Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston littp://www.arcli ive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1843amer <^y.£y^a^iZ^u^ ^^ Ct'i^^ : MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER, mmun states crauntiar, 1843. ^K AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. Morton JAMES LORING, PUBLISHER. 132 Washington Street. — SOLZPSSS tN 1843. There will be three Eclipses this year—two of the Sun, and one of the Moon. I. The first will be of the Sun, on Tuesday, June 27, at 2h. 30ra. in the afternoon 5 invisible in iNew England, because the Moon's latitude will be south. At the time of the ecliptical conjunction, the Sun will be vertical or directly overhead, in latitude 37° 22' N. nearly, and longitude 37'' 30' W. from Boston, which will be west of the Sandwich Islands, in the Pacific Ocean. II. The second will be a small Eclipse of the Moon, on Wednes- day evening, Dec. 6, visible, and by calculation as follows : Beginning bh. 43m. \ Middle 7h. 3(Jm. > Apparent time. End &h. 29ni. ) Quantity eclipsed about one sixth of the Moon's diameter on the southerly limb. The Moon will be vertically eclipsed to the inhab- itants of the Barbary Coast, or rather to those of Sahara, or the Great Desert, inhabited by a few wandering Arabs. III. The third will be of the Sun, on Thursday, Dec. 21, at Oh. 24m. in the morning, consequently invisible in America, either North or South. Correspondents are requested to forward their Communications for the Register by the first of December, or earlier if possible. INDEX. Academy of Arts & Sciences 159 Congress, 27th 182 Academy of Music - - - 161 Consuls, American - - - 194 Amherst College - - - - J49 " Foreign, in U. S. 198 Andover Instiiution - - - 151 Convention of Cong. Min. 124 Antiquarian Society - - - 160 Congregational Char. Soc. 126 Anti-Slavery Societies - - ]69 Counsellors in Boston - - 47 Ancient & Hon. Artillery Co. 239 County Commissioners - - 21 Apportionm.of Mei:i. to Cong. 99 " Meetings of - - - 24 Array of the United States 206 Court, Counsel, Circuit, U.S. 187 Assessors, Boston - - 232 " Supreme Judicial - 20 Attorneys in Boston - - - 47 " S. J. Calendar of - 22 Attorneys, Circuit Court, U.S. 189 " Common Pleas - - 20 AthenfEum ------ 249 " C. P. Calendar of - 23 Auctioneers in Boston - - 237 " Municipal - - - - 20 Bank Commissioners - - 170 " Police 20 Banks in Boston - - - - ]70 " Probate ----- 25 Banks in Massachusetts - 179 Custom House Officers - - 191 Barnstable Justices, &c. - 49 Days of the Week - - - 229 Baptist (-'onvenlinn - - - 15.5 Deaths in Boston - - - - 238 Berkshire Justices, &c. - - .51 Dispensarv, Medical - - - 163 Bible Societies - - - 1.56 District Officers of U. States 198 Billings and Holden Society 161 Districts for choice of Reps. Bishops, Episcopal, Method- to Congress ----- 97 ist & II Catholic, in U. S. 12*1 Dukes County Justices, &c. 60 Blind Asylum ----- 166 Education Societies - - - 155 Board of Education - - - 9.5 Essex Justices, &.c. - - - 61 Boston Exchange Company 168 Eye and Ear Infirmary - - 164 Bristol Justices, &c. - - - 56 Earm School ----- 166 Census of Towns, Mass. 1840 17 Federal Courts 188 Charitable Societies - - - 162 Fellows of Mass. Med. Soc. 109 Chinese Treaty - - - - 228 Fire Society ------ 167 Churches and Ministers - 127 Fire Department, Boston - 233 Cincinnati of Massachusetts 165 Fires in Boston - - - - 239 Circuit Courts 187 Franklin Justices, &c. - - 66 City Officers of Boston - - 230 Fraternity of Churches - - 167 " of .Salem - - 100 Governors of Massachusetts 29 •' of Lowell - - 101 " of the several States 214 Colleges in Massachusetts - 146 Hampshire Justices, &c. - 71 Collectors of Customs - - 193 Hampden Justices, &c. - - 69 Colonization Society - - - 169 Handel and Haydn Society 161 Commerce of Boston - - 240 Harvard University - - - 146 Commissioners of Mass. - 95 Harvard Musical Association 162 " of other States 97 Health Officers, Boston - - 231 " in Bankruptcy - 190 Historical Society - - - - 160 Constables in Boston - - 237 Howard Benevolent Society 167 1 IV INDEX. - Hospital Corporation - - 162 Penitent Females Refuge Horiicullural tfociely - - 168 Phillips Academy - - - - 152 JfJouse of Keforiiiation, In- Phjsicians in Bost. 115,116 238 dustry and Correciidn 233 in Mass. - - - 109 - 'Humane Society - - - 167 Pilerim Society - - . 159 - Instructers in Public Schools 235 Plymouth Justices, &c. • 84 - Insurance Comps in Boston 243 Police Court in Boston - 20 - - 237 Intercourse with Foreign Na- I ol ice Officers, Boston tions 193 Postage .-.---- 107 Law Schools ----- 153 Post Offices 102 - 108 Library Associations - - 161 Population of U. States - " - - - - 159 Massachusetts 17 Literary Societies - " Lunatic Hospital, Worcester 162 Cities . - - 208 - Boston - 233 Prison Discipline Society 166 - - - 25 iLying-in Hospital . - - - 164 I'roltale Courts - - - 94 Lyceum, Boston - - - - 161 Public Administrators Mass. Char. Meciianic Asso. 249 Kail Hoad Corporations - - 241 169 Manufactories in Mass. - - 249 Heligious Denom. in U. S. Marine Society, Boston - - 166 Representatives ot Mass. - 33 " Hospital. U. S. - - 164 Sabbath School Societies - 156 28 Masters in Chancery - - - 94 Salaries of State Officers - S. " - - 186 McLean Asylum - - - - 163 U. Medical Society of Mass, 109, 157 Savings Bank in Boston 165 - " Schools - - 153, J59 Secretaries of Department 186 " Dispensary - - - 163 Secretaries of Slate - - - 214 - - - 166 IVlercantile Library - - - 161^ j^eamen's Societies 233 Merchants Exchange - - - 168 School Committee, Boston 108 Middlesex Justices, &c. - 74 Slaves in U. States - - - Militia of Massachusetts - 118 South Cove Corporation 168 - 168 Ministers of the Gospel - - 127 State Prison - - - - 99 Missionary Societies . - - 153 State Debts - _ - - 238 Mount Auburn Cemetery - 168 State Inspectors - - 44 Municipal Court - - - - 20 Suffolk Justices, &c. Mass. 20 Musical Institute - - - - 161 Supreme Court of " Musical Education Society 162 U. States 186 236 A'antucket Justices, <fcc. - 80 Surveyors of Lumber - - - - 216 Natural History Society - 160 Tariff of Duties, 1843 Navy of the United States 209 Temperance Society - - - 169 Naval Hospital 164 Theological Institutions 151 129 Navy Yards - ... - 211 Thursday Lecture - - - 156 I*Javy Agents ----- 211 Tract Society - 39 Naval Store Keepers - - - 21 Treasury Notes - - - in Boston - - 237 Naval Constructors - - • 211 Undertakers - - 154 Newton Institution - - - 151 Unitarian Association - - - - 212 Norfolk Justices, &c. - - »' Vessels of War - - 250 North Eastern Boundary - 215 Votes for Governor - Notaries Public ----- 47 Ward Officers, Boston - - 234 - 149 Overseers of the Poor, Bost. 232 Williams College - - - Sec. Orphan Asylum - - - - 166 Worcester Justices, - - - 251 SP'Oace Society ----- 160 Weather Table JANUARY, 1843, begins on Sunday. First Quarter, 8th day, 3h. 28m. evening. Full Moon, 16th day, 3h. 43m. morning. Last Quarter, 22d day, Sh. 18m. evening. New Moon, 30ih day, 7h. J 8m. morning. w| Observab le Days, &c. | r.^s. f.sea. | | 1 a. 2d iSun. in Chris. Cir. 7 31 5 2 2 Battle of Princeton, 1777. 3 3 C. C. Cam. Ply. C. P. Bos. 4 4 Gen. Elec. Mmss. 5 o7*s sou. 8h. 7m. 6 6 Epiph. Low 7 7j tides for the 8 B.lst Sun. of Ep. 9 2' season. 10 3 Stamp Act passed, 1765. 11 4 Dr. Dwiorht died 1817. 12 5 Pestalozzi born 1746. 13! 6 Y'd L sets 4h. 6. 14 7 Halley died, 1772. !l5 B. 2d Sun. after Epiph. {16 2 C. C. P. Wore. Quite !l7i 3jDr. P>ank]in born, '06. 4i high perigree. 1191 5 Ind. ack. G. 13. '83. 20! (^[ tides. 2li 7 Agens. 22, B.i3d Sun. after E. 23i 2'William Pitt died, 1806. 24! 3 Frederic the Great b. 1712, 25| 4 Conversion of St. Paul. 26! 5 Bona. esc. from Elba, '15. 27| 67*s sou. 7h. 281 7; Mid. 29; B. 4th Sun. after £p. |30j 2i tides. I3ll 3 Cold Tuesday, 1815. FEBRUARY, 1843, begins on Wednesday. First Quarter, 7th day, 1 lb. 48m. morning. Full Moon, 14tb day, 3h. 27m. evening. Last Quarter, 21st day, 6b. 3m. morning. f.sea. m|w| Observable Days, &c. | r.^s. | 1 4 7*ssetlh. 15m. 5 16 7 28 2 5 Pur. V. M. or Cand. 4 46 8 26 3 6# apogee. 2 9 24 4 7 Earthquake at Quito, 1796. 2 10 22 5 B. 5th Sun. after Epiph. 1 1811 2:> 6 2 Sirius sou. 9h. 30m. 6 59 54lmorn. 7 3 C. P. Boston. 58 22 8 4 Venus ris. 4h. 9m. 57 1 24 9 5 High tides. 55 2 22 10 6Q. Vic. married '40. 54 3 13 11 7 Sirius sou. 9h. 53 4 8 12B. Septuag. Sun. 51 5 11 13 2C. P. Cambridge. 50 10 25 5 56 14 3 Valentine's Day. Very 59 U 9 rises. 15 4 # perigree. 48 11 49 7 5 16 5 high 46 ev.28 8 20 17 6 Peace with En. rat. M5. 45 9 37 18 7 tides. 43 ^10 52 19 B. Sexages. Sunday. 42 27imorn. 20 2C. P. Sprinorfield. 4] 17 6 21 3S. J. C. Dedham. 39 18 1 18 22 4 Washing, b. 1732. 38 39 2 27 23 5 7*s set Oh. 30. 37 7 3 33 24 6 Low tides. 35 8 25 4 17 25 7 St. Matthew. 34 9 23 4 58 26 B. Quinff. Sunday. 32 10 8 5 53 27 2C. P.^Len. 31 10 46 6 28 3 Shrove Tuesday. 30 11 18 6 26 VENUS will be morning star till tiie Qd diiv of October, thence evening star to the end of the year. JUPITER will be morning star till the 25th of January, thence evening star till the IGth day of August, thence morning star. 1^1 ARCH, 1843, begins on APRIL, 1843, begins on Saturday. MAY, 1843, begins or JUNE, 1843, begins on JULY, 1843, begins on SEPTEMBER, 1843, begins on Friday. First Quarter, 1st day, Oli. 39m. morning. Full Moon, 8th day, 2h. 13m. evening. Last Quarter, I6tii day, 6h. 30m. evening. New Moon, 23d day, 6h. 10m. evening. First Quarter, 30th day, 9h. 28m. morning. m1w| Observable Days, &c. | r.^s. f.sea. | [ li"s". 1 5 30 7 2 3 4 5 S.J.C.Springf.
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