Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Sept. 18 1797 ing. We cannot afford the kinds of hatreds I want to thank all the musicians who played and wedge issues that have been too much tonight, and this is a Saxophone Club event; a staple of our politics in modern times. we've got five saxophones back here. Let's Think about the rest of the world. There give them all a hand. [Applause] Thank you. is no countryÐno country as well-positioned I want to tell you how proud I am to be as the United States for the 21st century. But here with these fine folks who are up on the we have to make a decision. Are we all part stage with me. Gary Locke is going to be of one village? Do we want to say, ``You're a great Governor of Washington State. And on your own?'' Do we really believe that you can be proud of him. I want to thank we're all created equal in the eyes of God, my good friend Congressman Norm Dicks or do we need to have somebody to look for being here and ask for your support for down on so we can feel important? I think him. And I want to briefly introduce all these you know the answer to that. other gentlemen behind me because they're I think we ought to build a bridge to the going to give you a chance to undo that revo- 21st century that is wide and strong so that lution that Mr. Gingrich brought us 2 years we can say to anybody we run across, any ago. man or woman, boy, or girl without regard So I'd like to ask them to give you a wave to anything else, ``All you have to do is be- as I call their names: Kevin Quigley; Rick lieve in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Locke; Brian Baird; Jeff Coopersmith; and the Declaration of Independence, show up this gentleman got more votes than the in- for work tomorrow or for school, do your cumbent Congressman last night and will best, obey the law, love your neighbor as again November, Adam Smith. [Applause] yourself, and you're part of our community Thank you. Thank you. and we're willing to walk with you into the Now, were any of you in the Pike Street future.'' Will you help me build that bridge? Market today? I hope you didn't get pneu- [Applause] We need you, Washington. monia. I couldn't believe that you waited in Thank you, and God bless you, and God the rain. You should know I just got the latest bless America. Thank you. figures. I understand that 35,000 people were put through the mags at the rally to- NOTE: The President spoke at 6:36 p.m. at the night. So I thank you for that. I am very Pike Place Market. A tape was not available for grateful for your presence here tonight and verification of the content of these remarks. for your support. Audience member. Play the sax! Remarks to the Saxophone Club in The President. No, I can't do that. After Seattle the election, I'll play, after the election. No, September 18, 1996 I'm not going to do it. You might as well stop now; I'm not going to do it. [Laughter] The President. Thank you. Thank you You know, that's the way they were when very much. Believe it or not, we can almost they passed that budget and shut the Govern- see most of you way in the back and up there. ment down. I told them I wasn't going to Thank you. put up with that, either. I didn't do it. I want to begin by just thanking all of you [Laughter] After the election, I'll play, after for being here tonight. the election. I've got to get my skill level back Audience member. Where's Hillary? up. After the election, I'll do that. [Laughter] Let me tell you something, this election The President. Well, Hillary is on her way in 7 weeksÐor to be precise, 6 weeks and here. She's been in Denver. We're going to 6 daysÐis going to have a huge impact on leave for the bus trip here tomorrow, so what your country looks like in 50 years. You sometime in the next hour and a half she'll know that, and you're determined to make be here. it come out right, or you wouldn't be here I want to thank you Tom Skerritt for intro- tonight, and you certainly wouldn't be in such ducing me and for being a good friend and a good humor, with such high spirits, with supporter. I know you're all proud of him. such high energy. VerDate 28-OCT-97 13:46 Nov 18, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P38SE4.019 p38se4 1798 Sept. 18 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 But I want to ask you tonight to take the This has also been a great week for Ameri- energy, the enthusiasm, the spirit that you're ca's natural heritage and environment. Last manifesting here and take it out all across night we reached an agreement to preserve this community, all across this State, to your the old growth forests in Washington and Or- friends in other States for 6 weeks and 6 days. egon. This week we reached an agreement If you'll give us 6 weeks and 6 days, we'll to preserve and restore salmon on the Co- give you 4 great years. And I need your help. lumbia River, very important. Today I went You know, if you look around, if you just to the Grand Canyon, which was first pre- look around Seattle today and the State of served by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 by a Washington, you see a lot of living examples declaration of Presidential monument to de- of what I am trying so hard to do for Ameri- clare a monument in southern Utah: 1.7 mil- ca's future. You know, I want to build a lion acres; the Grand Cascade-Escalante bridge to the future that has a growing econ- monument. It's a beautiful, priceless treasure omy in which everybody can participate, not for our people and a great thing for our coun- just a few, but everybody. That's why it's im- try. portant to stop those who tried to cut back But we have more to do. There is a huge on education and instead make a college edu- difference here. One party wants to build a cation available to everybody, bring the bridge to the future; one says we should Internet to every classroom, make sure we reach back and build a bridge to the past. have world-class opportunities. One approach says the Government is always I want us to go forward as one community the problem; we'd be better off if we were building for the future. That's why it's impor- on our own. My approach saysÐI agree with tant to balance the budget without walking my wife's bookÐit takes a village to raise a away from our commitments to education or child, to grow the country, to build a future. to the environment or to research. And there is no community in America As I said today at the Pike Street Market, more outward-looking, more reaching out to the University of Washington is the number the world, more relishing of its diversity than one recipient of Federal research investment Seattle. And the way you live every day trying of any public university in the United States to reconcile your differences and appreciate of America. You've got a big stake in our con- your differences and relish them and build tinuing to invest in the future and building strength out of this community, that's what a better future. America has to do. Just in the last 4 years, I've seen the life When Hillary and our daughter and I went expectancy of people with HIV and AIDS to the Olympics to open them and I got to more than double in 4 years because of medi- talk to the American team, it occurred to me cal research and accelerating movement of that if the American team were to take off drugs to the marketplace. its uniforms and just walk around in the Just a few days before Christopher Reeve Olympic Village, you wouldn't have a clue spoke so movingly at the Democratic Na- where they were from. [Laughter] I mean tional Convention about researchÐjust a few we had Hispanic-Americans and we had Nor- daysÐfor the first time in history we had an dic-Americans and we had Indian- and Paki- example of lower-limb movement being re- stani-Americans and we had Native Ameri- stored to laboratory animals that had their cans and we had all kinds of Asian-Americans spines severed by nerve transplants. This is from all over. historic in its implications. To turn away from Audience member. Gay Americans! research at the time when things like this The President. Yes. We had everybody are happening is folly. and all on the Olympic team. So it occurred So, yes, balance the budget, but keep in- to me thatÐand I sat in the Olympic dining vesting in our people and our future, so we hall there, and I ate with these various team can go forward together and grow together.
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