'NeW .. HanipSlii'fe · Bulk Rate,u S Poi.t,?.ae Pa,~ i FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19: 1°988" (603)862•1490 Durham. N.H. Durham 1\1 H _Perm,, ,r3c; • 1 ' New compllter C stolen·. from :., English·Dept. By Beth Ineson · locked Wednesday night." A brand new Apple IIE com­ Before. the arrival of the puter and its accompanying c"cJrnputer_s, the room contained printer were stolen from room typewriters and was used for 10~ in Hamilt-on Smith some­ journalism classes and as a ti1~e between Wednesday and typing center for English ma­ Thursday afternoon. • ' jors. Ir was op~n for students' The computer, install~d three u~e during specif_ic hours weeks ago as pan of a group of Once . the computers were Students debate the merits of the Greek system. (Pet-er Tamposi photo) compu:ters and printers, was installed, the room W<!S locked worth $1600, according tO As- between classes. However, ac­ sociate Professor of Journalism cording to Menon, the locks on the doors were quite old, and 0 over the years many people have Gteek sySte_m deba_..ted ·:1~~:Sfu~~;/~i ;:e~:.r had access to keys for the room. rerday afternoon. He said that "We have very little control accounted for all the over who gets into which room," By Mark Grundstrom Fraternities and sororities are he had For example,' nine o·ui: of ten on Wednesday af­ Merton said. The UNH Debate Society also involved with the Dover computers . gang rapes in the country occur According to Merro,n, new, opened their month-long series ·, Day Care center, Child Safety ternoon. in fraternities. A class was held in the room more secure doors for the room of debates yesterday afternoon programs in Newington and According rn Markey, the morning, however, were on order at the tiine of the in the MUB by rackling the issue landscaping and general clean yesterday woman that was gang raped in said that the instrucror theft. The locks will be changed of whether or nor the UNH up around the university. Merton the J979 Acacia incident is still hadn't noticed the missing on the present doors tomorrow Greek system should be abol­ Gamble claimed that the housed in an insane asylum. until -the new doors arrive. 'lshed. problems of alcoholism, vio­ computer. Markey also said that 19 was no damage to the Keys to the room will be The ream of Kristy Markey lence, and degredarion of wom­ There percent of noise complaints given to the four journalism and Andrew Gamble supported en within 'various fraternities room during the theft. repon-ed to U niversiry Police "It was taken real clean," said. instructors and a department the resolution that the Greek vastly outweigh the benefits stem from fraternity activity. Merton. "Apparently, whomev­ administrator. system should be' abolished;1 they give to the community. - In response-; Rose said, "Ab­ er it was igot in with a key. A_s "From n,ow on it will be very while Tim S.ilk and Mike Rose " Fraternities promote the stinence would not be the cure. far as I know, the door was tightly controlled," Merton_said. argued in its defense. · abuse of alcohol -by pressuring We have to work our those dn numerous occasions, Tom people ro drink until they pu­ isolated occurrences by working Aley, the debate's mediaror, ke .. rhe question should be,'Why within the system, not by ab­ srressed the fact that the par­ · have the Greek system at all?'" olishing it ... if you're really for ticipants do not necessarily · said Gamble. diversity, let the Greeks live." Babbitt, du Pont advocate these "persopal ideol­ Mike Rose, a .member of the Accordin.g to Markey, the ogies." The two opposing sides Student Senate, alluded tO the underlying problem with the are obviously for the sake of First Amendment, stating that Greek system is their choice to drop·out of race argumentation, said Aley. the abolishment of the Greek alienate themselves from the Silk, a Sigma Phi Epsilon system would violate the civil rest of the students. Ir's an By Bryan Alexander primary, Babbitt receiving only brother, cited the Greek sys­ rights of students. attitude problem, she said. candidates Bruce five percent of the Democratic tem's involvmenr in various Presidential "The First Amendment gives Daniel Adams, a graduate and Babbitt (D-Arizona) and Pete vote, while du Pont took ten community services around every citizen freedom of asso- fraternity brother, said, "I joined du Pont (R-Delaware) both on the Republican side. Durham saying that fraternities percent .. ciarion. Students are given the a fraternity my first semester dropped out of their respective Massachussetts Gov. Michael and sororities "produce respon- right to decide where they want here. Now I kind of think that races yesterday. from the Democra~s, ' · sible movers and shakers." presidential Dukakis to live, who they ~ant to live first semester freshmen should Both had poor showings _in : ·, According t0 Silk, the Greek wane to with, and how they not be allowed to pledge a Tuesday's New Hampshire DROPOUT, page 5 · system traditionally has the live." ·fraternity. This could allow new largest participation of any Kristy Markey cited numer­ students to get a feel for campus organization on campus during ous exam pies of alcohol and and some other social alterna­ the Red Cross Blood drives. sexual abuse within fraternities. tives." MUB Board looks at Pub By .Pamela J. DeK_0n1r:_ M'.UB." week's vote. 'The MUB Board is the very Vice-Chairperson Bret Clem­ ·1asr night's MUB Board of first step in a long series of ons cited a petition to reverse Governors meeting_was high­ bureaucrai:ic steps chat it's going the Board's decision as another lighted by discussion of the to have to rake,"said Keating. reason for reconsidering the board's decision co relocate · Swee"ney said, ''Ir's more than vote. Clemons said there are Pistachio's, the MUB Budget, jllst getting beer back in the clo~e. to 1,000 signatures on the and the presentation of an cafeteria, it's a comRlete re­ petition. official proposal addressing vamping of a new student Clemons said Pistachio's nev­ restructuring the MUB Pub and entertainment facility." ' er lost money·, but never lived reinstating beer. · Keating asked the members up ro revenues expected. SAFC Chairperson Patrick of the board to read the proposal Keating said, "No matter Sweeney, MUSO President Greg and be prepared to discuss it at - what we do with Pistachio's, the Becker, a·nd MUB Board Chair­ next week's board meeting. money is there. Ir doesn't matter person Michael Keating collab­ After voting to relocate Pis­ which plan we decide on." orated on the proposal which ~ tachio's last week, the board Keating said that if the board was presented to the board bur yesterday voted t0 consider a does reverse its vote, the money not discussed yesterday. revore at a later dare. This allocated for the move of- Pis­ Keating said, "Because it was morion was then tabled. tachio's will go toward renova­ officially presented to the MUB The decision to resurface this tions of its existing location. Board it now forces the MUB issue was based on a · lack of Budge-t discussion will con­ Board ro consider beer in the information at the rime of last tinue next week. , · Primary parties! We were there! Page 3. INSIDE- ··The grass is greener where the cows are. Page 7. Bruce B~pbitt gives up the fight. (file photo) PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1988 , By Cara C_onnors · Jackson. _: . : · . ~ . Reagan ismhas created a "tunnel artists. Her natural mother was has imposed a cultural identity Freshman Rebecca Carroll Like walking off. ~ j'ob, she lS of money." In her th(:ory, people an unmarried white teenager on me·:" This identity includes remembers her se1;1ior year in. not afraid to. act in such s,icua­ (.mainly our generation, says in Boston who had been impreg.:. a. set of ingrained ideas on how high school when she was fired tions. Carroll) wear blinders and strive nated· by a black man ten years to ace and what co think. from a secretarial job at the local · "I don't like to m~ke pe9ple for only one goal at the end of her senior. When she decided Carroll feels chat in imposing oi.1 company. She remembers . feel bad," she says, "but I'm not the tunnel: money. she couldn't raise Carroll prop­ ,chis identity, society sometimes the reason why even better. real passive either." - · "There's no time for anything erly, she encrusted her to the treats certain people as "special" · After working at the company, She readily speaks out against else (except money)," says care of her high school art because they are different. These for four months, Carroll took cht lack of diversity at_UNHand Cc:'!,rroll. "I think the Reagan teacher, who is now Carroll's · individuals are given more a month off to live in France suggests forming a bla~k student Administration has emphasized adopted father. · · attention in the process. on an exchange program union or starting a "cultural the tunnel of money." Carroll has spent summers · 'Tve gotten a lot of mileage through her school in Warner, exchange program with inner Carroll says this vision is so and some weekends with her off of being special," Carroll New Hampshire. On her return, city kids" as possible solutior:i,s. dominant, it excludes such pur­ natural mother, who now lives ad mies.
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