No. 71 February 2004 TDR UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) CONTENTS 2 UNICEF: a new TDR co-sponsor 4 Carlos Morel: an appreciation 6 Prospects for schistosomiasis vaccine development 9 Implementation Research: bridging the gap between efficacy trials and application 10 Vector Control Research Centre: TDR Partner 12 South-South Initiative for tropical disease research 14 Globalization, inequalities and infectious diseases 15 Latest grants 19 Publications 20 Deadlines WHO/TDR/Crump KEYNOTE ARTICLE UNICEF, in its bid to protect future generations, joins with TDR | page 2 | www.who.int/tdr CO-SPONSORSHIP UNICEF as a new TDR co-sponsor: strategy for shared success CONTACT The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is UN Special Session on Children: A World Fit for the driving force that helps build a world where the Children, provide a focus for scaling up pro- rights of every child are realized.We believe that grammes for child survival. Globally, nearly 11 Dr. Pascal Villeneuve nurturing and caring for children are the corner- million children under five years of age die every Chief, Health Section stones of human progress. UNICEF was created year due to preventable diseases such as pneu- Programme Division to work with others to overcome the obstacles monia, diarrhoea, malaria, measles, malnutrition UNICEF that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination and AIDS, with 90% of these deaths occurring in place in a child’s path.We advocate for measures just 42 countries, mostly in Africa and South 3 UN Plaza, New York, to give children the best start in life, because proper Asia. UNICEF is therefore supporting countries NY 10017 care at the youngest age forms the strongest to scale up cost-effective interventions to prevent Tel: +1 (212) 824 6369 foundation for a person’s future. child deaths, toward achievement of the MDG to Fax: +1 (212) 303 7924 “reduce by two-thirds the mortality rate among This UNICEF mission, and the view that the sur- children under five” by 2015. E-mail: vival, protection and development of children are pvilleneuve@unicef.org universal development imperatives that are integral “Partnerships for shared success” is one of to human progress, links well with the TDR mission UNICEF’s strategies for implementing the World to help coordinate, support and influence global Fit For Children plan of action. Collaboration with research to combat a portfolio of major diseases energetic and diverse networks at global, regional, of the poor and disadvantaged.Anchored as they national and community level has long been a are in the United Nations system, both institutions hallmark of UNICEF’s work. It has also been a share in the global authority that advises decision- source of UNICEF’s strength, as the wide and TDRnews makers, and both can rely on a variety of partners diverse network of our partners multiplies the is published three times a year by at grassroots level to effectively turn the most impact of our efforts. the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO innovative ideas into reality. Special Programme for Research and Becoming a TDR co-sponsor is viewed by UNICEF Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR). Full article text available Over the past few years, UNICEF has developed as another important “strategic partnership”, on the TDR website. a collaborative working relationship with TDR and helping to facilitate evidence-based programming All material submitted to TDRnews has intensified its participation in TDR’s discussions for children, leading to greater recognition of undergoes editorial review. Articles and illustrations published at policy level – as an observer since the fall of child health issues in the portfolio of TDR and in TDRnews which are not 2001 and as a host to the TDR Standing Committee facilitating specific collaborations of relevance to copyrighted may be reproduced, meeting at UNICEF headquarters in April 2003. child health programmes. provided credit is given to TDR and provided such reproduction is During this time, discussions were held regarding not used for commercial purposes. closer links between UNICEF and the Special In line with the TDR Strategic Emphases Matrix, Articles do not necessarily Programme.This culminated at the TDR Joint it is clear that “new basic knowledge”,“new and reflect the views of WHO. Coordinating Board (JCB) meeting in June 2003, improved tools”,“new and improved intervention Editor Nina Mattock where UNICEF was officially welcomed as a new methods”, and “new and improved strategies and Production team TDR co-sponsor.At this JCB meeting in New Delhi, policies” are required if the international com- Nicole Biros, Jocelyne Bruyère, board members and co-sponsors recognized and munity wishes to reduce significantly the current Andy Crump, Jens Kastberg underlined the strengths that UNICEF brings to high levels of infant and under-five mortality.This Design Lisa Schwarb the partnership with regard to a strong country is particularly important in the fight against the Layout Nanette Vabø presence, particularly in relation to scaling up new major child killers such as malaria, diarrhoea and and improved tools for child health. pneumonia. UNICEF recognizes that a large pro- Tel. (+41) 22 791 3725 portion of the present TDR body of work is in Fax (+41) 22 791 4854 What this means for UNICEF the area of malaria, a priority for UNICEF country E-mail tdr@who.int UNICEF believes that the Millennium programmes in Africa as part of the Roll Back Web www.who.int/tdr Development Goals (MDGs), and goals con- Malaria partnership. Address TDR tained in the outcome document of the 2002 World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 · 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland 2 • TDRnews • No 71 • FEB 2004 UNICEF roles and responsibilities level, in order to better understand our role and One of the four key functions of TDR is to contribution to the TDR partnership.This will encourage “intervention development and imple- include collaboration with key researchers and mentation research”.With a strong field pres- research institutions operating at the country level. ence and over 6000 staff located in developing countries, UNICEF country programmes in sup- Working in collaboration with the other TDR co- port of national health system development can sponsors, UNICEF can make use of the mechanism help to identify needed interventions and provide of the UN Country Teams to promote the work of a large-scale programme base for implementation TDR at country level, strengthen the link between research activities at the country level. health research and implementation, and raise the profile of the key role played by health research There has already been active collaboration in improving health outcomes for children. between UNICEF and TDR in the area of imple- mentation research for home and community UNICEF is very pleased to join the Special management of malaria and pneumonia, the results Programme as a new co-sponsor, acknowledging of which have direct relevance to a more effective the many major achievements that have been community approach to the sick child. It is hoped facilitated by TDR over the years and which have that this specific collaboration will lead to expan- contributed significantly to improving child health. sion into other areas of mutual interest. It is hoped that this partnership will continue to strengthen the impact of health programmes for UNICEF is in the process of undertaking a com- children, advocate for the protection of children’s prehensive analysis of current involvement in public rights, help meet children’s basic needs, and health research in general and collaboration with expand the opportunities for children to reach TDR in particular, at global, regional and country their full potentials. Message from the Chairman,TDR/JCB, to Mrs Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, UNICEF On behalf of the Joint Coordinating Board, I community, the arrival of UNICEF as a would like to warmly welcome UNICEF as a co-sponsor is timely and promising. new co-sponsor of the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Together with the other TDR co-sponsors Diseases (TDR). (the World Bank, UNDP,WHO), JCB looks forward to collaborating with Dr. Pascal UNICEF brings to TDR a unique field per- Villeneuve and other UNICEF friends. spective on the infectious diseases that affect the poorest populations worldwide, and a growing technical expertise which will strengthen the Special Programme.At a time when TDR is consolidating its plans to develop Jean Larivière M.D. improved solutions to diseases which con- Chairman,TDR/JCB tinue to be neglected by the international December 2003 TDRnews • No 71 • FEB 2004 • 3 Carlos Morel: an appreciation As many readers will be aware, Dr Carlos Morel, TDR’s director since 1998, departed TDR in December 2003 and returned to Brazil. Below, Dr Asamoa-Baah provides an appreciation of Dr Morel’s significant contribution to TDR. I was privileged to be serving as Executive part, of most health interventions if they are to Director in WHO headquarters throughout the be truly sustainable. duration of Carlos Morel’s tenure and have a special attachment to TDR, considering myself TDR’s new prioritization framework was based ‘part of the family’, as prior to assuming my current on that devised by the Global Forum for Health post I had a close and rewarding relationship Research (GFHR) – itself a spin-off from TDR in with TDR, serving on the programme’s Scientific, the late-1990s.TDR convened panels of leading Technical and Advisory Committee for a number of interdisciplinary experts from around the globe years. Now, as I look back on Carlos’ duration as to adapt the mechanism to TDR’s special and Director of TDR, I am reminded of the words of unique needs.The result was a progressive strategy Henry Wordsworth Longfellow;“Let us then be up based on a comprehensive review of needs and and doing;With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, opportunities, one which was extremely well still pursuing; Learn to labour and to wait”.
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