June 7, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7313 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Harry Reid, Jeff Bingaman, Dick Durbin, CREATING LONG-TERM ENERGY any other Senators in the Chamber de- Charles Schumer, Daniel K. Akaka, ALTERNATIVES FOR THE NA- siring to vote? Jack Reed, Mark Pryor, Joe Biden, TION ACT OF 2007—MOTION TO The result was announced—yeas 72, Amy Klobuchar, Daniel K. Inouye, PROCEED Herb Kohl, H.R. Clinton, Evan Bayh, nays 13, not voting—14, as follows: Ken Salazar, Debbie Stabenow, Frank Mr. REID. I move the Senate proceed [Rollcall Vote No. 205 Leg.] R. Lautenberg, Joe Lieberman. to consideration of the Energy bill, YEAS—72 H.R. 6. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Akaka Dole Menendez The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without imous consent, the mandatory quorum Alexander Domenici Mikulski objection, it is so ordered. Baucus Dorgan Murkowski call has been waived. Bayh Durbin Murray f Bingaman Ensign Nelson (FL) The question is, Is it the sense of the Bond Feingold Nelson (NE) Senate that debate on amendment No. MORNING BUSINESS Boxer Feinstein Obama 1150, an amendment in the nature of a Brown Harkin Pryor Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- Bunning Hatch Reed substitute offered by Mr. REID of Ne- imous consent that there be a period of Burr Inouye Reid vada, to S. 1348, to provide for com- morning business with Senators per- Byrd Isakson Salazar prehensive immigration reform and for mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes Cantwell Kennedy Sanders Cardin Klobuchar Schumer other purposes, shall be brought to a each. Carper Kohl Smith close? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Casey Kyl Snowe objection, it is so ordered. Chambliss Landrieu Stabenow The yeas and nays are mandatory Clinton Lautenberg Stevens under the rule. f Cochran Leahy Sununu Coleman Levin Tester The clerk will call the roll. IMMIGRATION REFORM Conrad Lieberman Thune The assistant legislative clerk called Corker Lugar Voinovich Mr. REID. Mr. President, this has Craig Martinez Webb the roll. been a very difficult time. I think there Crapo McCaskill Whitehouse Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the has been a lot of bending over back- Dodd McConnell Wyden Senator from South Dakota (Mr. JOHN- ward to accommodate people who have NAYS—13 SON) is necessarily absent. wanted to offer amendments. Initially, Allard Gregg Sessions as you will recall, the negotiators were Bennett Hutchison Shelby Mr. LOTT. The following Senators given quite a bit of time, and then Collins Inhofe Vitter are necessarily absent: the Senator when that ‘‘quite a bit of time left,’’ DeMint Lott from Kansas (Mr. BROWNBACK), the Grassley Roberts they wanted another week and they got Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN), that. NOT VOTING—14 and the Senator from Wyoming (Mr. After the debate started, the major- Biden Graham McCain ENZI). ity leader said, this is a 2-week bill, Brownback Hagel Rockefeller Coburn Johnson Specter The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 45, and it is. I extended debate past the re- Cornyn Kerry Warner nays 50, as follows: cess. During the floor debate, we have Enzi Lincoln disposed of 42 amendments, including [Rollcall Vote No. 206 Leg.] The motion was agreed to. 28 rollcall votes. Last night we asked The PRESIDING OFFICER. A YEAS—45 for consent to move the cloture vote quorum is present. Akaka Hagel Menendez from this morning to tonight so we Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am going Bayh Harkin Mikulski could have another full day of amend- to move briefly to proceed to a motion Biden Inouye Murray ments. That didn’t work out. Brown Kennedy Nelson (FL) to reconsider, but I wanted to tell all Cantwell Kerry Nelson (NE) I understand why some of my col- Members that this vote is not going to Cardin Klobuchar Obama leagues on the other side of the aisle be a 20-minute vote. There are people Carper Kohl Reed thought maybe that wasn’t a good Casey Lautenberg Reid idea. But I thought we could, after clo- coming from all over the country, both Clinton Leahy Salazar Democrats and Republicans. I don’t Conrad Levin Schumer ture was not invoked this morning, think it matters. This is going to be Dodd Lieberman Specter move some other amendments. We the last vote of the night, anyway, but Durbin Lincoln Stabenow tried hard to do that. We were unable Feingold Lugar Voinovich this vote will go a little longer. Feinstein Martinez Whitehouse to do that. I tried every possible way to I ask unanimous consent that the Graham McCain Wyden get amendments up today; every pos- motion to proceed to the motion to re- sible way. consider the failed cloture vote on the NAYS—50 A real short recounting of this. I of- substitute be agreed to, the motion to Alexander Crapo Murkowski fered votes on eight amendments, four reconsider be agreed to, and the Senate Allard DeMint Pryor on each side. Then we tried six, three Baucus Dole Roberts proceed to vote on the motion to in- Bennett Domenici Rockefeller on each side. Again, my friends on the voke cloture on the Kennedy-Specter Bingaman Dorgan Sanders other side of aisle objected to that. substitute amendment No. 1150. Bond Ensign Sessions Then I tried three Republican amend- Boxer Grassley The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Shelby ments, only two Democratic amend- Bunning Gregg Smith Burr Hatch ments. That was objected to by my col- objection? Snowe Byrd Hutchison Hearing no objection, it is so ordered. Stevens leagues on the other side. Chambliss Inhofe Sununu Finally, I tried to get a significant Mr. REID. I move to reconsider the Cochran Isakson vote. Coleman Kyl Tester number of additional amendments Thune CLOTURE MOTION Collins Landrieu pending so they could receive votes Corker Lott Vitter after cloture. That was objected to. Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Cornyn McCaskill Warner the previous order and pursuant to rule Craig McConnell Webb publicans even objected to calling up XXII, the Chair lays before the Senate their own amendments. the pending cloture motion, which the NOT VOTING—4 So having spent all day trying to clerk will state. Brownback Enzi diligently work out a way to vote on The legislative clerk read as follows: Coburn Johnson Republican and Democratic amend- ments and facing objections from my CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Republican colleagues, I found the only We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- vote the yeas are 45 the nays are 50. thing we can do is try to get cloture to- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move night. sen and sworn not having voted in the I was hoping my friends on the other to bring to a close debate on the substitute affirmative, the motion is rejected. amendment No. 1150 to Calendar No. 144, S. side of the aisle would understand that 1348, comprehensive immigration legislation. The majority leader. small groups shouldn’t dictate what VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:30 Jun 08, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JN6.013 S07JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMSENATE S7314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 7, 2007 happens around here, but that is what President included—to figure out a way the majority leader say, that he happened. to get this bill passed. I am a creature doesn’t want to give up on it either. I But I, even though disappointed, look of the Senate. I understand we live by think we are within a few days of get- forward to passing this bill. the rules that govern this body. A ting to the end of what many would ap- We are going to take the bill off the small number of people can disturb plaud as an important bipartisan ac- Senate floor, as I just indicated and we what goes on here. My disappoint- complishment of this Congress. I en- have done. But there are ways we can ment—and I have expressed this to courage the majority leader to return do this. There could be an agreement of Senator MCCONNELL—is I wish more of to this issue in the near future. I doubt a number of amendments. I am saying my colleagues on the other side of the if the prospects will get better with the to everyone here, I would do my very aisle had in effect thumbed their nose passage of time. There are a number of best to have more Republican amend- at a few of these people and voted for Republicans who are prepared to vote ments than Democratic amendments. I cloture, at least giving us more votes for cloture as soon as they believe their know some of my colleagues don’t than what we got. It didn’t happen. colleagues on this side of the aisle have want me to say that, but I would be There are personal reasons for doing had a reasonable opportunity to have willing to do that, with a time certain that. I accept that. But in my office, offered and voted upon amendments for passing this bill. Hopefully, we can about 7 o’clock tonight, a number of we they think would improve the bill. I do that in the next several weeks. Democratic Senators met there and don’t think that is asking for too There is a lot of support for this bill on made a commitment to each other that much. the outside. The problem was on the in- we are going to do everything we can I would be happy to commit tonight side of the Senate Chamber.
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