Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting Date: June 6, 2018 Time: 8:30 am Location: Grand Ballroom Committee Members: Matthew Carter, Chair Thomas Dortch; Bettye Grable; David Jackson, III; David Lawrence; Nicole Washington; and Robert Woody AGENDA I. Call to Order Trustee Matthew Carter II. Roll Call Ms. Valeria Singleton III. Approval of Minutes for March 7, 2018 Meeting Trustee Matthew Carter ACTION ITEMS IV. Tenure Interim Provost Rodner Wright V. Honorary Doctoral Degree – LTC David E. Pollard, Sr. Interim Provost Rodner Wright (Posthumous) VI. Honorary Doctoral Degree – Dr. Shelia A. McClure Interim Provost Rodner Wright VII. Revised Master of Science – Systems Engineering Dean Murray Gibson Degree Program VIII. Request for a New Degree Program Dean Murray Gibson (Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering) IX. MOA – FAMU/FSU College of Engineering Dean Murray Gibson X. Revision to Regulation 2.030 (Student Activities) Dr. William Hudson, Jr. XI. Accountability Plan Dr. Maurice Edington XII. Four Year Graduation Rate Improvement Plan Dr. Carl Goodman Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees INFORMATION ITEMS XIII. Academic and Student Affairs Update Interim Provost Rodner Wright New BOG Regulation – 8.006 Civic Literacy Interim Provost Rodner Wright Industrial Hemp Research Project Dr. Timothy Moore Anti-Hazing Update Mr. Bryan Smith Update - 2 + 2 Program Dr. William Hudson, Jr. XIV. Adjournment Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees Action Item Academic and Student Affairs Committee Date: June 6, 2018 Agenda Item: III Item Origination and Authorization Policy ____ Award of Bid____ Budget Amendment____ Change Order____ Resolution____ Contract____ Grant____ Other____ Action of Board Approved____ Approved w/ Conditions ___ Disapproved ___ Continued____ Withdrawn ____ Subject: Minutes for March 7, 2018 Rationale: In accordance with the Florida Statutes, a governmental body shall prepare and keep minutes or make a tape recording of each open meeting of the body. Attachment: Minutes for March 7, 2018 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of March 7, 2018. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Minutes Trustee Matthew Carter, Chair March 7, 2018 @ 2 pm The Grand Ballroom The meeting was called to order by Trustee Matthew Carter. Ms. Valeria Singleton called the roll and the following committee members were present: Matthew Carter, Thomas Dortch, Bettye Grable, David Lawrence, Nicole Washington, and Robert Woody. A quorum was established. Trustee Washington moved to approve the minutes for the meeting on November 29, 2017. The motion was seconded by Trustee Dortch and the motion carried. Tenure Upon Appointment for Dean Henry Talley – The request for tenure upon appointment for Dean Henry Talley was presented and discussed. Tenure Upon Appointment is a condition of employment that is offered to a faculty member who has previously held a tenured position. The request for tenure upon appointment is approved by the provost and the president. Trustee Grable moved to approve the tenure upon appointment for Dr. Henry Talley. The motion was seconded by Trustee Dortch and the motion carried. Sabbatical and Professional Development Leave – The seven recommendations for sabbatical leave for the 2018 – 2019 academic year were presented and discussed. Trustee Dortch moved to approve the sabbatical leave for the following faculty members: Name Title College/School Semester(s) Egwu Kalu Professor College of Engineering Spring 2019 Mtenga Primus Professor College of Engineering Spring 2019 Mary Ellen Graham Professor School of Nursing Spring 2019 Huberta Jackson-Lowman Professor College of Social Sciences, Fall 2018 Arts and Humanities Nan Liu Associate Professor College of Social Sciences, Fall 2018 and Arts and Humanities Spring 2019 Enn Ots Professor School of Architecture and Fall 2018 Engineering Technology Alfred D. Ridley Professor School of Business and Spring 2019 Industry The motion was seconded by Trustee Grable and the motion carried. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees Request for New Degree Program – Dr. Murray Gibson, Dean of the College of Engineering, discussed the new degree program – Master of Science in Systems Engineering. Trustee Dortch moved to approve the Master of Science in Systems Engineering degree program and the motion was seconded by Trustee Grable. The motion carried. Research Foundation - The Bylaws of the FAMU Research Foundation was approved by the Board of Trustees on September 6, 2017, but did not include the category from which two directors of the Research Foundation would be appointed. The Administration suggested that the Vice President for Academic Affairs be authorized to appoint two members to the Board of Directors of the Research Foundation from the ranks of the University’s tenured faculty. Trustee Dortch moved to approve the revised by-laws and the motion was seconded by Trustee Grable. The motion carried. Academic and Student Affairs Updates – The following informational updates were provided: Provost Rodner Wright provided an update on the executive searches that is being conducted by Greenwood Asher & Associates. Dr. Murray Gibson provided an update on the Memorandum of Agreement for the management of FAMU- FSU College of Engineering. Dr. Jennifer Collins provided an overview of the Quality Enhancement Plan. Mr. Bryan Smith provided an update on the hazing prevention initiatives. Dr. William Hudson, Jr., provided an update on the 2+2 program. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 3:28 pm. Respectfully submitted, Matthew Carter, Committee Chair Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees ACTION ITEM Academic and Student Affairs Committee Date: June 6, 2018 Agenda Item: IV Item Origination and Authorization Policy ____ Award of Bid____ Budget Amendment____ Change Order____ Resolution____ Contract____ Grant____ Other____ Action of Board Approved____ Approved w/ Conditions ___ Disapproved ___ Continued____ Withdrawn ____ Subject: Approval of Tenure Recommendations Rationale: Applications for tenure were reviewed by the departments, the colleges/schools, the University Tenure and Promotion Committee, Interim Provost Wright, and President Robinson. The applicants were evaluated based on their professional experiences, teaching effectiveness, university service, public service, demonstrated contributions to their teaching discipline, technical and performance competencies, records of publications and research, certifications and exceptional scholarly or creative activities. Recommendation: The following applicants are recommended for approval of tenure: Information will be provided later. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Board of Trustees ACTION ITEM Academic and Student Affairs Committee Date: June 6, 2018 Agenda Item: V Item Origination and Authorization Policy ____ Award of Bid____ Budget Amendment____ Change Order____ Resolution____ Contract____ Grant____ Other____ Action of Board Approved____ Approved w/Conditions ___ Disapproved ___ Continued____ Withdrawn ____ Subject: Honorary Doctoral Degree (Posthumous) – LTC David E. Pollard, Sr. Rationale: Other than the earned doctorate, the greatest recognition the University can award is the honorary degree. An honorary doctoral degree is granted for the purpose of honoring those who exemplify the ideas of the University through significant achievements and contributions to society. The awarding of honorary doctoral degrees by the University is an extension of its role as a unique institution in our society devoted to the discovery, transmission, and preservation of knowledge. Summary: The late David E. Pollard, Sr., graduated from FAMU in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. In addition, he was the Distinguished Military Graduate (top graduate) of the FAMU Army ROTC (Reserved Officers’ Training Corps) class. In 1964, he was inducted into the FAMU ROTC Hall of Fame. In 1975, he earned a Master of Arts degree in Education Administration from Michigan State University. A lifelong learner, LTC Pollard became a doctoral student at the age of 75 in the Education Leadership program at Nova Southeastern University. LTC Pollard’s professional career had two distinct phases: active duty service in the Army for 24 years and service as a Senior Army Instructor in the U.S. Army JROTC (Junior Reserved Officers’ Training Corps) for 21 years. Within the educational arena, he had a “can do” spirit that evolved into his educational philosophy that all students can learn, learning should be fun; and students must participate in the learning process. He received several awards/accolades during his tenue as an instructor. Attachments: Biography and Curriculum Vitae Recommendation: It is recommended that the Florida A&M University Board of Trustees approve the honorary doctoral degree (Doctor of Humane Letters) for the late LTC David E. Pollard, Sr. LTC DAVID E. POLLARD, RETIRED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: LTC (R) David E. Pollard, Sr. was the ninth of eleven children born to Dock and Rosetta Pollard on a farm in Ellenton Florida. Educated in the Manatee County Public School System, he graduated as Salutatorian from Lincoln Memorial High School in 1959. He was the first member of his family to graduate from college. In June 1963,
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