In the United States Land Office Pino r h this survey, 1.322 00 ft. to folmv s: On the N Survey N 1205, cer and Cor. No. 4. S •. ular'y described in the .ffi Fur the- Nome Land District C i X m m O' 2, identical with Cor. V !. V Sur N. 512 ls a lime Bench claim No. 5 beh ,\ placer. 492. Heath Placer. fr< plat and field notes Nome, Alaska No. 3 1 a m Ellen Claim Placer this si. 12 in. above the ground Survey No. 1253 KL ; r and U.S.L.M. No. :: be ars ■. in the said Land Office ith "urvi ■ Notice of Application for Patent y previously desorbed; nr .. : U.S.L M. 512 and is loeat claims unknown and u uveyed: I OH mm W 6030.8 ft.: i. X m tie variation at eacl »>«-r : tie nc, S. 70 du ■ • deg. ,37 mi E. ed gh ground about 2100 On the E.. claims link:. .n and 27 deg. 54 m n. W.. 217.4 ;• n the survey of mean f 208.00 Mineral Survey No, 1825 ft. to Cor. No. 3. a fir p- t ft. i f Bering Sea. mile unsurv'yed. Cor. Nil. 2: thence S. 61 03 deg. if) min. E., as f ilo 1 foi : sur- » < f Mineral Entry No. 0942 3-SQ-1826 Snake River and about On the S„ Survey N .5 Ala- min. E. 361.2 ft. to Cm X 3 Beglnn g at Cor. N 1, den’ nce S. 75 13 n r E.. 5 r in deg. westerly from Nome bama and claims unk a and thence S. 85 deg. 2t W.. cal with Cor. No. 2S NOTICE is hereby given that 1240.00 ft. to Cor. No. 4 a the (.A :,e fir post Nome Recording Dis- unsurveved. 215.0 ft to Cor. No. 1 1 .c< 1133, Cl. PL S. whose p; Highland JOHN CARLSON, post scribed 4-SQ-1826 for this sur- tr.ej .e d of On the Survc .V 435 Precinct, Territory W., of beginning, containing .m a from whence U.S.L ..1. N office address is Nome. Alaska, nce S. 18 d< 39 r< i W, A i. min. N g. 64 deg. 31 Delaware Fraction. of 0.493 acres. Ivors N. 26 i4 :n. A for a deg. has made Unit- 1269 00 to 5. ■ application ft. Cor. No. id< ntical L> 165 deg. 33 min. W. 3396.2 ft.: thence N. 36 2 + for the The original and arm-nm d cci no ed States Patent Sand w ;!i C ir. No. 2 Burg Cl, md Then conflicti ■ F ’. ri ;!.. 2nd dav of Julv, 0 ,itcs of f' i min. E 742.10 ft. ; C N 2 Hill Association Placer mining C r No. 1 Venus Tundra, both I location place: The adjoining cl aim 1942. j thence S. 0 deg. 33 n n F 553.20 claim situated on the bank of mining claims are n< led in On the* N. X- right irvey No. 1824, a fir ■ Survey 465, post " ft. to Cor No. 3; th< n S 25 d< 1 Aimer office of the Record' f said of Snake River about 3.5 miles 1 Rydeen, Register Panorama Bench <• a m. 5-SQ-1826 foi placer 26 min. 273.40 ft C r. N Mining District and Pi <■ net in W.. northwesterly from the mouth <nee N. 75 I t : ml,cation Julv 3. 1942, On :l S. Survey N 4**2 No. deg V. 1. -1: thence S. 14 deg. 47 .1 ,n. E thereof and the town of Nome, W to at 208, page 230 a: n Vol 6 Above on B. n be 610.30 ft. Cor. No. 6 id« nti g S pt. 2. 1042 Discovery X- > then 220. 379 of the r* 650.00 ft. to Cor. Alaska in the Cape .Nome Mining cal with Cor. No. 1 Burg Claim, Page :ds of Creek Placer, locations of said District N. 72 deg. 54 min W 6 If) 40 ar.d District and Pre- sur. •. No. 1824. a fir scribed On tin W„ Survey X' 1228. Recording post In in:' *d States Land Office to Cor. No. 6: them < N !4 d cinct, of Alaska, de- for this :hi see 1 The mineral momma nt to No. 1 Above Discovery p] n r. Territory 6-SQ-1826 survey; rii Nome L;ind 24 min W.. 537.40 ft. C r. N as United States Min- N. 7.'! District, v. signated deg. 25 min. W. a np ne | ,.th this claim is f.< 1 .■ de- The 1: cation certificate f r od .v me, A iska. 7: thence N. 76 deg 24 run eral No. 1825 and 2 1 s.-ribed follows: i m ri claim is record i Survey partic- Alpha Group Assednlion as ng 256.70 ft. to Cor No 8: r .-ncc N in Noth of For Patent ularly described the official Placer. No. 1823. 551 00 Application U.S.L.M. No. 2 is m stone office of the Recorder n 1 Survey ,j Cape 21 deg. 32 min. W.. 651.50 ft. 1 and field notes of said It to i: '< plat Cor. No. 1 and place < f be- ■k in place chiseled 1' S.L.M. Nome Mining District. T. rv Cor. No. 1 and f begi .. ei ; No. 2117 1 place survey on file in the said Land an a:oa of Survey \ 2 and is situated on e Left of Alaska, in Vol. 220. P ,‘OJ7 ginn;;:g. Containing gt ning. containing an ar a f Office with variations 38.611 acres. Min. Ent No, 0949 Cro< k magnetic Limit of Anvil ut 50 of thi l ecor i of locatio f said 18 669 Acres. of 17 15 min. to 18 45 feet deg. deg. NOTICE is that west of the Territorial district. min. as follows: Verdon Group Placer hereby given There are no conflicting claims E., tie FATTED STATES SMELT- Tramway and is in L it. 64 deg. ! Be, nning at Cor. No, l .dent; 33 min, N., Long. 165 dig. 23 The U.S.L.M. No. 11 : u ec:h The adjoining claims are: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, a fir i cal ING R E FINING AND MINING with Cor. No. 5 Snow Queen min. W. ii this cl. im is tied Ls situ Ud on On the N.. Suit y V 18.; scribed l-SH-1826 from CO".:'ANY. Ms ne post j previousy described Cot No 2 corporation, the Divhie between Holyoke and No. 4 Specimen, whence U.S.L.M. Sur. No. 512 by and its Dated the 6th of ] Burg Claim, and Cor. No. 1 Venus ; through attorney-in- day July. 1942. i Bourbon Creeks, about 70 ft. On the E.. Survey No 1157. K hi. 83 far A A M. bears S. deg. 38.5 nun. W.. Hartford, whose post • i Tundra Placer, Sur. No. 1824 and Aimer Hi East of Government re. the leen Placer; Survey No 472. N 5830.46 ft.: thence N. 8 46 offi address Is Nome. Alaska, Rydecn gister deg. from whence U.S.L.M. Sm. No, ; same mining district, and .> in 3 on Grass Gulch P. wer and m n. W., 1006.6. ft. to Cor. No. 2 ha. made for a Unit- First July : 1942. ■512 bears N. 82 deg 42 mi. W., application publication Lat. 64 deg. 32 min. 00 .ic X'. Survey No. 1341, No. 3 Gr. a fir scribed or! s Patent t. r the Tent and 4. !042. post 2--SH-1836; 41.39.70 ft.; thence N. 18 deg. ,39 ending Septembei and Long. 165 deg. 21 min. 54 Gulch Placer, thence N. 81 12 min. E.. 660 Pi a' r claim. situated on deg. min. E along line 5-4 Snow mining sec. \V. On the S. claims unknown ,11 i ft. to Cor. No, 3. a fir scribed the Limit 1st Tier of post Queen Placer previously describ- Right In the United States H i Office unsurveyed, 3-SH-1825; thence S. 56 11 benches of a Dated the 10th dav I Julv. deg. ed, 1269.00 ft. to Cor. No. 2. Specimen Gulch, For the Nome Land D. : ct On the W., Surety No. 1135, min. E.. 1432.20 ft. to Cor. No. 4. tri .'v if Anvil Creek and 1942 identical with Cor. No. 4 Snow Nome, Alaska Highland Chief placer and da. ms a fir scribed about 6'2 miles of Aimer Rydeen Register post 4-SH-1825; | Queen Placer this survey pre- northerly the; unknown and unsurveyed. thence S. 37 16 min. tov f Nome in the Nome Notice of Application for Patent deg. W.., viously described; thence S. 88 Cape K blication July 10. 1942, The location cerificate for said 586.10 ft. to Cor. No. 5, identical M ng District and Precinct, and 9. 1942. deg. 39 min. E., 1283.00 ft, to ! tg September mining claim is recorded in the with Cor. No. 6 Snake River Te i' Uory of Alaska and desigrvat Mineral Survey N 2118 Cor. No. 3, identical with Cor. office of the Recorder t 'in ed Ur.ited States Mineral Sur- Mineral No. 09,50 Cape Placer, Sur. No. 1367, a fir post No. 1 Sand Hill Placer. Sur. No. Entry Nome N 2117 and de In the United States 1.... •)fflc* Mining District, Territory scribed 5-SH-1825 for this sur- 1825.
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