-, ,__ ;- BREAKING THE SILENCE -·.~ .. ~~· - ,. The Uaivenity of Minnesota is committed to tile policy tllat all penoas sball llave equal access to its progran, fadUtles, aad employmeat without reprd to race, color, creed, relipoa, Dtloaal oripa, Ia, ap, marital stata, dllabUity, pubUc aaistance ltatu, vetena ltatul, or IGual orlatatioL i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements iii Final Report Contributors: Members of Committees, Subcollll11ittees, Work Groups, and Other Important Contributors to the Fmal Report · iv Olapter 1. Introduction and Background 1 Olapter 2. Five Essential Recornmendatioos 6 Clapter 3. Climate Assessment and PcrsoDal Testimonies 13 Olapter 4. Hate Crimes and Harassment 30 Clapter 5. Coordinate Campus Reports 35 Univc:nity of Minnesota-Crookston (UMC) 35 University of Minnesota-Duluth (UMD) 36 University of Minnesota-Morris (UMM) 47 Chapter 6. "What Are You Afttr?": A History of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, and Transgendcr People at the Twin Oties Campus of the University of Minnesota, by John D. Wrathall 48 A. Definitions B. l.etttl' Responding to HarassmaJt C. Methodology D. Cimatc Evaluation Materials Flyers for Written Testimony, Open Mic Sessions, and Structured Focus Groups Structured Focus Group Qaestions and Consent Foun E. Surveys Faculty and Staff Benefits Survey c.LC. Benefits and Climate Survey Cmriculum Survey and Resources Request Foun Survey on Sexual Diversity (draft) Campus Diversity Survey F. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLB'O Program Office Materials Program Office Proposal CoonfinatorsPo&tion~on ii Appendix (continued) G. Benefits and Privileges Materials Employee Benefits and Privileges Audit Benefits Descriptive lnfonnation Answers to Commonly Asked Questions About Domestic Partners Benefits H. University of Minnesota Board of Regents Resolution on Benefits I. Domestic Partner Registration Materials Domestic Partner Registration Memo Affidavit-Declaration of Domcstic PartDersbip Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership Explanation of Eligibility and Reimbursement Benefit J. Gay and Lesbian Studies Courses and Courses with Significant Gay and Lesbian Content K. Resources University of Minnesota Resources Twin Gties Directory of Resources iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Over the last three years, many people have contributed their talent and energy to making this report possible. Those individuals listed on the following pages should be very proud of their achievements in institutional change to date. While the struggle continues, much has already been accomplished. However, the true heroines and heroes are those brave lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who broke the silence and told their personal stories. Without their testimonies reflecting the experiences of GLBT people in offices, programs, clinics, classrooms, workplaces, residence halls, campus organizations, fraternities, and sororities, change would not have been possible. This report is dedicated to them. We also need to recognize that change does not occm in a vacuum or overnight The "History of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, and Transgender People" is included as Olapter Six in this report to pay tribute to the pioneers who paved the way for om work. iv FINAL REPORT CONTRIBUTORS Major Committees • 1992-93 Members of Select Committee on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns: Lisa Allxecht, Faculty Sara Axtell, Graduate Student· Rev. Lindsay Biddle, Campus Minister Marjorie Cowmcadow, P & A, Chair Bamey Dews, Graduate Student Beth Emshoff, Administrator John Felipe, P & A Betty Hackett, P & A Betsy Handlson, Ovil Service George R. Jackson, Faculty Lisa Jones, P & A, Vice Chair Mary Jo Kane, Faculty Riclwd Melton, Ovil Service Audra Reule, Student TimOthy Rose, Alwnni Gary Schiff, Student, Vice Chair Paul Siskind, Graduate Student John D. Wrathall, Graduate Student • Former Members of the Select Committee on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns: Kristi Adams Steven Anderson Rozanna Annson Beverly Balos John Beatty, Fonner Chair Stephen Bell Jim Berg Carl Brandt Tun Buroker Cayton Chow Kevin Cwayna JocDuca Linda Ernst Bill Hoffman Robert Jacobson Ruth-Ellen B. Joeres David W. Johnson Linda Jones Jcny Lee Kraner Mamy Landsman Anita Martinez Toni McNaron v • Former Members of the Select Committee on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns (continued): Pamela 1. Olano Martha Osteiberg Polly Pagenhart Nikki Parting Lora Pollari Michael Porter Sirna Rabinowitz Mark Reschke Mark Snyder Allan Spear Marsha Studer Gloria Taylor-lames Gary Thomas AnneTmax Joseph L. Waldauer Shevaun Watson Vicky Wellsandt Leigh Williams Jacquelyn N. Zita, Fonner Chair • Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Emergency Response Team: Patti Abbott, Community, GLCAC Lisa Altrecht, Faculty Chris Brown, Student Tun Buroker, Medical School Student Marjorie Cowmeadow, P & A Beth Emshoff, P & A Iohn Felipe, P & A Iason Gerhanit, Student CpL Fran Gemandt, U of M Police Department Betty Hackett, P & A Betsy Handlson, Civil Service George IacJ~son, Faculty K. S. Jackson, Student Robert Jacobson, Student Lisa I ones, Civil Service Patriciaiones-Whytc, P & A Mary Io Kane, Faculty Becky Kroll, P & A Sebastian McKay, S~t Iune Nobbe, P & A, Clair Clare O'Brien, Student Audra RcuJe, Undergraduate Student Tunothy Rose, Alumni, Community, GLCAC Gary Schiff, Student Eva Shirts, Student Mike Smith, Student Ianet Spector, Faculty Maggie Towle, Student fun Tunnan, P & A Vl • Benefits Implementation Team: • = Domestic Partners Work Group •• = Personnel and Benefits Subcommittee ••• = member of both groups Carol Carrier* Associate Vice President for Personnel, Academic Affairs Marjorie Cowmeadow••• Associate Dean, General College, and Chair, Select Committee John Felipe*** Assistant Director, Equal Opportunity and Affinnative Action Betsy Handlson** Executive Secretary, Composition Program George Jackson** librarian, Faculty David Johnson** Director, Employee Assistant Program, Human Resources Usa Jones*** Administrative Aide, Student Affairs James Tunnan* Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs Dianne Mulvihill* Assistant Director, Employee Benefits Laurie Scheich* Director, Housing Services Wayne Sigler* Director of Admissions Juile Sweitzer* Associate General Counsel Diane Starr*** AFSCME Representative Subcommmittees, work groups, and special tasks: • Employee Benefits Subcommittee John Felipe, Chair Marjorie Cowmeadow Betsy Handlson Usa Jones George Jackson Dave Johnson Diane Starr vii • Curriculum Subcommittee Usa Albrecht and John Wrathall, c~hairs • Curriculum Survey Data Entry and Analysis Wendy Smith, Minnesota Women's Center Eric Scouten • Campus Climate Subcommittee lindsey Biddle and Richard Melton, c~hairs Paul Siskind Jim Berg • Hate Crimes Subcommittee Beverly Balos Sara Axtell • Focus Group Facillitators Carl Brandt Gary Thomas Martha Osterberg Jacquelyn Zita • Student Survey De\'elopment Usa Jones Darwin Hendel Roger Harold Richard Melton • Coordinate Campus Contacts George Flench--Crookston Oma Gaard-Duluth Lany Knopp-Duluth · Ron Kubik-Morris • Research Assistant Barney Dews • Typing, Transcription John Malecha • Archive Development Barney Dews Lindsey Biddle • University Senate omce Support VJCkic Courtney Martha Kvanbeck: Gary Engstrand • Clerical Support Zita Sanzone General College Dean's Office staff V1l1 • Final Report Chapter Writers Marjorie Cowmeadow Usa Jones Barney Dews John Wrathall • Final Report Readers UsaAllncht Barney Dews Betty Hackett PatMullen · Toni McNaron JacldeZita • Cover Design Bruce Challgren • Editor Mary Ellen Gee 1 Chapter One INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND History of the Select Committee The University of Minnesota Select Committee for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns was appointed in the fall of 1990 to investigate "the campus climate as experienced by lesbians, gays, and bisexuals within the University of Minnesota." University President Nils Hasselmo, in a letter to Senate Consultative Committee Chair, Warren Ibele, in October 1990, asked that a committee be appointed within the University governance structure to perfonn this task. The Social Concerns Committee of the University Senate was suggested as an appropriate committee to undertake this investigation. President Hassebno suggested this investigation of climate in response to lobbying by the University Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Network, a student organization. Representatives of the Network met with President Hasselmo in the fall of 1990 and urged him to actively pursue issues impacting gay men, lesbians. and bisexual people at the University of Minnesota. Of particular concern was the conflict between the policy of Rare excluding gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals from its programs and the University's equal opportunity policy; inequity in University benefits for gay and lesbian families; and an increase in violence directed against gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus. Work of the Select Committee The Select Committee, a special project subcommittee of the Social Concerns Committee of the University Senate, was originally chaired by Professor John Beatty (Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior) in 1990-91. A reorganization of the University Senate structure and senate budget cuts delayed the funding of the Select Committee until January of 1992. Research design and planning began during the first year of the Select Committee's activity. Professor Jacquelyn Zita (Women's Studies) was selected as chair of the Select Committee for 1991-92. During the fall of 1991, the Select Committee, despite lack of funding, was able to: 1) secure approval of
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