The PEWTER COLLECTORS CLUB of AMERICA INC. BULLETIN NO. 83 SEPTEMBER 1981 VOL.8,NO.4 Royal Rosewater Dish Possibly the earliest datable piece of Scottish Pewter - by Richard H1eir 1605-1625. Article page 139. Vol. 8 9/81 pg. 126 BULLETIN 83 Rev. Clare M. Ingham ...... 1973-1975 VOLUME 8 Dr. Lola S. Reed. .. ... 1975-1977 NUMBER 4 Dr. Melvyn D. Wolf .....'. .. 1977-1979 Bernard R. Carde' . .. 1979-1981 * Deceased PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Webster Goodwin, Chairman William O. Blaney Prof. Reginald F. French Celia Jacobs Stevenson John Carl Thomas OFFICERS CORRESPONDENCE President .......... Dr. Donald M. Herr First Vice-President .. Burton L. Zempsky PUBLICATIONS Second Vice President .. Dr. Jack Kolaian Webster Goodwin Treasurer .............. Merrill G. Beede 730 Commonwealth Avenue Secretary ................ Robert Horan Warwick, R.I. 02886 CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND DUES GOVERNING BOARD Merrill G. Beede GOVERNORS-AT-LARGE 317 S. St. Asaph St. Thomas O'Flaherty, Term expo Spring 1982 Alexandria, Va. 22314 Charles V. Swain, Term expo Spring 1983 Celia Jacobs Stevenson, Term expo Spring MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION 1984 Dr. R. F. Schauer 12 Partridge Pond Rd. STANDING-COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Acton, Mass. 01720 Program ............ Dr. Jack Kolaian BACK ISSUES OF BULLETIN Membership ..... Dr. Ralph F. Schauer (obtainable at $7.00 each for members, Publications ........ Webster Goodwin $16.00 each for non-members, postpaid). Nomination ......... Dr. Lola S. Reed William F. Kayhoe 7206 Impala Drive REGIONAL GROUP PRESIDENTS Richmond, Virginia 23228 New York. .. Mrs. Ada Young COMMITTEE ON AUTHENTICITY New England .......... Paul R. Glazier Bernard R. Carde' Mid-Atlantic .......... Albert Gamon Old Bull House Mid- West ............. John F. Brown Main Street Centerbrook, Connecticut 06409 ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF PAST PRESIDENTS CATALOGING COLLECTIONS Mrs. Henry W. Borntraeger... 1949-1951 Dr. Melvyn D. Wolf Mrs. Charles A. Holbrook .. 1951-1953 1196 Shady Hill Court Eric de J onge ......... ~ . .. 1953-1955 Flint, Michigan 48504 Dr. Robert Mallory III ..... 1955-1957 John P. Remensnyder ...... 1959-1961 The Pewter Collectors' Club of America, Inc. John Carl Thomas ......... 1963-1965 and its Officers and its Board of Governors *Thomas D. William ....... 1965-1967 assume no responsibility for either the state­ William O. Blaney ......... 1967-1969 ments or opinions prepared by the contribu­ William F. Kayhoe ......... 1971-1973 tors to the Bulletin Vol. 8 9/81 pg. 127 The President's Letter The spring meeting of the PCCA was a book on British pewter from Mr. & Mrs. held May 15-16 at the delightful and quiet Paul Young. In the regional group reports, it village of Historic Deerfield Inc., Deerfield, was noted that the former Pennsylvania group Massachusetts. After renewing acquaintances has enlarged its scope and is now called the and meeting new members, we divided into Mid Atlantic group. groups and visited houses in the com plex. Our Dr. Melvyn Wolf presented the N omi- guides were very friendly and most accommo­ nating Committee's slate of officers. dating. President, Dr. Donald Herr Friday evening, we met at Motel 6 in First Vice President, Mr. Burton Zempsky South Deerfield for cocktails and dinner. We Second Vice President, Dr. Jack Kolaian were pleased to have Peter Spang, curator Secretary, Mr. Robert Horan and Nancy Bell of Historic Deerfield with us. Treasurer, Mr. Merrill Beede Phil Zea, assistant curator, presented a fine Governor at Large-l 984, Mrs. Celia slide presentation of the fabrication of pewter. Jacobs Stevenson He included the molds and tools of Samuel It was voted to accept the slate. Jack Kolaian Pierce and then continued with a discussion is our newly appointed Program chairman. of pewter in the Deerfield collection. Special Web Goodwin, Ralph Schauer, Ben Carde' mention should be made of their Henry Will and Mel Wolf will continue as chairmen of tankard and quart mug, Boardman measures their respective committees. Dr. Lola Reed and unmarked tankards that most likely were has accepted the chairmanship of the nomi­ made in the Boston area in the second half of nating committee. the eighteenth century. Ben Esner brought his Continuing our tour of the house fine unmarked late eighteenth century coffee­ museums, we were delighted to be permitted pot for discussion. to handle several pewter pieces in Memorial The next morning we continued visiting Hall. It was pure pleasure handling one of houses and were able to see many of the their double-handled cups by Robert Bonynge. pewter pieces shown in Phil Zea's lecture. They have four! At noon we had a white bag luncheon at Following dinner, Ben Carde' and John the Community Center after which we held Carl Thomas listed the many spurious marks our Annual meeting. It was reported that our and pieces that they had seen and discussed financial condition is sound; we have 611 those brought by members. We left with an members and the dates of future meetings increased knowledge of what is on the market-­ were announced. The fall meeting will be held place in the way of "wrongies". October 23-24 at the Metropolitan Museum Our special thanks to Burt and Ellen of Art. I'm really looking forward to that Zempsky for all of their work in arranging a meeting. Honorary membership was bestowed delightful meeting. upon Mr. Birger W. Bruzelli, a member of our club for many years and considered by many Donald M. Herr, D.V.M. to be the Ledlie Laughlin of Swedish pewter. President Five year badges were given to those members present and the club acknowledged the gift of VoL 8 9/81 pg. 128 Regional Group News interesting form was the use of a teapot body with handles, made up into a waste bowl. New England (Spring) Although unmarked, the body and handles were apparently Richardson. At the conclusion of the program the meeting adjourned with The New England Regional Group Spring members agreeing it had been another fine meeting was held Saturday, May 30 in Wood­ day of learning and a social success. bury, Connecticut. Members gathered at 10:00 Ron Chambers, Secretary a.m. at the manufacturing facilities of Wood­ bury Pewterers. Our hosts, Ray Titcomb and family conducted a tour and gave us a fine demonstration of the modern art of pewter manufacturing, which in many ways hasn't Kudos changed over the centuries. Members were encouraged to try their hand at spinning with pretty good results. Polly Ingham made it My experience is that gratification is abso­ look easy, putting the good Reverend's efforts lutely enhanced by recognition oflabor, effort, to shame. The Titcomb's were gracious hosts and accomplishment. and topped the program off by giving eve­ With that "sage" remark, I go on to say that ryone a pewter key chain bearing the PCCA I cannot cease to marvel at the time and effort emblem. of those who contribute research articles to We moved on to the Curtis House, Connec­ our Bulletins and to the Journal of the Pewter ticut's oldest Inn for lunch and socializing. Society (London). ' Our President, Paul Glazier, convened the Their findings are of inestimable value, for meeting with thirty-six in attendance. The which we all should be grateful. Treasurer's report was accepted as read, report­ Little is it realized, unless you've done it ing we are solvent. Some discussion of increased (and I've been there!), that what we see in final dues, regional and national produced no form, doesn't happen from sudden inspira­ recommendation. Concern was voiced by a tion, nor produced overnight. In-depth com­ few that issues of the Bulletin sent to libraries ments, the compilation of recorded findings, not include the membership list. It was ques­ sometimes takes weeks and months. Hand­ tioned if any effort is being made to ask written articles which seem so very lengthy to national members to join regional groups. the writer, in review, after typing, are disap­ Paul Glazier will follow-up. Members were pointgly short, albeit satisfying. asked to consider changes in the Standing Contrary to general impression, as I said Rules to allow more than two successive above, books and articles are not produced by terms for Treasurer and Secretary. A recom­ sudden inspiration, but rather by the seat of mendation will be brought back to the mem­ the pants glued to the seat of the chair - first bership. Wendell Hilt reported for the nomi­ for the research, then for the transcription, nating committee the following slate of officers: then the re-write followed by the re-re-write, and always with the realization that ifthere President ~ Paul Glazier were only "more time", the item could or Vice President - Charles Adams would be shortened. Secretary - Ron Chambers Naming names is always dangerous for fear Treasurer Wayne Hilt of the omission of some good people who The slate was elected as proposed. Special deserve and merit mention, but the names thanks to Paul Glazier and Mark Anderson which quickly come to mind - John Carl for their efforts on behalf of the club were Thomas, Ada Stevens (Stevie) Young, Cha­ expressed. Paul thanked Mark for the fine job rles (Bud) Swain, Wayne Hilt, William (Bill) he has done as Program Chairman. We then Blaney, Richard Bowen, Ian Robinson, Mel moved on to a discussion of "Teapots of the and Betty Wolfe, Webster (Web) Goodwin­ Inverted Mold Type" which was led by Paul they all have our thanks. Young. Twenty-five pots were on display of a variety sufficient to illustrate the point. One Q. E. D., A be Brooks Vol. 8 9/81 pg. 129 unsold copies stashed away in his basement, Necrology all well preserved and accompanied by a later printed "AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS" ROBERT VIEWEGH sheet. As the profits from the sale will benefit the Robert Viewegh, 67, Indianapolis, president P.C.C.A.
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