United States Patent Office 3,321,512 Patiented May 23, 1967 2 3,321,512 peroxide can be prepared in any convenient manner. It MANUFACTURE OF PERBENZOIC ACDS is preferred, however, to produce the suspension by dis David James Cooper and Tony Nicholas Gibson, both of tributing the corresponding benzoyl chloride in finely di Whitley Bay, Northumberiand, England, assignors to vided form in an aqueous alkaline solution of hydrogen Thecorporation Procter of & OhioGamble Company, Cincinnati, Cilio, a peroxide having a pH of not less than 10. The benzoyl No Drawing. Fified Jan. 22, 1964, Ser. No. 339,323 chloride reacts with the hydrogen peroxide solution pro Ciains priority, application (Great Britaia, Jan. 31, 1963, ducing the benzoyl peroxide which is obtained in the form 4,012/63 of a fine suspension. This can be achieved by introducing 2. Ciaisas. (C. 260-502) the benzoyl chloride at the periphery of a high speed agi IO tator (for example, an agitator of at least 2 inches in This invention relates to an improved process for the diameter rotating at 1500 to 2000 rp.m.) which is located manufacture of perbenzoic acids. in the solution. Alternatively, the benzoyl chloride can The conventional method of preparing aromatic percar be introduced into the throat of a Venturi mixer through boxylic acids is a two stage process in which the diacyl which the aqueous alkaline solution is passing. peroxide is prepared by reacting the aromatic acyl chlo 15 As stated above, the alkaline solution of hydrogen per ride (e.g., benzoyl chloride) with alkaline hydrogen per oxide must have a pH of at least 10. Since the reaction oxide, and the diacyl peroxide (e.g., benzoyl peroxide) of benzoyl chloride and hydrogen peroxide gives rise which is obtained is then treated with sodium methoxide to acidity, sufficient alkali must be added either at the to produce an equimolecular mixture of the percarboxylic beginning of the reaction or during its course to maintain acid salt and the methyl ester of the carboxylic acid. 20 the pH of the suspension at at least 10. Suitable alkaline 2RCO.C.--2NaOH--H2O2 agents are sodium and potassium hydroxides, oxides and carbonates. Such agents form the sodium and potassium ->RCO.OO.COR--2NaCl--2H2O salts of the perbenzoic acid. RCO.O.O.COR-NaOCH->RCO.OONa--RCO.OCH When the suspension of the benzoyl peroxide in the where R is an aromatic radical such as a phenyl radical. 25 aqueous alkaline solution has been formed, it is no longer This method has a considerable disadvantage in that necessary to maintain violent agitation but the suspension only one-half of the original acyl chloride is converted to can, if desired, be removed to a reaction zone where the the percarboxylic acid. degree of agitation is just sufficient to prevent the suspen Attempts have been made to carry out the process as sion settling. a single stage reaction in which all the acyl chloride re 30 At least 10% excess of hydrogen peroxide should nor acts to form percarboxylic acid. Because the diacyl per mally be used over the amount stoichiometrically equiva oxide is an inevitable intermediate product in the reaction and because the diacyl peroxide is insoluble in water, lent to the benzoyl chloride and/or benzoyl peroxide to be these attempts have involved the use of organic solvents converted to the perbenzoic acid; for example, 10% to for the diacyl peroxide. For example, it has been pro 35 100% excess is suitable. Use of less excess hydrogen per posed to add aromatic acyl chloride to a suspension of xide reduces the speed of reaction; use of greater excess sodium peroxide in tetrahydrofuran, a small quantity of confers little or no benefit. Examination of the reaction has water being introduced to initiate the reaction. shown that, in the presence of at least 10% excess of hy The use of organic solvents on a commercial scale has drogen peroxide, the rate of conversion of the benzoyl considerable disadvantages as they are costly and addi 40 peroxide to the perbenzoic acid is determined by the rate tional equipment is necessary for handling and recovering of transfer of the benzoyl peroxide from the solid phase the solvents. Also the organic solvents may react at least to the aqueous phase. It is, therefore, desirable that the to some extent with the oxidising agents used in the re benzoyl peroxide should present the greatest possible sur action with the production of undesirable by-products. face area to the aqueous solution, i.e. the particles should It has now been discovered that substituted or unsubsti 45 be as small as possible. A suitable range of particle di tuted benzoyl peroxide can be converted to the corre ameters has been found to be from 10 to 50 microns. sponding perbenzoic acid without the use of any organic practice.Smaller sizes are satisfactory but are difficult to achieve in solvent, if the benzoyl peroxide is suspended in very finely Since the perbenzoic acid or its salt decompases in al divided form in an aqueous alkaline solution of hydrogen kaline solution, and the rate of decomposition increases peroxide. 50 with temperature, it is desirable to carry out the reaction The invention provides a process for the manufacture at low temperatures, for example, from the freezing point of substituted or unsubstituted perbenzoic acids which of the aqueous alkaline solution to 75 F., conveniently comprises the steps of forming a suspension of finely from 45 to 60° F. For the same reason, it is advanta divided substituted or unsubstituted benzoyl peroxide in 55 geous to remove the perbenzoic acid or salt from the so an aqueous alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide having lution soon after it has been formed. This can be done a pH of not less than 10, maintaining the Suspension at by separating the unreacted benzoyl peroxide from the a pH of not less than 10 for a time sufficient to allow solution, for example, by filtering or centrifuging, and part of the benzoyl peroxide to be converted to a salt of returning it for further treatment. The optimum reaction the perbenzoic acid, separating the unreacted benzoyl per time depends upon the particle size and the properties oxide from the aqueous solution containing the salt of the 60 e.g. solubility of the benzoyl peroxide; usually it is from perbenzoic acid and then recovering the perbenzoic acid 1 to 2% hours. If the reaction time is too long, undue from the aqueous solution. decomposition of the perbenzoic acid takes place; if it The perbenzoic acids made by the process of the inven is too short, an undesirably large proportion of the ben tion can be unsubstituted or substituted perbenzoic acids, 65 zoyl peroxide is unreacted and must be recycled, and such as chloro- or dichloro-, alkyl- having 1 to 4 carbon the solution of perbenzoic acid is undesirably dilute. atoms, alkoxy- having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, or cyano After separation of the unreacted benzoyl peroxide, perbenzoic acids and especially meta-chloro-perbenzoic the aqueous solution of salt of the perbenzoic acid is acidi acid. These perbenzoic acids are formed from the corre fied to precipitate the perbenzoic acid which can be re sponding benzoyl peroxides. covered, for example, by filtering. Since the perbenzoic 70 acid or salt thereof is more rapidly decomposed in mildly The suspension of finely divided substituted or unsub alkaline or acid conditions, the solution should be acidi stituted benzoyl peroxide in aqueous alkaline hydrogen fied quickly to a pH not exceeding 2, for example, by 3,321,512 4. 3. rosity. Filtrate was withdrawn from the filter at a rate introducing the alkaline solution into a well stirred bulk equivalent to the feed rate of new materials and passed of a suspension of the perbenzoic acid, at a pH not ex through a reaction chamber in which there was a dwell ceeding 2. The solution may be acidified by any strong time of 30 minutes to complete the reaction to sodium acid compatible with the perbenzoic acid, for example, salt of perbenzoic acid of any benzoyl peroxide which Sulphuric acid. The decomposition of perbenzoic acid or salt in alka may have passed through the filter. Benzoyl peroxide line solution is catalysed by certain metal ions, notably retained by the filter was washed from the surface and copper ions. It is, therefore, advantageous to use de returned to the second reactor. Sulphuric acid was then mineralised water for the process. There are also advan rapidly added and continuously mixed into the filtrate to tages in including in the system a stabilizer for the per O give a pH of not more than about 2 and to precipitate benzoic salt. A suitable stabilizer is magnesium hydrox meta-chloro-perbenzoic acid which was removed con ide which can be produced in situ by adding a water solu tinuously on a drum filter and dried. ble magnesium salt to the system. The amount of mag The overall conversion of meta-chloro-benzoyl chlo nesium salt required depends upon the purity of the de ride to the perbenzoic acid was 85% and the product ob mineralised water. With very pure water (for example, 5 tained had a purity of 85%. having a resistivity of 5 megohm centimeters), 1 to 5 Example II parts per million of magnesium based on the water feed A solution was prepared at 60 F. from 204.3 parts can be effective. With less pure water (for example, by weight of demineralised water, 2.39 parts by weight having a resistivity of less than 0.1 megohm centimeters), of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution, 0.2 part by weight up to 30 parts per million of magnesium may be required.
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