HIGH COURT 0F MADHYA PRADESH : JABALPUR (Exam Cell) NOTIFICATION No. 96 /Exam/CJ/2019(Phase-II) I)atcd 01.09.2021 In respect of Advcrtiscmcnt No. 325 dated 05.09.2020 and in addition to the list of candidates dcclarcd successful for Mains written examination vide Notification No. 35/I;xam/CJ/2019 (I'hasc-II) dated 24.05.2021 & Notification No. 78/Exam/CJ/2019(Phase-II) dated 09-08-2021, rlon'blc IIigh Court of M.P., in Review Petition 633/2021 (IIigh Court of M.P. & anr. Vs. Ankit Tiwari & ors.) vide order dated 24.08.2021 has bccn pleased to delete the last sentence of para 21 of the order dt.14.07.2021 passed in W.P. No.10070/20212021 (Ankit Tiwari & ors. Vs. I-Iigh Court of M.P. & anr. & conncctcd writ petitions) and in W.P. No.15172/2021 (Saumya Gupta & ors. Vs. I-Iigh Court of M.P. & anr.) vide order dt. 24.08.2021 has bccn plcascd to grant liberty to respondents to rc-compute the marks on the basis of the order passed in Review Petition No. 633/2021 by giving full effect to the judgment of the I-Ion'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 4794 of 2012 (Pallav Mongia vs. Reg. General Delhi I-Iigh Court & Anr.). In compliance of orders passed in above mentioned cases, marks of all candidates have been rc-computed by processing new Answer Key modifled vide Notification No. 78 mcntioncd above. By the above process Marks obtained by last candidate of original list have also got changed, now treating their lowest marks as cut-off for rcspcctivc category, Rcviscd Result has bccn gcncratcd. In the light of extra ordinary circumstances and with a view to give full cffcct to the order of IIon'blc High Court, I-Ion'blc the l``ull Court has bccn pleased to grant one time relaxation in minimum qualifying marks prcscribcd for candidates of S.T. category as well as the passing ratio of 1 :10 for the Main Written Examination. Summari7jcd details of Rcviscd result are as under :- No. of posts Cut-off- Total No. of Marks candidates found successful 96+6*-102 1„ 2158 2:J+2:*--2f) 100 431 31+1*-32 85 375 38+48**+2*=88 78 213 251 3177 i-*[`=i}-;c-kiag-'bo-s`t-sj ( *=Backlog PII posts & One backlog Post rcscrved for PII candidate of SC category has been reduced vide corrigendum no. 84 dt.13.08.2021. Total 980 additional candidates have sccurcd equal or more marks than the new cut-off mentioned above, who arc being permitted to appear in the Main Written I;xamination for the rccruitmcnt to the post of Civil Judge Class-II (Entry I,cvcl) 2019 (Phase-II). Looking to the number of newly added candidates, last date for submission of Application l``orm is hcrcby cxtcndcd, now, candidates are directed to submit their duly filled Application l'Torm along-with self attested copies of relevant documents by mentioning the name of post at the top of the envelope with Exam Cell, Administrative Building, High Court of M.P., Jabalpur, (M.P.) Pin Code-482001 (via post or by hand), duly filled Application Form must reach on or before 14.09.2021 till 05:00p.in. This newly declared last date shall also be an extended last date for those successful candidates of the previous lists, who could not fill their Form. In case a candidate fails to fill the Application Form within prescribed time or not received in Examination Cell, his/her candidature shall stand cancelled. It is hereby made clear that all the additional candidates i.e. total 980 candidates, who have been declared successful vide this notification, shall be allotted examination center at Jabalpur City only for Main Written Examination. Considering the number of newly included candidates, Administrative lJxigency and availability of I:xamination Centers, the exam which was earlier scheduled on 28th & 29th August, 2021 will now be held on 25th & 26th September, 2021 in two shifts per day. Enclosures :- 1. List of newly included 980 candidates. 2. Format of Application Form for Main Exam. (Alok Mishra) Registrar(Exgz|) gS":rfui:":::g# HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH : JABALPUR (Examination Cell) Additional Result of Civil Judge Class-2 (Entry Level\ Online Assessment/Preliminary Exam -2019 (Phase-ll) (H|,Ill o'120/03/2021) Category Wise List of Additional Candidates,OualifiedforMainExamination S.No. A|)T)lici`tion No. Name of Czindidiite C!lt. S.A. (P.H.) 1. UR (Unreserve(I) Category 1 M PCJ 19000033 ANKIT TIWARl uR No 2 M PCJ 19000085 DIVYANSH PANDEY UR No 3 M PCJ 19000106 DHEERAJ TANWAR UR No 4 M PCJ 1900012 2 MANSI JAIN uR No 5 MPCJ19000130 PRIYANKA UR No 6 MPCJ19000131 KAUTI LYA TR I PATH I uR No 7 MPCJ19000143 DIVYANSH uR No 8 MPCJ19000156 PANKAJ KATARIA UR No 9 M PCJ 19000185 PRAKASH SINGH RANA uR No 10 M PCJ 19000191 SAURABH AWASTHl UR No 11 M PCJ 19000208 ANVITA ARORA UR No 12 M PCJ 19000235 ROHIT CHAUDHARY uR No 13 MPCJ19000236 HARSH KOHLl uR No 14 MPCJ19000253 ANIRUDH UR No 15 MPCJ19000256 GAURAV uR No 16 M PCJ 19000304 VIJAYA CHOUDHARY uR Yes 17 M PCJ 190003 66 ABHISHEK TEWARl uR NO 18 M PCJ 19000385 SANSKAR SHARMA uR NO 19 M PCJ 19000396 NISHANT KUMAR DWIVEDl uR No 20 M PCJ 19000456 AD ITYA TR I PATH I UR No 21 M PCJ 19000477 DIVYA NARANG UR No 22 MPCJ19000532 VIJAY KUMAR PANDEY UR No 23 MPCJ19000571 RAJKUMAR PATEL UR No 24 M PCJ 19000572 VANSH MALHOTRA uR No 25 M PCJ 19000574 KHANJAN SHARMA UR No 26 M PCJ 19000665 UNNATI SRIVASTAVA uR No 27 M PCJ 19000696 AAIT}Y A AINITY A UR No 28 M PCJ 19000737 SHRISTI DUTT uR No 29 M PCJ 19000767 KESHNI GUPTA uR No 30 M PCJ 19000776 RAHULYADAV uR NO Page 1 of 21 S.No. Ar)p]ication No. Name of Candidate Cat. S.A. (P.H.) 31 M PCJ 19000835 N I KITA YADAV UR No 32 M PCJ 19000885 RAVI SEHGAL UR NO 33 M PCJ 19000891 UTKARSH VARSHNEYA uR NO 34 MPCJ19000897 RITIKA SINGH UR NO 35 MPCJ19000917 KOMAL UR No 36 M PCJ 19000947 VARUN SNGH THAKUR UR No 37 M PCJ 19000963 BHAVYA GOEL UR Yes 38 M PCJ 19001021 ARTI RAJORIA uR No 39 MPCJ19001065 ADITI SINGH UR NO 40 MPCJ19001066 VIVEK KUMAR JAISWAL UR NO 41 MPCJ19001136 VARSHA AGARWAL UR NO 42 MPCJ19001249 AISHWARYA BALODl uR No 43 MPCJ19001400 PARAS GARG UR NO 44 MPCJ19001500 PRIYANKA uR No 45 M PCJ 19001523 SIDDHARTH YADAV UR No 46 M PCJ 19001533 AYUSHMAN TIWARI uR NO 47 M PCJ 19001570 RITU UR NO 48 M PCJ 19001598 DIVAKER ANAND UR No 49 M PCJ 19001631 KETAN PANWAR uR No 50 M PCJ 19001768 DIGVIJAY SINGH UR NO 51 MPCJ19001790 ANAND MOHAN PANDIT UR No 52 M PCJ 19001796 ANU BHATNAGAR UR NO 53 MPCJ19001846 KARTIKAY KAUSHIK UR No 54 MPCJ19001922 SU RANJANA YADAV UR NO 55 MPCJ19001927 NITIN KUMAR UR No 56 MPCJ19001936 ASHOK PRIYADARSHl UR NO 57 MPCJ19002020 APOORV PATHAK UR NO 58 MPCJ19002026 AMRITESH PANDEY UR No 59 MPCJ19002130 SHREEJEE ABBOT UR No 60 M PCJ 19 00 213 2 AVIRAL UR NO 61 M PCJ 19 00 216 3 BHARAT UR NO 62 M PCJ 19 00 2 2 3 0 SAKSHI JAIN UR NO 63 M PCJ 19 00 2 2 3 2 SAKSHI CHAURASIA UR NO 64 MPCJ19002263 ROHIT SINGH UR No 65 MPCJ19002280 NIKHIL KUMAR RATHI UR NO 66 MPCJ19002310 SHERIN K JOSE UR No 67 MPCJ19002349 RAJESH LULLA UR No 68 MPCJ19002428 KAMNA BHATT UR No 69 MPCJ19002476 DIVYANSHI GUPTA UR No 70 MPCJ19002517 PRASHANT SINGH UR NO 71 MPCJ19002525 JAGDEEP UR No 72 MPCJ19002616 SHIVANI PARASHAR UR NO 73 MPCJ19002687 ABHISHEK AGNIHOTRI UR NO 74 MPCJ19002839 SAKSHI SHARMA UR No 75 MPCJ19002852 MUKESH KUMAR DWIVEDl UR No 76 M PCJ 19002860 ASHUTOSH PANDEY UR No 77 M PCJ 19002894 DIKSHA CHATURVEDl UR No 78 M PCJ 19002919 RUHUL FIRDAUS UR NO 79 M PCJ 19003051 GAURAV MADAAN UR No 80 MPCJ19003052 DIKSHA RANJAN UR No Page 2 of 21 S.No. Apr,lic`,lion No. N,imeofcandidate C!'t. S.A. (P.H.) 81 MPCJ19003055 VARTIKA UR No 82 M PCJ 19003058 DINESH KUMAR uR No 83 MPCJ19003133 SHIKHA SINGH uR No 84 M PCJ 19003140 AYUSHI SAXENA uR NO 85 MPCJ19003153 APOORV UPADHYAYA uR No 86 MPCJ19003164 SHIVENDRA SINGH UR No 87 MPCJ19003181 lKSHITA PARIHAR UR NO 88 MPCJ19003197 ASHISH SHAHl UR No 89 MPCJ19003213 MAYANK SAHU UR NO 90 MPCJ19003284 DANISH MALIK uR No 91 MPCJ19003423 U R M I LA S HAN D I LYA UR No 92 MPCJ19003427 JAYANTI CHANDER UR No 93 M PCJ 19003431 BHANu PRATAP UR No 94 M PCJ 19003467 ARCHITA SANGHVI UR No 95 M PCJ 19003607 RAJENDRA SINGH CHAUHAN UR No 96 MPCJ19003708 AKSHRA MEHLA UR No 97 MPCJ19003791 SHASHANK PANDEY uR No 98 MPCJ19003851 ANMOLJAIN uR NO 99 M PCJ 19003973 KAN I EKA ARO RA uR No 100 M PCJ 19004089 PRIYA JAIN UR No 101 MPCJ19004116 AVISHAKE GARG UR No 102 M PCJ 19004141 ANUSHKA GUPTA uR No 103 MPCJ19004254 AAYuSH SHRIVASTAVA UR No 104 MPCJ19004263 SANGEETA BHARGAVA uR No 105 MPCJ19004333 HARSHIT SINGHAL UR No 106 MPCJ19004376 ADITYA SINGHAL UR No 107 MPCJ19004377 HARSH ANAND UR No 108 MPCJ19004386 PRAVEEN KUMAR PANDEY UR No 109 MPCJ19004512 ABHISHEK DWIVEDl UR NO 110 MPCJ19004537 NANDINI SINHA UR No 111 M PCJ 19004559 GOPESH KHANDELWAL UR No 112 MPCJ19004574 ANKIT KUMAR UR No 113 M PCJ 19004577 VASAVADUTTA MISHRA uR No 114 M PCJ 19004739 DEVRAJ PRATAP SINGH uR NO 115 M PCJ 19004891 SUDHANSHU SAINl uR No 116 MPCJ19004940 MUKUL uR No 117 MPCJ19004942 RUDRA RAGHUWANSHI uR No 118 MPCJ19004943 SANDEEP KUMAR UR NO 119 M PCJ 19005045 AN U RAG YADAV UR No 120 M PCJ 19005096 RADHIKA AGARWAL UR No 121 M PCJ 19005140 KUMARI PREETl UR NO 122 M PCJ 19005151 MEGHA ARVIND KUNDAL UR No 123 M PCJ 19005180 PARVESH BANSAL UR No 124 M PCJ 19005187 SAKET KUMAR UR No 125 M PCJ 19005190 KARNI SINGH RATHORE uR No 126 MPCJ19005196 SMRITI SINGH uR NO 127 MPCJ19005337 RAHUL RAGHuWANSHl uR No 128 MPCJ19005371 UDHAM SINGH TOMAR UR No 129 M PCJ 19005406 SEEMA GOEL UR No 130 M PCJ 19005446 N I HAR I KA VYAS uR NO Page 3 of 21 S.No.
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