~ I V V'"~' 'm ¦ and wife, who desired to go to POH M MOWS l\ Kit IFF. south Ml ASK WARFAKF.. Africa to distribute relief funds. Adopted after a short Seaate Hn« Th« Oifrltiiw From thr Wlrm In it 4'on- debate, tn tb the Pioneer Press llnatiir Contrr- STILL LOOKS DARI which Mr. Hitt, enoe Agreement. <l«*u«e<l Fit .'in course of chairman of on foreign S. A. HUSH FIELD, m trialw. ¦Wshhlrgton, March 16—Tire senate A strike for a nine-hour day, which rmmess the committee affairs, i,tro. spent an hour in yes- muy Involve 100.000 machinists In dif- Rksums or run duce.l a letter from Secretary Kn y executive session LABOR SITUATION lit ID MILLBR, SOUTH DAKOTA. terday on the convention growing out BOSTON ferent parte of the country, may take W'kkk's Pbocmdikos. plaining what the department of state of The Hague peace conference relating SOW F.XTRKMKI.Y PKR- place on May I. had done In the premises. the to the ccnduct of war on land and sea. PLKXINU. John Lttwsor tthe “Terrible Swede"*, In Senate. Throughout the session of the John Chinaman la likely to find that and flr.aily ratified the agreement the well-known bicycle rider, died at ssnat* 11l (ho Senate. yesterday the ship subsidy bill Chola 9am la merely changing the without a division. St. Joseph's hoHpital In Milwaukee, was un- Washington, 11.—For nearly The The ccuntries party to the treaty are five-days’ pneumonia. March der discussion. measure was dis- time-lock. after a Illness of Vest of Mis- Germany, Austria. Belgium, Denmnrk. OUTLOOK IS MORE CRITICAL two hours yesterday Mr. cussed by Mr. Foraker of Ohio, Mr. i*e- Kdmund Burke, son or Francis P. senate In opposi- Mlsslsslipl Spain, the United Staten. Mexico, Hour! addressed the Lnurin of and Mr. Harrfe 0 too the fight couldn t Burke of New York, the millionaire subsidy bill. f It la bad that Prance, Great Britain. Greece, Italy, tlon to the pending ship Kansas Mr. Foraker supported th* partner of John A. McCall, president of ac- have bean pulled off while Teddy waa Japan. Luxemburg. Montenegro. Neth- LABOR MF.I SAY THAT MARMtiKA* No member of the body has been bill, although he admitted that h* the New York Life Insurance company, running the senate. erlands. Persia, Portugal. Rouinania, corded more flatteringly close atten- would havev preferred to build up th« HAS WOT YKT RKES H.H- died at Albuquerque, N. M„ of pneu- his evi- Russia. Bervla, Sweden and Norway. tion than he received. Despite American merchant marine by th* STORICD. monia force That Detroit case merely goes to Turkey ami Bulgaria. The provisions dent feebleness, he spoke with levying of discriminating duties. h* Winslow, destroyed two bril- of the treaty are binding only on the Fire at 111., and Are, and at times became was willing, however, to defer the Bhow that the bank director who di- business part an- contracting powers In case of war be- blocks of buildings In the liantly eloquent. He carefully Judgment of the majority that the recta la atlll a rare bird. bank, fif- par- tween two or more of them, and cease of th» town. The poatotflce, alyzed the pending measure and pending measure embodied the better NEW TROUBLES COME FORWARD pri- to be binding wh«n a non-contracting teen business I oust s and several ticularly attacked the present naviga- plan. Roth Mr. Mcluiurin aad Mr. The Wilkesharre Times ts raising a vate residences were entirely consumed. were power Joins either of the belligerents. tion laws, which, he declared, Harrlu opposed the measure *a the howl about dirty bank notes. Well, The most important feature of the Th loss Is >125.000; Insurance, MO,OOO. relics of barbarism and responsible for ground that In their Judgment ft «u FIRMS BOUND TO UNIONISM serving lucre la proverbially filthy. treaty, the contents of which have been HASTKN Capt. .1. H. Rees, who is now the decline of our merchant marine. unconstitutional. geneially known, ia that prohibiting TO HIRK WOW - UNION as presiding Julge at the Crescent City Mr. Tillman of South Carolina fol- the use of Jock“y truck New Orleans, has In opposition New that Minister Wu has been In ’‘dum-dum” bullets. aiLr. club at lowed with a brief speech 1»P TO CLAYTOg. a railroad wreck he may be regarded announced that upon the conclusion of to the bill. HAS OF MANY new Jockey club meeting Against the «a thoroughly Americanised. wives. the In the House. Churvri AmbaunMU, he would permanently retire from the Are Forwarded to Him. rural free de- Arreted at the Instance of go. 8 Boston. March 16.—The labor situa- turf. The bill to classify the Washington. Match 16.—'The While the carriers Chine* Count Boni de Caatellane baa Just In Company With Vo. 11. tion in Boston is extremely perplexing. livery service and place against Ambassador Powell Ckiytot San system, which has wrlttan—no not for money—a letter Antonio. Tex.. March 16.—Upon To give weight to statements of labor TDK MAHKKTS. under the contract submitted yesterday to the state the over a de- on the Panama canal question. ccmplaing of hia alleged eighth men who spoke without authority that been debated in the house for partment were forwarded to him la ar- wife, formerly Mary A. Latest Front €>rnln anil passed yesterday, but in a Mrs. Parker of harmony is not rcato’ed is to make the Qnntationa week, was der that he may make reply If be an ret Plattsburg, any 1.1 v- S.iii'k Centers. changed the pur- Even Mo.. Christian C. Nelson, outlook far more critical than at form that completely to do so. the title banks throughout the alias Capt. A. Freeland, St. Paul, March Wheat No. 1 framed. All the N. alias John time since the allied freight transporta- 16. pose for which It was It appears that the fight against the country will be obliged to put on fend* Anderson, alias Nelson Porter, was ar- Northern, 74 l-24»75e; No. 2 Northern. relating to the placing of ; tion council began Its fight against the provisions ambassador has been in progress for ers or the trusts will get them. rested here yesterday at a 77 l-rfi74 l-4e. Com—No. 3 yellow, 57** contract system hotel while IR. S. Brine Transportation company. carriers under the several n onths, and he is aware of ail In ccmpany alleged wife, 3-4 No. 55 1-2*56 Oats—No. out salary sys- with his ninth On the other hand. Gov. Crane and the 67 c 3. l-4c. were stricken and the that, has been done by his opppaest* formerly Mllburn, 43 l-2*44c; No. 2, 424'43 i-40. continued, but the Sir Robert Ball of Cambridge pre- Mrs. A. E. whom he state beard of arbitration believe that 3 white. tem not only was u|f to this point. Now th" question ta glacial married at Fort Scott two weeks ago. Minneapolis. March 16.—Wheat—No.l was in- dicts another period; and he the problem is being solved quite rapid- maximum salary of carriers for the first time raised formally as to Nelson admits that he Is sev- haid. 75 3-4c; No. 1 Northern, 73 3-8 c; per annum. was not lecturing In Boston, either. wanted in ly considering the Immensity of the creased from >SOO to >6BO the propriety of an ambassador or min- eral slates and It charged No. 2 Northern. 71 7-Bc. Is that he strike, and only ask for time and pa- ister engaging In business, or eves has undivorce 1 wives in Los Angeles. laboring Duluth. March 16.—Wheat—('ash No. Clark is said to be unhappy tience fiom both and business In having financial interests <n (be coun- Senator Cal.; Or.; Plattsburg, Mo.; 1 hard. 76 c; No. 1 Northern. 72 7-Sc; the Haase. Portland. men to remove all obstacles for a re- 7-8 try to which he is accredited. It is because he bss so much money. Evi- Fort Kan.; Lake Utah; c; Manitoba Washington, March 12. The house be- Stott. Salt City. sumption of freight traffic under ordi- No. 2 Northern. 70 3-4 lieved that there la no specific law upon dently he does not greatly desire hap- St. Paul. Mlun., and other points. He wheat, 71 1-Sc. No. 3. 67 7-8c; flax. yesterday entered on the consideration nary conditions As a matter of fact the subject and it Is suggested that the piness. Is about forty-five years old, 1-2; corn, l-2c; oats, 42c; rye, postofllce appropriation bill, but rather the strike was completely broken yes- >1.72 60 of the determining point in nthls case prWl he good looking and speaks with a slight terday Although troubles cropped out 62 l-2c. as usual during general debate on an ‘ In the character of Mr. Clayton’s in- Rico bad good-sized German accent. quarters, arranged Chicago. March 16.—Cash Wheat —No. appropriation bill, the members who Porto a riot In many some were vestments and the extent tn which recently. It is hard for a people to without delay and others dragged along 2 red. 82 1-2*83 l-2c; No. 2 hard winter. spoke devoted themselves to everything r they rr’ght seem to tend to Influence htn up long-estabilsued customs all BIG BA.XKIXG SHKNR. In Uncertain State 74 1 -?* 76 l-2c; No.
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