BYTE U.K.U.K. BYTE store,store. whereas MOS wowoulduld needneed ex-ex­ pensivpensivee interfaces.interfaces. In this sort of application,application. anotheranother featurefeature of WSIWSI becomesbecomes important,important. namelynamely,. the low pinpin-out. -out. RegardlessRegardless of how many devices itit contains,contains. aa serialserial wafer-sca -scalele component component logicallylogically needs onlonlyy two pins,pins. In and OutOut (though iinn practice there are aa fewfew more). By contrast.contrast, modern micropro-micropro­ cessors cancan have moremore than a hun-hun­ dred pins,pins. andand integratingintegrating hundredshundreds of suchsuch chipschips would bebe aa nightmarenightmare due to the explOsivelyexplosively rising numbernumber of pinpin connectionsconnections that havehave to bebe made. IntInterestingly,erestingly. the Inmoslnmos Trans- Trans­ puter arrivarriveded at a solution somewhatsomewhat similar toto WSI. WSI .The The 1Thansputer Transputer usesuses pointpoint-to-point-to-point serial connections for transmission of data,data. although whenwhen using off-off -chipchip memomemory,ry. it still requires numerous pins.pins. (I(It'st's fasfascinatingcinating to Introducing the Lattice MS-DOS speculate howhow thethe 11-ansputer Transputer would Introducing the Lattice"MS- DOS C Compiler, Version 3. perform if itit werewere integratedintegrated atat wafer C Cotnpiler, Ve rsion 3. scale and whether Catt'sCatt's linearlinear -array-array There's never beenbeen a a betterbetter time time to to buy buy Lattice Lattice C.C. apprapproachoach could be adapted to cope ProfessionalProfessional programmers the world overover havehave made with suchsuch two-dimensionaltwo-dimensional networks.) networks.) Lattice CC thethe standardstandard compiler for fo r serious serious MS-DOS MS-DOS In principle.principle, AnamAnamartic'sartic's technology programming.programming. NowNow VersionVe rsion 3 ofoffersfe rs even more ofof thethe can be used to build linearlinear arraysarrays of featuresfe atures that have made our previous versionsversions soso genergeneral-purposeal-purpose microprocessorsmicroprocessors popular. Our new compilerCGmpiler featuresfe atures include:include: with onon-chip -chip memory toto executeexecute ANSIlanguage language constru constructscts includinincluding,g, unsigned asas aa ANSI unsigned parallel programs. However,However. not every modifier,modifier, void data type, enum datadata type, structure void enum kind of problem isis amenableamenable toto solu-solu­ assignments,assignments, structurstructuree arguments, structure returns,returns, tion onon suchsuch aa linearlinear array;array; suitablesuitable and argumentargument type checking.checking. problems are those that involveinvolve per-per­ The compiler also contains better aliasingaliasing algorithms,algorithms, forming repetitiverepetitive processingprocessing on aa more efficientefficient code genergeneration,ation, andand moremore flexibleflexible continuous stream of data.data. It'sIt's likely,likely. segmentation,segmentation, inin-lin -linee 8087 codecode generation,generation, andand 80186/ 80186/ thertherefore,efore. thatthat AnaAnamarticmartic will concen-concen­ 80286 80286 codecode generation. trate on smallsmall special-purposespecial-purpose pro-pro­ The lilibrarybrary contains more thanthan 200200 new functions,fu nctions, cessors forfor transfortransformingming the sort of including:including: ANSI/UNIX/XENIX ANSIIUNIX/XENIX compatib compatibility;ility; extendedextended data found in radarradar andand audioaudio andand support for MS-DOS;MS-DOS; extended extended supportsupport for networking video applications.applications. includingincluding filefi le sharing, file locking,locking, and I/O redirection; 110 I fervferventlyently hope that AnamarticAnamartic cancan and flexiblefl exible error handlinghandling viavia user trapstraps andand exits.exits. get the financial backing it requires to Plus the lilibrarybrary has also been rere-engineered -engineered to turn all these ideas into products. The produce muchmuch smaller executables.executables. technology looks feasible,feasible. and thethe Try the new VersionVe rsion 3 C Compiler fromfrom Lattice.Lattice. 3 story has an appeappealingaling romantic ele-ele­ Because C-ingC-ing is belbelieving.ieving. ment inin the shapeshape of Ivorlvor Catt'sCatt's · 15I 5- year-year struggle struggle to to getget his ideasideas ac-ac­ � � · ceptcepted.ed. However,However. the City of London � Lattice, Incorporated � is currently feeling sour toward high- � P.O. Box 3072 is currently feeling sour toward high­ Glen Ellyn,Ellyn, ILIL 60138 60138 technology investmentinvestment in general,general. Lattice 312/85312/858-79508-7950 TWX 910-291-2190 910-291-2190 while the failurefailure of of 11-ilogy Trilogy has unfair-unfair­ ly tainted thethe namename of of wafer wafer-s -scalecale in-in­ · INTERNATIONALLattice SALES OFFICES: INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES: tegration insideinside thethe indindustry.ustry. AtAt tthehe Benelux: InesInes Datacom Datacom (32) (32) 2-720-51-61 2-720-51-61 time of writingwriting (July), (July). though,though. itit seems seems Japan: Lifeboat Inc.Inc. (03)293-4711(03)293-4711 that Anamartic has the backing to put England: RouRoundhillndhill (0672)54675 France: SFLSFL (1)46-66-11-55(1)46-66-11-55 Wisper 2 into productionproduction asas aa firstfirst step along the road. Germany: (49)7841/4500( 49)784114500 ((49)8946/13290 49)8946/13290 step along the road. • BYTE NOVEMBER • NOVEMBER 1986 1986 Inquiry 174 356 174 .
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