. Single storey rear extension. 6 Bickerstaffe 2014/0542/FUL Land Adjacent To Planning Entrance Road permission be Simonswood Industrial granted. Park Stopgate Lane Simonswood Lancashire Development of a single wind turbine generator with a maximum height to blade tip of 102 metres above ground level, vehicle access tracks, crane pad, sub-station building and construction compound. Report Ward Application Site Location &Recommendation No. No Proposal 7 Derby 2014/0556/FUL Ropers Arms 52 Wigan Planning Road Ormskirk permission be Lancashire L39 2AU refused. Change of use of former public house to convenience store and offices including rear extension to accommodate food retail on ground floor with offices on first and second floors. Construction of a three bed detached dwelling including new vehicular/pedestrian access. 8 Hesketh- 2013/1258/OUT Henry Alty Ltd Station The decision to with- Road Hesketh Bank grant planning Becconsall Preston Lancashire permission be PR4 6SP delegated to the Assistant Director Outline - Residential Planning in development across consultation with two phases, including the Chairman or associated garages, Vice Chairman of roads, landscaping and the Planning public realm creation in Committee the form of a linear subject to a park and B1 planning employment uses. obligation under Details of access Section 106 of the included. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into. Report Ward Application Site Location &Recommendation No. No Proposal 9 Moorside 2014/0696/WL3 79 Birleywood Planning Skelmersdale permission be Lancashire WN8 9BS granted. Single storey rear extension. 10 Scarisbrick 2014/0699/WL3 25 Rimmer Green Planning Scarisbrick Southport permission be Lancashire PR8 5LP granted. Single storey rear/side extension. 11 Tanhouse 2014/0442/WL3 Communal Areas Planning Evenwood Court permission be Tanhouse granted. Skelmersdale Lancashire Construction of 2 stop internal lift shaft for disabled access requiring extension to first floor to accommodate diverted internal staircase. Construction of ground floor extension to bin room to rear of new shaft. Report Ward Application Site Location &Recommendation No. No Proposal 12 Up 2014/0593/FUL Lancashire Manor Planning Holland Hotel Prescott Road permission be East Pimbo Up granted. Holland Skelmersdale Lancashire WN8 9QD Erection of a two storey rectangular block extension to the hotel on its southern elevation. It will be located on an existing car parking area and will adjoin the existing building via a small link leading to the main two storey extension that will stretch eastwards (towards Chequer Lane). The extension will provide 24 no. en- suite bedrooms. Report Ward Application Site Location &Recommendation No. No Proposal 13 Up 2014/0594/LBC Lancashire Manor Listed Building Holland Hotel Prescott Road Consent be East Pimbo Up granted. Holland Skelmersdale Lancashire WN8 9QD Listed Building Consent - Erection of a two storey rectangular block extension to the hotel on its southern elevation. It will be located on an existing car parking area and will adjoin the existing building via a small link leading to the main two storey extension that will stretch eastwards (towards Chequer Lane). The extension will provide 24 no, en- suite bedrooms. No.1 APPLICATION 2014/0495/WL3 NO. LOCATION 129 Whalley Drive Aughton Ormskirk Lancashire L39 6RE PROPOSAL Single storey side extension. APPLICANT West Lancashire Borough Council WARD Aughton And Downholland PARISH Aughton TARGET DATE 30th July 2014 1.0 PREVIOUS RELEVANT DECISIONS 1.1 None 2.0 OBSERVATIONS OF CONSULTEES 2.1 AUGHTON PARISH COUNCIL (14/07/14) - No comments. 2.2 ESTATES DEPARTMENT, HOUSING AND REGENERATION, WEST LANCASHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL (27/06/14) - No objections. 3.0 OTHER REPRESENTATIONS 3.1 None 4.0 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 4.1 None 5.0 RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES 5.1 The application site is located within the settlement area of Aughton as designated in the West Lancashire Local Plan Proposal Map. 5.2 Relevant planning policies include: West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 DPD GN1 – Settlement Boundaries GN3 – Criteria for Sustainable Development Supplementary Planning Document – Design Guide (January 2008) National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Requiring Good Design 6.0 OBSERVATIONS OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PLANNING Site 6.1 The application site relates to a two storey semi-detached property located on the western side of Whalley Drive in Aughton. Proposal 6.2 This application seeks planning permission for a single storey side extension to accommodate a ground floor bedroom and bathroom. A flat roofed extension already exists on the same site and the proposal would replace this with a larger extension. Assessment 6.3 The main considerations for this application are i) Visual appearance/design ii) Impact on neighbouring properties iii) Impact on highways/parking Visual appearance/design 6.4 Policy GN3 of the West Lancashire Local Plan DPD 2012-2027 states that in the case of extensions, conversions or alterations to existing buildings, the proposal should relate to the existing building, in terms of design and materials and should not detract from the character of the street scene, and Policy EN4 expects development to be high quality and in keeping with the West Lancashire Design Guide SPD. 6.5 The side extension will project 4.5m from the side wall of the existing property at its widest point, but this would be set in towards the front to 3.5m, allowing access to the rear of the property. It will be set back from the front elevation of the host property and would project beyond the rear by approx. 2m. A pitched and part-hipped roof would cover the extension. The materials from which the extension will be constructed will match those of the host property. 6.6 I am satisfied that the external design and appearance of the proposed extension reflects the character of the existing house and will not form an incongruous feature within the streetscene. In my view the proposal would improve the appearance of the existing extension which is currently flat-roofed in design and therefore does not relate well to the host property in terms of design or materials. Impact on neighbouring properties 6.7 Policy GN3 of the West Lancashire Local Plan DPD (2012-2027) states that new development should retain reasonable levels of amenity for occupiers of neighbouring properties. 6.8 The nearest neighbour to the development is no.131 Whalley Drive, located to the north of the application site. This dwelling has two windows at ground floor level, facing the application site. Due to the scale, position of the property and inclusion of a part-hipped roof design, I am of the opinion that the development will not have an overbearing impact upon the occupants of this property, nor cause a detrimental impact in terms of poor outlook or loss of light. 6.9 The side elevation of the extension adjacent to this property will display a window to the bathroom which will be obscure glazed. This will serve to maintain the privacy of no.131. Impact on Highways/parking 6.10 The proposal would not increase the number of bedrooms within the dwelling and therefore would not change the parking requirements beyond the existing. It is felt that sufficient parking can be provided within the existing curtilage. Summary 6.7 Overall I consider that the proposed side extension is acceptable in terms of its design and would not have a significant detrimental impact upon neighbouring properties in terms of privacy, poor outlook or loss of light. Given the above I consider that the proposal satisfactorily meets the requirements of Policies GN1 and GN3 of the West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 Development Plan Document and should be recommended for approval. 7.0 RECOMMENDATION 7.1 That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions: Conditions 1. The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with details shown on the following plans:- Plan reference DG- 10, DG-11 and DG-13 received by the Local Planning Authority on 14 May 2014.
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