Literary Criticism 2009-2019 Master List of Terms Tested last updated 1 September 2019 The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column serves as a correct answer; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in a particular test item. I do not mind sending as an attachment a Word file that the coach and his or her team can manipulate in a manner that serves them best. Contact me: [email protected] Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious: [email protected] Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to Literature. We are currently using the twelfth edition. Use Control + F to find a term. Boldface terms in second column are the answers to NOT questions; e.g., Not a grammatical construction that involves the omission of a litter or a syllable is . [Editing Ongoing] 2020 A 2020 A 2020 A 2020 A 2020 A 2019 S companion poems autotelic poems metaphysical poems occasional poems topographical poems 2019 S parody burlesque farce hoax satire 2019 S tour de force divine afflatus double elephant gigantism magnum opus 2019 S Enlightenment Arts Crafts Movement Commonwealth Interregnum Great Awakening Renaissance 2019 S metathesis aphaeresis apocope elision syncope 2019 S ambiguity false friend paradox redundancy tautology 2019 S scansion exegesis reception theory typology versification 2019 S figurative language deconstruction hypallage inversion metathesis 2019 S Nemesis Calliope Mnemosyne Parnassus Urania 2019 S Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic School Spasmodics 2019 S clerihew acrostic lampoon madrigal rebus 2019 S palinode débat litany ode paean 2019 S Decadents Aesthetes Lost Generation Parnassians Pre-Raphaelites 2019 S recessed rhyme half rhyme near rhyme oblique rhyme slant rhyme 2019 S transcendentalism dandyism existentialism philistinism pictorialism 2019 S tanka haiku kabuki noh senryu 2019 S novel of incident novel of character novel of manners novel sensibility novel of the soil 2019 S diasporic literature dystopian literature epistolary literature nekuian literature utopian literature 2019 S bestiary coprology erotica libertine play pornography 2019 S storm and stress blood and thunder bob and wheel showing versus telling sweetness and light 2019 S transferred epithet dead metaphor diminishing metaphor Homeric epithet voice-over 2019 S canon cento chrestomathy omnibus pastiche 2019 S topical allusion biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion 2019 S metonymy and allusion alliteration and simile imagery and hyperbole symbolism and syzygy zeugma transmutation 2019 S biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion tropical allusion 2019 S carpe diem in medias res memento mori ubi sunt verbum infans 2019 S feminine rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme mosaic rhyme 2019 S ploce anaphora epanalepsis merism symploce 1 2019 S chiasmatic epanalepsis hyperbolic hypzeuxis syntactic anadiplosis tautological anaptyxis truncatedekphrasis 2019 S alliteration dissonance onomatopoeia sibilance syzygy 2019 S syllepsis allusion controlling image litotes paradox 2019 S metaphor conceit irony pleonasm synæsthesia 2019 S Italian sonnet Anglo-Norman sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2019 S anastrophe abridgement deconstruction enjambment hypotaxis 2019 S sonnet abecedarian cynghanedd lowercasedarian nonsense verse 2019 S metaphor barbarism hyperbole litotes simile 2019 S consonance assonance dissonance monorhyme resonance 2019 S personification affective fallacy epiphany pathetic fallacy prosopopoeial 2019 S paradoxical antithetical axiomatic metaphysical tautological 2019 S enjambment boustrophedon chiasmus parenthesis reduplication 2019 S paradox ambiguity litotes oxymoron pun 2019 S ellipsis asyndeton parataxis polysyndeton syllepsis 2019 S anaphora epanalepsis homeoptoton homeoteleuton symploce 2019 R elegy encomium eulogy paean threnody 2019 R ottava rima octometer octapla octastich oxytonic verse 2019 R Caroline Augustan Jacobean Restoration Tudor 2019 R incunabulum chrestomathy duodecimo folio quarto 2019 R anastrophe caesura hiatus metathesis transposition 2019 R zeugma irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2019 R sprung rhythm accentualism alliterative voice outride quantitative verse 2019 R purple patch chrestomathy prosody sentimentalism touchstone 2019 R local color dialectic melodrama provincialism scenic method 2019 R stichomythia amoebean verse flyting harangue repetend 2019 R hubris catharsis hamartia nemesis paripety 2019 R implied author allonym nom de plume pen name putative author 2019 R villanelle cinquain pantoum rondeau terza rima 2019 R liminality epiphany foregrounding luminism perspectivism 2019 R Scottish literature African-American lit Irish literature Jewish-American lit Welsh literature 2019 R young man provinces adventure story Bildungsroman Hollywood novel lyrical novel 2019 R ultima thule fin de siècle je d'esprit nihil obstat verbum infans 2019 R Restoration Age Early Tudor Age Early Victorian Age Edwardian Age Victorian Age 2019 R minstrel show masque miracle play morality play mystery play 2019 R wisdom literature comparative literature epistolary literature frontier literature popular literature 2019 R roman-fleuve roman à clef roman à these roman de geste roman noir 2019 R intrusive narrator naïve narrator omniscient narrator putative author unreliable narrator 2019 R chiasmus caesura hiatus hyperbole litotes 2019 R anaphora anadiplosis epanalepsis merism ploce 2019 R synæsthesia chiaroscuro mimesis synecdoche transferred epithet 2019 R trochaic hexameter anapestic hexameter dactylic pentameter iambic pentameter spondaic tetrameter 2019 R refrain parallelism repetend rhopalic lines rondeau 2019 R chronology boustrophedon obligatory scene rhapsody synchoresis 2019 R catalectic trochaic anacataletic spondaic anapestic dactylic catalytic converter dialectic antithesis 2019 R polyptoton anadiplosis asyndeton polyhyphenation polysyndeton 2019 R allusion cliché paradox tableau vignette 2019 R anadiplosis asyndeton enjambment pleonasm reduplication 2019 R clerihew acrostic doggerel lampoon limerick 2019 R onomatopoeia amphigory assonance dissonance syncopation 2019 R synecdoche affective fallacy pathetic fallacy synaeresis synathroesmus 2019 R polysyndenton anadiplosis aysendeton polyhyphenation polyptoton 2019 R ubi sunt carpe diem memento mori vade mecum verbum infans 2019 R controlling image aesthetic distance dead metaphor diminishing metaphor metaphysical conceit 2019 R simile kenning metaphysical conceit paradox tautology 2019 R leonine rhyme compound rhyme identical rhyme internal; rhyme triple rhyme 2 2019 R sigmatism balance consonance dissonance resonance 2019 D flat character dynamic character round character static character stock character 2019 D carpe diem in medias res in memento mori ubi sunt verbum infans 2019 D terza rima tercet triolet triple meter trivium 2019 D bard jongleur minstrel troubadour scop 2019 D Graces Furies Humors Muses Worthies 2019 D Silver-Fork School Satanic School Saturday Club Scriblerus Club Strum und Drang 2019 D leonine rhyme broken rhyme compound rhyme identical rhyme masculine rhyme 2019 D Cockney School Fleshly School Martian School Satanic School Spasmodics 2019 D yellow journalism affective fallacy intentional fallacy metafiction pathetic fallacy 2019 D pathos bathos ethos logos mythos 2019 D metaphor Hobson-Jobson metonymy simile synecdoche 2019 D dead metaphor archaism false etymology Hobson-Jobson silent correction 2019 D octavo octostich octave octet octosyllabic verse 2019 D verse-novel epistolary novel novel of the soil picaresque novel psychological novel 2019 D Hartford Wits Agrarians The Fugitives Lost Generation Muckrakers 2019 D inversion accentualism enjambment ornamentalism uchronia 2019 D Edwardian Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Jacobean Age Victorian Age 2019 D aestheticism didacticism humanism naturalism rationalism 2019 D persona allonym eponym pseudonym putative author 2019 D dramatic monologue dramatic irony dramaticle dramatis personae dramady 2019 D spondee anapest iamb pyrrhic trochee 2019 D Am.
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