San Diego Public Library New Additions October 2006 Adult Materials 000 - Computer Science and Generalities Biographies 100 - Philosophy & Psychology Braille 200 - Religion California Room 300 - Social Sciences CD-ROMs 400 - Language Compact Discs 500 - Science DVD Videos/Videocassettes 600 - Technology eBooks 700 - Art Fiction 800 - Literature Foreign Languages 900 - Geography & History Genealogy Room Audiocassettes Large Print Audiovisual Materials Fiction Call # Author Title FIC/ACEVEDO Acevedo, Chantel. Love and ghost letters FIC/ADLER Adler, Elizabeth Sailing to Capri FIC/ALBOM Albom, Mitch, For one more day FIC/ALEXIE Alexie, Sherman, Reservation blues [MYST] FIC/ALLAN Allan, Barbara. Antiques roadkill [MYST] FIC/ANDERSON Anderson, Sheryl J., Killer deal [MYST] FIC/ANDREWS Andrews, Donna. No nest for the wicket [MYST] FIC/ANDREWS Andrews, Lori B., Sequence FIC/ANGSTEN Angsten, David. Dark gold [MYST] FIC/ARNALDUR Arnaldur Indridason, Silence of the Grave [MYST] FIC/ASHFORD Ashford, Lindsay Jayne. Frozen FIC/ATKINSON Atkinson, Kate. Case histories [MYST] FIC/ATKINSON Atkinson, Kate. One good turn FIC/ATWOOD Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, Moral disorder [MYST] FIC/BAANTJER Baantjer, A. C. Dekok and the death of a clown FIC/BAGSHAWE Bagshawe, Tilly. Showdown FIC/BAHR Bahr, Howard, The Judas Field FIC/BAKER Baker, C. D. Pilgrims of promise FIC/BAKER Baker, Calvin, Dominion [SCI-FI] FIC/BAKER Baker, Kage. The machine's child FIC/BALDACCI Baldacci, David. The collectors FIC/BALLIS Ballis, Stacey. Room for improvement FIC/BANKER Banker, Ashok. Bridge of Rama FIC/BANKS Banks, L. A. The forsaken FIC/BARICCO Baricco, Alessandro, An Iliad FIC/BARNETT Barnett, Jill. The days of summer [MYST] FIC/BAXTER Baxter, Cynthia. Hare today, dead tomorrow [MYST] FIC/BAYARD Bayard, Louis. The pale blue eye FIC/BEALL Beall, Will. L.A. rex [MYST] FIC/BEATON Beaton, M. C. Love, lies and liquor FIC/BELL Bell, Thomas, Out of this furnace FIC/BELLOW Bellow, Saul. Herzog FIC/BELLOW Bellow, Saul. The adventures of Augie March FIC/BEN JELLOUN Ben Jelloun, Tahar, Corruption [MYST] FIC/BENJAMIN Benjamin, Carol Lea. The hard way [MYST] FIC/BERENSON Berenson, Laurien. Chow down FIC/BERNE Berne, Suzanne. The Ghost at the Table [MYST] FIC/BIDULKA Bidulka, Anthony, Flight of aquavit FIC/BIGSBY Bigsby, C. W. E. Beautiful dreamer FIC/BILLINGHAM Billingham, Mark. Lifeless FIC/BLACHMAN Blachman, Jeremy. Anonymous lawyer FIC/BLACKSTON Blackston, Ray. Lost in Rooville [MYST] FIC/BLOOM Bloom, Elizabeth, The mortician's daughter FIC/BOLANO Bolaño, Roberto, Distant star FIC/BOURNE Bourne, Sam, The righteous men [MYST] FIC/BOWEN Bowen, Michael, Putting lipstick on a pig [MYST] FIC/BOWEN Bowen, Rhys. Evanly bodies FIC/BOYD Boyd, William, Restless FIC/BRADBURY Bradbury, Ray, Farewell summer [MYST] FIC/BRANCH Branch, Pamela Jean, The wooden overcoat FIC/BRASELTON Braselton, Jeanne. The other side of air [MYST] FIC/BRETT Brett, Simon. The stabbing in the stables FIC/BROCKMANN Brockmann, Suzanne. Into the storm [MYST] FIC/BRODRICK Brodrick, William, The gardens of the dead FIC/BROWN Brown, Parry A. What goes around [MYST] FIC/BROWN Brown, Rita Mae. The hounds and the fury [MYST] FIC/BRUEN Bruen, Ken. Calibre FIC/BRUNDAGE Brundage, Elizabeth. The doctor's wife FIC/BULOSAN Bulosan, Carlos. All the conspirators [MYST] FIC/BURKE Burke, Jan. Kidnapped FIC/BUSCH Busch, Frederick, Rescue missions FIC/BUTLER Butler, Robert Olen. Severance FIC/CABOT Cabot, Meg. Queen of babble FIC/CAMPBELL Campbell, Bruce, Make love!--the Bruce Campbell way FIC/CAMPBELL Campbell, Rebecca, The marriage diaries FIC/CASTILLO Castillo, Mary, Hot Tamara FIC/CHAMBERLAIN Chamberlain, Diane, The secret life of CeeCee Wilkes FIC/CHEN Chen, Da, Brothers [MYST] FIC/CHILDS Childs, Laura. Motif for murder FIC/CHOI Choi, Susan, American woman FIC/CHUNICHI Chunichi. A gangster's girl FIC/CHUNICHI Chunichi. Married to the game FIC/CLARKE Clarke, Susanna. The ladies of Grace Adieu and other stories FIC/CLUNE Clune, Jackie. Man of the month club [MYST] FIC/COEL Coel, Margaret, The drowning man FIC/COEHLO Coelho, Paulo. The alchemist [MYST] FIC/CONNELLY Connelly, Michael, Echo Park FIC/CORNWELL Cornwell, Bernard. Sharpe's fury FIC/COTA Cota-Cárdenas, Margarita. Sanctuaries of the heart FIC/COX Cox, Michael, The meaning of night [MYST] FIC/CUNNINGHAM Cunningham, E. V., The case of the kidnapped angel [MYST] FIC/DAHEIM Daheim, Mary. Saks & violins FIC/DAHLQUIST Dahlquist, Gordon. The glass books of the dream eaters FIC/DANIELEWSKI Danielewski, Mark Z. Only revolutions. FIC/DANTICAT Danticat, Edwidge, The dew breaker FIC/DAVEY Davey, Janet, First aid FIC/DAVIDSON Davidson, MaryJanice. Undead and unreturnable [MYST] FIC/DAY Day, Dianne. Fire and fog FIC/DELBANCO Delbanco, Nicholas. Spring and fall [MYST] FIC/DIBDIN Dibdin, Michael. Back to Bologna FIC/DICKENS Dickens, Charles, A Christmas carol [MYST] FIC/DOOGAN Doogan, Mike. Lost Angel [MYST] FIC/DOSS Doss, James D. Stone butterfly [SCI-FI] FIC/DOUGLASS Douglass, Sara. Crusader [SCI-FI] FIC/DRAKE Drake, David. Some golden harbor [MYST] FIC/DUBOIS DuBois, Brendan. Primary storm FIC/DUMAS Dumas, Alexandre, The three musketeers [MYST] FIC/DUNANT Dunant, Sarah. Under my skin [MYST] FIC/DUNBAR Dunbar, Anthony P. Tubby meets Katrina [SCI-FI] FIC/DUNCAN Duncan, Dave, Children of chaos [MYST] FIC/DUNN Dunn, Carola. Gunpowder plot FIC/EDWARDS Edwards, Kim, The memory keeper's daughter [MYST] FIC/EDWARDSON Edwardson, Åke, Never end FIC/ELIOT Eliot, George, Silas Marner [MYST] FIC/EMLEY Emley, Dianne. The first cut [MYST] FIC/ENGEL Engel, Howard, Memory book [SCI-FI] FIC/ERIKSON Erikson, Steven. House of chains FIC/ETHRIDGE Ethridge, Mark. Grievances FIC/EVANOVICH Evanovich, Janet. Motor mouth FIC/EVANS Evans, Richard Paul. Finding Noel FIC/FARAH Farah, Nuruddin, From a crooked rib FIC/FAULKS Faulks, Sebastian. Human traces a novel 2 FIC/FEEHAN Feehan, Christine. Dark celebration FIC/FEINBERG Feinberg, Leslie, Stone butch blues [MYST] FIC/FERRIS Ferris, Monica. Sins and needles [MYST] FIC/FFORDE Fforde, Jasper. The fourth bear FIC/FITCH Fitch, Janet, Paint it black [MYST] FIC/FLORA Flora, Kate Clark. Playing god FIC/FLYNN Flynn, Gillian, Sharp objects [SCI-FI] FIC/FLYNN Flynn, Michael Eifelheim FIC/FLYNN Flynn, Vince. Act of treason FIC/FOLLETT Follett, Ken. The pillars of the earth [MYST] FIC/FOSSUM Fossum, Karin, When the devil holds the candle [MYST] FIC/FRANCIS Francis, Dick. Under orders FIC/FRANK Frank, Judith, Crybaby butch FIC/FRANKLIN Franklin, Ariana. City of Shadows FIC/FRAZIER Frazier, Charles, Thirteen moons FIC/GAIMAN Gaiman, Neil. Fragile things FIC/GALANG Galang, M. Evelina, One tribe [MYST] FIC/GALLIGAN Galligan, John. The nail knot FIC/GANSWORTH Gansworth, Eric L. Mending skins FIC/GEAR Gear, Kathleen O'Neal. It wakes in me [MYST] FIC/GEORGE George, Elizabeth. What came before he shot her [MYST] FIC/GIRDNER Girdner, Jaqueline. Murder on the astral plane FIC/GORDON Gordon, Mary, The stories of Mary Gordon [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. "D" is for deadbeat [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. "E" is for evidence [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. "H" is for homicide [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. "I" is for innocent [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. "L" is for lawless [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. M is for malice [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. O is for outlaw [MYST] FIC/GRAFTON Grafton, Sue. P is for peril FIC/GREEN Green, Norman, Dead cat bounce [SCI-FI] FIC/GRIMWOOD Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Stamping butterflies FIC/GULLEY Gulley, Philip. Almost friends FIC/GUTIERREZ Gutiérrez, Pedro Juan, Tropical animal FIC/HADDON Haddon, Mark. The curious incident of the dog in the night-time FIC/HALTER Halter, Marek. Lilah FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Jane, When Madeline was young FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Laurell K. Strange candy FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Laurell K. The killing dance FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Laurell K. The lunatic cafe [MYST] FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Steve, A stolen season FIC/HAMSUN Hamsun, Knut, Hunger. FIC/HARDIE Hardie, Kerry, The bird woman [MYST] FIC/HARDING Harding, Robyn. The secret desires of a soccer mom [MYST] FIC/HARRIS Harris, Charlaine. Grave surprise FIC/HARWOOD Harwood, John. The ghost writer [MYST] FIC/HATHAWAY Hathaway, Robin. The doctor rocks the boat FIC/HAWTHORNE Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The scarlet letter FIC/HEARN Hearn, Lian. The harsh cry of the heron [SCI-FI] FIC/HEINLEIN Heinlein, Robert A. Variable star FIC/HELLER Heller, Jane. Some nerve FIC/HEMINGWAY Hemingway, Ernest, The old man and the sea FIC/HEMINGWAY Hemingway, Ernest, The short stories FIC/HENDERSON Henderson, Dee. The O'Malley chronicles. Volume 1 [SCI-FI] FIC/HERBERT Herbert, Brian. Hunters of dune [SCI-FI] FIC/HICKMAN Hickman, Tracy. Mystic empire FIC/HILDERBRAND Hilderbrand, Elin. The love season FIC/HILL Hill, Donna If I could FIC/HINES Hines, T. L. Waking Lazarus FIC/HOLTON Holton, Cathy. Revenge of the kudzu debutantes [MYST] FIC/HOSP Hosp, David. The betrayed FIC/HUNT Hunt, Angela Elwell, Magdalene FIC/HURWITZ Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew. Last shot FIC/HUSTON Huston, Charlie. A dangerous man FIC/IWEALA Iweala, Uzodinma. Beasts of no nation FIC/IZZO Izzo, Jean-Claude. Chourmo FIC/JACKSON Jackson, Lisa. Twice kissed FIC/JACOBSON Jacobson, Dan. All for love FIC/JARVIS Jarvis, Robin, The Whitby witches FIC/JENSEN Jensen, Liz, My dirty little book of stolen time FIC/JIHAD Jihad. Baby girl FIC/JONES Jones, Patricia, Passing FIC/JULAVITS Julavits, Heidi. The uses of enchantment FIC/JUST Just, Ward S. Forgetfulness FIC/KATZENBACH Katzenbach, John. The wrong man 3 [MYST] FIC/KEATING Keating, H. R. F. One man and his bomb [MYST] FIC/KELLERMAN Kellerman, Faye. The Garden of Eden and other criminal delights [WEST] FIC/KELTON Kelton, Elmer. Texas rifles FIC/KENNEDY Kennedy, Margaret, The constant nymph [MYST] FIC/KERNICK Kernick, Simon. A good day to die [MYST] FIC/KERR Kerr, Philip. The one from the other [SCI-FI] FIC/KEYES Keyes, Greg, The blood knight FIC/KING King, Stephen, Lisey's story FIC/KINGSBURY Kingsbury, Karen. Divine FIC/KINGSBURY Kingsbury, Karen. One Tuesday morning FIC/KINGSBURY Kingsbury, Karen.
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