TIIURBDAT, OECEMBEK S6, IMO llbmrlirBtnr Ettntfng ItrraUi Averacs Dslljr Cireolstien Fee Rm M oeth ef Neveeibev, 1949 The WaRtbar . - A 5 6 4 Fereeeat of tl. 8. Weelber Buresu Entries Qose ^ n ta Claus* Whiskers Acts on Hunch; HERE’S rioudy, ooraMloeel rein tnnIgM HEAT COMFORT! MefebSh ef the Aedit ' and Saturday, little change - In Bags Car Thief Now try a supreme Fuel Oil Bureau ef Clreuletlent temperature. InXIC Contest Singed by Chimney Fire for full-comfort Heating! Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm » ' ■ Profuse heat — instantly X Twenty-one to Compete Santa loat his whiskers bi a4’ At 10:45 Tuesday night a still Officer GalUgan Nabs controlled heat—attention- VOI.. LX„ NO. 74 (Uaaalfled Advertteluf on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27^1910 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS? chimney Are at the home of Po- alarm called Ho.' 1 company to free Heat—at lowest heat- For Pri*e« for Decora­ licemaib Harold Helfron at 9:45 126 Bidwcll street to' extinguish Springfield Man on last night. Santa has been having a chimney Are. There w as no cost! Is that a lot to prom- tions of Homes. rather hard luck at the Heffron damage. Tolland Turnpike. Ise for Fuel Oil? It ia a , home. He was first noticed over At 12:30 yesterday morning peo. OIL/o promise which our Fuel Oil Music, Radio New Trouble Zone Along^^^^nube A total of twenty-one entnes | house in a balloon, which later pie living in the Batch and Brown ‘T juat didn't like the looks of fs , , u ■ fulfills! Try one tank-fllllng, Senators Demand was received for the second an­ exploded and he had to take to a the car,** Policeman David Oalll- block on Depot Square were l-H-l-K-K-K-i-J-i-K*} _ Sea Raider Attacks nual Christmas Home Decorating parachute. The earthquake on awakened by heavy smoke that gan said this morning In sxplaln- lYrloct flralmtf iuid know! Groups Face Contest sponsored by the Wom­ Tuesday dislodged him frotn the was Ailing the upper part of the Ing why he had halted a driver on en's Auxiliary of the Chamber of parachute and also knoekea&over building. Chief Griswold of the MILES the men and women who were out M anchester Are departm ent was Tolland turnpike yesterday morn­ FUEL A RANGE o n . Negotiated Peace Commerce, it was announced to­ ing. The driver turned out to be Federal Trial ■ocial gel-togetheK fpr young day, and a committee of judges in the yard. Santa w-as given a called and found a motor burning In Any Quantity— Any Time plp (Jf'lilgh'nohool age will be will .spend the rest of thi.s week. position on top of the chimney. In the cellar of E. J. Murphy's an auto thief, and the car was one British Pacific Isle; thia evening at St. Mary'a In visiting the various homes and Last night Mr. Heffron want to drug store. The switch was pulled stolen by him earlier In SprlngSeld. Wholesale and Retail Jackson Orders Crimin­ Mb houae, sponsored ■by the selecting the prise wdnners in the the cellar to fix the Are. The and the trouble was over. A new Terms Be Sought smoke that resulted circled around motor which is used in connection Galligan, on patrol, said he noticed s. s. ilor Choir. three classifications of the con­ the car, a fairly large sedan, ap­ al Proceedings Started test. Santa and people seeing it notlAed with the soda fountain, was in­ BANTLY on. COMPANY V: the Are departm ent. No. 1 com­ stalled yesterday. proach. Nothing was wrong with Against Four Parties t*rbe Colonial Board Company, First Dlvisioii. its operation, but acting on a Kleven entries were submitted pany of the South Manchester de­ These were the only Ares In the Center Street Phone 5293 Roosevelt Declines Com-; W __ Fliers Hit Bordeaux ner of what is known as the hiuich, the policeman halted It: for the decoration and illumina­ partment arrived, but the trouble town during the holiday, although In Broadcast Row. .ifilitaen farm, on Parker street, is was all over, the only damage be­ the Aremen were prepared for Inside was Rosario Rlbard, 27, _____ Serving the Public for 2.3 Years, ment on Suggestions; t r i V e n IflilrMlng to rent the land and cx- tion of homes and general sur­ ing to Santa's whiskers. many calls. of 3 Central street, SprlngSeld, W ashington, Dec. 27 -OP) Music that It will be leased by a - Photo by fipford r»f*rh»rt roundings. including Harold Hef- employed at the U. 8. Armory Efforts Made to Organ- S t u t e P o S t Small Forres Hammer at Vessel Sailing Under cco company. Ml^ tlan^ I>ny fron of .112 Center street, the ma­ there. On demsmd, Rlbard could z e Opposition to and' radio interests, locked for Targets in 'Invasion Wood Avers jor winner of last year’s contest. not produce an operator's license, months In conflict over a new Japanese Name, Hying ' ,, . , ,, ,, Others competing in this division I .Sm Iss Bcmice Jiiiil, of the Weldon Mr and .Mrs hr^k H_ I ay of . -S. Smith of, claiming he had left It at home. He •resident's Aid - to broadcasting contract, f*«e Feder­ Port’ ami Attaek Sev- Japan's (lolors Slielle liilwutv Salon, has distributed to State Filled ! Local Police did not know where the registra­ By Baldwin BrU is/l N ccd !» Pales street, Hartford h.ave an-i Turnpike. Joseph, Britain Policy Also. al prosecution early In January Ihgr clientele the usual handsome uounced the engagement of their, Rehrend of 12 Cooper Hill i tion papers of the. Car he was driv­ DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT under the anti-trust laws. eral Airdromes; Reviv- „ Nauru Shorlly After i^Mk cali^dars. If there are any daughter. .Muss M vlene . ane Pay ^ j jlS ing were located. Rlbard said the Holding that the music-loving al of Aerial War After M onCy B adly IllBtrons or friends who h,ave been to .lohn .losephlosrph Tl%-n.an,T(\-n.nn Jr., .son of To Capacity! Hold Drawing car belonged to a friend of his. ALW.AVS THE REST CHEF’S SPECIALS Washington, Dec. 27.—(/P) Gels 16’Month» A p- public would be the loser If the Daybreak, Australian IfSferlooked, and will notify- the Parker street. R. E. Hagedom of Taken to headquarters, Rlbard’s OF FOODS! Mr. and -Mr*. J, J. Tlvnan, Sr., of 110 Glenwood street, .Mr. and Roant Turkey —Demands from some sena­ pointmenl as Dairy and controversy over song copyrights Christmas Truer Fol- ------ Prime Minister An- l^hlon. they will be glad to mail 56 Porter street. The nnnbuiVce- statements were checked, and It continued. Attorney General Jack- ithem. ; Mrs. David D. Sloan of 25-Cl)es- Rcniofleled Theater Is But It Is to Decide Days was found he had had his license Twinkling Tunra By Roaat Beef tors that the United States loHejl hy Aelivily of ment was made at a Christmas ter Drive, Harold E. Clarke of 137 Food Commissioner of son announced last night that he Chancellor o f Exchequer noiinees; Reason for dinner at the home of Mr. .and suspended last April after convic­ The Oak Grill Swlngxterx! Half Brnlleni inquire into the prospectsTor Arthur E. Roberts, son of Mr. ! i Henry street, .Mr. and Mrs. Janie.s Visited by Crowcis Off; Will Need an Steakn had ordered a criminal proceeiling Nazi Long-Range (zuiis Mrs. l>ay. tion of theft of a motor vehicle. a negotiated peace in Europe Salary of $H,000. started at Milwaukee against four Announces Two !Setc Bonihardiiig Unknown I aM Mrs, Charles Roberts Jr. of | ''H. Sheekev of 34 Olcott Drive, Further checkup disclosed that the WINES — LIQUORS Veal Cutlete Both .Miss Day and her fiance l.lohn M. Boyle of 681 East Middle Afternoon, Evening. E xtra Man. parties to the dispute. fPLOESTI li&ademy street, has returned to [I attended the fnlver‘iity of Con- car he had been found in was siso AND BEER brought no comment today Types of If or Securi- llfbrfolk. Va. after a four-day Turnpike. Emil A. Dietz of 40 H artford, Dec. 27 iJI" —A 16- Tliese are: The American Society London, Dec. 27,—iJPi— . , > Melbourne, Australia, Dec. i necficiit. Mi.ss Day is employed Capacity crowds attended the ___ w u . I stolen, and that it was the proper- from Pre.sident Roosevelt. Ijglkve' of absence. He h.ad as his , I W etherell street. Jam es O. Mc- e ™ W alter L. Plude of Bpring- WE CATER TO BANQUETS montha appointment as state dairy of Authors, (Composers and Pub­ .Small force.s oT British boml>- > ties to Huy ff eapons.. 27.—(/P)—A sea raider aail- bv the Tiavelera' Insurance coni- continuous performance • at the lice department took' part in g Asked about these sugges­ lishers, (ASCAP), The National ' Caw. Jr„ of 13 Cobum Road. 30 Oak S treet and food commissioner at $5,000 a er.s hammered at targets in ' ■ " ' I ing under a .Japanese name ^ are''^Vt'a- i 'nspec- Only two entries were received State theater yesterday afternoon lottery yesterday. Starting Jan­ tions at a press conference, yeaK was given by Governor Bald­ Broadcasting Company, The Col­ IA <? ^amnson ' tor for the Hamilton .St,andnrd Authoritics tn that city were Tel. 3894 the “invasion port” of Bor-1 i>5ndon. Dec. 27 ij>i Sir ^ and flying .lapanese c o lo rs [Boned on the Sampson.
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