Scientific Journals Zeszyty Naukowe of the Maritime University of Szczecin Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie 2015, 43 (115), 79–88 ISSN 1733-8670 (Printed) ISSN 2392-0378 (Online) Exploring the context of maritime SAR missions using visual data mining techniques Maikki Sonninen1, Floris Goerlandt1,2 1 Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, Marine Technology Research Group on Maritime Risk and Safety, P.O. Box 12200, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland 2 Kotka Maritime Research Centre Merikotka, 10 Keskuskatu, FI-48100 Kotka, Finland e-mail: [email protected] Key words: visual data mining, multidimensional data, maritime search and rescue, recreational boating, boating safety, maritime safety Abstract The environmental conditions in the Gulf of Finland vary significantly in different locations. In addition, the gulf is a busy and important area for waterway traffic and international trade throughout the year. In summer, the area is ideal for recreational activities such as boating and other water-related activities. Water accidents occur due to different factors and under varying weather conditions. This paper introduces a visual data mining analysis applied to Search and Rescue (SAR) missions related to recreational boating. Starting from a SAR operations database, an integrated database was constructed by adding weather and wave data. The aim was to compare the different mission types as well as the activity of different SAR organisations during challenging wind and wave conditions. The investigation was performed using visual analysis techniques. The densest areas of challenging wind and wave conditions were found in the western and eastern parts of the gulf. Other investigated parameters were travelled distances and occurrence of the incidents during different times of day. A more detailed analysis was conducted for one dataset. Introduction 2. Under which conditions do the SAR organisa- tions perform their missions? Are there any The area of the Gulf of Finland is an exceptional differences between organisations? environment where variable weather conditions and 3. What visual analysis techniques are suitable for heavy traffic flows meet. During the summer uncovering these patterns? Are there any de- months the area attracts boaters and other people to pendencies or outliers? spend time on the water. This increase in boating The study area, the Gulf of Finland, and the activity augments the risk of boating accidents, SAR missions selected were those involved with which increases the demand on boating safety and recreational vessels only. The main interest of the maritime search and rescue services. study is investigating patterns such as dependen- The aim of this study is to enhance the under- cies, combinations of factors and outliers. The standing of maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) suitability of the various techniques used for the missions in relation to boating incidents. The ap- study is analysed. The analysis focusses on whole proach to this end is a visual exploration applying datasets from all SAR organisations including common techniques used in visual data mining such additional data on weather and wave parameters. as parallel coordinate plot (PCP), bivariate map, A more detailed analysis concentrates on the mis- and Multiform Bivariate Matrix. The aim of this sions operated by the Finnish Lifeboat Institution study was to find answers to the following ques- (FLI), including the boat types that were involved tions: in the accident as well as the size of the boat. The 1. What are the general conditions when a certain quality and cause of the accident were also taken type of incident tends to happen? into account. The study did not focus on factors caused by human behaviour or human error. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie 43 (115) 79 Maikki Sonninen, Floris Goerlandt The paper starts with a literature review of the variable (Arola, Jalonen & Kujala, 2007; Viertola, maritime SAR system in Finland and an overview 2013). of boating-related research. The literature review According to a study by Kujala et al. (Kujala et continues with the concept of visual data mining of al., 2009), the most common type of accident in the multidimensional data. Thereafter, the material and gulf during the years 1997–2006 was groundings. data are described. In the results part, the main After grounding, the most common cause of the findings of the research are presented. accidents was ship-to-ship collision. However, the majority of the vessels were cargo ships and tank- Background ers, which leave recreational vessels behind. The Maritime SAR system and boating in Finland main cause of all accidents was attributed to human Maritime SAR means rescuing and safeguarding error. human lives in case of danger or emergency. The Studies of boating accidents have mainly focus- Finnish Border Guard (FBG) is the leading author- sed on risk factors of the environment, people’s ity of the maritime SAR in Finnish waters. The behaviour on board, technical failures and human FBG is responsible for the coordination, planning, error. According to the findings of O’Connor and developing and supervising SAR activities. It also O’Connor (O’Connor & O’Connor, 2005), nearly coordinates cooperation with other authorities and half of the vessels were equipped with an inade- volunteers, and provides SAR-related training and quate number of safety devices for the people on education. In addition, the FBG is responsible for board and a large number of victims were not using the coordination of radio communications and them. Lunetta et al. (Lunetta et al., 2004) investi- enabling telemedical assistance services for medical gated drowning statistics in Finland from 1970– purposes in emergency situations (Raja, 2014). 2000. Alcohol was denoted to be a significant risk In accordance with existing agreements, other factor for drowning. Similarly, alcohol was in- authorities may participate in the maritime rescue volved in nearly half of the fatalities in the study of act if preferred. The Finnish Rescue Services O’Connor and O’Connor (O’Connor & O’Connor (FRS), for example, may participate in maritime 2005). Human error was denoted to be the main SAR operations. Municipalities are responsible for cause of boating accidents. The fatalities might rescue cooperation within their respective areas, as have been reduced if the victims had worn safety determined by the Council of State in Finland. devices. McKnight et al. (McKnight et al., 2007) Tasks related to rescue and emergency are carried suggested to put an effort into safety instructions out by regional rescue departments, which are and to address proper use of safety equipment. In responsible for the maintenance of the rescue many cases the skills of the boaters were lacking. service system and provision of the rescue services. McKnight et al. (McKnight et al., 2007) also em- Voluntary organisations may take part in maritime phasised training for individual boat types, because SAR activities according to their own regulations the types of errors that led to accidents varied and rules approved by an official authority. The FLI among vessels. Molberg et al. (Molberg et al., is a leading voluntary organisation for maritime 1993) stated that vessels such as canoes, dinghies, rescue associations in Finland and a member of the kayaks, rowboats, and inflatable’s were associated International Lifeboat Federation. The incidents are with a higher risk of fatalities than motorboats. mostly caused by technical factors or lacking skills New boating-related trends have become more or knowledge of seamanship. The main group of popular. This has increased the concern about accidents involve recreational boats (Pelastustoimi, boating safety (Mäkilä, 2009). Such new trends are, 2014; Meripelastus, 2014). for example, jet-skis. Collisions on jet-skis are The Gulf of Finland is an actively investigated claimed to be both severe and destructive due to area in the Baltic Sea. The environment and biodi- their high speed (Luntiala et al., 2004). Collisions versity are unique and the whole area is important and groundings with high power motor vessels for the inhabitants, transportation, economic affairs, travelling at high speed may equal a car accident and also provides options for recreational activities. (Deltamarin, 2006). All motored vehicles have to Maritime traffic and recreational activities are be registered in Finland, but smaller vessels such as expected to increase in the future which makes this dinghies, canoes, kayaks, jet-skis, etc. are not in area more vulnerable to accidents. In addition to the any register (Deltamarin, 2006). According to the active waterborne traffic, the variable weather water transport regulation, there has to be life conditions and harsh winters increase the safety risk jackets for every person on board any engine- at sea. The sea depth of the Gulf of Finland is also -powered vessel. However, it is not mandatory to relatively low and the sea bottom is rocky and wear them. 80 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin 43 (115) Exploring the context of maritime SAR missions using visual data mining techniques The most common causes of accidents are hu- that the construction of BBN can be complemented man, material or technical failures, or bad weather by using statistical analysis of secondary data. This conditions, which may lead to damage or loss of provided a more objective picture of relationships vessels, or personal injuries. The accident and between the variables. location information compiled by the authority in Environmental factors caused by the weather charge is used for planning of distribution of sea have not been studied extensively, although it is rescue resources. However, the planning of locating assumed that accident occurrence is affected by the rescue resources is primarily affected by political prevailing conditions. Kokko (Kokko, 2013) did factors. Azofra et al. (Azofra et al., 2007) intro- a study on maritime SAR missions caused by the duced a gravitational assessment model for evaluat- weather. The aim of the study was to identify ing locations.
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