DOCUMENT RESUME ED 034 840 UD 009 610 AUTHOR Watt, Lois B., Comp.; And Others TTTTP Books Belated to Compensatory Education. INSTITUTION Educational Materials Center, DITD. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington,D.C. Bureau of Research. REPORT NO OE -37045 PUB DATE Feb 69 NOTE 52p. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402(GPO FS 5.237:37045, S.50) EDPS PPTCE EDRS Price MF$0.25 HC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS African History, *Annotated Bibliographies, Communication Skills, *Compensatory Education, *Disadvantaged Youth, Early Childhood Education, *Educational Resources, Fiction, FolkloreBooks, Guidance Services, Handicapped,*Minority Groups, Music, Rural Education, Sciences,Serials, Social Studies, Textbooks, Urban Culture,Vocational Education ABSTRACT This selective annotated bibliographyrelating to the needs of disadvantaged childrenlists some recent textbooks, trade books for children andyoung people, and professional resources for teachers in programs ofcompensatory education. The listing comprises three sections. SectionI, Elementary and Secondary School Textbooks, has been categorized accordingto guidelines agreed with the American Educational PublishersInstitute, adverting to; depth coverage of African nations, their history andculture, or present situation; use with the physicallyor mentally handicapped; programed instruction, or individualized learning;interests of American minority groups; innovation inmethodology or study type; use with slow learners; and emphasison urban life. Section II, Juvenile Literature, is also arranged substantiallyaccording to guidelines similar to the above. SectionIII, Professional Resources, is listed as:(1) Monographs, on the Disadvantaged,Handicaps -- Mental and Physical, Minorities and IntergroupRelations, Rural Education, and Urban Concerns; and (2) Serials andSources, divided into Bibliographies, and Periodicals. (RJ) US OWL IIIIIIII Of MAIM MOM it Vflitif OffKf Of MUM 0E-37045 MIS DOMINI Y1S WI IKKOODUD MILT IS IMMO PION UK POSON 01 mamma 01162allic if POWS Of VOW Of moors stint BO NOT lifISSIMIT IflinfIll VIM OHM Of IDUCIMIll POSIDON OE POlICY 0961°c'- BOOKS RELATED TO COMPENSATORY EDUCATION Compiled by: Lois B, Watt, Chief, and Myra H. Thomas, Curriculum Materials Officer, Educational Materials Center and Eunice von Ende, George Washington University U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education Robert H. Finch, Secretary James E. Allen, Jr., Assistant Secretary and Commissioner of Education Bureau of Research James J. Gallagher, Acting Associate Commissioner for Research February 1969 Although single copies of all publications included inthis listing are part of the collection maintained in the Educational Miteriah Center for examination and researchpurposes, the Center does not serve as adistribution agency for any but its ownpublications; materials listed in this and other bibliographies issued fromthe Center must ha obtained through the usual commercial channelsor from the publishers. For information about receiving other reports of the Center, pleasesee inside back cover of this bibliography. Section I of this report "Elementary and Secondary School Textbooks,"was compiled by Eunice von Ende, Biological Sciences Communication Project of the GeorgeWashington University, Washington, D.C., pursuant to ContractOEC-3-8-080344-0037, withthe Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Edtmtion, and Welfare. Inclusion, of titles in this listing doesnot represent official opinion or endorsement by the US. Off'''..ce of Education. 1 1 , Superintendent of Documents Catalog No. FS 5.237: 37015 U.S. Government Printing Office Washington: 1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402- Price 50 cents CONTENTS Page I. ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 1 More Than One Curriculum Area 2 Early Childhood Learning Materials 2 Guidance Services 2 Single Curriculum Area 3 Communications Skills 3 Health 9 Industrial Arts and Vocational Education 10 Mathematics 10 Music 12 Science 13 Social Studies 15 IL JUVENILE LITERATURE 19 Africa: The Scene, The History, The Culture 20 Civil Rights 21 Fantasy and MagicJust for Fun 22 Folklore 22 The Handicapped 24 Publications for the Visually Handicapped 25 Meeting Trouble 25 Minorities 26 Paperbacks, Reissues, and Translations 31 Picture Books and Easy Reading 32 Poverty, Depression, and Conservation 34 Rural Life 34 Urban Life 36 Verse, Poetry, and Music 37 III. PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES 39 Monographs 39 The Disadvantaged 39 HandicapsMental and Physical 41 Minorities and Intergroup Relations 42 Rural Education 43 Urban Concerns 44 Serials and Sources 44 Bibliographies 44 Periodicals 45 A Books Related to Compensatory Education This is the second bibliography compiled in the Edu- Therefore, in considering the three categories of cational Materials Center of the U.S. Office of Educa- books included in this bibliography, the compilers nave tion to report on recently received books relating to looked for various features of particular concern: ma- compensatory education and the needs of disadvan- terials about Africa, about minority groups in the taged children. The first, entitled The Education of United States, about children in the United States with Disadvantaged Children (OE-14031-38) is out of mental or physical handicaps, and children who have print. However, the "Children's Literature" section of been educationally handicapped. that bibliography has been reprinted and is available Some specific guidelines were developed with repre- as Literature for Disadvantaged Children (OE-37019) sentatives of the American Educational Publishers In- from the Superintendent of Documents, Government stitute. These appear in section I, "Elementary and Printing Office, Washington, D.C., at 20 cents per Secondary School Textbooks." copY- This report does not represent an attempt to assess This bibliography is part of the Center's continuing the adequacy of any publication's coverage of the topics dissemination program for teachers, librarians, super- mentioned above. The compilers are aware of the vary- visors, administrators, and other educators. It has been ing degrees in quality of such coverage, and local agen- prepared as a means of answering questions about the cies should evaluate each publication in terms of local nature and availability of existing materials. objectives. Detailed consideration of the scholarly con- Like its predecessor, The Education of Disadvan- tent of individual books is beyond the scope of this taged Children, the present compilation was made from bibliography. However, if any publisher claims in- the point of view that the child whose experiences are depth coverage or specific focls, the book has been confined to the inner city and the child who knows only examirxd for its presentation of the total picture in the an isolated rural life are both thviously at a disadvan- area concerned. tage. Such handicaps, as well as those of crippled or In the following pages, then, are listed some recent mentally retarded children, are intensified if the family textbooks, trade books for children and young people, is poor. However, a child of economically secure parents and professional resources which teachers may find use- can be considered educationally disadvantaged if he ful in programs to compensate students for some in- lacks experience of other cultures, or knows only his adequacies of backgrounds and experience. own environment, whether it is urban, suburban, or Lois B. WAIT, rural. Chief, Educational Materials Center. irfr I ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS According to guidelines worked out with representa- liography that classifies but does not necessarily indi- tives of the American Educational Publishers Institute, cate endorsement. The books are listed in categories each publication included in this section was examined indicating subject and learning level. in relation to the criteria listed below. A letter symbol Any attempt at classification reveals some overlap- has been assigned for each criterion and is used in de- ping. In the following listing, a publication meeting scribing the book. several of the criteria above will be found in the cate- gory most closely related to its curriculum orsubject AThe material provides depth coverage of African area, and its relationship to additional criteria is in- nations, their history and culture, or their situation dicated by the appropriate symbols at the end of the today. annotation. For example, a programed reading series HThe publication was designed for use with stu- which also reflects the interests of minority groups in dents who are physically or mentally handicapped. the United States today would be listed under Com- ILThe material is presented as programed instruc- munication Skills, and the symbols (IL) and (M) tion, or in some other way is specifically designed would appear following the annotation. for individualized learning. In books for children, the interests of minority MThe content reflects the interests of minority groups can be seen reflected in such easily observable groups in the United States. features as illustrations which are biracial or multi- NThe material is innovative in that it represents ethnic, or which show an environment related to the a formal pilot study, or a curriculum study and re- experience of children. vision project, featuring new approaches to con- In secondary school
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