JARQ 48 (1), 95 – 104 (2014) http://www.jircas.affrc.go.jp Growth Performance of Four Dipterocarp Species in a Leucaena Plantation Growth Performance of Four Dipterocarp Species Planted in a Leucaena leucocephala Plantation and in an Open Site on Degraded Land under a Tropical Monsoon Climate Atsushi SAKAI1,4*, Thiti VISARATANA2, Tosporn VACHARANGKURA2, Ratana THAI-NGAM2 and Shozo NAKAMURA3,5 1 Forestry Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8686, Japan) 2 Silviculture Research Division, Forest Management and Forest Products Research Bureau, Royal Forest Department (Bangkok 10900, Thailand) 3 Kyushu Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (Kumamoto, Kumamoto 860–0862, Japan) Abstract To develop silvicultural methods for dipterocarp species in degraded lands in a tropical monsoon cli- mate, we examined uneven-aged forest management, in which dipterocarp trees were planted under nurse trees, by monitoring their growth for 20 years. In 1989, seedlings of four dipterocarp species (Dipterocarpus alatus, D. turbinatus, Hopea odorata and Shorea henryana) were planted beneath a 3-year-old Leucaena leucocephala plantation and in an open site in Sakaerat, north-east Thailand. The survival rate and tree size of the dipterocarp seedlings were monitored at both sites until 1995. Surand svival rates of the dipterocarp trees were significantly better under the Leucaena plantation. However, no apparent difference was observed in basal area between both sites, since saw vigorous growth of the surviving seedlings compensated for the loss of dead seedlings at the open site. Our re- sults showed that D. alatus and H. odorata could be planted in an open site due to the vigorous growth of the seedlings, but that it was preferable to plant D. turbinatus beneath nurse trees. The Leu- caena plantation was partially thinned to 50, 75 and 100% (clear-cut) in 1993, and the survival rate and growth of the dipterocarps was monitored until 2009. Thinning had no apparent effect on the sur- vival rates of the dipterocarp seedlings. Although relative growth rates (RGR) of the dipterocarps re- duced after thinning, thinning rates did not affect the growth of the dipterocarps. After thinning, dip- terocarp trees overtook Leucaena in height at all thinning rates, possibly from 1999. An uneven-aged system combining Leucaena and dipterocarp trees is likely to be applicable to several dipterocarp species. Discipline: Forestry and forest products Additional key words: Dipterocarpus alatus, Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Hopea odorata, Shorea henryana, uneven-aged forest management east Asia, and provide a number of ecological services, Introduction including conservation of genetic resources and biodiver- sity, as a carbon sink, and a supply of timber to local and Dipterocarp trees are widely distributed in South- global markets12. The growing shortage of forest resourc- This paper reports the results obtained in the joint research project on “Development of Techniques for Nurturing Beneficial Indig- enous Tree Species and Combined Management of Agriculture and Forestry in north-east Thailand’s Tropical Monsoon Regions” sponsored by JIRCAS and the Thai Royal Forest Department. Present address: 4 Shikoku Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (Kochi, Kochi 780–8077, Japan) 5 Kyushu Office, Japan Forest Technology Association (Kumamoto, Kumamoto 860–0016, Japan) * Corresponding author: e-mail [email protected] Received 3 September 2012; accepted 24 April 2013. 95 A. Sakai et al. es in the tropics has underlined the urgency of establish- with a severe dry season and under a tropical monsoon ing silvicultural systems using indigenous tree species climate. Leucaena leucocephala (Lamk) de Wit is a le- that are amenable to programmed replanting. Although gume tree originating in South America and widely dis- some dipterocarp species (e.g. Hopea odorata) have been tributed in tropical areas worldwide, where it is used as widely planted, and empirical knowledge accumulated2,3, firewood, charcoal, fodder, green manure, and for alley knowledge of dipterocarp species indigenous to local ar- cropping23. L. leucocephala is also used in species-mixed eas remains limited. plantations to improve soil moisture and nutrient levels in Planting dipterocarp trees in an open site sometimes tropical areas14,15,21. We examined the following two ques- results in failure, owing to strong direct sunlight, compe- tions: (1) whether the presence of nurse trees (L. leuco- tition with weeds7, and the risk of occasional fire. To pre- cephala) improves the survival rate and growth of dip- vent failure, trials have been carried out in which diptero- terocarp seedlings as compared with an open site; and (2) carp trees were planted beneath fast-growing tree whether the thinning intensity of L. leucocephala affects plantations in Sri Lanka4,5, South Kalimantan20, Peninsu- the survival rate and growth of dipterocarp trees. Ques- lar Malaysia29, Saba, Malaysia10, and Thailand19,26,27. In tion (1) was examined by comparing the growth of dip- most cases, fast-growing plantations were logged accord- terocarp trees between an L. leucocephala plantation and ing to a set pattern (random selection, stripes, gaps); tar- an open site for seven years following planting, while geting better light conditions for dipterocarp seedlings. question (2) was examined by long-term monitoring fol- Planting dipterocarp trees in secondary or degraded for- lowing the thinning of the L. leucocephala plantation. ests, called “enrichment planting,” has also been trialed in South-east Asia7,16,17,29,33. These strategies appear suc- Study site and methods cessful, to the extent that some dipterocarp tree species (e.g. Dipterocarpus baudii, Shorea leprosula) show opti- 1. Site description mum photosynthetic or growth performance under mod- This study was conducted at the Sakaerat Silvicul- erate light conditions in the initial growth stages11,29. tural Research Station, under the aegis of the Thai Royal While dipterocarp species are mostly light-demanding3, Forest Department, in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, different species are adapted to a wide range of light con- north-east Thailand. The mean annual air temperature ditions and/or soil fertilities5. This means an optimal en- was 25.6 ˚C and mean annual rainfall was 1395 mm, ac- vironment specific to each dipterocarp species must be cording to meteorological data collected at the station identified. over the past decade (1999 to 2009). This area has a mon- With the rapid growth of Thailand’s monetary and soon climate with highly seasonal rainfall and a roughly commodity economy, many of its forests have been con- 4-month-long dry period lasting from November to Feb- verted into agricultural land, with a resulting loss of for- ruary. The soil is a deep loamy acrisol, formed on sand- est coverage from 53.3% in 1961 to 25.3% in 1998, recov- stone laid down in the Triassic to Cretaceous periods18 ering to 30.1% by 200625. Against this trend, and perhaps and generally contains only small amounts of organic owing to its flat topography, the forest coverage of north- matter1. The area around the study site had been covered east Thailand plunged from 42% in 1961 to 15% in 200624. with dry evergreen forest until the 1960s. The forest was North-east Thailand is an area of low productivity for ag- then encroached by locals, who converted it to farmland. ricultural and arboreal crops due to its long dry season Although the farmland was cultivated for a couple of de- and poor soils which originate from Mesozoic sandstone. cades, most was eventually abandoned, after which tall Moreover, fire in the dry season is one of the main factors grasses, such as Imperata cylindrica and Saccharum hampering the establishment of forest plantations in spontaneum, took over. Grassfires had become common Thailand’s monsoon climate9. Planting fast-growing trees in such grasslands. A reforestation project by the Japan over large areas of degraded land, however, has proved International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Royal very effective in containing fires since, once established, Forest Department was launched in 1982, and by 1994, trees suppress dominant grasses that are highly suscepti- over 2300 ha had been planted with exotic fast-growing ble to fire during the dry season 28. Planting indigenous tree species26. The area is currently covered with mature trees after the establishment of fast-growing tree planta- fast-growing tree plantations, mainly comprising Acacia tions would therefore appear a good strategy for reintro- mangium and A. auriculiformis. ducing indigenous trees to degraded lands5. Using uneven-aged forest management, we exam- 2. Study plot design and dipterocarp species ined the effects of Leucaena leucocephala as a nurse tree examined on dipterocarp seedlings in north-east Thailand, an area For Question (1), dipterocarp seedlings were planted 96 JARQ 48 (1) 2014 Growth Performance of Four Dipterocarp Species in a Leucaena Plantation in two study plots (each measuring 32 x 76 m), one of approximately one year. The seedlings were watered which was allocated to a Leucaena leucocephala planta- twice daily year-round. Protective plastic mesh sheets at a tion (the Leucaena plot) and the other to an open site (the height of 1.8 m were used to shade the seedlings from di- control plot). For Question (2), only the Leucaena plot rect sunlight. To harden off the seedlings before trans- was used for the thinning experiment. The Leucaena plot planting, these sheets were removed one month before- was divided into nine small rectangular quadrats which hand. In June 1989, the dipterocarp seedlings were acted as base units for data collection and statistical anal- transplanted among 3-year-old L. leucocephala trees ysis. spaced at 2 x 2 m (Fig. 1). The mean height ± standard de- Prior to planting dipterocarps, seedlings of L. leuco- viation of the seedlings at the time of transplanting were cephala, raised in a nursery for four months, had been 35.1 ± 0.5 for D.
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