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BIT) PRIOR ART RO (N/2 BITS) - 12 R1 (N/2 BITS) - 14 26 24 1 RO - 30 ROUND RC5 /Y-22 |ENCRYPTON 32 \/ J6 - - - -K4 4 O 42 RO (N/2 BITS) R1 (N/2 BITS) N - Bf T B E O C K U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 2 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG 2 PRIOR ART -16 18 KEY = RO-RO + KEY } R1-R, + KEY 2 KEY 2 = O 0000 100000000000 0000IOOOOOOOOOOO O -----------------|---------RO-RO (BR1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RO=RO<<<l SB(RI) : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | KEY 3= RO-RO + P(EY 3 28 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ri=R1 (D RO 22 OOOOIOOOOOOOOOOO - - - ST R1-Rik KLSB(RO) J4.32 ROUND OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 36 RC5 ENCRYTION Ri=R1 + KEY 4 KEY 4 = 0000 100000000000 OJ |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V RO-RO (DR1 20 OOOOIOOOOOOOOOOO RO-RO<<<LSBCR1) 2624 OOOO IOOOOOOOOOOO KEY 5- RO-RO + KEY 5 28 O OOOOIOOOOOOOOOOO Ri=R1 (D RO 22 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - - -2ND 34.32 ROUND R=Rik<<LSBCRO) A. RC5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 36 ENCRYPTION R}=R + KEY 6 KEY 6 = OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O R O 4 O R= 42 0000 100000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 3 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG 3 N-BIT BLOCK (64.128.256 BITS, ETC) 54 (E)-(2) W-LSB(R1) 7O 3 72 RO > f HC2) 86 RO (N/2. BITS) R (N/2. BITS) 88 N-BIT BLOCK (64.28.256 BITS, ETC) U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 4 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG 4 52 56 RO= Ry-Ri XOr KEY 7 KEY 1 = 0000 100000000000 0000 100000000000 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Sao TTTTTTTTTT KEY 2- RO-RO --((RDX)4) €9KEY2) w w O OOOO IOOOIOOOOOOO RO-RO) >>LSB(Ri) 64.66 0000|IOOOOOOOOOO 70,72.74 - - -ROUND ST RER0000IOOOIOOOIOOO (ROAREr3KEY 3O -: OF ENCRYPTION R=Ri>>>LSBCRO) 76.78 OOOOIOOOIOOOOOO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - KEY 4= RO-RO -- (CRD)>4) €BKEY4) O IOOO IOOOOOOIOOO RO-ROXXY SBCRI) OOOOOOOOOO IOO1 70,72.74 - - - 2ND Ri=R1+(CRO)>>4) (DKEY5), KEY 5 = ROUND IOO 10010001OOOOOOOOO O ENCRYPTION R=Ri>>>LSB(RO)IOOO IOOOOOOIOO 76.78 OOOOIOOO IOOOIOO1 IOOO IOOOOOO!!OO WHERE THE LINEAR OPERATIONS ARE L2, L6 = xor L4. L8 F Xor L3, L7 = ADDITION L5, L9 = ADDITION U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 5 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG 5 K-BIT BLOCK (64.128.256 BITS, ETC) -90 92 94 KA (K/2 BITS) KB (K/2 BITS) U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 6 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG 6 N-BIT BLOCK (64.28.256 BITS, ETC) -10 RO (N/2 EITS)2 RI (N/2 BITS) ' N-BIT BLOCK (64.128.256 BITS, ETC) U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 7 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG 7 N-BIT BLOCK (128.256 BITS, ETC) 150 54 f 170 ROUND V=SBOXILSB(RO) (E 172 K3 174 176 178 18O 186 RO (N/2 BITS) R! (N/2 BITS) N-BIT BLOCK (128.256 BITS, ETC) U.S. Patent Jan. 30, 2001 Sheet 8 of 14 US 6,182,216 B1 FIG. 8 Ki =0 152 154 RO= - R=Rée Kl 0000 100000000000 0000 100000000000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 160T 5a - - - - - RO-RO €D V V=SBOXOOOO) 1011107O IOO! IOI! 1077 OOIO IOO! IOI RO-RO -- (CRD)>4) (DK2) IOI 2011 0001101) 172 - - - ST V=SBOXFOil R=R) (DV ROUND OF OOO7IIIO IOIOOOIO OOOO!!OOOOOO ENCRYPTION O 178.18O RO->>>4 f=R --((ROXXX4) (DK3) IOM Oil ION OOO! 1101 OOOO101 OO!! - -- - - - - - m - - - - - - - - - m - - - - - - - - - - RO-RO €D V V=SBOXIOOI OOOOOOOOOOO! III IOOOO!! IIIO FSA =O RO-RO --((RDX)4) (DK4) LRI->>>4 162 Oilill OIOOIOIO 00illiol looloolol 4. 17O' 172' --ND V=SBOXOO) Ri=R16DV ROUND OF OJOT 1111 OOIO IOO) 10001101011! IOIO ENCRYPTION 174 K50 78.80 RO=>>>4 1TY R=R! --((RO)))4) €DK5) IOIOO!!! Illi O100 Sf OOIOIO, OIO IIIO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 176 RO= 184 186 - R= ON 1117 OIOO IOIO OO11010101101110 WHERE SBOXIOOOO}=1011 OOIO IOOi O11 OPERATORS SBOXIO11)=OOO! (11O IOIO OOIO L2L8-XOr L5L11-xOr SBOXOOIL)=1111 |OOJ OOil IIIO L3L9-XOr L6L2=XOr SBOXIIO1Oji=OIOf 1111 OOIO IOO1 L4, LIO-Odd L7L (3=GGd U.S.
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