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'r_ '" Grosse Poin-te ews 30 cents 40 Pages VOL 46-No, 30 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, July 25, 1985 ~ for your information Leads in Pair arraigned fyi O'Brien in Canty death Two people were arraIgned Mon- garbage bag on the shoulder of the By Tom Greenwood fire slow day 111 do\\ ntown DetrOlt's Frank 1-75 highway near Jor,lyn Road, Murphy Hdll of JUbtlee III connec- north of Pontiac EarlIer m the By Tom Greell\\ood tIOnWith the murder 'lOd mutilatIOn week, police found more of Dr Bed and board Farms po1Jce and memberb 01 of a Grosse Pomte Park psycholo- Canty's body at a cabm m the nor- In case you're wondenng what the :'Vllchlgan State Pohce al bon gist thern lower Pemnsula the Georgian East Nursmg squad are meetll1g WIth frustratlOn Dr Canty and LeWIS mamtamed I John Frv, JB, of DetrOit, "as 111 theIr attemptb to solve the arbon a prIvate practice m downtown Home and the Ongmal Pancake .. ,.1, charged with hrst degree murder ~e~ths of WIlllam clnd :\Idry Jclne DetrOIt m the last two years Both House have m common, both In the .llliv l'l <;la"ll1gof Dr W Alan v UJ1(;41 ~l ~ al;:)v 11.'--cr...;c~ffi;4,r ...:4gc cc:.:nsc mdue me top ut we J1~1for lueu ~'iJS~ Canty Dawn Spens, 20, allegedly a specIalties, accordmg to Good Frankly, the case has reall} lors blo\\ ed do\\ n," bald F drms Detec- compamon of Fry's, was charged A memOrial servIce will be held Housekeepmg and Metropohtan With aldmg and dbettll1g a murder DetrOIt magazmes tive Mark Brecht 'We've mter Sunday, July 28, at 2 pm at the VIewed dOlens of fflend<" acquam after the lact Both were also Chas Verheyden Funeral Home He Georgian East was selected as charged \\ Ith mullilatmg a corpse one of the best long-term nurs- tanceb and family memberb of the If>surVIved by hISWIfe, and mother, Dr Canty's murder July 13 al- mg facihtles 111 the country, ac- O'Bnens but we can't establlsh Gladys Canty He was the son of the cording to Good Housekeepmg any motive or buspect:. III the legedly ended a c1andestme rela- late Dr Alan Canty The magaz1l1e surveyed nursll1g case' tIOnship between the p~ychologlst Memonal contnbutlOns may be homes m 10 metropohtan areas The O'Bnenb wel e killed III a and SpellS, reportedly a prostitute made to the MichIgan Humane and then selected the best m pre-da\\ n three-alarm blaze at who worked the Cass CorrIdor Dr SocIety or the Detroit Histoncal their fIeld their Lakeshore Road home May 8 Canty was beaten to death With a Society The Georgian East came mto A neighbor returnlllg from a local baseball ba t, accordll1g to reports Cremation WIllbe at Forest Lawn a three-way tie for third place m restaurant spotted flameb and call- Spens and Fry were ordered to Cemetery our area with Luther Haven and ed the fire department before try- btand prelimmary exammatlOn on Evangelical Homes, both of mg to rouse the O'Bl'Iens I the chargeb Wednesday, July 31 whIch are III DetrOIt Even though pollce and fire umts Fry wab ordered held Without Now, as for the Orlgmal Pan \,ere on the scene wlthm mmutes, bond, whJle Spens was ordered held High divers cake House, It was chosen as the rescue efforts were useless undel $100,000 bond best breakfast restaurant 111 the because of the Illtenbe heat and high 1 and dry smoke ConVictIOn on a charge of fIrst metro area, accordmg the degree murder carries a sentence As would-be dIvers discovered Metropohtan DetrOIt magazme l\h and Mrs O'Bflen were later found on the second floor of the of hfe m prison Without parole early Tuesday morning, there is Readers were asked to submIt Aldmg and abettll1g after the fact no more high dlVlng at the theIr choices wIth ballots pub- home AutopSIes determll1ed that both had dIed of smoke mhalatlOn carnes a maxImum sentence of Farms cIty pool. The councll lished in the magazme's Jan- five years, whJle the mutilatIOn July 22 ordered the three-meter uary 1985 issue Other Arson mvestJgators established that the fire was deliberately set, charge carnes a ten-year maximum board closed "immediately" categones Illcluded Greek, Ger- followmg a warning from its in- starting almost Simultaneously III penalty man, Polish, steak, Sunday surance company that the depth - brunch, soul food, deh, Itahan, the famIly room and breakfast Dr Canty, who mamtamed FIsher 1 nook on the first floor of the dwell- BUlldlllg offices downtown With hIS of the pool beneath the board MeXICan, Chmese, contmental, could pose lIabilIty problems, French and best overall mg wife Jan LeWIS, disappeared Satur- A com billa tlOn fire/burglar day, July 13 HIS car was later The pool IS 12 feet deep, ac- Winner of the best overall? cordmg to standards prevailing alarm, which had been mstalled III found burned out near the Ambas- The Lark, m BloomfIeld Hills Photo by rrlsh K nr.ee when the pool was bUIlt Current Yeah, sure, but can they serve the home m 1969,was found to be III ~ador Bridge good workmg order, but apparent- standards reqUIre 14 feet under crunchy hash browns with In the week follOWing hIS dIS- a three-meter board omans? " ly wasn't activated the mght of the Preparing for the race appearance, DetrOit police follow- blaze Legally, the pool is probably Before the Port Huron to Mackinac race Saturday, the Natalie ed a trail that began m d southwest "grandfathered," that IS, ac- Reports say there were hand DetrOIt home, ~earchll1g for Dr On the runway marks on the blackened ,\all of the J (Class D) moved into Lake Huron under the Blue Water ceptable because It pre-exIsted Bridge. The 35-foot yacht is owned by resident Philip O'Neil Jr. Canty's remams That search ended the standard However, the Forget Tlllkers to Evers to two bedroom SWitches, where so- Sunday when Michigan State of the Bayview Yacht Club. HIs son, also a Grosse Pointe resi- council decided, the standard Chance The tno to watch WIllbe meone had tned to activate the Pollee reported the discovery of system A phone on a mghtbtand dent, is Philip O'Neil III, D.D.S., the race chairman. suggests that the 12-foot depth Bergman to Casttllo to Grubb III part~ of a body of a man they believ- could be hazardous to dIvers a fashIOn show at LakeSide Mall nf'ar the bed was stilI on ItS cradle ed to be Dr Canty 111 a plastic on Fnday, Aug 2, when the three Laborator}' tests from the l\hchl- DetrOIt TIgers and theIr familIes gan State Pollee lab In MadIson partiCIpate in a fashion dlsplay- Htllghts..w.ere,unable to detennme + wIth a baseball theme the substance used to start the fire Dave Bergman, Marty Castil- OffICIals beheve the ftre was so in- Three seek mayoml seat in Park lo, Johnnie Grubb and tllelr tense, and started so qUIckly, tha t famllles, all resIdents of the the substance was consumed By Pat Paholsky "I've started so many projects a JUl'lS doctorate at the Ul1Iverslty local commiSSIOns and boards He POlllte, Will model fall fashions before It could saturate the home s Park voters Will go to the polls that I thlllk It'S absolutely nece:>- 01 MIChIgan Law School He IS an and hiS WIfe are 17-year Park resI- and back-to-school garb along floor Aug 6 to ehmmate one candIdate sary to run agalll," he Said attorney III prIvate practlce and dents They live on Pemberton and Fmgernall samples fJ om I\lr they have two daughters, with 37 professIOnal models each In both the mayoral and coun- PublIC safety, or the consolida- LJelongs to a number of local organ- Color commentary WIllbe pro- O'Bl'Ien didn't prOVIde pohce With Cil contests The rest of the field IzatIOns any mformatlOn eIther tIOn of the police and fire depart- DaVid ZukowskI, 33, m hiS fIrst vldeti by local sportscasters and will then compete m the November ments, IS at the top of hIS list He and hl~ Wife live on BIshop try at elective office, admitted he IS other local celebrities, and sign "We've been followmg up on general election "After 11l years of struggling With They have three children and a political unknown. "I'm Just a ed game balls and tickets for leads that have been supplied to us, The cIty charter reqUIres a they've been park resldentb lor but they haven't gone anywhere," the counCIl, I appolllted a commit workmg-class guy who is aware of Tiger games Will be awarded primary electIon when there are tee whIch came out 11-2 m favor of more than 40 ye,u., the Issues," he saId through the drawmg Brecht saId "We've even mter more than double the number of consolIdatIOn and the council fmal- "It seems to me that the counCil Showtlme IS 12 30 and 2 30 VIewed persons trom out of state It candIdates as there are vacant Iy acceded to ask for a plan," he and mayor don't know the Issues P m and IS free to the publIc looks like It could be one of three seats There are three candidates saId All thiS ballyhoo about public safe- Another Grosse Pomte reSident, POsslblhtles - murder/sUIcIde, for mayor and seven candidates for Implementatlon IS more Impor- ty IS meffectlve " Lisa Carra to Parrott, IS helpmg although there's nothmg to really three counCil seats to coordmate the event suggest that or the] mIght have tant than the program Itself, he The solutIOn ISto hire at least SIX About two weeks ago, all 10of the more officers, he saId, not firemen been kJlled by mIstake Somebody candIdates came to the Grosse said, addlllg that "It'S ImperatIve that I and the counCIl supervIse I who are cross-trall1ed, but genUIne set the wrong fIre m the \,rong Pomte News' office to be mter- Together again can do It III two years It's Vital that law enforcement officers house Maybe there wa~ a burglary Viewed by a reporter and edItOrial All right classmates, It'S time and someone set the tIre to
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