TRLBOTRICE GRLLERY Umvers•ty of Edmburgh. Old College South Bridge. Ed1nburgh EHS 9YL Tel: 031-6671011 ext4308 24 Feb-24 March FRANCES WALKER TireeWorks Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Admi.sion Free Subsidised by theBcott1sh Arts Council Studef!t N~wspaper of the Year thursday, march 1 ARTS: INTER rATIO AL: FEAT RES: the bright · young thing of the · Fighting for Up and p music world human rights ~ . for the Fall - jntcrviewed· - Amnesty International onvoy1n• The street corner by Bucharest University where 52 protestors were shot in December. The Student team arrived there yesterday. -· THE- ROMANIAN relief own initiative to deliver goods, Sally Wood herself has like typical obnoxious Hrtts would be refunded mo t of thetr convoy reached its · the whole operation is a · expressed her disappointment at abroad." personal expenses, around £200 _d . S d shambles." the lack of organisation. She did He mentioned that they had each, estmauon 1ast atur ay He continued "There has been however praise the initiative if been successful in establishing The university has been after a disorganised and lots of space w~ted. with lots of the Student news service team, links with Romanian students, impressed at the way the team "in leading part of the convoy". one of the chief objectives of the has been "carrying the banner " for chaotic journey across -space taken up by toys, instead Edinburgh" Europe of medical supplies. There is She added that "they have SNS trip. · . only one doctor on the convoy, shown their worth and standing" He told Student i!l his There is much resentment Smce departmg from Edinburgh but yet there is a whole pipe and the crest on their van would telephone call from CluJ that, within the conv?y toward the last ~onday the convo:( has band and a rock band, nobody be "a great advertisement for. "Romanian students have been organiser Kevin Earn haw. He expenenced delays and mtshaps knows what is going on." Edinburgh University". · v~ry keen to strike up contact had failed to telephone Ms Wood to such an extent ~hat Sal.ly "Lots of the drivers are very wtth the SNS". with promised progress reports W<?od, the co·o~dm~tor 10 angry, patience has run out, Michael Barron also told of the and the fact that o many Edmburgh has s~td, I. h~ve morale is low and people are convoy's progress through ~ally Wood, the ~p~al co­ rendezvous were mi sed ?ever -~~.n such dtsorgantsauon dissapointed. There has been no Europe. "We drove more or less ordinat<?r. ~t the Mam Library, suggests that the entire m my life · help from the Scottish Flanders non stop through Belgium, has cnttcised th~ S~otsman enterprise was put together too Michael Barron, the mru:ager of Alliance people, one man was Germany and Austria before newspaper for getung It~ facts quickly and at too short notice. the Student ~~ws Servtce .and left on the Hungarian border reaching the Hungarian border wrong. In a report m t~e · Scotsman last week, thetr The SNS team ts now m the one of th~ offtctal repre~ntau~es without any money or clothes." fhe University SNS van has correspondent claimed that the of Edtnburgh Umver.stty Credit was given to those process of distributing boo s been with a small group of other whole convoy had met up at the around the Universities of Cluj, tele_p,honed Student from quJ, the people who used their individual lorries and a good relationship Austrian town of Linz, and that capnal of Trannsylvama on initiative '"The drivers are very Oradea and eventually Sunday aftemoon. • . · has been struck with the other group were escorted to their Bucharest. They intend to be He told of the "shambles" the dedicated and wtlhng to help. drivers. The drivers come from accomadation by the local police. back in Edinburgh on Sunday. various backgrounds. Some are convoy had become since They haye been let do~n by the Ms Wood says that only the two Ss .ng the channel. "We leadershtp, or lack of It on the self employed, one of them coach loads of volunteers found Finally, a Common moti n ha er~ I . convo " normally runs a drug clinic." arnved m Romama on Fnday. y. accomadation on Lint. the re l been tabled, Congratulating th · The convoy is disorganized Mtchael dtd h~we~er ~enuon had to fend for them elve . 'Flanders Scotti h llian Charit h p· f the convoy were that the book dtstnbuuon had He was however highly critical c ~os. teces 0 . been successful, "Thanks to the of the rest of the convoy, in its highly . u cc ful d li cry of s~ht across Europe. ~he lorn~s efforts of the University Library particularly the two coachloads ot Ms Wood added that he had much needed aid to th d priv d with the t>?oks made It on their and Sally Wood beforehand, the volunteers, "The people in the conta~ted the Univer ity to try and and uffering children f Roman ." own O.K. m a group of three or books were expected and there coaches have acted more as if get more money for the tuden~ The motion wa put down by four other vehicles. There has .. on the convoy and had be n orman Hogg, bour tP f, r been no distribution network, were people .wait!ng for them they were on a package sight seeing tour. They have behaved promise.d that the SNS team Cumbcmauld. individuals have been left to t~eir when they arnved. news · 1 In talks of New Europe - "Th f · • h. ·· economic system which rejecting their economic system . e uture" ISO t w. at. It facillitated their rejection of their . as well as. their political system. used to be, accordmg to political system," said Rifkind. These changes in the~oviet M a 1 c o 1m R i fk in d. "The profundity of this fact Union and Germany "enormously Scotland's Tory Secretary cannot be exagerated. !'-farxism al~r.Euro~ as we kn~w it," said · has been found wanting." He Rifkind. We are seemg the re- of State spoke to the later added that when Mikhail emergence of a central Europe. Politics Society on Friday Gorbachev visited Britain the S~n~e 1?39 Europe has been February 23. Rifkind's ~oviet leader was _most divided mto East ad ~est. But . " tmpressed not by Westmmster now the central countries such as lecture entitled .f\ New but by Marx and Spencer. "He Hungary ad Czechoslovakia are :Europe" focused on the was astounded by this •beginning to reassert changes in the Soviet department store which offers a themselves. The dualism which Union and Germany. com~copia of goods thatthewide ~sed to~ the identity of Europe " . public can use." IS gone. ThiS time of fundamental Rifkind further speculated on te The countries of central Europe changes has profound future of te Soviet Union. "The may someday be eligible for implications for · the Soviet Union is the world's last membership in the EEC, Rifkind . empire," said Rifkind. "That believes. "After all, The EEC is Europe~n Economic empire will either survive or committed to pluralist democracy Commumty, NATO, and disintegrate into an amalgam of and free enterpri~e: If you have the world," said Rifkind. states. 1 "This is the first time we th?s.e two qu~hties you are have seen te disintegration of a eligible to JOID. Poland and nuclear power. This is extremely Hungary may soon be joining Rifkind asserted that the world dangerous because something us." is seeing not only the failure of: will inevitably emerge to replace ''I'm not going to try to forecast the Soviet Union's political that power." Europe's future. But regardless system but of their economic Rifkind stressed that it is of ·what happens to Gorbachev, system as well. "It was the important to remember that the .the changes of the last few Soviet people's rejection of their East Germans are similar! months are irreversible." YALE: On an international a ~rag week bitch-hike, note, the USA 's premier students were arrested near CAMPUS university has a new soci­ Yeovil where, on inspec­ ety, "Yale Atheists". tion of their boots, the TO Although the organiser, boys in blue concluded that Sam Pratt, has .stated, "I the students' boots matched by Sarah Holloway hospital in Fort William suffering don't want this to be a re­ the prints of those found from hypothermia and a broken CAMPUS ligion-bashing group," on a piece of 'foam covered wrist. (pratt by name, pratt by na­ tiling' near the scene of a In a spe<!ch at Glasgow Univer­ by Steve Martin ture?), religious organisa.: burglary. Whilst the pair sity on Monday, Tony Benn con­ Labour's Scottish Executive tions on the campus, not were eventually deemed in­ demned the government loans voted last week to adopt a form of surprisingly, have a differ­ nocent, they found . lifts scheme as "vicious" and "designed proportional representation as the BIRMINGHAM: The to make it harder for the working ent view. Meanwhile Yale voting system for a Scottish Union here played host to ~ard to come by at 3am! class to get into education." He Assembly. The vote was split down anti-abortionists are step­ last Sunday's NUS fun run, LSE: Rag week here was, claimed that the scheme would the middle and chairman Mark organised in conjunction ping up campaigning in a make the decision of whether or Lazarowicz had to use his casting peculiarly American way by according tQ a Union with none other than The spokesman a "disaster".
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