Accreditation for 2018 Wolesi Jirga Elections: Election Observation and Monitoring1

Accreditation for 2018 Wolesi Jirga Elections: Election Observation and Monitoring1

ACCREDITATION FOR 2018 WOLESI JIRGA ELECTIONS: ELECTION OBSERVATION AND MONITORING1 1. NATIONAL / DOMESTIC OBSERVERS Overall, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) accredited 25 Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), and Independent Joint Anti-Corruption and Evaluation Committee (MEC), totaling 41,085 individual domestic observers, out of which 11,199 [27.26%] are women. ORANIZATIONS ACCREDITED TOTAL FEMALE %FEMALE NO. Free Election and Transparency Watch Organization 630 18 2.86 1 AABRAR 798 102 12.78 2 Transparent Election Foundation of Afghanistan 20779 6740 32.44 3 HCCF 33 13 39.39 4 Afghanistan Citizenship Movement 85 5 5.88 5 Afghanistan Green Trend 94 8 8.51 6 Shahamat Social and Culture Organization 506 33 6.52 7 Afghanistan's Elite Coherence Organization 66 9 13.64 8 Afghanistan Women's Network 36 27 75.00 9 Afghanistan Prosperity National Shura 27 14 51.85 10 Independent Joint Anti-corruption and Evaluation Committee (MEC) 73 6 8.22 11 A I H R C 369 81 21.95 12 Training Human Rights Association for Afghan Women 440 370 84.09 13 ALSO 156 74 47.44 14 AYSEO 1132 79 6.98 15 Democracy Development Organization in Afghanistan 440 86 19.55 16 T S C O 53 10 18.87 17 Afghanistan Democracy and Development Organization 206 71 34.47 18 Watch Free of Afghanistan Organization 1122 166 14.80 19 Election and Transparency Watch Organization of Afghanistan 5895 1042 17.68 20 Wadan 114 0 0.00 21 AWOSD 494 154 31.17 22 Afghanistan Development Studies Organization 81 9 11.11 23 Afghanistan Youth National and Social Organization 614 128 20.85 24 Free and Fair Election Forum of Afghanistan 3518 831 23.62 25 Afghan Civil Society Forum 3306 1111 33.61 26 Women and Peace Studies Organization 18 12 66.67 27 TOTAL 41085 11199 27.26 27 Women organizations accredited the highest percentage of female observers – Training and Human Rights Association for Women (THRA) - 84%; Afghan Women Network (AWN) – 75%, and Women and Peace Studies Organization (WPSO) – 66.7%. Overall, ten organizations (highlighted) accredited over 30% of women. That includes one of the key election observation organizations – TEFA. 1 TO NOTE: The report is based on the data extracted from the IEC database. Observers per organization 14 12 Hundreds 10 8 6 4 2 0 TOTAL FEMALE Domestic observers accredited in each province, with the highest numbers of observers in Kabul (7,198), Herat (3,359) and Balkh (2,540). The lowest number of observers was accredited in Nimroz (166). Women observers were accredited in every province; but only 5 female observers were accredited in Paktika and 9 in Farah (full overview of accreditations per province is included below). Domestic Observers per province 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Ghor Zabul Balkh Logar Kabul Herat Farah Kunar Khost Kapisa Faryab Takhar Ghazni Paktya Nimroz Paktika Kunduz Parwan Badghis Wardak Baghlan Panjshir Jawzjan Nuristan Bamyan Sar-e-pol Helmand Daikundi Uruzghan Laghman Nangahar Kandahar Samangan Badakshan TOTAL FEMALE 2. POLITICAL PARTY MONITORS Overall, 24 political parties sought accreditation with the IEC, registering altogether 11,011 monitors, out of which 2,526 (22.94%) are women. Six political parties did not accredit any woman (highlighted). Hezb-e-Musharakat Melli, Afghan National Congress, National Islamic Front, and Hezb-e-Mele Watan accredited more female than male. Members of the Grand National Council of Afghanistan (GNCA) accredited 5,035 monitors (45% of all monitors accredited). Political Party TOTAL FEMALE %FEMALE NO. Afghan National Liberation Front 318 104 32.70 1 Hezbe Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan 666 134 20.12 2 P.P.O. AFG. National Consensus 3 2 66.67 3 Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan 312 18 5.77 4 Afghan Mellat Party 210 16 7.62 5 National Solidarity Party of Afghanistan 1533 175 11.42 6 The Great National Ensaf Gond 4 0 0.00 7 Afghanistan People's Equality Party 80 1 1.25 8 Afghanistan Nation Awakening Party 21 0 0.00 9 National Unity Party of Afghanistan 408 75 18.38 10 Afghanistan Development Party 199 3 1.51 11 Republican Party of Afghanistan 875 196 22.40 12 Hezb-e-Junbush-e-Meli Islami Afghanistan 336 17 5.06 13 Hezb-e-Herasat Islami Afghanistan 521 69 13.24 14 Afghanistan People Islamic Movement Party 23 0 0.00 15 Harakat-e-Inqilab-e-Islami Afghanistan 28 0 0.00 16 Harakat-e-Inqilab-e-Islami Mardum Afghanistan 9 0 0.00 17 Afghanistan National Prosperity Party 164 61 37.20 18 National Islamic Front of Afghanistan 32 18 56.25 19 Hezb-e-Musharekat-e-Meli 241 197 81.74 20 Hizb-e-Meli Watan 117 64 54.70 21 Solidarity Party of blessed People of Afghanistan 5 0 0.00 22 Hizb-e-Wahdat Islami Afghanistan 3265 935 28.64 23 Peoples Islamic unity party of Afghanistan 1641 441 26.87 24 TOTAL 11011 2526 22.94 24 TOTAL (Grand National Council of Afghanistan) 5,035 1,171 23.26 N/A * no women; highest percentage of women; Grand National Council of Afghanistan The distribution of party monitors per province was much less even than in case of domestic observers. The highest number of monitors have been accredited in Kabul (6,390) followed by Daikundi (839) and Balkh (783). In 10 provinces out of 34 – Paktika, Panjshir, Zabul, Ghazni, Faryab, Kapisa, Kunar, Helmand, Nimroz, Nurista – parties did not accredit any monitors. Women monitors were absent in 22 provinces. Monitors per province (without Kabul) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Sikh Ghor Zabul Balkh Logar Herat Farah Kunar Khost Kapisa Faryab Takhar Ghazni Paktya Nimroz Paktika Kunduz Parwan Badghis Wardak Baghlan Panjshir Jawzjan Nuristan Bamyan Helmand Sar-e-pol Daikundi Uruzghan Laghman Nangahar Kandahar Samangan Badakshan TOTAL FEMALE 3. DOMESTIC MEDIA Afghan media organizations accredited overall 1,087 individuals to report on the electoral process, out of which only 76 (7%) were women. As per the IEC database, Tolo News accredited highest number of women (45 out of 59 accredited journalists). Zan TV’s journalists (8) are all women. Out of 41 media organizations, only 8 organizations accredited women (highlighted). MEDIA TOTAL FEMALE NO. Afghan Islamic Press 13 1 Ikhlas News Agency 9 2 Afghan news agency 5 3 Afghan Multi Media Group 4 4 Bakhtar News Agency 46 5 Pajwok Afghan news 64 3 6 1 TV 62 2 7 Zan TV 8 8 8 Sada e Azadi TV 4 9 Afghan Voice Agency 25 2 10 Moqawemat News Agency 3 11 Yash News 3 12 Radio Azadi 61 13 Radio Bayan 20 14 Radio Talwasa 4 1 15 ayna TV 13 16 Rah e Farda Radio and Television 25 17 Zhwandoon Television Network 21 18 R T A 62 19 Maiwand Radio Television 15 20 Youth Radio 11 21 Radio Dunya e Naween 19 22 Hasht e Subh Daily 8 23 The Afghanistan Times Daily 6 24 Ansar Daily 1 25 Arezo TV Network 11 3 26 Negah TV and Neda Radio 9 27 Tamadon TV Network 24 28 Channel Seven Television Network 28 29 Ariana Radio and Television Network 67 30 Shamshad Educational Radio and Television Network 80 31 Khawar Radio and TV Network 6 32 Khurshid Radio Television Network 19 33 CHINAR Media Consultancy Services 13 34 TOLO NEWS 59 45 35 Kabul Monitor 3 36 Kabul News 21 37 DHSA TKG 195 12 38 PMG 11 39 Payk Investigative Journalism center 3 40 Salam Afghanistan Media Organization 26 41 TOTAL 1087 76 41 Regarding the media presence in different provinces, the highest number of journalists were accredited in Kabul (693 individuals). Otherwise, some media (at least one representative) were present in each of the province, except for Zabul and Nuristan (see below the distribution of media per province, excluding Kabul). Media did not accredit female representative in 25 provinces. In Kabul, media accredited 54 female journalists (7.8% of total 693 journalists accredited in Kabul). Media per province without Kabul 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ghor Zabul Balkh Logar Herat Farah Kunar Khost Kapisa Faryab Takhar Ghazni Paktya Nimroz Paktika Kunduz Parwan Badghis Wardak Baghlan Panjshir Jawzjan Nuristan Bamyan Sar-e-pol Helmand Daikundi Uruzghan Laghman Nangahar Kandahar Samangan Badakshan TOTAL FEMALE DISTRIBUTION OF DOMESTIC OBSERVERS, MONITORS AND MEDIA PER PROVINCE DOMESTIC OBSERVERS MONITORS MEDIA PROVINCE TOTAL FEMALE %FEMALE TOTAL FEMALE %FEMALE TOTAL FEMALE %FEMALE Kabul 7198 2056 28.56 6390 1159 18.14 693 54 7.79 Uruzghan 281 201 71.53 63 61 96.83 5 0 Badghis 359 49 13.65 9 0 0.00 2 0 Bamyan 1721 442 25.68 515 228 44.27 12 0 Badakshan 1134 210 18.52 26 0 0.00 29 1 Baghlan 973 313 32.17 179 0 0.00 6 0 Balkh 2540 1091 42.95 783 320 40.87 29 13 Parwan 708 112 15.82 1 0 0.00 47 0 Paktya 1474 83 5.63 44 0 0.00 11 0 Paktika 380 5 1.32 0 0 0.00 5 0 Panjshir 360 73 20.28 0 0 0.00 1 0 Takhar 2054 684 33.30 98 63 64.29 3 1 33.33 Jawzjan 942 594 63.06 336 17 5.06 12 1 8.33 Khost 942 50 5.31 7 0 0.00 18 0 Daikundi 1472 448 30.43 839 447 53.28 4 1 25.00 Zabul 298 27 9.06 0 0 0.00 0 0 Sar-e-pol 243 104 42.80 355 100 28.17 3 1 33.33 Samangan 727 77 10.59 11 0 0.00 2 1 50.00 Ghazni 436 309 70.87 0 0 0.00 15 0 Ghor 1715 571 33.29 623 93 14.93 4 0 Faryab 361 255 70.64 0 0 0.00 4 0 Farah 270 9 3.33 70 0 0.00 5 0 Kapisa 985 127 12.89 0 0 0.00 2 0 Kunduz 926 141 15.23 36 0 0.00 6 0 Kandahar 1221 225 18.43 4 0 0.00 44 0 Kunar 1397 83 5.94 0 0 0.00 7 0 Laghman 918 65 7.08 13 0 0.00 6 0 Logar 1196 520 43.48 13 0 0.00 5 0 Wardak 552 65 11.78 143 1 0.70 25 0 Nangahar 2252 842 37.39 228 16 7.02 34 0 Nuristan 484 101 20.87 0 0 0.00 0 0 Nimroz 166 82 49.40 0 0 0.00 1 0 Herat 3359 1013 30.16 210 16 7.62 39 4 Helmand 952 148 15.55 0 0 0.00 8 0 TOTAL 40996 11175 10996 2521 22.93 1087 77 7.08 * no individuals accredited; no female accredited 4.

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