Vol. LXI No. 4 Providence College - Providence, Rhode Island October 4,1996 “Belligerent, Uneducated Brutes...” He then proceeded to enter through in the car, the PPDR claims that well. he would be charged with “main­ by Mary M. Shaffrey ’97 door and encountered the band Bennett and the assisting officer, With everyone out of the house, taining a liquor nuisance.” With Editor-In-Chief and more students drinking out of Ptlm. Sisson, re-entered the house Jim Forker ‘97, according to the this, the report alleges, Forker at­ and Pete Keenan ’99 red cups. He proceeded to ask stu­ and were able to stop the band from report, approached the officers and tempted to flee, but was appre­ A&E Writer dents who lived there, and was met hended and placed in a police car. The above adjectives are how with blank stares. With this, he Both Testa and Forker were trans­ one bystander described the arrest­ asked students if they did not live ported to Central Station and held ing officers who broke up an off- there to please leave. Again, ac­ for the next session of 6th District campus party last Saturday cording to the PPDR, he was met Court. evening. with ignorant expressionless faces. The PPDR alleges that during Approximately 35 people were At about this time, according to the course of this investigation, a gathered to listen to Rhino as they the report, Brian Testa ‘97 ap­ large crowd gathered outside. celebrated Brian Testa’s 21 st birth­ proached Ptlm. Bennett and asked With this crowd came insults and day. The band was playing acous­ him to leave because they were profanity from intoxicated stu­ tically and according to eyewit­ having a private party. When Ptlm. dents directed towards the police nesses it was no louder than the Bennett asked Testa if he lived officers. average stereo. Rhino began their there, he replied no. With this, When you ask students who set around 9:00 p.m. At 9:51 p.m., Ptlm. Bennett, according to the re­ attended the party, you get a very as stated in the Providence Police port, again asked him to leave and different picture. Department Report (PPDR), Po­ Testa replied “I’m not moving any­ Students state that discrepan­ lice were notified of various noise where.” Finally, Bennett tried to cies lie in every aspect of the re­ complaints. This is where any escort Testa out the front door and port, and that it was they who were by Pete Keenan '99 form of agreement ends. was met with resistance. At about met with the initial profanity and According to the PPDR, Patrol­ the same time, Bennett requested Scott Janovitz ’97 displays the damage done to his guitar insulting remarks. According to man Bennett (Badge #131) got out backup. During this process, ac­ witnesses, no one was on the side­ of his car and asked students on cording to the report, Testa spilled playing. Rhino then fled from the informed them that he was a resi­ walk, and very few were on the the sidewalk and porch to put beer on Bennett. All along, again house, abandoning their musical dent of the apartment. When po­ porch. Most were concentrated in down their drinks, but was met according to the report, the band instruments. With this, the remain­ lice requested identification, he re­ with blank stares and ignorance. continued to play. Once Testa was der of the people at the party left as fused, and was then informed that continued on page 4 Welcome to Providence, Tabitha Soren Mr. President Rocks by Colleen E. Pappas ’99 hind schedule and Air Force One we have a term for selfless service: Asst. News Editor could be seen coming through the Claiborne Pell.” clouds on its way to T.F. Green But it was Reed’s introduction With sunny skies overhead and Airport at around 12:30 p.m. of President Clinton that drew the PC’s Vote a view of the State House in the The delay did not, however, loudest applause and cheers by far. distance, President Clinton’s ap­ dampen the enthusiasm of the The President began by echoing by Erin R. King ’98 18-26. As a result, since 1992, pearance in Providence last Satur­ News Editor politicians have addressed several day was graced not only with beau­ issues concerning young people. tiful weather but with the enthusi­ On Monday, September 30, The “Motor Voter” Registration astic support of a cheering crowd PC’s Alumni Hall was visited by Act, MTV’s personal crusade, al­ of over 20, 000 people. the self-proclaimed “voting poster lows people to register to vote at Downtown Providence was child,” MTV’s Tabitha Soren, who their local Department of Motor brimming with anticipation, as is visiting several colleges this Vehicles; the college loan system crowds of people lined the street election season to answer ques­ has been reevaluated, and the Na­ to gain access to Station park, tions and give young people “a tional Service Plan offers options which is located just West of the reason to go out to the polls” on for young people interested in American Express building. Metal Election Day. public service. barricades had been placed around Soren, 29, has come to be There are currently 46 million the area and many of the surround­ known as a spokesperson for Americans in the 18-26 age ing streets were blocked by police “Generation X,” especially after bracket; a substantially larger vot­ officers. her work for MTV News during ing block than that of senior citi­ The entrance to the park was the 1992 election. She takes the zens. So why do the politicians opened at 10:30 a.m. and by 11:30 cynical stand that the 26th Amend­ a.m. the line had formed down William Jefferson Clinton addresses the crowd at Providence’s ment, which gave 18-year-olds the continued on page 4 Francis Street onto the Memorial Waterplace Park right to vote in 1971, was passed Boulevard sidewalk and across the “only because they were dy­ bridge near Waterplace Park. crowd as the President arrived in Reed’s gratitude towards Pell, and ing in Vietnam.” These days, While people waited in line, ven­ Station Park. Prior to his speech, informed the crowd that the bud­ young people often take that dors sold t-shirts, buttons and Mr. Clinton was presented with a get which had been passed the pre­ right for granted. Soren signs. Prior to the entrance into the key to the city of Providence by vious day had included “the big­ noted that many times, young park, people had to pass through Mayor Vincent A. Cianci, Jr. Lt. gest increase in the Pell Grant people do not vote because one of the eight metal detectors Gov. Robert Weygand also spoke scholarships in twenty years.” politicians do not address that had been put in place and were to the crowd briefly, as did State President Clinton continued to their issues. However, the asked to submit their hand bags Representative Patrick J. Kennedy. praise the new budget deal, which politicians do not address and backpacks to a search as well. Retiring Senator Claiborne Pell, also included new legislation on young people’s issues be­ Before the arrival of the Presi­ whose appearance at the podium the minimum wage, healthcare re­ cause often they do not vote. dent, the crowd was treated to drew cheers from the crowd, of­ form, and immigration. The speech “It’s a vicious circle,” she musical performances by the West­ fered his support to Congressman was one of optimism and hope; the said. erly High School jazz band, the Jack Reed, who will seek to fill theme that ran through Clinton’s “Voter turnout has gone Cranston High School West Pell’s seat in the Senate. speech as well as those of the other down every year since 1971 marching band, and the Holy Cross Reed, with obvious crowd ap­ political leaders was the idea of “ except 1992,” Soren contin­ Church of Christ Gospel Choir of proval, approached the micro­ ued. In 1992, voting in­ Laura Humann ’99 South Providence. phone to thank Pell for his dedica­ continued on page 4 creased 20% for people ages Tabitha Soren in Alumni Hall The President ran slightly be­ tion and stated, “In Rhode Island The Cowl 2 NEWS October 4,1996 News Briefs Inside President’s Forum Presents First Event Congress The first event in the ber 10, at 7:30. It will be an illus­ Stripping of the Altars, was President’s Forum series for trated lecture. awarded the Longman/Wistory by Michael J. Walsh that these changes would not take 1996-97 will be a lecture by Dr. The English Reformation was Today prize as the best historical Student Congress President effect until at least 2002 if passed Eamon Duffy on the English Ref­ a legislated response to the per­ work published in Britain in by the Senate. ormation of the sixteenth century. sonal requirements of King Henry 1992-1993. Dr. Duffy, who has This week in Congress... We And now class updates...The Dr. Duffy, who is a fellow of VIII, in contrast to the evangeli­ the reputation of being an excel­ passed our first bill of the year. The senior class of 1997 is busy plan­ Magdalene College, Cambridge, cal reformation initiated by Mar­ lent speaker, has lectured in En­ Congress unanimously voted to ning 197 nights and will soon an­ and director of studies in theol­ tin Luther. Dr.
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