LAPFORD PARISH COUNCIL Notice of Meeting of the Parish Council Dear Councillors I hereby give notice that the Annual Meeting of the Council of Lapford Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 14 May 2019 at 7:30 pm in The Orchard Centre, Lapford, Crediton, EX17 6PZ. All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the following business. Juliet Cross Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk to Chawleigh Parish Council Date of issue: 10 May 2019 28 Four Ways Drive, Chulmleigh, EX18 7AZ Email: [email protected] AGENDA 1. ELECTIONS 1.1 Election of the Chairman – To receive nominations for Chairman of Vice-Chairman the Council and to resolve to elect a Chairman for 2019/20 and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Break in procedures for Chairman to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office 1.2 Election of the Vice-Chairman – To receive nominations for Vice- Chairman Chairman of the Council and to resolve to elect a Vice-Chairman for 2019/20 and to receive the Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Break in procedures for Vice-Chairman to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Chair To receive any apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Heal. 3. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Chair To note any declarations of interest under the Code of Conduct. 3.1 Register of Interests – Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests. 3.2 Personal Interests – Councillors must declare any personal interest in items on the agenda and their nature. 3.3 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests – Councillors must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest in items on the agenda and their nature. Councillors with a prejudicial interest must leave the meeting for the relevant item. 3.4 Dispensations – To receive requests for dispensations from Councillors on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION Chair Members of the public are invited to make representations. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only and shall not speak for more than three minutes. The session shall not exceed 20 minutes. Standing Orders will be suspended 5. COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS To receive a verbal report for information. 5.1 Devon County Council Cllr Squires 5.2 Mid Devon District Council Cllr Eginton Page 1 of 4 Annual Meeting of the Council Lapford Parish Council Agenda 14 May 2019 6. LOCAL ORGANISATIONS’ REPORTS To receive a verbal report from members of the management committees of local organisations for information. 6.1 Lapford Church Green Trustees Cllr B-Evans 6.2 Heart for Lapford Strategy Group Cllr Hassett 6.3 Heart of Lapford Development Board Cllr B-Evans 6.4 Youth Club Management Committee Cllr Hemsworth The meeting will reconvene under Standing Orders 7. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES Chair To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2 April 2019 as a correct record and to note the action grid (Annex 7). Break in procedures for Chair to sign the approved minutes 8. MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS To receive the signed approved minutes of the following Committee meetings and to resolve whether to adopt any recommendations within the minutes not previously adopted. 8.1 Lapford Emergency Action Plan Committee – 4 February 2019 Cllr B-Evans 8.2 Regeneration Committee – 26 March 2019 Cllr Hemsworth 9. ELECTRONIC RECEIPT OF COUNCIL MEETING PAPERS Chair To obtain the consent of individual councillors to receive the summons, agenda and supporting paperwork of Council meetings electronically. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEES’ TERMS OF REFERENCE Chair To agree that the terms of reference should be reviewed by the relevant committee before presentation to the Council for ratification. 11. COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATION Chair 11.1 Council Committees – To review and confirm the appointment of councillors to serve on the committees (Annex 11.1). 11.2 External bodies – To review and confirm the appointment of Council representatives on outside bodies and agree procedures for reporting back to the Council (Annex 11.2). 11.3 Roles – To review and confirm the nomination of councillors to parish council and community roles (Annex 11.3). 12. REVIEW OF POLICIES & PROCEDURES Chair To review and to resolve to approve the following policies and procedures as a new Council. 12.1 Code of Conduct (Annex 12.1) 12.2 Financial Regulations (Annex 12.2) 12.3 Standing Orders (Annex 12.3) 12.4 Co-option Policy (Annex 12.4) 12.5 Procedure for electing the Chairman and Vice-Chairman (Annex 12.5) 12.6 Staff Appraisal Policy (Annex 12.6) 12.7 Privacy Policy (Annex 12.7) 12.8 Allowance & Subsistence Policy (Annex 12.8) 12.9 Use of Car Park Policy (Annex 12.9) 13. PLANNING MATTERS Chair 13.1 Planning Applications List – The following planning application was received: Item Ref Description Page 2 of 4 Annual Meeting of the Council Lapford Parish Council Agenda 14 May 2019 13.1.1 19/00461 Erection of garage/workshop with office/gym over, following HOUSE demolition of existing garage (Revised Scheme), The Courtyard Broomsmead Farm Lapford Crediton Devon EX17 6NA 13.1.2 19/00704 Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission FULL 15/01044/FULL to allow for the substitution of plans, 10 Westgate Lapford Crediton Devon EX17 6QQ 13.2 Planning Applications received after the agenda was issued – To consider any planning applications received after the publication of the agenda. 13.3 Mid Devon District Council Planning Decisions – The following planning decisions were received: Item Ref Description Decision 13.3.1 19/00220 Listed Building Consent for repairs to boundary wall Court Permission LBC Barton Lapford Crediton Devon EX17 6PZ granted 13.3.2 19/00403 Erection of single storey extension 12 Westgate Lapford Permission HOUSE Crediton Devon EX17 6QQ granted 13.3.3 19/00562 Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a front Permission CLP porch 9 Prospect Way Lapford Crediton Devon EX17 6QB granted 13.3.4 19/00613 Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of an Permission CLP extension Edgerley House Lapford Crediton Devon EX17 granted 6AH 13.3 Planning applications for Lower Town Place - To confirm the Chair arrangements for submitting planning applications for the Lower Town Place site and to resolve to action any matters arising as appropriate. 14. FINANCIAL MATTERS 14.1 Receipts and account balances – To receive and note the list of Chair receipts and the bank account balances (Annex 14.1). 14.2 Payments – To resolve to approve the list of payments to be made Chair as on the list available at the meeting (Annex 14.2). 14.3 Financial Report 2018/19 – To receive the year-end financial report Clerk for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 (Annex 14.3). 14.4 Training and Development – To resolve to approve attendance at Chair training and development events (Annex 14.4). 14.5 Annual Insurance – To review the Council’s insurance requirements Chair and to resolve to action any matters arising as appropriate. 14.6 Internal Audit – To resolve to approve the internal auditor for the Chair Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2018/19. 14.7 Authorised signatories – To review and to resolve to approve the list Chair of authorised signatories for the Council’s bank accounts. 14.8 Public Works Loan Board application – To receive an update on the Chair progress of the application. 15. MEETING SCHEDULE 2019/20 Chair To agree the schedule of Council meetings for 2019/20 as a new Council (Annex 15). 16. DRAFT RISK ASSESSMENT Clerk To consider and approve the draft risk assessment (Annex 16). 17. SNOW WARDEN TRAINING Cllr B-Evans To receive a verbal report on the availability of snow warden training. 18. CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES RECEIVED Chair Page 3 of 4 Annual Meeting of the Council Lapford Parish Council Agenda 14 May 2019 To receive the correspondence received for circulation and to resolve to action any matters arising as appropriate (Annex 18). 19. MATTERS RAISED BY THE CHAIR Chair To receive and consider items received after the publication of the agenda and to resolve to action any matters arising as appropriate. 20. COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS AND ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Chair Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision-making. 21. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Chair To note the date of the next meeting as Tuesday 4 June 2019 at 7:30 pm in The Orchard Centre, Lapford, Crediton, EX17 6PZ. The deadline for agenda items is midday on Friday 24 May 2019. 22. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC Chair To resolve that under section 1(2) of The Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during consideration of items of business if publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted as it involves the likely disclosure of personnel, commercially sensitive or legal matters. 23. CLOSE OF MEETING Chair Page 4 of 4 .
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