Document of The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 13014-BD STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT BANGLADESH Public Disclosure Authorized GAS INFRASTRUCTUREDEVELOPMENT PROJECT APRIL 7, 1995 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized InfrastructureOperations Division Country Department I South Asia Region CURRENCY EOUIVALENTS (as of September 1994) Currency Unit = Taka (Tk) US$ 1.00 = Tk 40.25 Taka 1.00 = US$ 0.025 MEASURES AND EOUIVALENTS BCF = billion cubic feet kgoe = kilogram oil equivalent kWh = 1,000 watt hours MMCFD = million standard cubic feet per day MCF = thousand standard cubic feet TCF = trillion (1,000 billion) cubic feet 1 metric ton of oil = 41.2 thousand standard cubic feet ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADB = Asian Development Bank BAPEX = Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration Company BGFCL - Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited BGSL = Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited BPC = Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation BPDB = Bangladesh Power Development Board DESA = Dhaka Electric Supply Authority ERL = Eastern Refinery Limited ESA = Environmental and Safety Assessment ESAC = Energy Sector Adjustment Credit GOB = Government of Bangladesh GTCL = Gas Transmission Company Limited ICB = International Competitive Bidding IOC = International Oil Company JGTDSL = Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution Company LIB = Limited International Bidding LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas LRMC - Long Run Marginal Cost MEMR = Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MSIP = Managentent System Improvement Program NGL = Natural Gas Liquids 00 - Operating Company ODA = Overseas Development Administration PAP = Project Affected Person Petrobangla (BOGMC) = Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Minerals Corporation PHC - Petrobangla Group Holding Company PIP = Priority Investment Program PSC = Production Sharing Contracts REB = Rural Electrification Board SCADA = Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SGDP = Second Gas Development Project SGFL - Sylhet Gas Fields Limited TGTDC - Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Fiscal Year July 1 to June 30 BANGLADESH GAS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Credit and Pro-ect Summary Borrower: People's Republic of Bangladesh Beneficiaries: Gas Transmission company Limited (GTCL), Sylhet Gas Fields Limited (SGFL), and Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Minerals Corporation (Petrobangla) Amount: SDR 83.4 million (US$ 120.8 million equivalent) Terms: Standard, with 40 years maturity Onlendincr Terms: The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) would onlend the proceeds of the credit to GTCL, SGFL and Petrobangla at an interest rate of 8% per annum, repayable over 15 years, including 5 years of grace. The beneficiaries would bear the foreign exchange risk. Proiect Description: The principal objectives of the project are to help alleviate gas supply shortages and support further reforms to improve overall gas sector management. The project would also assist the sector entities in their institutional development. The project would finance: (a) a 58 km, 30- inch diameter gas transmission pipeline from Ashuganj to Bakhrabad; (b) SCADA and telecommunication facilities for the gas trunkline from Kailashtilla to Chittagong; (c) three production wells at the Rashidpur gas field; (d) a gas processing plant for the above wells; and (e) technical assistance. Benefits and Risks: Benefits would include increased availability and improved reliability of gas supply, and resource savings from substitution of gas for imported alternative fuels. The institutional support would improve sector entities' operational efficiency and safety. The project would also contribute toward mitigating the impact of energy use on the quality of the environment. The project would not pose any special technical risks. The potential risks for the project are delays in procurement and shortfalls in the beneficiaries' project management capacity. To minimize these risks, advance procurement actions have been initiated, and adequate technical assistance is provided to assist in the implementation and construction supervision of project works. To keep the overall project on track, GOB would carry out a joint annual review with IDA of project progress as well as GOB's progress in carrying out further reforms in the gas sector. - ii - Estimated Costs:l/ Local Foreicn Total ------- US$ million--------- Ashuganj-Bakhrabad pipeline 12.5 41.8 54.3 SCADA and Telecom System 9.5 10.4 19.9 Emergency Response Equipment 0.5 1.6 2.1 Development of Three Wells 4.0 16.4 20.4 Gas Processing Plant 5.0 15.5 20.5 Consultancy Services 3.7 15.5 19.2 Training 0.3 1.8 2.1 Base Cost 35.5 103.0 138.5 Physical Contingencies 3.6 10.3 13.9 Price Contingencies 2.4 6.8 9.2 Total Project Cost .5120.1 161.6 Interest During Construction 10.1 0.0 10.1 Total Financing Required 51.6 120.1 171.7 FinancinQ Plan: Local Foreian Total -----------US$ million---------] IDA 18.3 102.5 120.8 ODA 9.3 17.6 26.9 GTC 5.0 - 5.0 SGFL 7.7 7.7 GOB 11.3 - 11.3 Total 51.6 120.1 171.7 Estimated IDA Disbursements: IDA Fiscal Year FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY2000 (US$ Million) Annual 9.6 30.2 30.2 30.2 14.5 6.1 Cummulative 9.6 39.8 70.0 100.2 114.7 120.8 Economic Rate of Return: About 33% Poverty Cateaorv: Not Applicable M: IBRD 25735 I/ Including US$ 8.9 million in duties and taxes. - iii - BANGLADESH STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT GAS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Table of Contents Page No. CREDIT AND PROJECT SUMMARY .......................... .i I. THE ENERGY SECTOR A. Energy Resources .......................... 1 B. Energy Consumption .2 C. Energy Sector Organization .2 D. GOB's Energy Sector Strategy . 3 E. Energy Pricing .4 II. THE GAS SECTOR A. Gas Reserves .......................... 6 B. Gas Supply Systems ....................... 6 C. Gas Demand and Supply Outlook .................. 7 D. Sector Constraints ... 9 E. Directions of Reform ...................... 10 F. IDA's Role . 12 III. THE BENEFICIARIES A. Background ........................... 14 B. Organization and Management ................... 15 C. Staffing and Training .................... 15 D. Accounts and Audit ....................... 16 E. Beneficiaries .......................... 16 :V. THE PROJECT A. Project Objectives . .17 B. Project Description ....................... 17 C. Status of Project Preparation .................. 20 D. Environmental and Safety Aspects ................ 21 E. Land Acquisition and Resettlement ................ 22 F. Project Costs . 24 G. Project Financing and Terms . 25 H. Procurement and Disbursement .................. 27 tis reportis basedon the findingsof an appraisal mission in Jure 1993 and a subsequent post-appraissl mission In upte.ber199. The reportwas preparedby Mmes./Messrs.M. Zhao (Sr. FinancialAnalyst, Task Manager),H. Morsi ;r.Petroleum Engineer), 0. Koenig(Sr. Economist), and M. Tumaliwan(Operations Analyst). Messrs. S. Khwaja(Sr. is SpecIalist),A. Jerve (Anthropologist),J. Thonms (Geologist, Consultant), B. Mink (ProcessEngineer, Consultant), ZawAn (ResettlementSpeciaList, Consultant), and R. Islam(Program Officer, Resident Mission) participated In the .ojectappraisal and post-appraisal.Peer reviewersare Messrs.C. Khelil(Petroleum Group Leader)and J. Bond (Pr. iergySpecialist). The reporthas been endorsedby Mr. P. Isenmn (Director,SAI) and Ns. M. Garcia-Zumor(Chief, ,11N). Secretarialsupport was providedby Mes. P. Reed and B. Duggal. - iv- Paae No. I. Project Implementation . 29 J. Project Monitoring and Supervision . 30 K. Project Risks ............. ..... ..... ... 31 V. FINANCE A. Introduction ...................... 31 B. Past Financial Performance . .31 C. Financial Outlook . .34 VI. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION A. Justification ............. ..... ..... ... 36 B. Project Benefits . 37 C. Economic Rate of Return ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 VII. AGREEMENTS TO BE REACHED AND RECOMMENDATION . 37 1.1 Natural Gas Tariffs 1985-1994. 5 2.1 Gas Demand Forecast FY95-2000 . 8 4.1 Project Cost Estimate . 25 4.2 Project Financing Plan . 26 4.3 Procurement Arrangements . 27 5.1 Petrobangla Group's Operating Performance FY86-93 . 32 5.2 Financing of Investment FY86-93 . 33 5.3 SGFL's Operating Performance FY86-93 . 34 5.4 SGFL-Summary of Projected Financial Performance . 35 5.5 GTCL - Summary of Projected Financial Performance . ... 35 ANNEXES 1.1 Natural Gas Tariffs FY86-94 1.2 Retail Prices of Petroleum Products FY87-94 2.1 Gas Reserve Estimates 2.2 Gas Consumption FY80, 85-94 2.3 Gas Demand Forecast FY95-2000 2.4 Petrobangla Group's Priority Investment Program 3.1 Staff Composition of Petrobangla Group 3.2 GTCL Organization Chart 3.3 SGFL Organization Chart 4.1 Project Description 4.2 Terms of Reference for Institution Building Technical Assistance 4.3 Training Program 4.4 Summary of Environmental and Safety Assessment 4.5 Detailed Project Procurement Arrangements 4.6 Disbursement Profile 4.7 Implementation Schedule 4.8 Project Reporting Requirements 4.9 Indicative Supervision Plan v 4.10 Performance Indicators 5.1 Historical Financial Statements 5.2 SGFL and GTCL Projected Financial Statements 5.3 Assumptions used in the Financial Projections 6.1 Economic Analysis 7.1 Selected Documents and Data Available in the Project File BANGLADESH GAS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT STAFF APPRAISAL RZPORT I. THE ENERGY SECTOR A. Enerza R-sources 1.1 Bangladesh's indigenous energy resources consist of substantial reserves of relatively low cost natural gas, limited hydroelectric power potential and a large base of traditional fuels in the form of crop residues, animal dung and fuelwood. About 55% of the country's overall energy supply
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