lira. a. Llojrd Jobnamhand daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Johnson of tente and seeing that tha pigaon munity Sarvlea cup at tha state ter, Harriott, o f Baltimore, are vla- North Bergen, N. J., are spending a waa glvm a drink, O. E. Willis took Iting M ra Johnaon'a parents. Rev. few days with their daughter and DOING MUCH WORK convention of tha Laglon held last coop and all to the police station. week in New Haven. and lira. 8. C. Fransen of EHro son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Erik Ho- Having been long a neighbor of ------------- « -------eeuit iM t street. dean o f 106 Chestnut street Their During the paat .two years the Chief Gordon, Hr. Willia knew that Legion here has sponsored mafiy ktakt KittM- PteTM t t • mddMUld son and daughter, Gilbert and AT ST. BRIDGETS the chief waa well Informed In the M diwhar tw w m fla«d $fS Ester Johnson, who accompanied d vlc entetpriaes. Including homa Joseph' Haloburdo and daughters, ComlBg Bvaute handling of homing pigeons. The m 4 « o«U Mi « e h a m ot rtcklcM Veronica,' Mary andJennie, of Ben­ them here yesterday returned home card was filled out and shortly after gardens, various fund campaigns, today. Aug. 8— Zipser club picnic, Lie­ chlldren'a Hallowe’en parties at the d*Maf. H« ippMlwd ttm dadalDn nington, V t, have returned home dertafel grove, Glastonbury. 11 o'clock today the pigaon was MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM t* auMiiMT Oontt throiich hit «t- after three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. turned free in the Center park, Rec Centers and tha annual Fourth Hhre o f Bees That Think Also A. O. 17. W. State picnic at of July fireworks display on the tetMg^ H U 17 (U a * m t ot New Brtt- Joseph Haloburdo of 29 Strant Vernon CalUs, 18, of 72 Parker Hill's Grove, Wapping, circled to get its direction, and start­ Honor Awarded to Dilworth- Old Golf Iota. The Legion band also VO L. L V L , NO. 263 I AdecfHalax sa Pafs la.) ' The ewMl eaae waa the re* street. street waa arrested last night at Aug. 9— Special town meeting in ed back towards Hazelton, I^., with MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 7,1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICX; THRBB<SNT 8 eUlt e f u aocldeatJhM month In 9:10 in front of a tavern on East They Own the Place High school hall, 8 p. m. the information that Hr. Willia re­ won first prize for the beat appear­ uiUch Pleree’e ear waa hadty dam- Comell Group fo r Spon­ ing unit in the 40 and parade dur­ Dus to Illness, Harry Laycox, Middle turnpike making a disturb­ Aug. 22—Outing o f Brttlah War gretted that he waa not able to ac­ 8 ing the convention. manager of Qrant’A has obtained a ance and wul i^ipear In town court Veterafia and Auxiliary at Marl­ cept the invitation. leave o f abaeaca from the store. E. tonight on a charge of breach of the Are To Be Evicted Soon. borough Lake. ______ < . ______ DUwMth-Ooman Poat, American peace. sorship o f Actm ties. Post-Mortem Baby S. Kidder la serving as temporary Aug. 80-8ept. 6—Knlghtj of Co­ ADVBR'nSBMENT— taglea, win Join Le(km poata from manager. lumbus Carnival. JAPANESE PREPARE The work that la being done on OiaatoBbiny, Kaat Hartford, Rock- The union servlcea of the North DHworth-Cornell Post, American villa and l^rtlaad at an Inter-poat St. Bridget's cbutch and rectory FRIEL PROMOTED Try Our Delicious Luncheons. Methodist and Second Congrega- Legion, was awaraed, for the sec­ Special Every Day 26c—30c— 35e. ANARCHIST REBELLION Miss AUee M. NaU of 400 Bast outlat BuBdap, Auruat 29, at a baa a large number of men employ­ Oenter street, stenographer at the tlonid churches will be held In the ond consecutive year, the Com­ Arthur Drug Store—Rublnow Bldg. piaee yet to ha dealgnated. Leon latter church Sunday morning and ed. Today Thomas Sullivan, who GE15 AN INVITATION Bradley la chairman o f the poat’a Chamber of Commerce, is expected TO PARKERSBURG TO LEAVE HANKOW; back at work Monday after a two will continue through August, and haa built several dry wells to take committee making the outing plana. Including September 5. Rev. Ferris Othera on the outing committee are weeks' vacation. care of the water from the roof of BY CARRIER PIGEON E. Reynolds, who has returned from the rectory and the church, starts Dommander WIgren, vice coirrmand- his vacation, will preach and the RAGING IN ALBACETE, laying new concrete steps leading ar W. H. Weir, Carl Priese and Rue- John B. Benson of Myrtle street' soloists will be Mrs. Elsie Berggren Into the rectory. There will be a G. E. Willis Sends “ Regrets” to Manager of Montgomery CHINESE CLOSING IN ieU Pitkin. gave an Interesting account of his Gustafson and Clifford Loomis. new wall built from the street. The Pennsylvania Concern As SPECIAL SALE two-month trip to Sweden at the work of adding the new stairs on A ll planning to attend the an­ regular meeting of Scandia Lodge. The Manchester KIwanis club will the south side of the church and the Bird Starts Return Flight. Ward Co. Store Leaves nual outing of the Brotherhood of Order of Vasa, at OTShge hall last meet Monday noon at the Country changing over the entrance on the BROWNbilt Children’s All Leather ^AO Natioiuds Ordered to Quit the Emanuel Lutheran church at night. SPANISH REBS REPORT clubhouse. The speaker will be John southwest part of the church 1s now Next Week for W. Va. ' senate limits Oelumbla lake Baturday, Auguat 14, well along. From Hazelton, Pa., there arrived F. Gilmore of the Hartford Acci­ by express this morning a small •are aaked to notify Rev. K. E. Grangers ars reminded of the an­ dent and Indemnity company, whose There has been considerable work Chy; Marines and Soldiers Erickaon, tel. 5218. or Adolph Ben- coop, In the form of a miniature nual field day and picnic of Blast subject will be "Compulsory Auto­ done In the Interior of the rectory brick house, in which was a homing James P. Friel o f 402 East Center ON HOUSE COSTS Insnrgents Announce Former eon, tel. 6148, not later than next which includes an addition to the Central Pomona Grange at Hall Me­ mobile Insurance." The prize will pigeon. It waa addressed to G. E. Btreetr manager of the local Mont­ to Board Warinraft; Am er­ Wedneaday. Herman Jehnaon and morial school field. South Willing- be furnished by John O. Echmallah. rear of the house for a laundry. Spanish War Rushing hla Fellowahlp committee has Wlllla A Son, Inc., and the shipping gomery Ward Company store for SANDALS A hive of bees that have made ton, tomorrow, beginning at 10:30 a. tag was an envelope. Inside the en­ Premier Heads More^ charge of arrangements for the m., with basket lunch at noon and their home In the southeast part of almost three years, haa been pro­ Brown and White BRINGS CONTEST ■ ''' velope was a letter proportlng to be icans to Leave Chy Also. affair. sports throughout the day. the church are, to be dislodged. The moted to a larger store In Park­ honey is of ito 'Vklue as the bees the sayings of the pigeon. It told Toward Climax, Says ment; A ssert Street Fight­ ersburg, West Virginia. Mr. Friel SUGGEST GOLF LOTS have been mixing this year's mak­ of having come from a nice little ing with old honey. An experience house, built of brick furnLshed by came to Manchester In October of Hankow, China, Aug. 7.— (A P )— Opposition to $4,000 Re­ bee man Is to be obtained and is to the Hazelton Brick company, lo­ 1934 and during his aUy here baa Reduced Japaneae naval and conaular offi­ ing Has Broken Out Be-1 cated close to their main office. VOTE BY MACHINE be given the beea for his part in re­ been active In the Chamber of Com­ To cials today ordered complete < vacu- A. P. Correspondent moving them. The pigeon, the letter conveyed, merce, where he la a member of the striction Arises b House; atlon of all Japaneae In this Impor­ tween htematiiDiial Vohm: They have been there so long wished to extend an invitation to the executive committee of the Mer­ that their relatives of past years membera of the local company to chants division. He is also a mem­ tant commercial city and Interna­ Objection to Ickes as Boss Editor’s Note: An Ateocl- -rules 14,000,000 people. The Span­ have had the Idea that they own the come to Hazelton and be guests of ber of Campbell Council, Knights ot tional treaty port at the confluence atod Frees correspondent k>okM ish government, still clinging to the teers and the Loyalist^i Report Today Is That Peti­ place and several people have been the Hazelton company. In order Columbus, and has made a host of W e re $1.30 o f the Yangtze and Han rivers. at Spain’s war today, from be­ country’s w re e largest cities, stung while working around che that the Invitation might be ac­ friends here. The Japanese offlclala, reportedly hind the lines ot Generalissimo Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona, knowledged, the letter stated, a Further Cause of Balkbg. church with the result that all of Mr. Friel expects to leave Man­ acting on orders from Tokyo, de­ Franctsoo Franco, and what be was estimated by Insurgent sources tion May Be Circulated to small card, enclosed with the letter, the bees must now go.
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