Scientific Scientific Bromeliad Flora of the �a � art���� ���Tuxtla �ol�aoao The Bromeliad Flora of the �a �art� T��tla �ol�aoao �era�r�z �e�i�o Thorsten Krömer & Amparo Acebey photographs by the a�thors. Introduction We �od��ted botai�al samplig of sele�ted plat gro�ps, i�l�dig aroids, bro- meliads, or�hids, ad fers alog a elevatioal gradiet i the regio of Los Tuxtlas (18°05’-18°43’N, 94°35’-95°25’W), i the so�theast portio of the �era�r�z �tate, �e�i�o (Fig. 1). �he st�dy area is lo�ated withi the m��ii�����������ipality of �a ��drdr�s ���Tuxtlatla ad rises from 100-1680 m above sea level, encompassig the �a �artín Tuxtla vol�ao ad the adja�et Los Tuxtlas Biologi�al Resear�h �tatio (EB�: Esta�ió de Biolog�a �ropi�al “Los Tuxtlas”; with a 640 ha reserve), whi�h is operated by the Istit�to de Biolog�a, Uiversidad Na�ioal Autóoma de Méxi�o (UNAM). �ogether, these incl�de �a. 8500 ha old-growth forest, formig oe of three �ore zoes of the ew Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve that was established i 1998. For a detailed des�riptio of Los Tuxtlas see �oozz�lez �oria�������o, �����������������irzo et al. (199������) ad ��evara,������ ������������������������hez et al. (2004). Fig�re 1: �ap of the st�dy area i the orth-easter regio of Los Tuxtlas i so�ther �era�r�z, �e�i�o. �he shaded area �orrespods to ������mostly �un�����dist�������������������������rbed old-growth forest i �����the s����rro�un���d- �he domiat vegetatio i this regio was tropi�al rai forest, b�t 80-90% of the igs of the �a �artín Tuxtla vol�ao ad the Los Tuxtlas Biologi�al Resear�h �tatio (EB�). origial forest e�tet had bee �leared by the year 1990. C�rretly, the lower slopes of the �a �art� Tuxtla vol�ao are �overed by a vegetatio mosai� of past�res, Bromeliaceae of Los Tuxtlas small patches of remnant trees, and different types of agricultural fields surrounded �he �otrib�tio of Bromelia�eae to spe�ies ri�hess i Los Tuxtlas is limited. � by remaiig forest fragmets. �mog the most importat tree families (geera) are prelimiary �he�klist of bromeliads fo�d i the st�dy area, based o persoal �olle�- Faba�eae (Lonchocarpus spp.), �ora�eae (Ficus spp.), ad La�ra�eae (Nectandra spp.). �t tios ad data from Espejo-�era, López-Ferrari et al. (2004; Espejo-�era, López- abo�t 1000-1550 m elevatio mostly �dist�rbed h�mid motae forest (bosque mesófilo Ferrari et al. (2005) i�l�des 32 spe�ies i 9 geera (�able 1). �s e�pe�ted, Tillandsia de montaña; (Rzedowski 1986)) �omprised of �p to 45 m tall trees such as Ulmus mexicana has the most spe�ies (12), while the high spe�ies numbers of Aechmea (5) ad Werauhia �a be fo�d. �he s�mmit is �overed by dwarf �lo�d forest domiated by Oreopanax (5) are somewhat s�rprisig. � total of 25 bromeliads are epiphytes ad oly seve xalapensis ad Clusia salvinii. I the st�dy area, most of the botai�al �olle�tios have are terrestrial, amogst the latter are two otable spe�ies e�ploited by h�mas. Oe, bee �arried o�t i the relatively low elevatios of the EB�, ad very few botaists Aechmea magdalenae, kow as ixtle or pita i �e�i�o, is fo�d i dese �l�sters i the have sampled above 900 m. The �����������������recorded��������� vascular ����������ora of the ��������������T includes 9� understory of the lowland rainforest. The long white fibers extracted from the leaves spe�ies i 13� families (�oz�lez �oriao, �irzo et al. 199�), whereas for the whole were traditionally utilized by indigenous groups to make rope, fishing nets, and rustic regio of Los Tuxtlas more tha 3350 spe�ies of plats have bee re�orded (��evara, �lothes, whereas today it is �sed for the prod��tio of e�pesive artwork kow as el ���hez et al. 2004). �he estimated total of appro�imately 4000 spe�ies demostrates piteado (�i�kti 2002). I adja�et �ierra of �ata �arta, also part of the Los Tuxtlas the �rget eed for more ivetories as plat diversity is threateed by the �otinuig Biosphere Reserve, this spe�ies is ��ltivated i se�odary forests for s�staiable �se trasformatio of at�ral forest ito past�res ad platatios. as a o-timber forest prod��t. �other spe�ies, Bromelia pinguin is ofte ��ltivated by farmers as “livig fe�e” to delimit �attle past�res. I �e�i�o, most bromeliads listed i �able 1 show a wide elevatioal rage of at 1 1Esta�ió de Biolog�a �ropi�al “Los Tuxtlas”, Uiversidad Na�ioal Autóoma de ���i�o, least 1000 m, whereas most spe�ies sampled d�rig this st�dy were oly fo�d i oe �partado Postal 94, �a �dr�s Tuxtla, �era�r�z 95�01, ���i�o. E-mail: tkroemer@ibiologia. or two elevatio zoes of 400 m. Oly the widespread Catopsis sessiliflora o���rs alog �am.m� the etire elevatioal gradiet. � total of 13 spe�ies show a rather limited distrib�tio 62 JBS 57(2). 2007 JBS 57(2). 2007 63 Scientific Bromeliad Flora of the �a � art���� ���Tuxtla �ol�aoao Scientific Bromeliad Flora of the �a � art���� ���Tuxtla �ol�aoao Fig�re 3. Tillandsia punctulata Establishment of a living collection �ll spe�ies of bromeliads ad or�hids �olle�ted d�rig this st�dy will be ��ltivated i a shadeho�se (Fig. 4) with the goal to establish a �omplete livig �olle�tio of plats from the �����������os Tuxtlas �iosphere ��������eserve. �or ���������������������������������������romeliaceae we expect to find at least eight additioal spe�ies (e.g., Catopsis berteroniana, Guzmania nicaraguensis, Tillandsia leiboldiana) that have bee do��meted ������������for the adja������et m��ii��������������������ipalities of Catema���o, Fig�re 2. Aechmea nudicaulis. �oteapa, ad/or �e�ayapan��������� (Espejo-�����������������������������������������era, López-Ferrari et al. 2004; Espejo-������era, to �e�i�o ad at least to oe of the �esoameri�a �o�tries. �eve spe�ies are fo�d �ópez-�errari et al. 2005). �������������������������������������uch more diverse is the local orchid ora,���������������� which alone so�th to the orther part of �o�th �meri�a, incl�dig Colombia, Ecuador, �eez�ela, for the EB� i�l�des 118 spe�ies i 55 geera (�ozoz�lez ��������oriao, ����������������irzo et al. 199�), ad/or the Brazilia �mazo, while aother seve spe�ies rea�h as far so�th as Per�, may of whi�h are rare ad edagered be�a�se of illegal harvestig for �ommer�e Bolivia, ad/or �rgetia. �erely fo�r spe�ies, Greigia juareziana, Tillandsia flavobracteata, as well as habitat alteratio.. Tillandsia limbata, ad Werauhia vanhyningii, are edemi� to �e�i�o. � total of ie spe- �ies represet ew re�ords for the muni�ipality of �a �dr�s Tuxtla, i�l�dig Greigia �part from the importat ex situ �oservatio aspe�t, this livig �olle�tio ad its as- juareziana, whi�h is ew to the state of �era�r�z ad was formerly oly kow from so�iated data base, documetig geeral iformatio o the cultivated spe�ies, will offer Oa�a�a ad Chiapas. Werauhia nutans is ew to �e�i�o ad was formerly oly kow st�dets ad resear�hers the possibility to �arry o�t resear�h o s�bje�ts such as aatomy from Costa Ri�a (Krömer, Espejo-�era et al. 2005). �his lo�ally ab�dat spe�ies ad morphology of reproductive orgas. F�rthermore, a e�hibitio for the geeral p�bli� with an inconspicuous green inorescence is night-blooming and likely pollinated by of mostly owering plants with explanations on the systematics and ecology of different e�tar-feedig bats������������������, similar to other �hiropterophilo�us��������������������������� bromeliads s����������������h as the wide- groups and families will fulfil the educational commitment of theEB T Resear���������h ��������tation. spread Werauhia gladioliflora. (Krömer 2004) 64 JBS 57(2). 2007 JBS 57(2). 2007 65 Scientific Bromeliad Flora of the �a � art���� ���Tuxtla �ol�aoao Scientific Bromeliad Flora of the �a � art���� ���Tuxtla �ol�aoao Life- Elev. Elev. �istrib�tio i the Vriesea heliconioides (Knuth) Hook. e� �EX, �E�, BOL, BR�, Bromeliad �pe�ies form Zoe 1 Rage (m) 2 Neotropi�s 3 Walp. ep I 80-950 COL, ECU, PER, �EN Aechmea bracteata (�w.) �rieseb. ep I, II 0-1100 �EX, �E�, COL, �EN Werauhia gladioliflora (H. Wedl.) J.R. �EX, �E�, BOL, BR�, A. lueddemanniana (K. Ko�h) �ez ep I-III 100-1150 �EX-COR �rat ep I, II 0-1200 COL, ECU, �EN �EX, �E�, COL, ECU, W. nocturna (�at�da) J.R. �rat* ep I� 1400-1800 �EX-COR A. magdalenae (�dr�) �dr� e� Baker ter I 0-600 �EN W. nutans (L.B. �m.) J.R. �rat*** ep II-I� �EX-COR �EX, �E�, �N�, BR�, W. vanhyningii (L.B. �m.) J.R. �rat* ep I� 600-2900 �EX, edemi� �. nudi�a�lis (L.) �rieseb. ep I, II 0-1000 COL, ECU, PER, �EN W. spec. (�HO 220�, 250�) ep III, I� (�art. e� ��h�lt. & �EX, �E�, BOL, BR�, A. tillandsioides Table : Bromeliad spe�ies occurrig i the st�dy area with otes o life form (LF; ep: epiphyti�, ��h�lt. f.) Baker ep I 0-�00 COL, ECU, PER, �EN ter: terrestrial), occurrence i fo�r elevatioal zoes (I: 100-499 m, II: 500-899 m, III: 900-1299 �EX, �E�, �N�, BR�, m, I�: 1300-1680 m), elevatioal rage i �e�i�o, ad distrib�tio i the Neotropi�s (FLO: Bromelia karatas L.
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