To my mom and sisters, my life has meaning because of you . And for you daddy - no hay pa l abras for what you mean t to me. Thank you for lov ­ ing me and showing me the ways of this l ife. Thank you for making me th i nk an d reflect. Thank you for be i ng l o max im a and rem i nd i ng me of who I was , who I could be , and who I am. Thank you for ra i sing, but la dedicaci6n more i mportantly , supporti ng me, as a peruana . Thinking of you always . Te adoro . 16 Representation Matters Da na Da nelyc 0,111111,,,, ! v e ,, ,wn as Amara La Ne gra , is a s i·,1-, I I II I I ' II I I 'I I, 1 1: 11 · 1·~ Iv show Love and Hip Hop : Mi ,,11,i . I, I, I, - ,j i I l - 'It ,Ir rasachil d star on U11 · ·•-1-11 ,·,11 , • ,, La Negra , a proud Domii­ ll t ·1, , - , , . •; , " of no t be i ng accep t ed a, - 1 ~1:c colc, 1 I·, skin. Her fame J in the rec~11· .~, I ' 'I ·. , ,11,, ,10I c~1ly f, ,, .. -,~, 111., s i c , but al so ,Ill Il l; herdel i bu, 11 "·111 discussiori" .ilori sm in the h ll Lat i nx com ni .11 11- I , · 1 liel ieve in c r: ,, 111i ng to Eurocen- . :I I S O f---1 ~\ ~~ #IAMLAT\\\ ,1 "It's hard because, and I always mention these women . They're amazing women I admire them , I really do . But it's unfortunate that when you talk about Latinos , you talk about Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Sofia Vergara, Thalia . You talk about these women that look a certain type of way but you never mention women that look l ike myself . And there isn't a Latin country where you don't have Afro-Latinos- Colombia , Venezuela , Chile, Honduras, it doesn ' t matter where you go there ' s Black people . But why aren't we portrayed in the magazines? Why aren't we in movies? Why aren ' t we in novelas or soap operas? What's wrong with me? Why can ' t I represent what a Latina woman should look l ike? . .. They make i t seem like we don ' t exist ." - Amara La Negra on the lack of Afro - Latinx media representation on The Real talk show 2 3 ,II AT&T LTE 11 :04 PM @t 42% ~ • Non-black latinxs are anti-black. It's I just had a professor say "this is why Photo been proven over and over again. we don't study Central America" when < G Saying things like, "At least we work" or talking about Garifuna people since their "we don't pull the race card" is literally history is so "complicated" lol. Shouldn't ignorant and racist. And of course you that be more of a reason to study the can't pull the race card when YOU'RE A complex history of CA? Loi I hate davis WHITE LATINX. YOU'VE GOT QO~ [::J 6:11 PM 13Feb2018 PRIVILEEEEGEEEEEE 81 Retweets 318 Likes 23,796 likes 1: :19AM I: "eb2018 • • e-0 ~ •1. monicastylemuse Q Q #Rant Q Q TAG: EVERYONE!! () O• t1.a1 '731a S &4 ~twwts 153 Likes 3 01). ! ! Let's make something very CLAROOOO!!! The fact that we are now in 2018 and people have the audacity to ask (;.M \)153 ...)2 f3 someone "Are you sure it's not in your mind that your Anti-blackness Thanks to social media. struggle is real!!!! Mira let me tell you something. Oh and btw is so engrained mahj video will be coming soon. Being an Afro latina has always ~ v I am always aware. or in the Latino @mahJabn been something I've devoted my career towards. I'm very better yet. becoming disappointed to see people try to invalidate our struggles. com munity that ifyourebrownbutfairskinned,youhavean @amaralanegraaln keep doing what you are doing mama!! aware of the world aper- 0 ! •• A-Keep making them mad!! OH AND for those it subjects in- equal responsibility to tackle colourism in our t . d I (cough cough) who think that we are just begging to fit in, in d - h a mg aroun me. use dividuals to f am1·1· 1es. ont accept comp1 1ments on ow . your big screens and you think we have no right to complain. paleyouare.defendpeoplewithdarkerskin. Tell me when was the last time you saw a WOMAN OF othering. Right it daily to update my- COLOR!! As big as CELIA CRUZ or better yet be the leading reject any idea that paler skin is better. s el f · + I found out actress in Telemundo? Oh and the Celia Cruz show doesn't after the Amara about Amara La Negra on count! I remember being called Charcoal and hating my skin. La Negra contro- 1 ·10 PM - 19 Feb 2018 I remember the little girl in day care who didn't let me use Twitter. her towel because she sa id my skin was dirty. Growing up in versy in mid 15,900 Retv.·eets 41 ,720 Likes • e C, Bushwick i always had to prove I was Dominican and people January. beauty/ - ~ ~ would sit there and tell me I COULD NEVER BE DOMINICAN Q 145 t.l. 16K C) 42K f3 All the Stars are Kosher E : BECAUSE I WAS DARK!! So no it isn't in our heads. No it isn't lifestyle bl og­ •~aoatbarll Lexi a cry for help. We here Baby. Whether you need to be Follow ger Monica Veloz Non-black Latinxs mad af at Black Panther educated on the subject or not. WE ARE HERE!!! Cl Iii 1:1 Q -M while Afro-Latinxs showed tf out in support a Q Q Cl So no @cthagod it's not in our heads. Oh and "There will never be unity in the latinx wrote this In­ at theaters. We were overjoyed alongside the @truehollywoodstory women can be bald, can have an Afro community until white and white passing can have braids and still be accepted because thankfully stagram caption . rest of the lam in the diaspora. So please, latinxs recognize and fight against anti­ what comes first is TALENTO!!!!! Oh and here are some when y'all ask for a "Latinx version" of blackness and colorism and anti-indigenous bomb Afro Latino just in case you didn't know we exist. anything black, specify that you mean non­ racism within our communities." @irisbeilin @massy.arias @miss_rizos @peraltaprjct @jveloz black Latinxs. look them up you might learn a few things from Makeup to 1:10PM 8F8b2018 '1 PM ?8F802018 photography to fitness the list goes on and on! Note metas 2 Ratw, •I~ 2 L1 tet .. en lo que no te importa! • 878 R.i-tti 2.000 L,~e,; . 0 (\ 0 0 2 0 2 s o,, nue vi.o-; B ~·· 4 5 "Hold on. Afro-Latina? Elabo Black and Latino documentary· rate. Are you African or 1s that just because you have an Afro-Latinos getting casted "I'm Cuban but [people) Afro?" - Young Hollywood "I v:ould f~1:•t rt:<1llv didn't get it because I positive rP,1ct1nns ,lt was also brown-skinned, ,rnditiow, for both and you usually see a On the tv show Love & Hip Hop : Miami. Puert o Rican music pr oducer Young Holly ­ /\fric1n t\rncr 1c111 ,ind fair-skinned Latino. So it wood talked wi th Amara La Negra about a possibl e co l laborat i on . Before any pro ­ I I ,1tino p,irt,. Rut. I was just like, 'Oh, what duc i ng started . Hollywood firs t wanted to change Amara ' s image because he didn't cliclri't look l,ltilw are you? Are you black think "afros can be el egant ." Amara immed i ately ca l l ed him out . at one po i nt l'r7ougll bt'CclU',C of tilt• Are you white?' I didn't feel like I had to saying , " I ' m proud of my color. of the way my hair curls . · and "beca use I ' m dark i-:jl' Cllt l)' h,W. ,llHl thf> : frt:•ck!t",. ,1nd the 110',l make a choice. skinned that doesn't make me any less Latina. · whi l e Hollywood ' s ignorance , ,ind ,ill th,1t ·~tuff . I am what I am." fueled al l of his comments . including "you ' re just so intense abou t this whole African thing ,· while mock i ng l y raising his fist . This conversation between Young Hollywood and Amara La Negra is a prime examp l e of why there needs to a grea t er conversation about representa t ion of Afro & lndio-Lat i nxs in media and society . Hol l ywood's comments are al l rooted i n Eurocentric forms of beauty that HUI+ POS'I ,(.~ have i nfil t rated the Latino comm unity , which Amara i s avid l y ag ai nst . ,. "When I beca m e an act ress I q uickly realized that 'the world' liked t heir Lat inas t o look Itali an, and not like m e." HUH' POST · 1 could11 ·r :'.~;t ,in dli(lition ,l, d Lc1tiru "You're not one or l'i·oplt· didn"t kno,·J the other. You're v.d1,lt th.it ,·•1cJ·-,, !f11--v both. And you 1u·,t ';,11d.
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