l’A(tK KKtIirhI'.N— MANCHhiiTKH KVKNIN(i lIKKAl.li. MiiiirlH'^kT. CiHin.. Thurs.. M;imIi "M. \!i7." ObituariM O’Sullivan Weiss to attend confab The weather l\lrn. Miirir>l.auri4‘ Gagnon -V.T I (Conlinunl from Page Onr) VERNON — Mr*. Marie-Laurie William J. Graif Cloudy tonight will chance of oc­ Boucher Gagnon, 57, of Hartford died William J. G raif, 68, of 240 despite budget limitation casional rain. Low tenperatures ;I5 to Wednesday at St. Franci* Hospital to Saturday becomiig partly cloudy Hollister St. died Wednesday at Hart­ "Tim has revealed certain 3nd mild with chince of a lew and Medical Center, Hartford. She ford Hospital. He was the husband of irregularities and allegations that Town Manager Robert Weiss will Association. Weiss is one of 20 showers. Highs in the mid Bus was the widow of Joseph Gagnon and Mrs. Mary Harvey Graif. situation. Thus, he said that he ap- j Phono 647-9946 should be looked into. It is incumbent be traveling to Kansas City next managers selected to attend. There proached both Mrs. Ferguson ' the Probability of rain N percent tonight the mother of Jocelyn Gagnon of Ver­ Mr. Graif was bom July 25,1909 in week to attend a conference, even were more than 100 applicants. Pen­ , and 50 percent Satjrday. .National for home delivery non. upon the Democratic majority to join other Democratic members { the Worcester, Mass., and had lived in us in getting to the bottom of this,” though a policy was established ny said. board. ^ weather map on Page 8-B. r# She is also survived by two other Manchester since 1943. He was a they said. earlier this year to eliminate such Mrs. Ferguson questioned the trip sons, a daughter, a sister and two graduate of Bentley College, The Democratic directors dis­ Democratic Director Stephen trips because of the tight budget by Weiss in view of the town’s policy grandchildren. Waltham, Mass., and had been cussed the issue in caucus and agreed Cassano called the press release “a situation. to eliminate such trips for the The funeral is Saturday at 9:15 employed as a general foreman at that Weiss should be permitted to at­ good example of political grandstan­ But approval was granted because remainder of this fiscal year. tend, Penny said. a.m. from the Giuliano-Sagarino Pratt and Whitney Division of United ding.” of the unique honor connected with She said that she had talked to Pen­ Funeral Home, 247 Washington St„ Technologies Corp., East Hartford, He also said that he felt he had "They have implied that the conference, Stephen Penny, ny about Weiss filing an application Hartford, with a mass at St. Ann's for 33 years before retiring five years received Mrs. Ferguson’s support irregularities have taken place, and chairman of the Board of Directors, for the seminar on the Future that the manager should be allowed Church, Hartford, at 10. Burial will ago. said. '0 = ■ we've had no official comment from Horizons of the Profession, which to attend the conference. Bay State man held be In Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, He was a member of Center Tim,” ■Cassano said. Penny said that the trip was ap­ will include four trips in the next 18 Bloomfield. Congregational Church, Manchester ’’This is a very unique honor,” Stephen Penny, chairman of the proved by the other five Democratic months. She said, however, that she Friends may call at the funeral Lodge of Masons, Nutmeg Forest, Penney said of the manager’s accep­ Board of Directors, said that he had members of the board. He also said did not think she had granted ap­ tance to the program. home today and Friday from 2 to 4 Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and had • • • worked as a mediator to get Giles that he thought he had the approval proval for Weiss to take tne trip to and 7 to 9 p.m. served as a dad for John Mather "This is such an honor for the town in West Coast slayings and O'Sullivan together for this mor­ of Vivian Ferguson, a Republican Kansas City if his application was Chapter, Order of DeMolay. He also manager and the town,” Democratic ning’s meeting. This work was done member of the board, that Weiss accepted. belonged to Manchester Chapter, Director Betty Intagliata said. ”We before the Republicans issued their should be permitted to attend the ses­ The manager’s plane ticket to Kan­ should be proud to send him.” American Association of Retired sion. sas City has been purchased through statement, he said. He mentioned Town Treasurer Roger Negro was P/' LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Polic’e ■'inli'icsting stories” about his Persons, Manchester Senior Citizens Mrs. Ferguson, however, dis­ funds available in this year’s budget. taken nto custody Wednesday by Mrs. Jom*|ili Goiiruder that Giles and O’Sullivan normally scheduled to attend a conference in held a Massachusetts convict and a knowledge ol the slrangler killings. and the Men's Club of Pratt and agreed and mentioned the item at There also is a transfer of $500 on the delertives who surrounded his van as EAST HARTFORD — Mrs. Rosina meet on Thursdays, but he asked that May in Houston, Texas, but that has Beverly Hills maintenance man Gates told a news conference Whitney. Wednesday night's budget workshop board’s April agenda. This would pay he entered a parking lot near his Kalhok Gauruder, 83, of 106 Landers both consider discussing the matter been canceled. Negro said that he today as suspects in two of the 13 Thursday He is also survived by two sons, at this morning’s session. of the board. for other costs involved in the trip home. Road died Wedne^ay at Mount Sinai Robert Graif of Monterey, Calif., and canceled the trip because of the Hillside Strangler sex killings, He said Shamshak "has heeii Cassano referred to Penny’s The trip to Kansas City is for a and seminar. He offered no resistance. After Hospital, Hartford. She was the wife Alan Graif of Houston, 'Texas; two budget situation. A $125 registration calling the convict’s cooperation Ihc cooperating with us " and revealed he mediation and this morning's seminar on the Future Horizons of Peftny said that he realized the several hours of questioning, he was of Joseph Gauruder. daughters, Mrs. William (Barbara) fee paid by the town when he signed first "major break” in the tour knew details about two ol Ihe killings meeting when he criticized the GOP the Profession sponsored by the volatile nature of approving such a arrested and booked on suspicion of Mrs. Gauruder was born in Mor, Robinson of Vernon and Mrs. Charles up for the conferencjis redeemable, nionlh-old manhunt. lliat detectives expected only tlie' statement. International City Management trip considering the presept budget he said. murder and the van was seized for Hungary, and had lived in East Hart­ (Gail) Tyszkiewicz of San Pedro, The maintenance man, Peter Mark killer to know "speeilie inlonii.i "Director Ferguson, if she had searching. ford for the past 27 years. Calif.; and six grandchildren. Jones, was booked on suspicion ol lion which is very aeeurale ' asked, would have found out that Shamshak was held because of his She is also survived by a son, The funeral is Saturday at 11 a.m. murder but the convict, George Shamshak implicated .lones, :t7. Steve (Penny) had spent much time sltilus as a Massachusetts prisoner, Frank S, Kantz of Farmington; a at Center Congregational Church. Museum staff adds touch Francis Shamshak, was held without Galt's said Both men originally were hut had not been arrested by Los brother, Martin Kalhok of Hebron; a talking with Giles, O'Sullivan and i being arrested. Irom Boston and had been room­ The Rev. Newell Curtis Jr., pastor, Weiss,” he said. Angeles Police, sister in Germany, four will officiate. Burial will be in No formal charges had been filed mates in Los Angeles. Gales sa-id Shamshak showed in­ "This kind of release could jeopar­ grandchildren and four great­ Buckland Cemetery. against cither man. Detectives have theorized lor some vestigators "good ... working dize any kind of rapport,” Cassano Police Chief Daryl (Jates stressed lime there was more than one grandchildren. The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 knowledge” about the slayings of Jill .said. to Lutz annual meeting that di eetives had no evidence con-' strangler The funeral is Saturday at 9:30 Main St., is in charge of Barcomb, 18, a prostitute who came nectin, them to the other 11 "We have mi wav ol knowing a m. from Newkirk and Whitney arrangements. Costumed staff members of the Larkin, vice president of finance; to Hollywood from Syracuse, N.Y., volunteer service. strangler killings, but were still in­ whether Mr, Shamshak is in any way h’uneral Home, 318 Burnside Ave., There are no calling hours. Lutz Junior Museum added an un­ Clinton Hendrickson, vice president and Kathleen Robinson, 17, one of the Mayor Stephen Penny and Town ■ i'-J* Ss vestigating. eimiieeled with any of Ihe other ill) with a mass at Our Lady of Peace The family suggests that any ( The lottery ] usual touch to the museum’s annual of operations; Nancy Mann, vice itiany strangler victims from the Church at 10:30. Burial will be in St. Manager and Mrs. Robert Weiss % ■'This is a major break in (he eases. " Gales said, "We do have siil- memorial gifts may be made to meeting Wednesday night at the president of membership; Peter seamy Hollywood “street scene.” Augustine's Cemetery, Glastonbury. were guests of honor, gave brief case, ” Gates said.
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