Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale School of Nursing Alumni Newsletters and School of Nursing Magazines 12-1998 Yale Nurse: Yale School of Nursing Newsletter, December, 1998 Yale University School of Nursing Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ysn_alumninews Part of the Nursing Commons Recommended Citation Yale University School of Nursing, "Yale Nurse: Yale School of Nursing Newsletter, December, 1998" (1998). Yale School of Nursing Alumni Newsletters and Magazines. Book 36. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ysn_alumninews/36 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the School of Nursing at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale School of Nursing Alumni Newsletters and Magazines by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DECEMBER 1998 Dlstmgu1shrd ncndeuuc, cluucw11, researcher, n11d mmtor, Marjorie Fu11k ·s~ (R), A"ocwtr Professor 111 tl1e Adult Adm11ud Prnclice Nursmg Program (Cnrdiom;w/ar Specwlty), perw11ijie; the "Yale Nurse." Her wrm1t re,cnrch, full,tcd by the Hewlett -Pncknrd Corporal tOll, illvolt,es atrial fibrrlln twu iu pn tiellls rllschnrged after cnrdwc ~~~'~'!'-''Y· Marge h pictured wztlzllt•r former studeuts lrme Stuksl11s '96 (L) 1111d Nn11cy Lorm:e '96 (C). CLINICAL RESEARCH: Building Upon YSN's Tradition of Leadership With this issue of the Yale Nurse we Co-Editors bring news of the research activities Barb.ra Reif of our faculty, students, and alum­ Kate Stephenson '94 nae/i. You will hear about the ongo­ ing worl-. of individual scholar inves­ Contributor tigators, as well as the thoughts of Colleen Shaddox those who facilitate the scholarship of Photo Credits others, notably, Dr. Margaret Grey, Chn' Anderson Associate Dean for Research Affairs, joy Bush and Dr. Ruth McCorkle, Director of Michael Marsland the Center for Excellence in Chronic Others Illness Care. As we advance our research and scholarship agenda, we are particularly mindful of the December, 1998 unique mission of YS , to contribute to better health care for all people. The mission clearly shapes the ways CO NTENTS in which we take up our research and From the Dean..................................... l scholarly activities. Editors' Corner.................................... 2 Cntll<'r'llll' L. Grllo" As the fa culty has begun discussion Catherine Gilliss: Leadership Through Change ............................... 3 of the mission, goab, and governance structure of our Center for Excellence in Chronic Illness Care, they have given voice to our overriding concern: Ruth McCorkle: A New Model of D•sco,•cry........................ .. .. .... .5 that inquiry grow<, from clinical practice and return; to shape improved clinical practices through direct care, program development and implemen­ l\largaret Grey: A Passion to lmprO\·c Patient Care............... .... ..7 tation, and policy. Th" is e\emplified in the worl-. of Dr. lis h Knobf, who Research at YSN................................ 9 regularly cares for women with breast cancer and addresses their symptoms in her research, and b) Dr. Gail Melkus, who regularly cares for women NMP Grads Hold Oi\'erse jobs ..... 1I with non-insulin dependent diabetes and i> studyi ng ways to improve the Yale School of Nursing Opens outcomes of their care. YSN's e>-plicit support of clinical practice among our Office of Research and Policy............... .. ......................... 13 faculty investigators distinguishes us from other schools of nursing. Colleagues in Caru1g Project. ........... l4 Through the development of our Center for E>.cellence in Chronic Illness In Memonam.......... ........................... 16 Care the YS community is e\ploring new ways to align ourselves with one The E\ped1tion Nun.e..................... 17 another and advance our >cholarship and educational programs in the name AYA News.................................. 21 of improved health care. Our Center will be offiCially inaugurated at a YS Yale School of ursing Offers Convocation .cheduled for February 2, 1999. Dr. Patricia Benner of the lnterd1>eiphnary Spirituality Univer,ity of California at San Francisco will 1-.eynote this gathering. Dr. and Healing Program.............. .22 Benner's worJ.. has addressed skill acquisition in nursing ("From Novice to Y.1le-Chona Nursing Exchange· E'perf') and ha<, rendered visible the formerly invisible work of nursing Then and Now.................................... 23 that makes a difference to patient care. Given YSN's commitment to patient Gr,1cc Project Update........................ 27 care, the selection of Dr. Benner as our speaker is particularly apt. Please l lumor· plan to join us for thi., '>pedal celebration. Is L.1ughter the Best Rx ..................... 28 r,,culty \Joles................. .................. 30 Finally, as we approach the holidays, I join the faculty and students in wish­ Student News..................................... 3 I mg you and your llwed ones peace and joy now, and throughout the Cia:-,~ '\Jc\\'!>, ..................................):! coming year. ommallon for D"tingu.-hed Alumnae/! Catherine Lynch Gilll'>s Aw<>rd' 1999 ............................. J4 Dean and Profc.,sor There have been numerous seminars, guest lectures, and other events takmg place over the Fall, 1998 semester and scheduled for Spring, 1999. • The Offi ce of Research and Policy has scheduled general research seminars th rough April, 1999: • September 30, 1998 Recruiting Critically Ill Patients fo r Clinical Research, Marge Funk '84 • October 21 , 1998 Post-hospitaliza tion Referral to Home Care and Sub~equen t Rehospitalization for Medicare Patients with Congesti ve Heart Failure, Cassy Pollack '83 • November 18, 1998 Developing Theory to Explain Mid-life Women's Responses to Illness, Tish Knobf '82 • january 27, 1999 Preventing Peri neal Dermatitis in the Elderly, Courtney Lyder • February 24, 1999 Developing an Instrument to Screen E'ce~s i ve Psychosocial Sequelae to Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer, jeannie Pasacreta • April 21, 1999 Increasing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy, Ann Williams '81 • The YS Center for Health Policy and Yale- ew Haven Hospital co-spon~o red an Advanced Practice ursing Fo rum on 0\•ember 4, 1998. The discussion centered on, " Politics, Pohcy, and Power: Building a Coalition of C Ms, NPs, CNSs, and other AP s to Add res~ the I s~uc~ that Affect Us and Our Patients." • Dr. Deanne Messias, Indiana Wesleyan University, visited the Yale campus as part of an in terdisciplinary lecture series sponsored by the Council on Latin American Studies at Ya le. While in New Haven Messias presented a lecture to the YSN community on November 9, 1998 entitled, "Women's Work and Health: Transnational Perspectives of Brazilian Women in the United S t a t e~." • Ullabeth Larsson, a Swed ish nurse and internationa l scholar who serves as President of the European Council on Cancer Education, visited YSN on November 10, '1998. She joined students and faculty for an informal lunch discussion which addressed her research in ca ncer, research in communica tion, and her work with her own doctoral students. • On November 18, 1998 YSN held a special reception in honor of a number of young ew Haven artists and their fa milies from the Hill Community whose paintings are currently on display at the School. This exhib­ it was part of the International Festi val of Arts and Ideas that took place in ew Haven earlier this year and we were fortunate enough to be able to hang some of the works in the School in celebration of this local talent. Any faculty or staff member at YSt can be contacted by E-mail using the standard format: fi [email protected] u Please be sure to send any changes of address and/ or telephone numbers to the Student and Alumnae/ i Affa irs Office, P.O. Box 9740, 100 Church Street South, New Haven, CT 06536-07-10. We want to be able to stav in touch with our alumnae/ i! - Apologies to Donna Mahrenholz who was misidentified as Denise Mahrenholz in the photo on page 23 of the September, 1998 issue of Yale N urse. 2 countrv, not onlv to look at some traditi~nal schoiarlv work with U>, Catherine Gilliss: but abo to worl.. with the faculty around i ~., ues of clinical scholar­ Leadership Through Change 'hlp, an area where they have always e"elled. The alumnae/ i will be rccei1·ing more information ,1bout these visits. It's my hope that many of them will be able to JOin US. hen people tall.. about and of the college. The Pro1 o.,t .tnd Cathcnnc Gdlt.,,, the word President Lenn arc' cry 'upport­ Y : How does the research tradi­ W"cncrg(' come' up lime and i,·e of us. Their ,-ision of Yale i;. to tion here compare with that at our again. A fitting word to connect to have a more integrated whole. sister schools of nursing? this new J ean who 1mmcd1atclv o,et CLG: It b truly unique. YSN's mis­ about organi;ing more and differ­ Y : How will tha t integration ~ion b to impr01·e health care ent ways for YSN student-, fuculty, benefit YS ? through preparing leaders in prac­ and ~ taff to interact with each other CLG: We continue to develop tice, education, and research. What and with their counterpart­ .,trong relationships with people 111 di.,tinguishcs this school is that it throughout the Un" cro,ity. other discipline;, :,o that we ha1 c doc> focus on health care. The fac­ Catherine Gill1.,., o,ecm., to be c1 cry­ interdisciplinary tc,1ms 111 practice ulty have a long history of practice. where at once, '>hak1ng hand ~. and research. We can c~ t end our The re.,earch that they are doing meeting new people, and (mlracu­ capacity .,igmficantly by buildmg ha:, obl"ious and d irect benefit to lou.,ly) rcmcmbcnng the one'> <, lw'~ bridges with other people through­ the health care of people.
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