
S^DtrrtisementB. d.ropean QLboertiBenantf. foxeign Resorts. Gttrojjcan -1.¦-.....«- ¦«aaa TOPICS IN CALIFORNIA. MUSICAL XOTES. "^^^^CTnCRlT^TO IIIOP M EIROPE. UROPEANS AND TRAVELLERS wlll flad The Internatioiial Palace Hotels. P> PROPOSED LONG BRIDOE.DEPEW AND th. London offlc of Th. Trlbun.. TS Flaet Street, It behooves a wrlter ln urging the necesilty of Tbe OUealreh l'alace. NEWS. be himself cor- CAIIIO .89BJJR9 DEBENHAM eVFREEBODY E. C. a convenlent placa to leava th.lr advartlaameata VANDERBILT.GENERAL preservlng the verlties of history to " to [bt tei.eoraph to the Tnint'NE.l rect in hl.torlcil Rtatement. The Trlbune therefore *VCW TT: .Franca. By speclal appointment and aubicrlptlona tor Th. Trlbun., correeta a statement which In Its eotanui Her flajesty. San 4. Colonel Lyman appeared T)^n\rr",*.,,n,':.e-.p.rt-«.t Franclsco, Aprll of Muslc-al Comment Iast Monday to the effect :, one of the best known of Cali¬ tvl t.erlond. Fur Garments, Bridges, engineers that the flrst performance of lleethoven'n Nintli *J.AKjEHNfinEU.S A.-A.- has lor a railroad The Hiimmer Pnliii-i*. Costumes, Cloaks, Hantles, fornia, proparcd plar.s bridge Symphony in New-York took place on March 7, THRRAPIA.Tarkey. I'ern I'nlaee. Dress Goods. connecting San Franclsco aml Onklan.l. It ls 1S4C. was that the The _ Silks, Laces, It on that date projecttd per- CORSTARTIROPLHI. Turkey. F.xhlbltiona of Hdtel to streteh from some point on the clty water- formi.nce was announced, but the date ot the per- Tbe 4Jd Hotel Inlernnllonnl. S/itrinl Metropole tli. n nniMiisi .itnir. FURNITURE front to the foot <-f Peralta-st., Oaklan.l. The formance was May 20 of the aime year. RlBce F.ir rhfonratton tleket. ... .il aad 10 raawva »e: OLD BNGLISH potatai i nrflcei. 14 OLD KMIIHOIIIERIES. would be feet In dl- ?he I'hilbarmonic Boclety have glv.-n the work slx arsimodatloa, apply Internathmal B. C Co AVD London actual brklKe lT.'.tdO length, de rehearsals.once un- Caekcpur st Landoa. or * I'l.'-e l'Opera. Parla._ of all the above post free. vlded up into twenty-three spans of varying tim.s. not counting the publlc Catalogues -I.-r r.irl once un.ler Pr. Damroscli, three but the no liergmann. Street (Cavcndish Square), Loodon, W. Offers uncqualled accom* ei«e; work, thoiigh great. preaenta times an.l one- under An- Wigmore 2.'.0 under Theolore Thonias. irtilk engineerlng dlfli ulti.* Two drawbridges of ton wlll be the feature of tho HOTEL CONTINENTAL, Thrrr mlniitr.i' from Lantfham llotrl._ modation for real comfort S.l.ll. lt prirnipal ROYAL I>K LtA PA1X feet would permit the pfirtTUT of »H vess.-is. iast ooncert for this teaaoa next Saturday arealnaj. and ltixury in every detaiL By this with a aaok two mllea long The hoIo I"- Mtn.. .le Vcr.-Siipio. Mrs. arranfement, slnger* wlll Moderate charge s. on the Oakland side, the tlme of translt acro=9 Carl Alves, William II. Rieger and Ffrangciw Da- ,WHITE Florence. Mr. ais.. b accn. from l>r. C. LINENS the be from twenty to ten rlea Darlea rlll ala. TRISH bay WOUld radoced Dircxrt irom tho Lootna, tninutes, whlle all the preaent tedious work of Hubert H. l'.irry's "Klng Snul." BOd the concert PRICES. Proprieiors, will open with the proluile and flnale from YVag- lHANDS! Hotel de la Ville, AT MANUFACTURERS' and express matter from The Gordon Limited transferrlng baggage -TBiiTMiaT.-raF.*§.!.efc.;»'lj'J'a umn Hotels, ncr'B "Parslful." l.aAlnr*rl nn.ta aK>Brt tnrm m Btroui.. boats to traina wonld be avolded. The project dn "'1 .rfJ < V; Wcrnc" aVBoTr. *-«r1i.cihor.ai1.1r,|L IRISH LACES »' .IntmeMI. la excltlng much Intereet, and if carrled out, it P.v.-n- l?,rV, ttiil. Cor..-..Boi!¦".^'.'1"rl'rop...<hu'"B.,.ton.SS _Florence._. Maasra. Novello. Ewer & Co.. No. 21 Eaal iFurru MN In axoluatve> D.-Mitzna, would mass the termlnal bualneaa In one place on teenth-st.. have Issued a i-lrcular of lnform:ition <>r rar.i produotton. Savoy Hotel, London. thla side, and would obvlate the inconvenient about the faatlTal at Bayreuth la the eonlng aum¬ Hotel de la Ville, HOTEL DB LUXB OF THB WORUX transfer of all railroad passengers. mer. at which "The Klng of the Nll.elung" is to be AFTER LENT. Brothers. Lld. PLAYS Walpoler 171111.1 of wlll tak- (Kitabllihed Vanderbllt, given. The flrst series representntions Savoy Restaurant Chauncey M. Depew and Corne.llus place between July 19 an.l 22; the secotnl between CITY _Milan._ Dublin, Of (laitronotnli* Fma. to be havlng 2 WEEK OFFERING8 OF THE Belfast, wlio arrived here this week. appear July 2C and ?.>; the thlrd between August anl .".; EAPTFU liand play* on th. t.rrai-i 0T»rt.nAli* » good time. They have certalnly seen as much the fourth between August 9 and 19; the fifth be¬ THBATRE8, Lucerne.Switzerland. 89, New Bond Street, Ibe Kmbunkment, (t.rde.i aad It. r ir, as be seen in the tlme they tween August 1« and 19. Novello. Kwer ci Co. wlll ln "The of the State could E. II. Botbern'a flrat retnrn to tbla clty GRAND HOTEL NATTONAL. London, W. Maltra KCHKSaBR here. Mr. is much impresscd book Bi-ats at 120 for each seri. s (tbe refjular price), to-morrow right at tbe Eiromar._RARARRRa jL. have spent Depew fee. Prlaonar of Zenda" occura First Iivst simailan of California. As he juatly saya. If an.l JI for each series, booking Houae. Tbe engagetnent la for ona Claaa, THE ADRLPHI HOTEL, bv the future Harlem Opera On I.:i!i«*. I.IVKRf'OOI.-. and Middle week wlth a Baturday matinea. Mr, Bbtbern, IbbC Midland the farmers of the New-England The annual concert <>f the T.le Qle. and Banjo only, >n MIDLAM1 (iBAMl HOTKL, could lead on lt la announeed, wlll nol agatn preBent thla play i:irrlrlr Llajkl Tliroiijjliout. .f.T. l'AN.'HAS. LONOOM Stateg knew of the easy llfe they Club will be given at t'arnegle Hall at 8:30 Frlday Th. UI rlee promptly at a PETER ROBINSON New-York. MII)I,4M) tJRAXU HOTKU returns Railway - California fruit farms. and the large evenlng. Aprll 17. The concert ls given BB her.t..- o'cloi-k evenlnga, and al al tne matlnee. Proprietors, PfyfTer & Co._ _HltAI'KuIU) could get for thelr labor. there would be fore for the beneflt of the Yale fniverslty CTWW, rvtTRBR'B HDTKI,, they wUI reach IU netb per- Goods Store, Oxford-SI., Hotels. What struck hlm which thls year is entered In the Henley Interna- ¦.Th.- Prlaoner of Zenda" Dry a great increase in settlers. nnd lt anfjfx MIDLARD HOTF.L. of tlonal to be roweil In July. Thls trlp will rormanee al Ihe Lyceum Theatre tMi week, Chatham. Knglaad. _DKKBY-.. as most remarkable was the productlveness Pegatta, of Mr. Hotel Tilegrama "Btaot.l.' Kxreiient Cuiaina, necessltate an unusual exrtf-nso, and the commlttee stiil mamtatni its popularity. The preaenee Hundred Btaarlallliat the orange and lemon groves ln Southern Cali¬ at the London. One shops H. TOWLK. Mgr. Comfort, Roeerat. chargea. in charge of the concert are in hopea that it wlll Frohmaa'fl other company, wlth .Mr Bothern, and remarkahle dlverslty of produeta mtereat. Paris. fornia. the be well patronlze.l in onler that a large sum will H.irl. ni Opera Houae thla week, wlll add Santa Clara Yalley. end wlth the run of "The and Show Rooms. Latest Jn the be netied for the crew. Sinre the concerts bave been The Lyceum aeaaon wlll the l.ist two of Zenda" In the latter part of Aprll. Mr. The Hotel Cecil, this glven In t'arnegie Hall during yeara, Prlaoner The crlmlr.al record has been malntained wlll al Ih Ll .um on Augu.t Grand Hotel, occnrreri.-s Bothern reappear The have beoome dlstinctively sodal th- moderate women. one of whom shot her they .il ln new play and wlll contlnue untll ..j.-.i- fashions. best style, week by two of Inter.-st among tbe on Novenv kllled her three und have cr-eated a great deal ing of Ihe Lyceum Thi itn Btock .eaaon, London. husband fatally and the other of Yale ln thls city. The |Ut of patron- ber 23. This new Hotel. eulcide. In both supporters _Brussels._ magnificent Uttlo chlldren and commltted esses is large, nnd lticludes a gre.it many well-known prices. the and finest in Lon¬ were the movlng wlthdrawn from the atage of Pal- largest ca.es Jealousy and neglect nanvs among the women of New-York socicty. The "afadame" la be for the re- adminlstered tralned Mr. m.-r's Theatre, but no' from the attentlon of New- HOTELdel'ATHENEE, don.will open causes. The lawa are so badly club. have been carefully by Bbepard with GRAND 16 Kli: BCRIBE. visitors about the toward fe- ln New-Haven. und age sirotig thls year. York. Mi Pali. haa made arrangnnenti ception of and Juries ahow such weak lenlency aotBgually of thl« al OPPOSITE mi; ORAND OPERA. JAS. SHOOLBRED & CO. Its loca- n hus¬ The boxe.s and a great number of the orcbe.tr. Auguatln Daly for i rontlnuatl play 30th of April, 1896. rnale crlmlnala that the murderer of her -morrow 1822.) aeats have been subscribed f.r, alth.iug'i Daly'fl Theatre, in II wlll be ti u iferr. I or P&ris. (Established faclng and on the well- already - wlll Modern Hotel tlon is unrivalled, be .' .i-'il i ..I th.
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