Sort by Author's Surname The Buddha‐Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Library Catalogue (English Books) (as at 2 September 2019) Call Number Author Title BQ0522.M56 Abenayake, Oliver (Ed.) 2600 Years of Sambuddhatva: Global Journey of Awakening BQ4570.S6 A239 Abeynayake, Oliver Social and Economic Dimensions of Early Buddhism BQ0100.M34 Adikari, A. Sambhasa BQ5495.BHA Agostini, Giulio (Tr) Oranament of Lay Followers B0131.A46 Agrawal, Madan Mohan Sarvadarsanasamgraha of Madhavacarya JFF0082.P73 Agrawala, Prithvi Kumar Aesthetic Principles of Indian Art BQ9286.A38 Aitken, Robert Taking Path of Zen BQ5405.A53 Ajahn, Brahm Good? Bad? Who knows? 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Thera (Tr) First and Second Buddhist Councils: Five Versions As at 2 September 2019 1/24 BDCHK Library Catalogue (English Books) Sort by Author's Surname The Buddha‐Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Library Catalogue (English Books) (as at 2 September 2019) Call Number Author Title BQ0291. F57 C.3 Anuruddha, K. Thera (Tr) First and Second Buddhist Councils: Five Versions PK1077.A68 C.1 Anuruddha, Kakkapalliyw Thera Dictionary of Pali Idioms PK1077.A68 C.2 Anuruddha, Kakkapalliyw Thera Dictionary of Pali Idioms BQ0291.F57 Anuruddha, Kakkapalliyw Thera First and Second Buddhist Councils Five Versions PK1011.A58 Anuruddha, Kakkapalliyw Thera Guide to the Study of Pali PK0933.V55 Apte, Vasudeo Govind Concise Pali‐English Dictionary BQ0872.A7 Arnold, Edwin Light of Asia: The Life and teaching of Gautama BQ4570.P76 A76 Aronson, Harvey B. Buddhist Practice on Western Ground BQ0408.P73 Assavaviruhakarn, Prapod Ascendency of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia B0041.C35 Audi, Robert (Ed.) 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Payut Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist World BQ0101.R36 Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore Vijjavimutti As at 2 September 2019 3/24 BDCHK Library Catalogue (English Books) Sort by Author's Surname The Buddha‐Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Library Catalogue (English Books) (as at 2 September 2019) Call Number Author Title BQ9299.H854 L613 Buddhist Library of China Sutra of Hui Neng BQ5538.C5313 Buddhist text Translation Society Repentance Ritural of the Emperor Liang BQ5768.P35 Burlingame, Eugene Watson Buddhist Parables BQ1375.B8313 Burlingame, Eugene Watson (trans.) Treasury of Buddhist Stories from the Dhammapada Commentary BQ0130.P75 C.2 Buswell, Robert E Princeton Dictonary of Buddhism BQ0130.P75 C.1 Buswell, Robert E. Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism BQ1372.E54 C36 C.1 Carter, John Ross, And Palihawadana, Mahind Dhammapada ‐ Sayings of the Buddha (1C) BQ5612.C38 Catherine, Shaila Focused and Fearless Meditator's Guide to States of Deep Joy, Calm and Clarity BQ1438.S23 V.1 Chalmers, Lord Further Dialogues of the Buddha BQ1310.T74 V.2 Chalmers, Robert Majjhima‐Nikaya, V.2 BQ4055.N36 Chandawimala Thera, Ragama Nanappabha BQ4055.N36 Chandawimala Thera, Ragama Nanappabha A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Venerable Dr. Pategama Gnanarama Maha Thera BL1495.K4 C362 Chang, Gamma C.C. Buddhist Teaching of Totality BQ1752.E5 Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.) Treasury of Mahayana Sutras BQ2317.W3313 V.3 Chao, Somdet Phra Maha Entrance to the Vinaya BQ7494.C495Y Chatterjee, Ashok Kumar Yogacara Idealism BQ4200.C471 Chaudhury, B.N. 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