An Enumeration of All the Plants Known from China Proper, Formosa

An Enumeration of All the Plants Known from China Proper, Formosa

ENUMERATION OF ALL THE PLANTS KNOWN PRON CHINA PROPER, FORMOSA, HAINAN, THE COREA, THE LUCHU BRCHIPELAGO, AND THE ISLAND OF HONGKONG; TOGETHER WITH THEIR DISTRIBUTION AND SYNONYMY. 1. RANUNCULACEB. 1. Clematis acerifolia, Mmiiit. Tl.As. Or. Xragm. p. 2 ; Kuittze, Monogr. Gatt. Clem. p. 142. CHIHLI: Poliuashan (Brefschneider !). Herb. Kew. 2. Clematis sthussfolia, Turcz. in Bull. MOSC.v. p. 181; Maxim. in Me% Biol. ix. p. 586; Sranchet, PI. David. p. 12. Clematis nutans, Royle, 6. aethusifolia, Kuntze, Monogr. Gatt. Clem. p. 129. CHIHLI:near Poking (Tatarinow! Kirilow! Bushell! Williams!); KANSUH(Przeiualski ex Maximowicz). Herb. Kew. Mandshuria. 3. dematis alpina, Mill. Diet. ed. viii. n. 9 ; DC.Prodr. i. p. 10 ; Franchet, Dacid. 11. PI. 14. \ Atragene alpina, Linn. ; Muxim. in M.41. Biol. ix. 11. 603. LIWN JOURN.-BOTANY, VOL. xxm. B 2 1. RANUNCULACEB. CHIHLI: P0huasha.n (Kirilozu! Bretschneider !) j Jehol (David ex Pranchet). Herb. Eew. Europe ; Siberia. 4. Clematis angustifolia, Jacp. Enum. p. 310, Collect. i. p. 137, et Ic. PI. Rar. I i. t. 104 ; DC. Prodr. i. p. 7 ; Naxim. in .El. Biol. ix. p. 594, et 31. As. Or. Praym. p. 2 ;~Debeaux, PI. Tche'$oou, p. 22 (var. tchefouensis) ; Banchet, PI. David. p. 14. Clematis recta, Linn., 7. angustifolia, Kuntze, Monogr. Gatt. Clem. p. 112. CHIHLI: Peking (Bushel1 ! Hancock !); SHINGEING: Talienhwaq (Xwinhoe!); Cbienshan (Ross !) ; SHANTUNG(Maingay ! Han- cock !). Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Eew. Dahuria , Mongolia, and Mandshuria. 5. Clematis apiifolia, DC Xyst. i. p. 149, kt Prodr. i. p. 6; Naxim. ill Me'l. Biol. ix. p. 593; Benth. 31. Hongk. p. 7 ; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Toy. p. 528 j Xiq. in Ann. Nus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. iii. p. 2. Clematis virginiana, Lour. F1. Cochinch. p. 345, ex Maxim. 1. c. p. 594 (ubi sphalmate virginica). FOKIEN: near Amoy (Portune, A. 86 !) ; COREANARCHIPELAGO (Oldham, 6 !) ; LUCHUARCHIPELAGO (Beechey !). Mus. Brit. j Herb. Bew. Japan. 6. Clematis Benthamiana, Heml. Clemah ternitlora, Benth. FZ. Hongk. p. 7 (sphalmate C. teraifolia), non DC.; F. B. Forbes in Journ. Bot. 1884, p. 265; Maxim. in Me". Biol. ix. p. 596, pro parte. CHEKIANB: singpo (hb. Forbes !); CHUSANARCHTPELAao : Pootoo (Carles, hb. Forbes !) ; FOKTEN: Amoy (Portune, A. 89 !) . Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew. In order to terminate the confusion in which the names terni- flora, ternifolia, and tenuijora are involved in this genus, a new one is given to this species. The original terntjlora proves to be a compound of C. chinensis, Retz., and C. recta, Linn. 7. Clematis brachyura, Naxim. iiz Mil. Biol. ix. p. 598. Clematis paniculata, Thanb., forma t pauciflora, Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bat. hgd. Bat. iii. p. 1. CORRA(cararbs !) ; COREANABCHIPELAaO : Long Reach (Obd- ham, 7 !). Herb. Kew. 1. RANUNCULACEZ. 3 8. Clematis brevicaudata, DC. Syst. i. p. 138, et Prodr. i. p. 3 ; Maxim. in Bhl. Biol. ix. p. 592 j Pranchet, PI. David. p. 14. CHIHLI: Peking (Tatarinow !), between Peking and Jehol (Staunton !) ; Western Hills (Bushell ! Bretschneider !) j SHENSI or KANSTJH: Tsuuglin range (Piasezki ex Maximowicz NSS.) ; COREA(Carles !). Mus. Brit. j Herb. Kew. Mongolia, Mandshuria. 9. Clematis caesariata, Hance in Journ. Bot. 1870, p. 71 j Naxim. in Mil. Biol. ix. p. 586. FOKIEN(de Grijs, 6670 !). Herb. Kew. Hance quotes the number 6700 ; still there is no doubt that the Kea plant bearing the number 6670 in Hance’s handwriting is this species. 10. Clematis chinensis, Retz. 06s. ii. p. 18, t. 2 j DC. Prodr. i. p. 3 ; 3. B. Forbes in Journ. Bot. 1884,pp. 262 et 265 j Naxim. in Me’l. Biol. ix. p. 596, quoad spec. Fortune 94. Clematis sinensis, Lour. ez DC. Syst. i. p. 137. Clematis minor, DC.Syst. i. p. 136, an Lour. Fl. Coch. p. 315 9 ; F. B. Forbes, Journ. Bot. 1584, p. 263. Clematis terniflora, DC.,quoad spec. C. Flarnmule var. in Herb. Linn. CHISA : without locality (Bladh, spec. typ. in Mus. Brit. ! ; Brrird ! Dorzvand !) ; FOKIEN: Amoy (Ebrtune, 94 ! Hance, 1476!); FORMOSA(Swinhoe !). Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Eew. The plant alluded to by Bentham (FI. Hongk. p. 7) under the name C. ternfolia, DC. (a slip of the pen for C. ternajiora, DC.), is a distiuct species, C. Benthamiana, Hemsl. 11. Clematis crassifolia, Benth. 31. Hongk. p. 7; Kuntze, Monogr. Gatt. Clem. pi 152. HONGKONG: in a ravine on Victoria Peak (Wilfrd, 106 !). Herb. Kern. 12. Clematis grata, Wall. PI. As. Rar. i. t. 98; Hook.$ 31. Brit. Ind. i. p. 3 j Maxim. in Mhl. Biol. ix. p. 592. SHENSIor KANSVH: Tsunglin range (Piasezki ex Maximowicz 1XS’S.) ; FORMOSA: north-east Pide ( Wivord, 502 !) ; without locality (Oldham, 2 !). Nus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew. Afghauistan, eastward through the Himalayas j also in Tro- pical Africa. B2 4 1. BANUNCULACEB. 13. Clematis Hancockiana, Naxim. PI. As. Or. Pragm. p. 1. CEEKIANQ : hills west of Ningpo (Emcock !). Herb. Eew. 14. Clematis heracleaefolia, DC. Syst. i. p. 138 ; E". B. Isorbes n Journ. Bot. 1884, p. 263; Kwatae, xonogr. Gatt. Cleni. p. 182. C!ematis tubulosa, Turcz. in Bull. MOSC.1877, x. p. 148; Lindl. in Journ. Hart. SOC.Land. iii. p. 147, fig. 17; Muxim. in M41. Biol. ix. p. 589 ; Hance in Jaurn. Linn. SOC. Lond. xiii. p. 73 ; Dcne. in NOUV. Arch. illus. Wese'r. is. p. 20-1, t. 9; Frunchet, PI. David. p. 13. Clematis Hookeri, Decne. Nouv. Arch. Mus. 2m@sir. iv. p. 206. t. 11. Clematis tubulosa, var. Hookeri, Hook. f. Bot. Mug. t. 6801. CHIHLI: betweeu Peking and Jehol (Staunton, spec. typ. C. heraclectfolim in Mus. Brit. !) ; mountains east of Peking (Bretschneider in hb. Forbes) ; SEANTUNG(Xaingay). Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kern. Var. Davidiana, Pranchet, PI. David. p. 13 (gar. C. tubulosG) ; Perlot in Revue Horticole, 1867, p. 9, cum ic. xylog. j Dcne. im Now. Arch. Zus. 2mesQr. iv. p. 205, t. 10 (species). Clematis tubulosa, Hook. Bot. Mug. t. 4269. CIIIHLI: Peking district (Fatarinow ! Moellendorf! Bret- schneider ! Bushell !) ; COREA(Carles !). Herb. Kew. Decaisne (1. c.) defjnes six species of the group to which this belongs, founded on forms wldch we should follow Maximo- wicz in regarding as varieties of C. heraclectfolia, DC. The only one easily separated from the others is C. Bavidiana, which has larger flowers clustered in the axils of the upper leaves instead of a distinct terminal inflorescence. There are both wild and cultivated specimens exhibiting these marked characteristics ; but as the forms with distinct terminal inflorescence and smaller flowers are collected with it, and have been regarded by collec- tors as the same species, it is possible that C. Davidiana is the male of the fully dicecious condition of the species. Maximowicz also reduces the comparatively slender small-flowered C. stans, Sieb. et Zucc., to this species; and Sir Joseph Hooker (Bot. Mag. t. SSlO), on figuring C. stans, Sieb. et; Zucc., accepts this limitation of the species, while defining five principal types from China and Japan. Euntze's classification (loc. sup. cit.) of the forms differs slightly from Hooker'e. 1. BANUNCULACEE. 5 15. Clematis Xkilowi, Maxim. in NLl. Biol. ix. p. 583. Clematis Massoniana? Maxim. Ind. F1. Pekin. in Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 468, non DC. CHIHLI: near Peking (Eirilow ex Maximowicz). 16. Clematis lanuginosa, Lindl. in Paxi!. 31. Card. iii. p. 107, t. 94 ; Bore des Serres, tt. 811 et 1176 ; Maxim. in Hkl. Biol. ix. 600, et 31. As. Or. Xragm. p. 2. c.florida, p. lanuginosn, Kuntze, Monogr. Gatt. Clem. p 149. C~KIBNQ: on hill-sides, Ningpo (flortune ! Hancock !). MUS.Brit. ; Herb. Kew. 17. Clematis leptomera, €Lance in. Joum. Bot. 1880, p. 257. KWANGSI: Wuchaufu (Mesny ex Hance). Kuntze (Monogr. Gatt. Clem. p. 140) treats this and C. Stro- nachii, Hance, as varieties of C. cadmia, Ham., syn. C. bracteata, Kurz. 18. Clematis hngiloba, DC. Syst. i. p. 136, et Prodr. i. p. 8. CHINA(Staunton ex DC.). We have not seen the type of this species, the flowers of which are not described ; but it is probably C. paniculafa, with which the author compares it. 19. Clematis macropetala, Ledeb. Ic. Pl. 2'1. ROSS.t. 11; Hance in Joum. Bot. 1875, p. 130; Pranchet, PI. David. p. 14. Atragene macropetala, Ledeb. Fl. Alt. ii. p. 376 j Maxim. in M61. Biol. ix. p. 603. CHIHLJ: near Peking (Eirilow ex Maximowicz), western moun- tains near Miaoar (T'frrriaow !), Pohuashar (Brefschneider !). Herb. Kew. Dahuria, Mongolia, and Mandshuria. 20. Clematis Meyeniana, Walp. in Nou. Act. Nat. Cur. xix., Suppl. i. p. 297, et Repert. v. p. 3; Benfh. 31. Hongk. p. 6; aaxim. in Mkl. Biol. ix. p. 597. Clematis oreophila, Hance in Walp. Am. ii. p. 3. hedysarifolia, DC., varietates a, p, et 8, Kuntze, Monogr. Gatt. Clem. p. 152. CEEKIANG: Shaoslring (8avatier ex TrancAet XSS)j KIANQSI. Kiukia11g (Shearer !); FOKIEN: Ainoy (Portune, 14 A !, Szoinhoe !); FORMOSA: Tanisu (Oldham, 1 !) ; HONQKONQ(Champion ! Ur- 6 1. BIWUNCULACEE. &art ! Hance ! Wright !) ; KWANQTUNG: islands near Macao (PacheZl !) ; LUCHU(Wright !). Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew. This species, as here limited, is very variable in foliage ; but the extreme forms in the Eew Herbarium named by Kuntze respectively C. oreophila, Hance, and C. Xeyeniana, Walp., are connected by intermediate ones of every degree. 21. Clematis nannophylla, Xaxim. in MLl. Biol. ix. p. 707. KANSUH:south of the Hoangho (Prnewalski 4 Piasenki ex Maximowicz). 22. Clematis orientalis, Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 1, p. 5-13; DC. Prodr. i. p. 3 ; Zaxim. in Mhl. Biol. ix. p. 583; Tranchet, PI. David. p. 12 ; Hance in Journ. Bot. 1885, p. 321. Var. intricata, Xaxim. 1. c. (cum synon.) ; Bzcnge, PI. China Bor. p. 1 (species). CHIHLI: Peking (Bretschneider ! Bushell !) ; KANSUH: south of the Hoangho (Piasezki ex Xaxiniowicz XSS.), Hami (Xesny ex Hance). Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew.

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