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Author Index A Beckwith, R., 227 Aarts, B., 229 Bennis, H., 142 Aarts, J., 116 Bernini, G., 231 Abel, S., 38 Bhattacharya, N., 64 Adda-Decker, M., 55 Bhattacharya, S., 64 Adda, G., 55 Bhattacharyya, P., 226 Aijmer, K., 194, 196 Biber, D., 69, 76, 86, 92, 185, 231 Aitken, M. R. F., 67 Black, A., 36 Alanko, P. K., 222 Boef, E., 142 Andersen, G., 229 Boguraev, B., 126 Andor, J., 263 Boguslavsky, I., 4 Antaki, C., 228 Borg, I., 69 Apresjan, J., 4 Botley, S. P., 92, 106 Arens, R., 37 Bouillon, P., 225 Arulmozi, S., 238 Boula de Mareuil, P., 55 Atkins, B. T. S., 99, 168, 226 Brown, G., 230 Atkins, S., 123 Brown, P., 194 Atwell, E., 74 Brown, P. F., 194 Austin, P. K., 140, 141 Budin, G., 205 B C Backhouse, A. E., 160, 161 Cabanillas, I. C., 222 Baker, J., 95 Cantos, P., 87, 185 Baker, M., 195, 199 Cardinal, R. N., 67 Bali, K., 47 Carter, R., 96 Banerjee, E., 246 Castillo, J. J., 198 Bansal, A., 246 Chambers, R. L., 63 Bansal, M., 246 Chandra, S., 27 Barbiers, S., 142 Chang, J. S., 37 Barlow, M., 75, 78, 84, 85, 93, 98, 106 Chatterji, S. K., 64 Barnbrook, G., 59, 63, 81, 84, 87, 183, 185 Chaturvedi, P. K., 27 Barnhart, C., 175 Chaudhuri, B. B., 159, 160 Basu, P., 178 Chen, H. H., 198 Basu, T. K., 254 Chen, K. J., 37 Beale, A., 87 Chen, S., 36 © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019 267 N. S. Dash and L. Ramamoorthy, Utility and Application of Language Corpora, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1801-6 268 Author Index Cheng, W., 3 Fellbaum, C., 63, 99, 227 Chiang, T. H., 37 Ferrari, S., 55 Chomsky, A. N., 232 Ferret, O., 55 Chopra, P., 27 Fillmore, C. J., 99, 168, 225 Church, K. W., 82 Firth, J. R., 157 Clavera, I. V., 224 Fiser, D., 35 Clear, J., 242 Fligelstone, S., viii, ix Cocke, J., 194 Francis, B., 63, 82, 99 Cock, S. D., 229 Francis, N., 144 Coleman, J., 156, 222 Francis, W. N., 220 Condamines, A., 206 Friedman, E. A., 63 Conrad, S., 58, 63, 69, 82, 231 Fries, U., 232 Cowie, C., 223 Fuchs, C., viii, ix, 6, 14, 63, 82, 99, 225 Croft, W. B., 197 Furbee, N. L., 140 Crawford, W, 1 Crookes, G., 109 G Cruse, A., 157 Gale, W., 168 Csomay, E., 1 Ganagashetty, S. V., 205 Cutler, A., 230 Ganguli, N. R., 254 Cutting, D, 37 Garnham, A., 230 Cuyckens, H., 226 Garside, R., 74 Gavioli, L., 93, 106 D Gentens, C., 3 Dagneaux, E, 98, 106, 107 Gevaert, C., 223 Dascal, M., 151 Ghadessy, M., 93 Das, G., 64 Ghosh, D., 27 Dasgupta, P., 27, 94, 178, 182, 185, 232, 241 Gibson, H. N., 78 Dash, N. S., 27, 64, 94, 106, 110, 114, 129, Gippert, J., 143 159, 164, 165, 168, 170, 178, 182, 185, Gomez, P. C., 185 232, 241, 255, 257 Good, I. J., 63 Datta Majumder, D., 254 Goustad, T., 157 Davidse, K., 3 Govindaraju, V., 27 Dawn, M., 64 Graf, D., 230 De Calmés, M., 255 Granger, S., 98, 106, 107 De Ginestel-Maitland, A., 255 Grant, L. E., 127 DeHaan, P., 232 Greenbaum, S., 116 Deshpande, W. R., 241 Greenwood, P. E, 67 De Vogelaer, G., 142 Grenoble, L. A., 140 Deane, P. D, 161 Gries, S. T., 88 Devos, M., 142 Groenen, P., 69 Dewey, G., 63 Gross, D., 63, 99 Dietzel, S., 194 Dutta, A. K., 254 H Habert, B., 55 E Halliday, M. A. K., 80, 116, 231, 242 Edwards, A. W., 63 Hanks, P., 244 Eggins, S., 151 Hardie, A., 1 Elliott, W., 78, 232 Harry, B., 255 Eskénazi, M., 231 Hartmann, R. R. K., 113 Everitt, B., 69 Hasund, I. K., 228 Hayakawa, S. I., 132 F Henderson, B. L. K, 114 Fallon, R., 228 Henry, A., 93 Fasold, R. W., 58 Herden, G., 63 Author Index 269 Himmelmann, N. P., 143 Kucera, H., 238 Hindle, D., 82 Kumar, S., 36 Hinkel. E., 94, 96, 125 Kundu, S. C., 64 Hinton, L., 141 Kupiec, J., 37 Hirschberg, J., 36 Kytö. M., 69, 76, 86, 92, 140, 185, 194, 213, Hoffman, C., 231 231 Hofland, K., 224 Hsieh, S. K., 55 L Huang, C. R., 55 Landau, S. I., 112, 122, 126, 127, 136, 260 Huber, P. J., 68 Leacock, C., 86, 156, 225 Hundt, M., 224 Leech, G., 238 Hung, J., 106 Leitner, G., 229, 239, 240 Hunston, S., 93, 107, 125 Levin, M., 122 Hussain, M., 238 Lewis, D. M., 223 Huss, L., 141 Lida. H., 194 Lin, M. Y., 37 I Lindström, L., 140 Ide, N., 168 Liu. S. H., 37 Ihalainen, O., 148, 149 Ljubesic, N., 35 Illouz, G., 55 Ljung, M., 229 Iomdin, B., 4 Long, M. H., 109 Iomdin, L., 4 Lovejoy, J., 228 Islam, M. Z., 36 Lüdeling, A., 69, 76, 86, 92, 185, 231 Izre’el, S., 255 Lyons, J., 157 J M Jain, M., 27 Macken, L., 203 Jawahar, C. V., 27 MacWhinney, B., 230 Jeffery T. C., 49 Mair, C., 194, 196 Jelinek, F., 194 Majumder, A., 36 Jha, G. N., 245, 246 Malinowsky, B., 157 Johansson, S., 224 Mallik, B. P., 64 Johns, T., 75, 79, 96, 106 Manning, C. D, 69 Jones, D., 194 Marco, S., 239 Marko, G, 95 K Martínez, C. T., 222 Katz, M. H., 68 Mathew, M., 27 Kay, C. J., 156, 161, 222 McCarthy, M., 96 Kay, M., 195 McEnery, A., 63, 95, 106, 111, 125, 145, 256 Kennedy, G., 66, 78 McEnery, T., 1, 69, 96 Kenny, A. J. P., 63 Meijs, W., 74, 77, 187, 227 Kettemann, C. B., 95 Mercer, R. L., 194 Khan, M., 36 Meunier, F., 98 Kilgarriff, A., 63, 69, 168, 226 Mikheev, A., 47 Kimps, D., 3 Miller, G. A., 63, 86, 165, 227 Kirk, J. M., 97 Miller, J., 231 Kjellmer, G., 77, 187, 227 Mindt, D., 98, 157, 225 Klemola, J., 140 Moon, R., 123 Knowles, G., 255 Moravcsik, J. M., 171 Koehn, P., 194, 196 Mosel, U., 143 Krishna, N. S., 47 Mukherjee, B., 254 Krishnaswamy, N., 157 Mukherjee, J., 93, 239 Kubelka, O., 35 Murthy, B. K., 241 Kübler, N., 93, 106 Mü, V., 232 270 Author Index N Roche, G., 141 Naji. S., 228 Röscheisen, M., 195 Nelson, G., 229 Roseberry, R., 93 Newman, F. B., 63 Rosin, P. S., 194 Nida, E. A., 157 Rundell, M., 124, 133, 134 Nikulin, M. S., 67 Rutherford, A., 67 Nissan, E., 254 S O Sallabank, J., 140, 141 Oakes, M. P., 59, 63, 65, 68, 69, 74 Samarin, W. J., 126, 143, 254 Ogden, C. K., 157 Sampson, G., 74 Olinsky, C., 46 Sánchez, A., 185 Olive, J., 36 Sánchez, J. A., 87 Ostendorf, M., 36 Sanderson, M., 197 Ostler, N., 242 Sannikov, A., 4 Santen, J. V., 36 P Sardinha, A. P. B., 85 Pajusalu, K., 140 Sarkar, P., 178, 182, 185, 232, 241, 242 Pala, K., 205 Sarkar, T., 44 Palmer, J., 168 Sasaki, M., 17 Pal, U., 27 Schneider, P., 232 Pammi, S. C., 44 Schütze, H., 98, 156, 225, 226 Panchapagesan, K., 47 Setlur, S. R., 27 Paquot, M., 98 Sharma, V. K., 27 Paroubek, P., 55 Shastri, S. V., 229, 238, 239 Patil, H. A., 254 Shillock, R., 230 Pawar, J. D., 226 Short, M., 74 Pedersen, J., 37 Sibun. P., 37 Peitsara, K., 140 Sigley, R., 18 Pérennou. G., 255 Simon, P., 55 Peter-Tyson, S., 98 Simpson, J., 113 Petyt, K, 145 Sinclair, J. M., 75, 108, 111, 122, 244 Pietra, S. D., 194 Singh, A. K., 27 Pinker, S., 171 Singh, U. N., 262 Poch, A., 224 Sizov, A., 4 Prahallad, K., 44 Smith, L. P., 113 Prevot, L., 55 Somers, H., 194, 213 Puffer, C. D., 223 Souter, C., 74 Pustejovsky, J., 100, 226, 244 Sproat R., 36 Stenström, A-B., 228, 229 Q Stock, P., 124 Quirk, R., 116, 229 Stubbs, M, 231 Su, K. Y., 37 R Summers, D., 6 Raghavan, P., 69 Svartvik, J., 116 Rahav, G., 255 Raj, A., 44 T Ramakrishnan, A. G., 47 Talukdar, P. P., 47 Ravin, Y., 156, 225 Temmerman, R., 205 Renouf, A., 108, 109 Teubert, W., 225 Reppen, R., 58, 185 Thomas, J., 74 Rice, J. A., 67 Tissari, H., 223 Richards, C., 36 Tognini-Bonelli, E., 74 Richards, I. A., 157 Tono, Y., 3 Author Index 271 U Williams, G. C., 183 Urdang, L., 132 Wills, J. D., 77 UzZaman, N., 36 Wilson, A., 63, 69, 87, 95, 145, 231, 239 Winograd, T., 193 V Wright, S. E., 205 Valenza, R., 78, 232 Van der Auwera, J., 142 X Vandeghinste, V., 201 Xiao-Jun, H., 113 Van der Ham, M. H., 142 Xiao, R., 94, 96, 125 Vandelanotte, L., 3 Xue, N., 36 Vera, D. E. J., 156 Xu, X., 82, 99, 225 Verma S. K., 157 Véronis, J., 168 Y Vessier, S., 244 Yarowsky, D., 36, 46 Vikas, O., 27 Yeasir, K. M., 36 Vogelaer, G. D., 142 Yule, G. U., 58 Yuvaraj, S., 44 W Wallis, S., 229 Z Weigand, E., 151 Zampoli, A., 123 Weisser, M., 6 Zawada, B., 156, 226 Wichmann, A., 106 Zernik, U., 82 Wilcox, R. R., 68 Zipf, G. K., 76 Williams, C. B., 63 Williams, G., 244 Subject Index A Allographs, 31, 45 Abbreviated forms, 52, 128, 132 Alphabetical order, 75, 76, 110, 187, 245 Abbreviations, 127 Alphabetical sorting, 185, 187 Abnormal speech data, 231 Alphabetic information, 76 Accent in speech, 95 Ambiguity, 43, 44, 86, 180, 256 Access of Information from Multiple Sources Ambiguity dissolution, 43 (AIMS), 169 America, 142, 229, 247 Acoustic analysis, 141 American English, 63, 91, 101, 117, 129, Acoustics, 265 227–229, 238, 239 Acronyms, 127, 128, 175 American national corpus, 7, 25, 59, 87, 96, Acrostic words, 127, 128 116, 142, 259 Act of communication, 156 American Standard Code for Information Additional resources, 105 Interchange (ASCII), 21, 239 Addressee, 75 Analogically formed words, 127 Addresser, 75 Analysis, 6, 9, 14, 17, 24, 25, 31–33, 57–63, Addressing terms, 95 65–70, 73, 75–79, 81, 83, 85, 94, 98, Ad hoc database, 188 101, 112, 127, 140–145, 147, 150, 152, Adjectival phrases, 202 156, 160, 168, 169, 174, 175, 180, Adjectives, 60, 62, 162, 163, 180 182–185, 187, 190, 219, 220, 222–226, Administration, 188 229–232, 244, 252, 254, 256, 258, Administrative texts, 19 261–263 Adult jokes, 13 Analysis of variance, 67 Adverbial clauses, 202 Anaphora, 31, 212, 256 Adverbs, 60, 180 Animal husbandry, 12 Advertisement, 11, 133 Annotated corpora, 256 Aesthetics, 145, 146 ANOVA test, 63 Affix, 150 Anthropology, 146, 148, 263 Agent, 31, 167, 169 Antonymy, 133, 135 Agriculture, 12, 246, 260 Applied linguistics, 140, 152, 174, 178, 220, Alexander Cruden, 78 251, 253, 255, 260, 262, 264 Alexander Pope, 63 Approaches to statistical study, 58, 64 Aligarh Muslim University, 241 Appropriate information, 11, 105 Aligned corpora, 260 Approximate match, 213 Alignment, 171, 193, 194, 195, 197–199, 213, Archaic words, 127 214 Area study, 146 © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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