BIRD-BANDING INDEX TO VOLUMES XXII- XXXI 1951- 1960 COMPILED BY LAWRENCE M. BARTLETT EDITED BY DAVID W. JOHNSTON PUBLISHED BY THE NORTHEASTERN BIRD-BANDING ASSOCIATION, INC. SOUTH LONDONDERRY, VT. 1974 Other indices and back numbers of Bird-Banding are available from the Treasurer whose name and address appear in a current issue of the journal. PREPARED FOR OFFSET PRINTING Sharp Offset Printing Inc. Rutland, Vermont ii INTRODUCTION In the preparation of this index I have followed and been aided by Mrs. Hickey's excellent Index to Volumes XII-XXI• 1949-T950. The long lapse of time since I agreed to undertake the compilation of this Index and its completion is due in part to it being a time of unanticipated and increas- ing administrative duties. My apologies to users for the long delay. Coveraqe: Like its predecessor• this Index covers the review articles (there were 2376 reviewed in this ten-year span). I have tried to include every species mentioned• even those mentioned by the reviewer in his dis- cussion of a paper being reviewed and those appearing in Notes and News and in Letters to the Editor and Editorials. Formats To reduce duplication• I have made liberal use of cross-referencing. I have begun each new letter of the alphabet on a new page. Usually this will provide the user with space for additional notes of his own. Under each major subject heading will be found first a cross-reference to other related topics. Thereafter the major heading is divided• as appropriate• into subtopics. The major headings are very similar to those established by Mrs. Hickey. Feeling that an Index to the major topics and subtopics may be useful to the user• I have included one at the end of this intro- duction. Nomenclatures Synonymous names• both common and scientific• and changes in and differences of opinion concerning our understanding of avian relationships• particularly at the generic level• caused me considerable grief at first. I therefore have cross-referenced every name to the one I have used. My guides for nomenclature were those listed on the next page. Abbreviations• I have made liberal use of abbreviations• most of which should be interpretable without recourse to the list which follows on p. v For States of the United States I have used the the official U.S. Post- office two-letter abbreviations. Acknowledgments: I am pleased to thank two former students• Mr. Richard Guerrero and Miss Karen Tucker for assistance in the early stages of the preparation of author and species indexes and Miss Patricia Shaw for some early rough-draft typing. iii Errata: In any work of this nature, errors might be found. I will appreciate having brought to my attention errors of commission or omission, with the hope that an erratum list may be published in the future. Notice of such errors should be addressed to: L.M. Bartlett, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. Mass., Amherst, MA. 01002. References: American Ornithologists' Union. 1957. Check-list of North American birds. 5th ed. Baltimore, American 0rnithol. Union. --- 1973. Thirty-second supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union check-list of North American birds. Auk,90: hll-hl9. Austin, 0.L. 1961. Birds of the world. New York, Golden Press. Bannerman, D.A. 1953. The birds of West and Equatorial Africa (2 vols.) Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd Ltd. Blake, E.R. 1953.Birds of Mexico. Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press. Bond, J. 1961. Birds of the West Indies. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin Co. Clancey, P.A. 196h. The birds of Natal and Zululand. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd. de Schauensee, R.M. 1970. A guide to the birds of South America. Wynnewood, PA., Livingston Publ. Co. Eastman, W.R.Jr. and A.C.Hunt. 1966.The parrots of Australia. Sydney, Angus and Robertson. Etchecopar, R.D., and F.Hue. 1967. The birds of North Africa. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd. Falla, R.A., R.B.Sibson, and E.G.Turbott. 1967. A field guide to the birds of New Zealand. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin Co. Grossmann, M.L., and J.Harlet. 196h. Birds of Prey of the world. New York, Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. Mackworth-Praed, C.W., and C.H.B.Grant. 1952, 1955. Birds of eastern and northeastern Africa, Series I, 2 vols., London, Longroans, Green and Co. ß 1962-63. Birds of the southern third of Africa. Series II, 2 vols. London, Longmans, Green and Co. Palmer, R.S.(ed.) 1962. Handbook of North American birds, vol. 1. Loons through Flamingos. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press. Peters, J.L. 1931-1962. Check-list of birds of the world. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press. Peterson, R.T., G.Mountfort, and P.A.D.Hollum. 195h. A field guide to the birds of Britain and Europe. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin Co. Rand, A.L., and E.T.Gilliard. 1968. Handbook of New Guinea birds. Garden City, Natural History Press. Ripley, S.D. 1961. A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Sclater, P.L. 1971. A field guide to Australian birds, non-passerines. Wynnewood, Livingston Publ. Co. Serventy, D.L., and H.M.Whittell. 1967.Birds of western Australia. Perth, Lamb Publications Pty. Vaurie, C. 1959, 1965. Birds of the palearctic fauna. 2 vols. London, H.F. and G. Witherby. Williams, J.G. 1963. A field guide to the birds of East and Central Africa. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin Co. iv ABBREVIATIONS USED Afr.-Africa ID. -Idaho Pac.-Pacific AK. -Alaska IL.-Illinois paras. -paras ite AL.-Alabama illus.-illustration path. -pathology Am. -America IN.-Indiana Phil. -Phil ippines anal .-analysis incub. -incubation pho t. -pho to graph anat.-anatomy Ind. -India physiol. -physiology ann.- annual Is.-Island Pol.-Poland Ant.-Antarctic KS.-Kansas pop. -population AR. -Arkansas KY. -Kentucky PR.-Puerto Rico Arct. -Arctic LA-Louisiana (r)-in a review Argen. -Argentina L.H.-Life History reprod o-reproduction Atl.-Atlantic MA. -Mass achusetts RI.-Rhode Island Aust.-Australia MD.-Maryl and s.-south AZ .-Arizona ME. -Maine S .Amo-South America band. -banding me as. -measurement SC.-South Carolina behar. -behavior Medit. -Mediterranean S can.-S candinavia biol.-biology meth. -method Scot. -Scotland Br. Is.-British Isles Mex. -Mexico SDo-South Dakota CA.-C alifornia mgt.-management s. e.-southeast C arib-C aribbean MI. -Michigan skel.-skeleton CO.-Colorado migr. -migration soc.-social cons.-conservation misc. -miscellaneous sp.-species CT.-Connecticut MN. -Minnesota subsp.-subspecies C zech.-Czechoslovakia MO. -Missouri surv,-survival DC.-District of Columbia monogr. -monograph s.w.-southwest DE. -D el aware morph, -morphology Switz .-Switzerland D en.-D enmark mort.-mortality syn. -synonym descr. -description MS.-Mississippi syst.-systematics detn.-determination MT. -Montata tax o-taxonomy dev.-development Mt. -mountain tech. - technique distr.-distribution no -north temp o-temperature e.-east (ern) nat. -nature terr. -territory ecol .-ecology navig. -navigation trop.-tropical embry. -embryology n, e.-northeast TNo-Tennessee Engl. -Engl and NE. -Nebraska TX. -Texas Eur. -Europe Neth.-Netherlands UoS o-United S tates evol. -evolution NC .-North Carolina USF&W.-UoS .Fish & Finl .-Finland ND.-North Dakota Wildlife FL. -Florid a NH.-New Hampshire USSR.-Union of Soviet Ft. -France NJ.-New Jersey Socialist Republics GA. -Georgia NM.-New Mexico UT o -Utah Gal ap.-Galapagos nomen. -nomenc 1 ature VA. -V irginia geogo -geography Nor. -Norway var. -variation geol .-geology NV. -Nevada V.I.-Virgin Islands Ger.-Germany NY.-New York VT o-Vermont Grnl. -Greenl and N.Z o-New Zealand w.-west GU.-Guam 0. -Ocean WA. -Washington hab.-habit(at) OH. -Ohio WI.-Wisconsin HI. -Hawaii OK. -Oklahoma W. Ind.-West Indies hist.-history OR. -Oregon WY. -Wyoming histol.-histology orient.-orientation yr. -year /3%. -Iowa ornitho -ornithology zoogo-zoogeography PA.-Pennsylvania SUBJECT INDEX P• o Topic Pgo Topic • Accidents(see Injuries & -) 58 Development 2 Adaptations Diseases (see Parasites &-) Africa 59 Distribution Age 63 Ecology -life expectancy -general, of- 3 -longevity• maxima- -habitats 4 Aggregations 64 -weather influences 5 Alaska 65 Economics 8 Anatomy Eggs %0 Antarctic - clutch- Anthology 66 - laying Anting Embryology ( see Development) %2 Arctic 68 Endocrinology %3 Artificial propagation England (see British Isles) Asia 69 Europe Attracting birds 70 Evolution 14 Australia Extinction 15 Banding Faeroe Islands (see Oceanic -reports, of species Islands ) 2i Behavior Faunal dynamics (see Population) 22 -aggressive Faunistics (see Field Identifi- -breeding cation & -) 23 -coition Feeding ( see Behavior -) 24 -cooperative 73 Field Identification & -courtship Faunistics -displays Finland (see Europe -) 25 -dominance 75 Flight -feeding Food 26 -general, of- Fossils (see Paleontology) 27 -imprinting France (see Europe-) 28 -pair bond Germany ( see Europe- ) -pair formation 83 Greenl and -parental care Growth ( see Development) 29 -polygamy Habitat (see Ecology -) -releasers Hawaii (see Oceanic Islands) -responses to- 88 Hearing 30 -site tenacity Herbicides (see Pesticides) -social 89 Hibernation 32 Bibliography 90 Historical Ornithology Biography Homing ( see Orientation) 33 Books & monographs reviewed Hungary (see Europe -) Brazil (see South America) 92 Hunting 38 Breeding Hybrids British Isles 93 Iceland 42 Canada Incubation 44 Censuses 94 Injuries & Accidents 45 Central America Insecticides (see Pesticides) 47 China Invasions ( see Population) 50 Conservation Iran (see Asia) 54 Cycles 96 Japan Denmark (see Europe-) 106 Life Histories vi PG. Topic P•. Topic Light ( see Photoperiod ) Philippines ( see Oceanic l0 7 Lists Islands) -annotated Photoperiod ( see Physiology -) 108 -check-lists 145 Physiology Locomotion
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