STATE NUCLEAR REGULATORY INSPECTORATE OF UKRAINE 2011 STATE NUCLEAR REGULATORY INSPECTORATE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL REPORT ON STRESS TEST RESULTS ABBREVIATIONS AC Alternating Current AEFS Additional Emergency Feedwater System BDBA Beyond Design Basis Accident BRU-A Steam Dump Valve to Atmosphere BRU-K Steam Dump Valve to Condenser C(I)SIP Comprehensive (Integrated) Safety Improvement Program for Ukrainian NPPs ChNPP Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant CP Cooling Pool CPS Control and Protection System DBA Design Basis Accident DC Direct Current DCH Direct Containment Heating DG Diesel Generator DSF Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility (Zaporizhzhya NPP) ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ECR Emergency Control Room EDG Emergency Diesel Generator EFS Emergency Feedwater System ENSREG European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group EOP Emergency Operating Procedure FCP Fuel Channel Cooling Pool FSS Full-Scope Simulator HPIS High-Pressure Injection System ISF Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (Chornobyl NPP) ISF-1 Wet Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility ISF-2 Dry Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility KhNPP Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plant LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident LPIS Low-Pressure Injection System MCCI Molten Corium/Concrete Interaction MCP Main Coolant Pump MCR Main Control Room MDGPU Mobile Diesel Generator and Pumping Unit MDGS Mobile Diesel Generator Station MGV Main Gate Valve MSB Multi-Assembly Sealed Basket MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve NF Nuclear Facility NNEGC National Nuclear Energy Generating Company Energoatom Energoatom NPP Nuclear Power Plant NPP Nuclear Power Plant PGA Peak Ground Acceleration PRZ PORV Pressurizer Pilot-Operated Relief Valve PSA Probabilistic Safety Assessment PSS Plant Shift Supervisor RCS Reactor Coolant System RF Reactor Facility RNPP Rivne Nuclear Power Plant RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RV Relief Valve SAMG Severe Accident Management Guideline 1 STATE NUCLEAR REGULATORY INSPECTORATE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL REPORT ON STRESS TEST RESULTS SAR Safety Analysis Report SEWM Site Emergency Work Manager SFA Spent Fuel Assembly SFAP Spent Fuel Assembly Cooling Pool SFP Spent Fuel Pool SFPU State Fire Protection Unit SG Steam Generator SG SV Steam Generator Safety Valve SLP Sequential Loading Program SNRIU State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SSC Structures, Systems and Components SUNPP South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant SV Safety Valve SVO Active Water Treatment System TBSC Transfer Basket Storage Compartment WWER Water-Cooled Water-Moderated Power Reactor ZNPP Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant 2 STATE NUCLEAR REGULATORY INSPECTORATE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL REPORT ON STRESS TEST RESULTS INTRODUCTION On 11 March 2011, the Fukushima-1 NPP (Japan) suffered a severe accident caused by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The Fukushima-1 event exposed the nuclear community to the following tasks: carry out a detailed analysis of the accident causes and lessons learned, develop and implement measures to prevent the severe accident and mitigate its adverse impact on the public and environment. On 25 March 2011, the European Council declared that the safety of the European NPPs should be reviewed on the basis of a comprehensive and transparent risk assessment (stress tests). At the Fifth Review Meeting of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (4–14 April 2001), the Contracting Parties pointed out the need for NPP safety reassessment and immediate additional measures on NPP safety improvement, in their joint statement on the Fukushima Daiichi accident. On 13 May 2011, the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) and the European Commission agreed technical requirements for stress tests for the European NPPs (Declaration by ENSREG, Annex 1: EU stress test specifications). Pursuant to the ENSREG technical requirements, stress test is a targeted reassessment of the safety margins of nuclear power plants in the light of the events which occurred at Fukushima-1. The stress tests shall include a detailed analysis of extreme natural events and their combinations that challenge the plant safety functions and may cause a severe accident. The safety improvement of Ukrainian NPPs in the light of the Fukushima-1 accident was discussed at the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) on 8 April 2011. The NSDC decision, which emphasizes the need for in-depth safety reassessment of Ukrainian NPPs, including seismic analyses, was endorsed by Presidential Decree No. 585/2011 of 12 May 2011. The SNRIU Board approved an action plan for a targeted safety reassessment and further safety improvement of Ukrainian NPPs in the light of the Fukushima-1 accident and an action plan for a targeted safety reassessment and further safety improvement of Chornobyl NPP units 1-3 and Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISF-1) in the light of the Fukushima-1 accident on 19 May and 5 July, respectively. One of the actions defined in the Action Plans was a targeted safety reassessment of operating nuclear facilities at NPP sites (stress tests). The Action Plans also provide for the following: − targeted review of emergency preparedness; − review and amendment (based on stress tests results) of the Comprehensive (Integrated) Safety Improvement Program for Ukrainian NPPs; − updating of the Plan for Safety Improvement of the Chornobyl NPP ISF-1; − analysis and improvement of the regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety, strengthening of safety requirements for operating and new nuclear power units. The SNRIU developed the Recommendations on the Structure and Contents of the Report on Targeted Safety Reassessment of On-site Nuclear Facilities to Learn Lessons from the Fukushima-1 Accident and introduced them by Order No. 91 of 23 June 2011. The Recommendations are based on the ENSREG EU stress test specifications. In the framework of the stress tests, the operators (NNEGC “Energoatom” and Chornobyl NPP) analyzed in detail: − external extreme natural events (earthquakes, flooding, fires, tornadoes, extremely high/low temperatures, extreme precipitations, strong winds, combinations of events); − loss of electrical power and/or loss of ultimate heat sink; − severe accident management. At the operating nuclear power plants (Zaporizhzhya, Khmelnitsky, Rivne and South Ukraine), the stress tests focused on nuclear fuel in the reactor cores, spent fuel pools, fresh fuel rooms, dry spent nuclear fuel storage facility (Zaporizhzhya NPP). 3 STATE NUCLEAR REGULATORY INSPECTORATE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL REPORT ON STRESS TEST RESULTS At the Chornobyl NPP, the stress tests focused on spent nuclear fuel stored in the spent fuel pools of units 1 and 2 and ISF-1. The spent fuel pool of unit 3 that may be used to store spent nuclear (as a standby facility) was analyzed as well. Based on the completed analyses, conclusions were made on robustness of the nuclear facilities against external extreme events, and recommendations on their safety improvement were provided. On 3 November 2011, the SNRIU Board discussed the stress tests results for Chornobyl NPP units 1-3 and ISF-1 and presented findings of the state nuclear and radiation safety review of Chornobyl NPP stress tests. The Board’s meeting was attended by representatives of the State Exclusion Zone Management Agency of Ukraine, Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine, Supreme Council Fuel and Energy Committee, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, non-governmental organizations and mass media. On 24-25 November 2011, the SNRIU Board discussed the results of stress tests for the operating NPPs of Ukraine and findings of the state nuclear and radiation safety review. The session was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations, mass media, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dedicated committees of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, regional state administrations and regional councils, and representatives of nuclear regulatory authorities of Bulgaria, Germany, the Russian Federation, Slovak Republic. On 24 June 2011, Ukraine signed the Declaration for stress tests at Ukrainian NPPs (within the Ministerial Conference for preparation for and implementation of stress tests at NPPs in the EU and neighboring countries). The stress test results for Ukrainian NPPs will be assessed by independent European experts (peer reviews). Approaches to peer reviews of the stress test results for the European NPPs and requirements for national reports on stress tests were adopted at the ENSREG meeting of 11 October 2011. This Report has been developed by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine based on the results of stress tests performed by the operating organizations for all operating NPPs and units 1-3 and ISF-1 of the Chornobyl NPP, with account for findings of the state nuclear and radiation safety review. The Report is in line with the ENSREG requirements for the contents and format of National Reports (Post-Fukushima stress tests of European Nuclear Power Plants – Contents and Format of National Reports). The Report was reviewed and approved at the session of the SNRIU Board on 20 December 2011. Part 1 of the Report describes the stress test results for the operating NPPs (Zaporizhzhya NPP, Khmelnitsky NPP, Rivne NPP and South Ukraine NPP). The stress test results for the Chornobyl NPP are presented in Part 2. 4 STATE NUCLEAR REGULATORY INSPECTORATE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL REPORT ON STRESS TEST RESULTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1. OPERATING NPPs OF UKRAINE 1. General data on the sites and
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